4 Great Resources for Veterans Day History

4 Great Resources for Veterans Day History

In honor of Veterans Day and Remembrance Day, we have pulled together a few great resources for wartime history, interviews and documents:

The Veterans History Project collects and archives personal accounts of U.S. war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war. The website includes first hand stories told through memoirs, postcards, photographs and interviews.

Rutgers Oral History Archives include records of personal experiences of those who served in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

The Cold War International History Project highlights new perspectives on the history of the Cold War and features virtual archives and collections ranging from The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall to the Korean War.

Wartime Columns include the archives of wartime reporter, Ernie Pyle’s stories about ordinary soldiers fighting in World War II.


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  • alice c dyson

    November 17, 2010

    thanks Tara for your post of Great Resources for Vet history. I have a friend who served in the U S Navy as a navy nurse in 1953. She said when she signed in, everyone told her she would not be accepted because of her race. But she told them that she would let the navy reject her application, which they did not.