Within Hours of Launch: MyHeritage’s AI Time Machine™ Receives Rave Reviews and Begins to Go Viral!

Within Hours of Launch: MyHeritage’s AI Time Machine™ Receives Rave Reviews and Begins to Go Viral!

AI Time Machine™ is a fun new feature that enables you to transform yourself into a historical figure using incredible AI technology. Read more about how it works in our blog post published earlier today.

Using several photos of one person, AI Time Machine™ constructs a model of that individual. Then, using any of the predefined themes set in different historical eras, it synthesizes the model with the theme to craft stunning images of a person cast as a historical figure.

Here is some of the incredible feedback, media coverage, and social media posts we have seen within hours of launch. If you haven’t yet, try out AI Time Machine™, it’s free for a limited time to celebrate the launch!

Daily Mail Online writes:

“If you’ve ever wondered what you would have looked like as a Viking, a Roman warrior or a medieval knight, look no further. The new AI tool, available on desktop and mobile web browser, turns personal photos from your phone or computer into ‘hyper-realistic’ images. Anyone can see themselves as an ancient Greek warrior, an Egyptian pharaoh, a medieval knight, a Victorian lady, a hippie from the 1960s and much more.”

From Les Numeriques, a technology website in France, (translated from French)

“The new AI Time Machine™ image generation service makes it possible to transpose a person’s photos into the historical context of different eras….From these pictures, artificial intelligence will create imaginary portraits located at different times in history: ancient Egypt, Middle Ages, end of the 19th century, aviation pioneer, etc.”

AI Time Machine™ was featured on two of Israel’s main prime time news broadcasts this evening, Channel 12 and Channel 11. Both items saw the hosts of the show amazed by their own results as well as those of other people interviewed in the segments.

From Calcalist Tech, History buffs? The artificial intelligence that will turn you into Julius Caesar or Cleopatra (translated from Hebrew)

“The Israeli online genealogy company MyHeritage has launched a new feature called AI Time Machine that will allow you to turn yourself into familiar characters from the past in photos.”

From Ynet Digital, Greek Warrior or Astronaut? The Photo Generator that will turn you into a Historical Figure, (translated from Hebrew)

“A little jump into the past: AI Time Machine, the image generator of the Israeli genealogy platform MyHeritage, allows users to upload their own photos and check how they would look if they were born in a different time in history.”

MyHeritage’s Head of Research Roi Mandel being interviewed about today’s launch

MyHeritage’s Head of Research Roi Mandel being interviewed about today’s launch

From Mako: What would you look like in the Middle Ages or in ancient Rome? Artificial intelligence will tell you (translated from Hebrew)

“Would you like to see what you would have looked like in ancient Greece or the Middle Ages? MyHeritage, which specializes in family history research, launched a new tool today called AI Time Machine , which allows you to see what you would have looked like during different periods in history.

And it’s no surprise, the genealogy community has also fallen in love with time travel. Here is just a small selection of the posts we’ve seen.

Roberta Estes shares a post on DNA Explained, “Amazing Time-Machine at MyHeritage – Hot Diggity!!!!”

“Yes, this is “me,” or rather the Cowgirl version of me that MyHeritage created using artificial intelligence (AI) in their new time machine. Oh my gosh this is just so doggone much fun.”

Image of Roberta Estes as a Cowgirl

Image of Roberta Estes as a Cowgirl

“This literally comes under the category of “I am my ancestors.”

Roberta Estes as a Viking

Roberta Estes as a Viking

James Tanner shares a post,  Another Fabulous Photo Development from MyHeritage, AI Time Machine™

“How can you possibly believe that this can happen?” James shares the MyHeritage video showcasing how easy it is to quickly look at the results of this new AI development from MyHeritage.com.

Randy Seaver shares his remarkable “MyHeritage AI Time Machine Images”

Roger Moffat shares, “Now you can get dressed up in all sorts of eras and costumes. Here are the thumbnails of what they’ve produced for me this afternoon.”

Jenny Hawran tweets:

Katherine Andrew tweets:

So what are you waiting for? Join the rest of the time-travel enthusiasts who have already trekked through history!

Try out AI Time Machine™ for free for a limited time and share your transformations with your family and friends!