I was born in Bogota Colombia in 1975 and was adopted out of an orphanage called FANA to wicked American family in Colorado. I pray that I can please find my biological family.

Last month we launched DNA Quest, a new pro bono initiative to help adoptees and their birth families reunite through genetic testing.
The initiative, initially launched in the USA only, received an amazing response. More than 10,000 applications were submitted so far to receive free DNA kits, from the quota of 15,000 free DNA kits pledged by MyHeritage, worth more than one million dollars.
Being that the deadline for submissions is the end of April 2018 and there are still about 3 more weeks to go, and in light of the many requests we received from the community to expand DNA Quest worldwide, we decided to increase the scope of the project, as of today, from USA-only to global. This means that people are now eligible to participate in DNA Quest regardless of their place of residence and regardless of where the adoption took place.
DNA Quest is brought to you by MyHeritage, in collaboration with a top-notch advisory board, which includes top experts in the fields of genetic genealogy and adoption.
Information about the DNA Quest initiative including a detailed FAQ and an application form are available on the project website, https://www.dnaquest.org/.
Watch the initial announcement of DNA Quest in this video:
Who can participate
Participation in DNA Quest is open to adoptees seeking to find their biological family members, or anyone looking for a family member placed for adoption. Preference will be given to those unable to afford genetic testing, and to those who apply first.
How to apply
Adoptees and family members searching for their biological relatives can apply for a free MyHeritage DNA kit at DNAQuest.org through April 30, 2018. Participants will be selected, and their free DNA kits will be shipped to them by the end of May 2018. Results are expected as early as July 2018.
If you have already taken a DNA test with another company, you are invited to upload your DNA data to MyHeritage for free and participate in this initiative as well.
We are very excited to expand DNA Quest globally, in order to help families reunite through the power of genetic genealogy. We look forward to the life-changing reunions that will surely take place as a result of DNA Quest.
Please help us spread the word on social media, especially with the news about DNA Quest going global, and include a link to the www.dnaquest.org website to make this dream a reality for families around the world.
Beirut C. Robillos
May 21, 2018
I thank GOD that i was chosen to have this kit, its been really hard being alone knowing no one of my biologycal family,,, I pray to GOD that i will find my biologycal father or mother.. i am thankfull to you sir for having this wisdom, i know this is GODs way and GOD is making you and MY HERITAGE a channel of prayers that is being prayed by people like me.. Thank you sir and GOD BLESS!!