Earth Hour: For future generations

Earth Hour: For future generations

A major international event, Earth Hour is taking place today. It’s organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and is held annually on the last Saturday in March.

During Earth Hour 2011, more than 5,200 towns and cities in 135 countries worldwide switched off their lights, sending a powerful message for action on climate change.

As family history lovers, we also believe that this is an important subject. As we think about our ancestors and try to understand their lives, we know that one day in the future we will become our family’s ancestors.

We should be asking ourselves about future generations.  What kind of planet will they live on? The planet we leave for them tomorrow should concern us today.

Joining in this kind of activity demonstrates that we care about our planet’s future and that of our family. To check Earth Hour in your country, check this WWF interactive map.

Will you be participating? What do you think about this subject?

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  • Jacquie

    March 31, 2012

    If only the human race could have a clean slate and do it right the second time around! Then perhaps Earth hour would be Earth century : )