Have been a totaly satisfied user of the program for over a year. I am still entering data and enjoying the fruits of my labor (Hobby) each time I enter data for a new relative or look up another relatives profile. A friend has a compeitive program to My Heritage and hands down, mine is better. I think he is going to switch.

On Wednesday morning, following the keynote address, the doors opened and thousands of people came through. All of our computers were in use in a matter of minutes.
Last night’s FamilySearch.org annual blogger dinner was informative.
As far as attendance stats, we were told that – as of last evening – some 6,800 people had registered. Last year, a little over 4,000 had come through the exhibit halls. In addition, the group has made a concerted effort to bring in young people. An additional nearly 2,000 young people, ages 12-18, will be here on Saturday. And this isn’t even counting the numbers around the world you will see live streaming of a number of great programs during the event.
For the first time, organizers said, viewing centers were set up in six countries as a pilot program which is expected to continue and expand in the future.
We video-recorded interviews with Cindy Howells of Cyndi’s List, Dick Eastman, Randy Seaver and DearMyrtle, and hope to being them to you soon.
Stay tuned for our next RootsTech post!
Marion S. Peterson
March 24, 2013
I was totally impressed with your presentation on Saturday. Wow, I can hardly wait to get started using your site.