We launched DNA Quest with the goal of reuniting adoptees with their biological families, and we’re delighted that so many reunions have taken place, thanks to this pro bono initiative. Here is another of our incredible reunion stories made possible through MyHeritage DNA.
When a MyHeritage user from Oklahoma – Kim Prather, 53 – heard about MyHeritage’s project DNA Quest, she couldn’t wait to apply. Adopted as an infant, she never knew her biological family and wanted more than anything to meet them.
On her application, Kim wrote:
“I was adopted as an infant and my [adoptive] parents have misplaced my medical history they were given at the time of the adoption. I would like to learn about my biological parents and any siblings, whether full or half and get a genetic and medical history. Thank you for considering me for the free DNA kit.”
DNA Matches
After taking a MyHeritage DNA test, and receiving her results, Kim made a point of contacting all her closest matches. She started with the first person on her list. The woman replied that she didn’t know of an adoption within the family, but maybe her mother did. Her mom did know of a cousin who had placed a baby girl for adoption. Kim was sure that she was that baby!
Kim was given the cousin’s name and found she had died in January 2018. Looking at her obituary, Kim learned the woman had a daughter, Christy Jones, who was quite possibly Kim’s sister!
After much deliberation, she decided to go for it, and Kim contacted Christy on Messenger on Saturday, July 21, 2018.
The back story
Christy was indeed Kim’s sister, and she had known about Kim since she was 17. Kim’s mother had waited until she was 17 to tell Christy because she was afraid she would resent her for giving up a child. Christy had not resented it.
Kim’s birth mother was 19 when Kim was born and she had graduated from high school. Her birth father was 18, and he was still a junior in high school. After Kim was born, her parents named her and then placed her for adoption. She supposes that it was because they weren’t married at the time. Later the couple did marry. During their seven-year marriage, they also had Christy, Kim’s sister.
According to Christy, their mother always regretted that she had given up Kim. She always wanted to look for her, but found some of the signed adoption papers where she promised that she wouldn’t.
Reuniting at last
The two sisters met in person on Sunday, July 29, 2018, in Oklahoma. It was an emotional meeting with many tears, kisses, and smiles. Kim also found a half-brother, France Reitz Jr Kodiak.
I didn’t think I would be as emotional as I have been but all and all it was an amazing experience. Thank you for providing DNA quest!
Without DNA Quest, Kim’s discoveries would not have been possible. Her experience has made a profound impact on her family and they can’t wait for their bright future together.
Sarah Jane Culp Ichimura
January 15, 2019
I have two siblings that were adopted to another family. William Waller and Nan Waller birth names Billie Joe Culp and Chloetta Culp.