I Found My Mother After More Than 22 Years of Searching

I Found My Mother After More Than 22 Years of Searching

MyHeritage user Isabelle Guilbert, 48, of southern France, spent many years trying to find out where she came from. Thanks to a MyHeritage DNA test, she was able to find her mother. This is her story:

I was born on a spring day in the southwest of France. At first I was placed for adoption, but my adoptive parents lost custody of me when I was 4 years old and I was transferred to French social services. It was a difficult childhood that shaped who I am, and that taught me to fend for myself, but along the way, I also met people who became like sisters to me, Agnes and Martine, who accompanied me until my wedding day. I was married young, at 23 years of age, and began building my own family: I have 4 children, currently aged 15 through 27.

Searching for my family

In 1998, I began searching for my biological family and encountered my first obstacle: the prefect of the Haute-et-Garonne region, where my adoption took place, refused to grant me access to my adoption file. For years, I wasn’t able to make much progress.

Then, one day, I saw a Facebook ad for MyHeritage DNA tests, and decided to try it. Truth be told, I took the test to learn about my ethnic origins. I had already accepted that I would probably never know anything about my biological family — my mother’s side or my father’s.

When I received my DNA test results a few weeks later, I learned that I had Iberian, Scandinavian, British, and Balkan origins. The real surprise came when I reviewed my list of DNA Matches — and it was a beautiful surprise. One of my matches shared 15.9% (1804 cM) of my DNA. She was estimated to be a great-niece or first cousin.

Isabelle (right) and her mother, now living under the same roof

Isabelle (right) and her mother, now living under the same roof

We have the same habits

I contacted Severine immediately and told her my story. She confirmed that she was, indeed, my first cousin: the daughter of Ghislaine, my mother’s sister. She spoke to my half-sister Nathalie, who agreed to speak to me and gave the news to our mother. Everyone was shocked, but it all happened so fast. My mother agreed to speak to me on the phone, and after that, I made the trip to my aunt’s house for two weeks to meet my mother and get to know part of my family. During those two weeks with my mother, I noticed that we have the same habits, like going out on the terrace at night to look at the stars!

‘I remember your tears’

It’s truly a miracle, it’s incredible! I found my mother and a large family. My mother felt guilty for placing me for adoption. I told her, “I remember your tears.” I never blamed anyone. It takes courage to place a baby for adoption so they will have a better chance at living a good life. It wasn’t always easy for me, but now I have found my mother and she has come to live with me. In the end, she is the one who finds herself part of a large family, with my children and soon-to-be grandchildren. We have two on the way: we will soon be 4 generations living under the same roof!

A family reunited: Isabelle’s daughter and mother

A family reunited: Isabelle’s daughter and mother

I never really celebrated Mother’s Day with my children in the past, but my mother wants to, so we celebrate it now. We certainly have a lot to celebrate!

Many thanks to Isabelle for sharing her story! If you’re searching for unknown or lost relatives, MyHeritage DNA just might hold the answers for you. Order your kit now.