MyHeritage Updates Collection of Sweden Household Examination Books
- By Talya

We are delighted to announce an update to our Sweden Household Examination Books: we have added 13.2 million historical records from the years 1800 to 1819. The collection now contains 158 million records spanning the years 1800 to 1947. The MyHeritage collection includes quality scanned images, and thanks to its robust index, you can follow individuals and families throughout the generations and gain invaluable insights into the lives of your Swedish ancestors.
Search Sweden Household Examination Books
The Household Examination Books are the primary source for researching the lives of individuals and families throughout the parishes of Sweden, from the late 1600s until modern times. Because the books were updated every year, families can be traced year to year, and often from location to location throughout the country. The MyHeritage index of the Sweden Household Examination Books is the only index that offers the ability to flip between different records of the same person from different stages of life, from birth to death or emigration.
Each book, or series of books, was created and kept by the Swedish Lutheran Church and represents a 3–10 year period in the parish. In early decades, such as from 1800 to 1819, each book can represent even longer periods of time within a parish. Every year until 1894, the parish priest would visit each home and test each individual’s knowledge of the catechism. They would also collect information about birth dates, marriages, deaths, where people had moved to or from, and so on. Each year the priest would come back and update the information of the previous year, noting changes within the population of the home.
Until 1894, the parish priest would visit each farm or home within his parish in order to grade and document each individual’s understanding of the catechism. After 1894, the books were replaced by Församlingsbok: records of the Church of Sweden which were used to officially enumerate the population from year to year. The examinations in this new format were less focused on doctrinal knowledge and more focused on enumerating the Swedish population.
Sample Records
The record of Swedish artist Anders Zorn can be found in the Sweden Household Examination Books. The record contains his birthdate, February 18, 1860; his place of residence from 1893 and 1899 in Lisselby, Mora, Kopparbergs, Dalarna, Sweden; and that he married Emma Amalia född Lamm on October 16, 1885.
By clicking on “See household members” or scrolling to the bottom of the record, you can see additional members of the person’s household — in this case, his wife, Emma — and click their names to view their entries. Viewing the records of other members of the household is an exclusive feature of the MyHeritage Sweden Household Examination Books.

With the MyHeritage Index of the Sweden Household Examination Books, it is easy to click and view additional household members
The Sweden Household Examination Books also contains the record of publisher Albert Bonnier. His publishing company published books by notable Swedish writers such as August Strindberg, Verner von Heidenstam, Gustaf Fröding, Selma Lagerlöf and Hjalmar Söderberg.
The record contains his birthdate, October 21, 1820; his residence of Blasieholmen, Jakob och Johannes, Stockholms, Uppland, Sweden, his wife’s name, Betty; and the names of his three children, Carl Otto, Jenny Elin, and Eva Fredrika.
MyHeritage’s Sweden Household Examination Books is an essential collection for anyone researching their Swedish heritage. This valuable collection has now expanded and covers nearly 150 years.
Searching the Sweden Household Examination Books is free. To view these records or to save records to your family tree, you’ll need a Data or Complete subscription. If you have a family tree on MyHeritage, our Record Matching technology will notify you automatically if records from these collections match your relatives.
Enjoy the collection!