18 Historical Record Collections Added in the Second Half of June 2023
- By Talya
In the second half of June 2023 we added 18 new historical record collections and updated two existing collections for a total of 7 million records added. The collections are from France, the U.K., and 13 U.S. states. The collections include marriage, death, burial, obituary, military, and biography records and some contain images.
Here are more details about each of the collections.
Collection | Description | Number of Records | Link to Search |
France Deaths, Update | A death index of French citizens and nationals released by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (French: Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques) abbreviated INSEE. | 293,702 records added this month, 27,095,232 records in the collection | Search collection now |
England, Cheshire, Warrington Burials | An index of burial records from Warrington, Cheshire, England. | 116,092 records | Search collection now |
United Kingdom, Royal Air Force Personnel | An index of service records of the British royal air force personnel (RAF) during World War I and between the years 1914 and 1928. | 446,493 records | Search collection now |
Alaska Vital Records | An index of birth, marriage, and death records of individuals from Alaska, United States, between the years 1816 and 1964. | 63,912 records | Search collection now |
Arkansas Deaths | An index of early death and death notice records from Arkansas, United States from the year 1812 onwards. | 71,670 records | Search collection now |
California, Sacramento Burials | An index of burial records from Sacramento County, California, United States. | 57,171 records | Search collection now |
Florida, Sarasota County Obituaries | An index of obituary records from Sarasota County, Florida, United States from the year 1900 onwards. | 296,583 records | Search collection now |
Georgia, Chatham, Savannah Burials | An index of burial records from Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, United States from the year 1795 onwards. | 147,097 records | Search collection now |
Illinois, Kankakee County Obituaries | An index of obituary records from newspapers published in Kankakee County, Illinois, United States, from the year 1880 onwards. | 70,381 records | Search collection now |
Indiana, Allen County Marriages | An index of marriage records from Allen County, Indiana, United States. | 159,321 records | Search collection now |
Indiana Biographies | An index of biographical records of individuals from Indiana, United States, who appeared in books, periodicals, and other publications from the year 1896 onwards, with images. | 194,524 records | Search collection now |
Iowa, Pottawattamie County Obituaries | An index of biographical records of individuals from Indiana, United States, who appeared in books, periodicals, and other publications from the year 1896 onwards. | 242,282 records | Search collection now |
Michigan, Branch County Deaths | An index of death records from Branch County, Michigan, United States from the year 1900 onwards. | 133,155 records | Search collection now |
Michigan Deaths | An index of death records from Michigan, United States between the years 1867 and 1897. | 1,076,220 records | Search collection now |
Michigan, Macomb County Funerals | An index of funeral homes from Macomb County, Michigan which have been indexed, transcribed or abstracted by members of the Macomb County Genealogy Group. | 149,873 records | Search collection now |
Minnesota Deaths | An index of death records from Minnesota, United States. | 1,653,574 records | Search collection now |
New Jersey Marriage Licenses, 1915-2017, Update | An index to marriage licenses filed at the New Jersey State Clerk Offices from 1915 to 2017 with images. | 102,840 new records added this month, 11,471,069 records in the collection | Search collection now |
New York, Monroe County, Marriage Notices | An index of marriage notice records from newspapers published in Monroe County, New York, United States, from the year 1922 onwards. | 157,522 records | Search collection now |
New York State Deaths, 1957-1972 | An index of death records from the state of New York, United States between the years 1957 and 1972. | 1,617,746 records | Search collection now |
North Carolina, Johnston County Obituaries | An index of obituary records from Johnston County, North Carolina, United States, from the year 1801 onwards. | 91,633 records | Search collection now |
France Deaths, Update
This month we updated the France Deaths collection so it now contains a total of 27 million records. The collection is a death index of French citizens and nationals released by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (French: Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques) abbreviated INSEE. The index contains each deceased person’s full name, gender, date and place of birth, and date and place of death. This index will be helpful to genealogists looking for more information about their French family members who passed away since the early 1970s.
The number of deaths reported and contained in this collection for the years 1970 and 1971 are well below expected counts and this is likely due to a ramp-up in compliance by local French offices reporting deaths to INSEE during these two years. In this collection the number of deaths reported for 1970 appear to be only about 8% of actual deaths and for 1971 the number is about 50% of actual deaths. By 1972 nearly comprehensive reporting was achieved across France and its territories.
While most of the birthplaces and death places are in France there are over 2.5 million records in this collection of persons who were born or died in other countries — with neighboring and nearby countries (such as Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Poland) and countries which were former French colonies (such as Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Madagascar, and Vietnam) being most common.
This collection will be updated regularly as additional records are released.
England, Cheshire, Warrington Burials
This collection contains burial records from Warrington, Cheshire, England. Records typically include the name of the deceased, date of death, age at death, date and place of burial, and information regarding the burial such as individuals buried with the deceased.
Search England, Cheshire, Warrington Burials
United Kingdom, Royal Air Force Personnel
This collection contains service records of the British royal air force personnel (RAF) during World War I and between the years 1914 and 1928. Records typically include the name of the person, date of birth, date of enlistment, and the service period.
The content in this collection originates from The National Archives and contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
The records were created from the inception of the RAF in April 1918. However, they include retrospective details of earlier service in the Royal Flying Corps or Royal Naval Air Service, where appropriate. The full records may also provide the place of birth, next of kin, occupation, date of commission, subsequent promotion(s), the units the officer served in (including the dates he joined and left the units), details of specialist courses attended, information about the type of aircraft flown, details of any honors and awards, the dates they were announced in the London Gazette, the date the officer relinquished his commission, and his date of death or his retirement date.
Search United Kingdom, Royal Air Force Personnel
Alaska Vital Records
This collection contains birth, marriage, and death records of individuals from Alaska, United States, between the years 1816 and 1964. Records typically include the name of the individual, date and place of birth, date and place of marriage, and the date and place of death.
Arkansas Deaths
This collection contains early death and death notice records from Arkansas, United States from the year 1812 onwards. Records typically include the date of death, the date the death notice was published, and the source of the record.
This index is composed of records from church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, or county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives’ holdings.
California, Sacramento Burials
This collection contains burial records from Sacramento County, California, United States. Records typically include the name of the deceased, date of death, age at death, and the place of burial.
Search California, Sacramento Burials
Florida, Sarasota County Obituaries
This collection contains obituary records from Sarasota County, Florida, United States from the year 1900 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, date and place of birth, residence, date of death, the date the obituary was published, the name of the newspaper where the original obituary was published, and the name of the spouse.
Search Florida, Sarasota County Obituaries
Georgia, Chatham, Savannah Burials
This collection contains burial records from Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, United States from the year 1795 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, date of death, date and place of burial, and the location of the grave within the cemetery.
Search Georgia, Chatham, Savannah Burials
Illinois, Kankakee County Obituaries
This collection contains obituary records from newspapers published in Kankakee County, Illinois, United States, from the year 1880 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, the residence, and the date of publication.
Search Illinois, Kankakee County Obituaries
Indiana, Allen County Marriages
This collection contains marriage records from Allen County, Indiana, United States. Records typically include the names of the groom and the bride, and the date of marriage.
Search Indiana, Allen County Marriages
Indiana Biographies
This collection contains biographical records of individuals from Indiana, United States, who appeared in books, periodicals, and other publications from the year 1896 onwards. Records typically include the name of the individual, the publication date, and the publication title. Some records include an image of the index card that contains information about the publication.
Iowa, Pottawattamie County Obituaries
This collection contains obituary records published in various newspapers in Pottawattamie County, Iowa, United States, from the year 1857 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, the date the obituary was published, and the name of the newspaper where the original obituary was published.
Search Iowa, Pottawattamie County Obituaries
Michigan, Branch County Deaths
This collection contains death records from Branch County, Michigan, United States from the year 1900 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, date of birth, date of death, the names of the parents, and the name of the spouse.
Search Michigan, Branch County Deaths
Michigan Deaths
This collection contains death records from Michigan, United States between the years 1867 and 1897. Records typically include the name of the deceased, place of birth, date and place of death, age at death, and the names of the parents.
Michigan, Macomb County Funerals
This collection contains records of funeral homes from Macomb County, Michigan which have been indexed, transcribed or abstracted by members of the Macomb County Genealogy Group. Records typically include the name of the deceased, and the funeral home in which the funeral took place.
Search Michigan, Macomb County Funerals
Minnesota Deaths
This collection contains death records from Minnesota, United States. Records typically include the name of the deceased, date and place of birth, date and place of death, place of burial, and the names of the deceased’s parents and spouse. In addition, some records include the names of siblings or children, as well as information about those in charge of the funeral such as the funeral director and authorizer.
New Jersey Marriage Licenses, 1915–2017, Update
This collection is an index to marriage licenses filed at the New Jersey State Clerk Offices from 1915 to 2017. Records typically include the names of the groom and the bride, the date of the license application, and the state file number. The images in this collection have been obtained through the outstanding work and efforts of Reclaim the Records.
This content comes from an index to marriages by brides and a separate index to marriages by grooms. The records published here have, in most cases, been joined to unify the information of the brides and the grooms in their respective marriages. The collection has a small number of records which could not be matched and joined together. The original indexes also contain some duplicate records with variant spellings of given names and/or surnames. For example, a groom might have three index records for the same marriage where his given name is spelled as Dominic, Dominick C, or Dominic C and in these cases duplicate records will exist in this published collection as they exist in the original indexes.
The below paragraphs are provided to assist in understanding the information listed in the State File No. and Place of Marriage columns, as shown on the index images. Please note that MyHeritage has used this information to correctly interpret and display these fields in this collection.
From 1915 to 1919 the State File Number represents the volume and certificate number. The first two digits represent the volume number. The last three digits represent the certificate number. The certificate number resets each year. The Place of Marriage code is not listed in this year range. The original records are available on microfilm at the New Jersey State Archive and are organized alphabetically by the groom’s surname and the year of marriage.
From 1920 to 1929 the index displays a two-digit number which represents the county where the marriage took place. The original records are available on microfilm at the New Jersey State Archive and can be requested with the groom’s surname and the year of marriage.
From 1930 to 1964 the place code is written as a 4- to 6-digit number. In order to find the code you truncate the last one to two digits, making it a 4-digit number. You can find a key for some of these codes here. The original records are available on microfilm at the New Jersey State Archive.
From 1965 to 1984 the place code is written as a 4-digit number. You can find a key for some of these codes here. The original records are available on microfilm at the New Jersey State Archive.
From 1985 to the present day they stopped using place codes and started writing the places out in an abbreviated form. The original records are available on microfilm at the New Jersey State Archive.
Beginning September 21, 2013, same-sex marriage was legalized in New Jersey. Records included in this collection reflect this change.
Marriage records are an important genealogical record as they not only record information about the bride, the groom, and their residence when the marriage occurred but often contain additional information such as birth dates, birthplaces, occupations, and whether single, widowed, or divorced at the time of the marriage. Often a marriage license will also contain information about the parents of the bride and groom including the parents’ names and birthplaces. Copies of the original marriage records found in this index can be requested from the State Archive.
Thanks to Debbie Hadley, a New Jersey genealogist, for the research provided. You can reach her through her website, bringoutyerdead.com.
Search New Jersey Marriage Licenses, 1915-2017
New York, Monroe County, Marriage Notices
This collection contains marriage notice records from newspapers published in Monroe County, New York, United States, from the year 1922 onwards. Records typically include the names of the groom and bride, the date of marriage, the date the marriage notice was published, and the name of the newspaper where the original marriage notice was published.
Search New York, Monroe County, Marriage Notices
New York State Deaths, 1957-1972
This collection contains death records from the state of New York, United States between the years 1957 and 1972. Records typically include the name of the deceased, last residence, date and place of death, age at death, and the state file number.
Death certificates represent one of the key primary sources for family information, typically being issued within days of a death and having many details about a person’s life..
Search New York State Deaths, 1957-1972
North Carolina, Johnston County Obituaries
This collection contains obituary records from Johnston County, North Carolina, United States, from the year 1801 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, date of birth, date of death, and the date the obituary was published.
Search North Carolina, Johnston County Obituaries
The North Carolina, Johnston County Obituaries collection contains the record of beloved Academy Award nominated actress Ava Gardner. The record contains her birth date, December 24, 1922 and her death date January 25, 1990. The obituary was published the following day, January 26, 1990 in Johnston County, North Carolina, United States. In the Notes section are details surrounding her life and death. She died in London, England. She was the daughter of Jonas B. & Mary Elizabeth (Mollie) Baker Gardner, former wife of Mickey Rooney, Artie Shaw, Frank Sinatra, and her burial place is in Sunset Memorial Park, North Carolina.
The New Jersey Marriage License collection contains the record of American cartoonist and Addams family creator, Charles S. Addams, and his wife Barbara Day. The record contains the groom and bride’s names, year they got married, 1943, and the location, New Jersey, U.S.Summary
We hope these valuable collections help you make new discoveries in your family history research. Searching the collections on MyHeritage is free. To view the records or to save records to your family tree, you’ll need a Data or Complete plan.
If you have a family tree on MyHeritage, our Record Matching technology will notify you automatically if records from these collections match your relatives. You’ll then be able to review the record and decide if you’d like to add the new information to your family tree.
Enjoy the new collections!