Changes in Basic plan and special discount for Premium

Changes in Basic plan and special discount for Premium

This summer we’re making changes in our Basic plan, and at the same time we’re offering an amazing 35% off the Premium plan until the end of July 2009. So you can go to your family site now and grab an extra year for cheap before the discount runs out.

Summer SpecialRecently, we’ve seen the cost of storage dropping, while maintaining large trees became much more resource intensive. Hence we decided to decrease the maximum number of people in a tree on a Basic site and balance that with more than twice the storage for photos, videos and documents.
If you have a Basic site that was created before April 2009, these changes will apply to your site as of August 1st. Sites created after April already have the new capacities from the beginning, so no changes there, except that if you own such a site, you too can benefit from this discount on an upgrade to Premium.

So, if you’ve been using your site to share photos, videos and documents with your family, this is good news for you because you’ll now get more than double the storage for free, 250 MB instead of the 100 MB you had previously.
However, if the size of your tree is above 250 people, you will now need to switch to a Premium subscription to get that capacity. To make the step to Premium easier for you, we started this summer special.
For $4 a month you can boost your family site on MyHeritage and also gain access to all Premium features of our Family Tree Builder software.

Nobody is forced to upgrade: even folks who will need an upgrade can keep their current tree as is without anything being deleted and without losing access, without upgrading.

So don’t miss out on this 35% discount and upgrade your site before August 1st. Getting your family closer together is surely worth $4 a month.

And a Premium subscription gives you a whole range of benefits. Your

family site will have a much larger family tree capacity of 2500 people, increased storage of 500 MB for photos and documents, a Premium badge next to your name on the site, priority customer support, and an advertising-free site.

But that’s not all, going premium also means access to Premium features of the Family Tree Builder software: all-in-one charts, Smart Match merges, Smart Research as well as the ability to publish documents and videos.

We’ll soon release a new version of our popular Family Tree Builder software, with some really nice new features. A Premium subscription will give you access to all these new features without additional fees!

Click to view photo in full size
New Basic plan and the Summer Special


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  • Douglas

    July 15, 2009

    I is disappointing that you keep lowering the number of names? i have promoted your site a lot and have had several dozen people sign up. I don’t think they have paid yet but I didnt either for a while. Let me get to the point, I thank you for Blogging my story. What about giving 200 free names above the already 250 Free you offer if they get some one to pay for the site??? i researched the numbers and they are decreasing. I am concerned that when my renewal comes up and or I need more space and have to go Premium, what will be the fees and or limits. I hope you can guarantee no more changes accept incentives to get others to join. is starting to look good. please restore the confidence I had in MY HERITAGE.COM

  • Marijn Haenen

    July 16, 2009

    I want to complain about the decrease in the basic plan.
    For a long time i put a lot of time in the making of my tree. And i have about 500 persons in the tree. I enjoy the site very much but dont have the money for the upgrade.

  • Linde

    July 20, 2009

    Dear Douglas and Marijn,

    Thank you for your comment and douglas for recommending our site! I will pass on your suggestions.

    We can assure you that no data will be deleted and whatever trees you have created on MyHeritage they are safe even if you are unable to upgrade at this moment.

    On the ‘family tree > manage trees’ page you have full control over your trees and you can import, export or delete at any time.

    We are keeping existing features free so all users can enjoy them and only keep some of the additional functionality to Premium users. There are lots of enhancements, like the mobile photo uploads, the new photo tagging, the new slideshows and also the new events section that were released for all users completely free of charge. And not to forgot, double the amount of storage you had before for pictures and files.

    If you are in a position to upgrade the special discount of 35% is a great deal. That way you are also supporting further genealogical innovations and continued development of new features.

    Thanks again for your trust in MyHeritage we hope you continue to use our services.

  • Kent

    July 20, 2009

    I think the above is good news. I am still a bit confused on the status of existing trees that will exceed the new limits (Aug 1) , but do not exceed the old (current) limits. As I understant it nothing will be deleted. Are the sites then “frozen” at the current configuration or will the old/current limits apply?

  • Mario

    July 21, 2009

    Hi Kent,
    As written above, from August 1st the new limits will apply even to old Basic sites. We are trying to make the move as easy as possible and there will be a prolongued transition period. Feel free to email support ‘at’ with more detailed questions.
    Thanks and best

  • Jaime O. Umali

    August 8, 2009

    I am considering to upgrade from my Basic. My Basic currently has 462 members, which is below the original 500 limit.

    1. Are all the information still available and accessible even if I don’t upgrade?
    2. Will all the information still be availabe and accessible once I upgrade?

  • EdrieAnne

    October 29, 2010

    Oct 2010. I just received an email. I have no idea what I even have on your site. I can’t access it…and if my total tally is right, I already exceed the number allowed at Premium level. I would like download my data and remove my trees from your site.

  • Chris

    October 29, 2010

    I also did not know that you were lowering your limit. Your blog entry states that we will not lose our data our our access, yet I can’t even look at my tree. It would have been nice to have the option to lower the amount of people in our tree before we were totally cut off from even seeing it.

  • Robert

    November 2, 2010

    EdrieAnne and Chris,

    Not sure why you’ve received emails at this stage, but feel free to drop me an email (from the account you’re registered with) on

    We should be able to get you access to your site at least for long enough to retrieve your data.

  • Jill

    January 17, 2011

    I am just now able to return to my family tree and see that there have been some changes. As I read above its says that I can stil access my trees however I can do absolutely nothing with them. I have some items that are incorrect and unless I upgrade I cannot make these changes. Everything is blocked out. This is very dissapointing to me as I enjoyed using this site however I will just have to leave everything as is and forget about using this site. It was great while it lasted but I cannot afford to be paying for this.

  • Robert

    January 18, 2011

    Hi Jill, if you want we can try and get your tree below the premium limit so you can use it as a basic user again. Drop me an email on robert[at]