Win a Chance to Have Your Family Mystery Solved!

Win a Chance to Have Your Family Mystery Solved!

Do you have a mystery in your family that you are itching to solve? Maybe you’ve found a war medal tucked away in an old box and you don’t know whose it was, or perhaps you found a mysterious locket with initials you don’t recognize. There can be a number of different mysteries that you have in your family, and we want to hear about them!

We want to help you find the answers. Our dedicated team of researchers will help a few select winners research and solve their family mysteries.

Share your mystery with us!

Elusive Family Mysteries

Here are some possible mysteries you may have in your family:

    • Do you have a family member with whom your relatives lost contact with during a war and you want to track down their descendants?
    • Would you like to learn the truth about a family legend that has been passed down for generations?
    • Are there war medals that were once in your family that you would like to find?
    • Do you have old handwritten letters sent to or by someone you don’t know?
    • Has your family lost art during wartime?
    • Have you found an old diary written by someone you’ve never heard of before?

We are calling on all families to share your family mystery, whether it’s similar to one of those listed above, or something completely different.

Past Research Successes

In the past, MyHeritage has helped families solve historical mysteries. Here are just a few examples:

Genealogical Detective Work Solves Looted Art Mystery
Last year, the Dutch Museum Association audited their collection of artwork to determine which works were presumably stolen from their original, Jewish owners by Nazis during WWII. They published a list of 170 pieces of artwork that were discovered in the audit. MyHeritage set out on a pro bono initiative to search for living descendants of the original owners, who are the rightful heirs of the stolen artwork. Laurie Greene is one such heir. The MyHeritage team called Laurie and surprised her with the news that she is eligible to claim 133 illustrations that were stolen from her great-uncle, Mommie Schwartz, a famous Dutch-Jewish painter.

Left, a portrait of Dutch artist Mommie Schwarz by his wife Else Berg, and right, a self-portrait by Mommie Schwartz.

Left, a portrait of Dutch artist Mommie Schwarz by his wife Else Berg, and right, a self-portrait by Mommie Schwartz.

The KGB, the Iron Curtain, and a Decades-Old Family Mystery Finally Put to Rest
After countless attempts to locate long-lost family members who disappeared in the former Soviet Union 80 years ago, Rani Markovich always assumed that he would never be able to reunite with his grandfather’s lost family. All this changed when Rani enlisted the help of MyHeritage Founder and CEO, Gilad Japhet. With rare KGB records and detective work conducted on the ground and on Facebook, the family’s decades-long mystery was finally solved, culminating in a triumphant family reunion in the USA.

Watch their emotional reunion here:

A Story of Survival and a Silver Matchbox
Elda Bivas Gambash searched for the descendants of a man named Shimon Luria for over thirty years. Shimon saved her grandfather’s life during WWI by giving him food during his captivity.

Shimon Lurie from the Jewish Battalions, c. 1917–1918.

Shimon Lurie from the Jewish Battalions, c. 1917–1918.

Shimon had also given her grandfather a silver matchbox that her grandfather cherished throughout his life.

A hand-carved silver matchbox engraved with Shimon’s name and details.

A hand-carved silver matchbox engraved with Shimon’s name and details.

Thanks to MyHeritage, the Gambash family was finally able to pay tribute and thank the family for Shimon’s generosity.

Family Reunited Thanks to MyHeritage DNA

Mitch Yurkovich was adopted as a baby and was always curious about his biological family. He searched for them for many years. In turn, his parents were always hoping that Mitch would come back home, having no record of Mitch’s whereabouts due to his closed adoption. Imagine his surprise when a  DNA Match led him to his biological parents, who were still together, and who had married and had two more children! Thanks to MyHeritage, Mitch met his mother, father, and siblings for the first time.

Mitch reunites with his biological family in New Mexico.

Mitch reunites with his biological family in New Mexico.

MyHeritage Returns WWI Medal to Soldier’s Family

MyHeritage helped return a World War I British War Medal to a soldier’s family. 40 years ago, the medal was found in Australia by Rob McCaw while using a metal detector in a field. Since then, Rob had tried to find the medal’s rightful owner. With the help of MyHeritage, Rob found the soldier’s descendants and was finally able to return the medal to them.

Watch the moving video below:

We want to hear about your family mysteries!

Send us your unsolved family mystery or comment below for a chance to have your mystery solved by our talented Research team!

We can’t wait to begin breaking through those brick walls!


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  • Denise A Brown

    July 3, 2019

    I am very interested in finding out what ever became of a great -great uncle after he left his wife with three little children his where about unknown. Elijah A. Brown (1867 -1944) born maybe St. Clair Michigan and raised in Charlevoix,Michigan married Hattie Bovie – children Edward, Elizabeth, James Brown he left his family never to be heard of again. I found a pencil writing stating possible buried Lakeside Arizona his children have died grandchildren are in the 80’s still would like to know what became of their grand father if he married again and had other children. I would so happy if Marcia, Alice Dell could find out what happen to their grand father. Sincerely Denise Brown


    July 3, 2019

    There seems to be one small document proving that Ann Owsley (married to Edward Garrett) was the daughter of Thomas Owsley. This particular document has kept me from joint an important Lineage Organization. Every other. organization I belong to has accepted it. Please help to find proof. It seems to the current registrar of the organization has decided to make this his mission to deny what previous registrars before him have. Please.

  • Linda

    July 3, 2019

    Yes, I would love them to fi d my family mystery!!! I have worked and still can’t solve out on my own.

  • Craig Jones

    July 4, 2019

    I have a couple of problem areas in my dad’s tree

  • nada willingham

    July 4, 2019

    I have done all I can (within my limited knowledge base to trace my Welsh British Army V

  • Aimee Jansen

    July 4, 2019

    I love love love these stories. We have a great family mysterie also.
    Who can I mail it to?
    I’m afraid to put it out in the open in case there are still family members alive from ‘that’ side of the family.

  • Mary Dunn

    July 4, 2019

    I would live to find my 5x Great Grandfather’s place of birth in France. At a dead end of search.

    Peter (Pierre) Collignon
    Birth Circa 1810, Alsace -Lorraine,France
    Death Oct 18 1885, Fulda, Spencer, Indiana, United States
    Departure Le Havre, France
    Immigration 1840 New York, New York, United States
    Married Catharina Elizabeth Collignon (born Deber (Daufer)?)
    Three children born in France, Catherine, Peter and John

  • Amby

    July 5, 2019

    My husband great grand father, Albert Thomas Beverly Rogersb. 1819 in Spartanburg, SC. When my hubby did DNA it turns male line is Stephens. I have worked on this over 30 years, could use some help.

  • Ann Clayton

    July 5, 2019

    I am having a very hard time finding family on both grandfathers….AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!! There is no one in my family alive to ask!!

  • Barbara Beed

    July 5, 2019

    My Great Grandfather is my mystery – Grandfather’s Birth Certificate states Father Unknown but now DNA has thrown up this whole cluster of people some from the district my Grandfather was born – where do I start-how do I put them into my tree and make it all fit together – would love to solve it.

  • Janet Russell

    July 7, 2019

    My 2GGF Louis/Lewis Snowden b curca 1826 d. 28th May 1878 was believed to have jumped ship near Melbourne Circa 1855/56. He called himself a Black American and worked in the Ballarat Goldfields. He married Jane Irving Dark 1833-1875 and had 9 children. We cant find anything on Louis or his past life in America

  • Celia sim

    July 7, 2019

    I would love to find the birth and mothers name of my great grandfather.

  • Carl H. Bloss

    July 7, 2019

    COULD YOUR ANCESTOR ACTUALLY HAVE TURNED DESERTER/TRAITOR? A member of the Battle of Long Island Flying Camp – no records of many survivors – so listed as died. However, I uncovered a document showing same name, 3 days after Battle recruited by British and sent to Nova Scotia with a land grant of 1000 acres . Scouring Canadian records/ many lost from that era/ shows no sign of him – no death/ no marriage/ no burial? Back home, he was never seen or heard of again. I have written a research thesis compiling all the evidence but with no finality. HELP!

  • Catherine Allen

    July 7, 2019

    My mystery is finding my great grandfather’s father. Seems easy enough right? Wrong! My great grand father is John Harper Norris. I actually know who his mother is Tabitha Chandler (fortunately her family were Quakers) but the only thing I can find on her marriage is she married a “Mr. Norris”. So I had my brother do a YDNA test. Not one single match for a Norris but 7 matches & 4 with the surname of Wright.

  • Ann C Gilchrest

    July 7, 2019

    Family Mystery Number 101

    Benjamin Vero born 27 March 1842 at Caretts Croft, Dewsbury, England.

    Benjamin was born to Ann Vero a single woman. Ann never married and had at least three children.
    1. John Vero was born 15 June 1838 in Dewsbury,
    2. Benjamin 27 March 1842
    3. Maria Vero. Marie who died before 9 April 1846.

    Are they all from the same father? Who was their father and or fathers? Why would a woman have so many children out of wedlock?

    Ann died 8 July 1846 in Carretts Croft. She was 30 years old. Her cause of death was tuberculosis. Twenty days after Ann died her older brother John died also from tuberculosis.

    Both of Ann’s sons grew to adulthood married and had children. Her son John remained in England and died 24 May 1913 in Moor Cottage, Dewsbury. Benjamin immigrated to American arriving in New York City on 4 October 1875. He went to Philadelphia where he died on 16 October 1931.

    There are no remaining male descendants of Benjamin Vero. I jokingly say I am going to have the last male descendant of Benjamin’s dug up to get his DNA. Perhaps it would give me a surname. Perhaps more questions but I would love to know who was my 2x great-grandfather.

  • Rita Foster Woolf

    July 7, 2019

    My great, great grandfather, Silas Messer Williams, was born in 1818 in Warren County TN. He told his family that they were all related to Roger Williams of Providence RI. Despite having numerous DNA connections to Williams and Messer famillies with backgrounds in TN and NC, I have never been able to discover Silas’ parents or trace my connection to those DNA matches. I would love to be able to confirm or put to rest that story. Apparently, Silas left no record of who his parents were and none of his known relatives with whom I have been in contact know who they are either, although there have been guesses without any real documentation.

  • Jan Beattie

    July 7, 2019

    I am seeking to discover what happened to my great-great grandparents, George and Julia/Julina (Witcher) Wall. George’s brother (James Wall) had relocated to NW Arkansas from GA following the Civil War. George and Julia took their family to AR, but decided they wanted to return to GA. Somewhere on their way back, perhaps in the Indian Bay or Augusta, Woodruff Co. area, both George and Julia became ill and died. I’d like to find where this happened and possibly locate their final resting places. Apparently after Julia died, a local family took in their two daughters, aged 1 1/2 (my great-grandmother) and 3. The son, aged 7, remained with his father in a rented cabin. Supposedly, someone noticed no fire coming from the chimney and found the boy with his dead father. The father had been dead about 2 weeks. I’d like to discover the circumstances and cause of their deaths and which family took in the girls, exactly where it happened and the location of their interment, if possible. The brother was called and came picked up the children and raised them as his own. But, I’d like to discover the true story behind the mystery. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Paula Dennison

    July 7, 2019

    I do not know the exact country of origin for my mother’s families, The Beans and Phillips of Burke and Caldwell, North Carolina.

  • gay lennartz

    July 7, 2019

    My grandmother was born in Liverpool England in 1893 and came to the USA in 1918. She placed my mother for adoption in 1921 in Newark new jersey. I’ve tried for years to find out where she ended up, with no avail. The last address for my grandmother is 37 Clay St in Newark. After that, she seems to disappear. As far as my grandfather that is a complete mystery as she lists him as her late husband but we know that’s incorrect as he died in 1916 in a Paris hospital.

  • Catherine Fryer Cline

    July 7, 2019

    My mother was a Chapman. In finding my family’s history it was one of the lines I was especially interested it, since my other grandparents died before I was a year old, so “Papa Ben” and “Minnie Mama” Chapman were the grandparents of my childhood. She had a lot of “olde-tymey sayings”, one of which referred to living your whole life learning things ” and then die and forget it all”; so the year before she died in my arms, I got Minnie Mama to sit with me so I could write down all the “family connections” she could remember.
    I put that large page of lines, names and dates away (1960) and didn’t get back to looking at it until 1993 when both of my parents had died and I realized I was “the older generation” now! Retired, I had the time and curiosity to find out who I came from.
    Minnie Mama had said Papa Ben’s mother’s family was somehow connected to the family of Robert E Lee, and while I believed her, I had no idea how they connected or where to look. My main clue was her name , Sarah Fairfax Irvin. Hmmm..Fairfax. So I began looking up her family which went fairly smoothly except for her father having had 2 wives with the same first and middle name and maiden initial…but once we found the first one dead in Virginia and his marriage to the second, sure enough it unravled like pulling a string on a feed sack… all the way back to the immigrants and a lady who owned Mount Vernon and RENTED IT to George Washington! THAT’s another story, and while everyone says “you will find an Indian, a Black, and a horse thief”, I was shocked that the Black ancestor turned up up the Titled Fairfaxes!
    However I was looking for the Chapman line. In a couple of years ( before computers) I managed to get back 2 generations more to a Benjamin Chapman born in Pennsylvania, married to Catherine Akers, and there I got STUCK!
    Then a lady I never heard of called me out of the blue, having seen a searching posting online,, and said that was her late husband’s family and “the library at Bethel College had a book a bout them.”
    So on my next genealogical junket to Tennessee, I went to see Daddy’s family in Paris and then stopped in at Bethel College in McKenzie, Tennessee. The library there indeed did have not one but 2 biographies of a grand-nephew of my Benjamon Chjapman,, a Reverend Alexander Chapman, and in both were references to Philip Chapman who came to New Jersey and Pennsylvania in the 1740’s from London where he had operated a wool business with his ( late) father. One made references to his aunt Catherine and Uncle Ben ( my then dead ends) . Philip Chapman had siblings , who I’d like to find, but mostly I want to know who his parents were AND the identity of his wife! Supposedly they married in New Jersey. He carded some wool for a man in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, who entered it in his diary. That is all I have from New Jersey.
    Reading a lot about early Philadelphia and looking in the Presbyterian Church records I have found reference to his being a cousin of James Logan and William Tennent. My hunch is that is where I’ll find his wife.( I do know people called in-laws and close friends ” cousin” but they are clues I am trying to follow.)
    I have tried the Historical and Genealogical Societies in Bucks County Pennsylvania and Hunterdon County New Jersey but have not discovered a thing more.
    Somewhere in that area was a lady who married my Philip Chapman and was mother of his two sons and three daughters. My descent is through Benjamin, born in 1756 and I enjoy a friendship with a lady in Prague who descends from James, born 1747. We have put the descending lines form both together pretty completely. In Alexander Chapman’s autobiography he says of the girls, “one married a Brown and one a Chaffler” The “Brown” was Browne and they moved to Utah with the Mormons. The “Chaffler” could be anything from Sheafer to actually Chaffler, though I cannon find a trace of her.
    But in that speech To Lexington County Genealogical society I did find that the speaker was a daughter of Elizabeth and tied up loose ends on her. I do not know the given names of the other two though I suspect one was Mary.
    I am77 and disabled so I no longer can spend days in libraries and courthouses or clomp around in cemeteries photographing tombstones like I used to, but I would love to know who Philip Chapman’s wife was, who his parents were.In the process I have learned a lot more than I wanted to know about wool, sheep and British taxes on wool imported from Scotland and Ireland ( where Philip was when his father died). It was after his father’s death that he came to what would become America. He is actually my MOST RECENT ancestor, the others going all the way back to the Mayflower!
    But because Mama was a Chapman and my close bond with Minnie Mama(Minnie Florence Fleming Chapman) I am going at this Philip Chapman thing like a dog with a bone, and still not finding a trace of who his parents were in London, or the identity of his wife.
    At this point, I could use all the help I can get!
    His son William’s son Benjamin named his children really odd things: Theodore Frelinghuysen Chapman, James Marshall Chapman, William Tennent Chapman, as well as John Bond Chapman (for his Father- in- law) but I could not find a source for the other three, other than admiration. . Of course I knew who William Tennent and Theodore Frelinghuysen were, and once I found Philip’s daughter Elizabeth in a transcribed speech given to a genealogical society in the 1800’s, James Marshall was Philip’s grandson. But that left Teddy, who died in the Civil War at Marietta) and Billy.!

  • Margaret Allison (formerly Bailey)

    July 7, 2019

    I have sent you an email about the mystery of the partial family Bible, the two volumes of the New Testament dated from 1805 and 1806. I hope you received it. It travelled from Scotland to England to Victoria and then to New Zealand. I would love to know who owned it originally and what happened to the other three volumes..

  • Les Minear

    July 7, 2019

    I have a 3rd great grandfather named Jeremiah Pierson (or Peirson), born Jan 4, 1794 in Warren County, GA; died Oct 13 1853 in Pickens Co., Alabama and buried at Fellowship Baptist Church cemetery, near Reform, AL, Pickens County. I would like to have the name of Jeremiah’s 1st wife who, according to family accounts, was native American, possibly Cherokee. She gave birth to Jeremiah’s first three children: Addelind (b. 23 Aug 1823), Arrend (b. 29 Dec 1825) and Ansel (b. 30 Dec 1827, d. 4 May 1904). Ansel is my GG grandfather. I have much more information including Jeremiah’s second wife: Celia Johnson, their marriage date: September 1, 1836 and info on their 5 children plus more info on Ansel Pierson. What I don’t have is any information on Jeremiah’s first wife, a long, long time family mystery. We’ve only known her as “Indian Maiden.”

  • Janice Smith

    July 8, 2019

    I was going to mention my search for the death date and place of burial for one of my gt gt grandfathers,,but when I read about the lost art it reminded me of something I learned from two of my aunts, It seems like their family were left out of some kind of inheritance and it had something to do do with the war. These two aunts mentioned it when I questioned them about some of our ancestors while at a family reunion. My grandfather was Edwin Sylvester Stump and My Grandmother was Annie Amanda Haines (Hains). They were from Berks Co., Pennsylvania.

  • George Stradtman

    July 8, 2019

    My 2X Great Grandmother was born Margaret (Peggy) Wilkerson, in 1810-1815, in Chatham County, North Carolina, USA. I don’t have given names for either of her parents, but her mother was born into the Copeland family. Her father was an immigrant, likely from County Antrim or County Down; his first initial was most likely “J”. It is possible that she had one or two older brothers, but she and her red-haired twin appear to have been the only girls in the family. The mother of “Grandma Peggy” died either during or shortly after she gave birth to “Peggy” and her twin. The girls’ father returned to his home in what is now Northern Ireland, took Peggy’s twin with him, and left Peggy in the care of her maternal Copeland relatives. I am trying to find out the given name of Peggy’s father, as well as information about what happened to him and to my 2X Great Grandaunt after they left North Carolina. I do know that there were once Wilkersons who lived in Counties Antrim and Down, so they may have been related. “Grandma Peggy” grew up to marry Harrison/Harris/Harry Johnson and has many descendants in North Carolina and Tennessee. Peggy never seems to have stopped longing for her father and her sister; I would be very interested in knowing what happened to them after they went back to Ireland.

  • Juanita Rand

    July 8, 2019

    I have more than one mystery but the biggest one is on my fathers side. My brother who has researched many more years than I have, hasn’t been able to solve it either. It is the mother and father of my 2nd great grandfather of Joshua Wing Rand, born Oct, 29, 1799 and died 1860. We think those dates are correct as I don’t have much information on Joshua himself. He was married twice. First to Alvira/Elvira Wristley/Risley on Apr. 8, 1821 in Waterbury, Vermont. I have seen different spellings on her name. Then he married Eliza Atkins on Sep. 8, 1833 in Stowe, Vermont. I have 4 children with the union of Joshua and Alvira and 2 with Joshua and Eliza. All of this seems to stop here, like Joshua’s mother and father fell off the face of the earth. So there you have it, my big mystery.

  • Ann Collins

    July 8, 2019

    I discovered through my brother’s DNA testing that we are a different bloodline than our name. This has been upsetting and I want help trying to figure out to figure out who are actual ancestors are.

    We did both’s test and Family Tree’s. And Family Tree is the one who discovered this problem.

    Any help would be sincerely appreciated. As I read comments on different blogs and posts, I see that DNA testing has created quite a few complications.

    Thank you
    Ann Collins

  • Bill Atherton

    July 8, 2019

    I grew up being told we related to Jefferson Davis, but I have never been able to prove it. My maternal family came from Mississippi.

  • cathy stiles

    July 9, 2019

    found out my grandma is really my dads aunt through 23 and me DNA test, as i have first cousins listed that my half sister has as 2nd cousin.

  • Diana Homer

    July 9, 2019

    I’m very interested in finding when and where my great grandfather entered North America. I know that he probably came in thru Canada but would love to find the ship and the origin of the sailing that brought him here.

  • Jane

    July 10, 2019

    My great great uncle served with the AIF in WW1. Shortly after the war concluded he married a Candian woman in England. She came back to Australia with him, but sadly the marriage didn’t last. She died in a hospital in Sydney many years later, far away from family and friends. Despite the information on their marriage certificate I’ve had no luck tracing her origins. I’d love to find some more about her life so that she can be remembered better. Who was her family? Had she been married previously? Why was she in the UK?

  • Joyce Lawley

    July 10, 2019

    I have a picture that was among my husbands deceased Aunt. There isn’t a name or any information.

  • Joyce Lawley

    July 10, 2019

    I have a picture that was among my husbands deceased Aunt’s photos which were given to me. I would love any information on it.

  • Tatiana Podmore

    July 11, 2019

    My great grandmother Agnes Hell (Gelle in Russian) (Born Smolensk Russia 1869) had 2 sisters Alexandrina and Ekaterina. Their mother died (but as yet have been unable to find the record) I have traced Agnes father (Ivan Ivanovitch Gelle born Johann Heinrich Hell in Schleswig Holstein) and his second Russian family. He ran a gunpowder factory in St Peterburg. However for years I have tried to find what became of the 2 sisters. It is hard detective work and I have many photos handed on by my grandmother. Recently I found that one sister married in Zlatoust to a Adolf Kloss but have hit brick walls with the other sister Ekaterina. The Russian Revolution meant that contact was lost altogether. My great grandmother and grandmother were living near Irkutsk where my great grandfather was buildling the trans siberian railroad and they fled to Harbin China where I was born.

  • Nancy Mackley

    July 11, 2019

    My 2nd great grandfather on my dad’s side is a mystery. He is on census records with his family in 1860 and 1870, and then never seen again. Even documenting my great-grandfather as his son is sketchy without any proof except that Elmer John Ryan was possibly named after his dad, John Ryan. It’s the biggest piece missing in my family tree, although there are others. I’ve looked for years to eliminate others that could be him, but no success yet. I would love some expert eyes looking at this line.

  • Barbara Harris

    July 12, 2019

    I would love to know about my paternal grandmother’s father, John C. Davis. All I know about about him is a name and that he died in Indian Territory in March, 1895. He ministered to the Indians in the Ft. Supply area. I learned this after my grandmother’s death. The family story is that her grandmother was an Indian. The death date came from the application to the Buckner Home for the minor children.

  • Terry Lloyd

    July 12, 2019

    Been trying to find the parents/siblings of my grandfather, William Henry Lloyd, from Pontypool for about 20 years. Came to South Africa as a policeman before or during the Boer War. He married my grandmother, had 4 children, my father the first. He (William Henry) was murdered in Cathcart in 1921.

  • Marie Humphrey

    July 12, 2019

    I don’t know much about any think.. I’m 53 years of age and would like to know about my family where I came from and who l am about as my family we are not close haven’t spoken to two of my sisters or brothers in years as I was a child of the state ended up in and out of girls homes. Was my dad whom tryed his best to look after me but…. His name is Francis George humphrey from dunedin born 1924 or 27. I was in dunedin girls home then strathmore then kinglea girls home back in the early 70s.. Please are you able to help as I find it hard doing on my own….. Marie Daphne Humphrey.

  • Clodagh Hendrick

    July 12, 2019

    There was a story that our family was related to the queen of England through her mother Elisabeth Bowes-Lyon, my grandmother Ellen lehane said she was told by her relations that her name Lehane was an Irish version of Lyons and that the queen mothers name Lyon wasn’t french but Irish and that a few generations back they were related.
    I’d love to find out if this is true.

  • Amanda

    July 12, 2019

    I (at the age of 41) just found out who my BF is. I want to know more about my 3x great grandfather William Davis born in Burrawang in the 1840s, I don’t think he has an official birth certificate. I have no idea who his parents or siblings are.

    Also my first fleet family members John Randall and John Martin they arrived on the Alexander

  • Kathleen Shelton

    July 12, 2019

    I’m searching for my biological family.
    I have been in contact with a 5th cousin.
    I still can’t put the pieces together.
    Any help you can give me would be a dream come true

  • David Bushman

    July 12, 2019

    My mother’s family came from Austria/Hungary in the late 1800s but I have been unable to determine from what town or village. All the documents I have say only Austria or Hungary or Austria/Hungary.

  • Joanne Fralick

    July 12, 2019

    I have a DNA mystery for you. As far as I knew, no children were adopted into or given up for adoption on my dad’s side of the family. Until I got my DNA done through MyHeritage.

    Soon after posting, i got a message from James North in Alaska. He had an 18% match with my DNA, indicating a fairly close match. The same match worked for my first cousin who lives in British Columbia, the daughter of my dad’s brother.

    We discovered that James’ father was given up for adoption in 1957 at birth and his name was changed. His mother was 16 at the time, and she and the birth father were from the community my family is from.

    James’ research indicated that his paternal grandfather should be either my father, or one of my father’s brothers. We can’t go any further, as James’ dad died tragically in a drowning accident around 1990, and Ontario, Canada birth records can only be opened by the adoptee or a birth parent.

    I recall many years ago when my paternal grandmother was alive, her mentioning a girl going away to have a baby, but I don’t recall who she was referring to, and no one in the family of that generation is left to ask. James’ adoptive grandparents are deceased as well.

    I’m an only child and grew up on a farm, spending much of my time alone. I always wondered what life would have been like with a sibling. Whether James is a nephew or another cousin, it would mean a lot to both of us to know the truth.

    Hope you are moved enough by this story to help us out!

    Joanne (Courneya) Fralick

  • Jack Porter

    July 13, 2019

    My family mystery is who my biological father is. My mother married a man just before I was born who was not my father. All the research and dna has lead me to the Dugal family, but not my father.

  • Bernadette Abbott

    July 17, 2019

    My grandmother was said to have royal blood. I am trying to trace her roots to find out which royalty she was descended from. I have very little information about her genealogy. She was born to Concetta Belomo and Antonino Intravaia in Palermo Sicily July 11, 1873. She was sent to live at a convent “to protect her”. She arrived at Ellis Island in 1901. She married my Grandfather Salvatore Gentile in New Jersey in 1910. She died in Connecticut in 1933. My mom was a teenager when she died so never questioned her as to the royalty she descended from. I dont know if she had siblings, though I may have come across a brother or two.
    I would love to know where her “royal blood” comes from, and how many siblings she had.

  • Denise Pratt

    July 27, 2019

    Hello, my Dowler line has been quite elusive to solve. Hoping you could help our family track our missing relatives. Last person we were able to trace down was William Dowler born about 1810, lived in Tennessee and Missouri. Possibly fought in the Revolutionary War under George Washington, but we cannot find proof.

  • DF

    David Foard

    July 28, 2019

    I would simply like to find my Grandfathers parents names. Sounds easy, but after 20 years of searching I can’t find any details about them. I even had my DNA done but still no trace? Without his birth records I can’t find his mother or fathers names. Mauritius kills research….

  • Anthony F Calpin Jr

    July 30, 2019

    I can’t seem to find relatives on my Calpin side of my family past my great grandfather Lawrence M Calpin. He is from Roscommon, Ireland this is where everything stops. Winning your contest and having this mystery solved would be nice.

  • Bridget haynes

    July 30, 2019

    My great great grandfather was sent to prison in Dublin in 1866 for six years while he was in prison two of his daughters were in a fire and some moths later they both died from their injuries one daughter was 4years old and the other8years old I have tried every avenue but apart from the papers reporting on my grandfather I can find nothing about Mary Francis and Julia meehan I would love to find the story but I need help

  • Jeff Emmett

    July 30, 2019

    I have been researching my surname “Emmett”. I have gotten to a James Emmett born in England or Ireland abt 1807 died 12Jan 1884. After him the line gets strange. A Robert Emmett was found in Ireland but he did not marry and had no children which make a connection to James problematic. Being a novice I am lost as to how to resolve this problem. I know there are Emmetts in England and Ireland.

  • Brian Shearer

    July 30, 2019

    I was brought up in a children’s home from 1944 to 1958 no known relatives until 1963 I received an obscure letter saying this was my grandfather, he gave me some detail of why I was put into the home so I followed this up and met my mother and several kin. My natural father had been in the RAF under a different name (Cassie) which after using the services of a professional I discovered his correct name was Nailon. Although over several years I have tried to find other kin from that side of the family It has been unsuccessful. A few years ago, a request in the RAF pages was answered by a lady who turned out to be a half sister, she was unfortunately unable to tell me about his former life…can you help, please I am now 76 years of age and would love to have the full story.

  • Tony Baker

    July 30, 2019

    I cannot trace my Great Grandfather after he was listed in the Census in 1881 when he was listed as in Canterbury Hospital (Kent)

  • Murielle Campbell

    July 30, 2019

    We have had a brick wall regarding my husband grandfather, we know that his name was John Murray, born in Scotland we assume, and he was a seaman in the British Merchant Service. He and his partner Annie (Melville) Campbell b) Jan. 14, 1898 in Lintriggs, Scotland and d) New Zealand. The family of John Murray (Sr.) and Annie Campbell has two illegitimate children 1) Robert Murray Campbell b) Dec. 24, 1921 at 66 Cowane Street, Stirling, Scotland. Robert is my husband’s father. 2) John Murray (Jr.) b) July 17, 1925 (same as his older brother). He married and his daughter was in contact with us and all she would provide was that John Murray (Sr.) died at sea but we can’t find proof. I find John Murray (Sr.) on My Heritage but is listed as Private. I would love to find the story of John Murray (Sr.). He may have a family that connects to us but we will never know unless we get help finding out. My husband John Murrray Campbell would be very grateful for any assistance. Sincerely, Murielle Campbell (from Canada).

  • Barbara Albright

    July 30, 2019

    I have been searching for my G=grandmother Florence Farmer, for over 50 years. I have been able to trace my family on other sides way way back but the Farmer’s I can not find. Altho they came from where I was born and raised. Logan co. Ky. I find her on the 1850 Census living with her married sister Matilda Farmer Townsend, with a brother and sister. In 1860 she has married John L Townsend and can follow her thru 1880 where she is living in Middleton Kentucky, but can not find where she died, to find who her parents were. There is a lot of Farmers who lived around there in Logan Co. Ky and Robertson Co. Tenn which are next to each other. I know that some of them are kin to us as they look so much like us but can not for the life of me find where we join. My grandmother was born in 1837/39.
    With out her parents name can not find out anymore, would love any help on this. Thank you

  • Linda Lewis

    July 30, 2019

    It would be such a great help in anyone’s search. This is great prize.

  • Loren Snyder

    July 30, 2019

    My father left his home in Ohio in 1940 traveling all around the U.S. until he wound up in Northern Minnesota where he met my Mom. They worked in the same Hotel and married in 1941. Dad never talked much about his family and we never knew any of them. He had a married sister in Akron, Ohio who sent a Christmas Card, but we had never met her. Finally, after I was married, when traveling through Ohio to Pennsylvania in 1978 I called her and met her. She gave me a notebook with souvenir postcards of dad’s travels in 1940 (in order). At that time I wasn’t interested in genealogy, so I never asked her the questions I should have. Now I have been trying to research his side of the family. Because of my research I have met another cousin, but I have come to a roadblock tracing back my ggg West Virginia. There doesn’t appear to be any more information tracing back his lineage, how long he was in America, and where his family came from.

  • Charles Koppenhoefer

    July 30, 2019

    I have several mysteries , #1 – My aunt Frances Lance born 28 Feb. 1900 had always said that the Lance Family could join the Daughters of the Revolution as an ancester fought in the Revolutionary War. #2 – She also had a large picture of a lady whom she stated was the mother of Andrew Jackson and her maiden name was Bell . #3 – a Florence Bell Edmonds is a cousin who wrote my aunt , she lived in Des Moines , IA . The letter also mentions a Cena Jackson Whitehead living in the south . My wife – Jewel M. Gourley Koppenhoefer also has a Cena Jackson Whitehead in her ancestry. She was born in Sweetwater , Tenn. – Her Mothers maiden name was Hearon, and her mothers name was Whitehead . I am wondering if my wife and I are related beyond marriage ??

  • Geoffrey Richardson

    July 30, 2019

    I am trying to find my birth farther. I have found out who my birth mother was. Unfortunately I have no information about my birth farther he was not named on my birth certificate.

  • Jean Kramer

    July 30, 2019

    I have a great grandfather with a common name and I would love help with advice on how to trace the right one.

  • Carrie Cartile

    July 30, 2019

    I have been searching for some time re the parents of William Cartile, allegedly born June 1780 in Halifax NS. Some indication that he came from England, however, this didn’t seem to match. The only real information I have on him is that he married Hannah Purcell Dec 1821 in Portuguese Cove, Halifax cty. I have the information on his children but his history is very illusive

  • Mary Ann Knott

    July 30, 2019

    I am looking for my great great grandfather. He was from Nisse, Zeeland, Netherlands. He was my grandmother father. Her name in the Netherlands was Cornelia Koeman. Her mother was Elizabeth Koeman. My grandmother moved to America when she was 4 months old. Her grandfather was Abraham Koeman. Thanks for your help.

  • William Reace

    July 30, 2019

    Great grandfather was orphaned in Indiana in 1860s. We can find records on him later but not who is is or where he came from.

    William Reace — born 1863 – probably in Noblesville, IN. Orphaned about age 5, shows up in 1870 Census living Passwater family. Head of house dies about a year later and border William is not found again until he shows up in Kansas in mid-1880s. Not sure of last name — he hinted it was his original spelling.

  • Helena

    July 30, 2019

    I was lucky to have my DNA test done for free through you as my grandparents were all born in the same country (Sweden) and you offered it to me. Low and behold, even though I have done quite extensive research I was completely surprised to find out that my genes are 15 % Finnish. As my mother didn’t know her grandfather, I assumed it was him that was from Finland, but to my surprise, her DNA test has come back with only a couple of % Finnish. Where does my Finnish genes come from? On my father’s side, I have done quite extensive research and have not identified anyone from Finland. I constantly get updates with new DNA matches and a majority are of Finnish origin. I would love to work out how I am potentially related to them (more than just the 2nd to 3rd cousin estimations that come with the email). How are we all related? Would love to create a Finnish family tree.

  • Doug McNaughton

    July 30, 2019

    Looking for who Helen McNaughton, born Apr. 14th, 1805 in Lochland, Perthshire Scotland, married. I have 5 to 6 names in the area of Crieff that a Helen McNaughton married but not sure which one. Her parents were John McNaughton and Janet ( Taylor ) McNaughton. John and Janet were married in June 3rd, 1804 in Monzievaird and Strowan. Helen had one sister Catherine born July 11th, in Crieff and a brother John, born, Dec. 11th 1808 in Monzie.
    Thank You to anyone that could help.
    Doug McNaughton, Stratford, Ontario, Canada

  • Scott Marshal Eccher

    July 30, 2019

    So much mystery and secrecy in my family, everyone tight lipped. I want all the skeletons to come out of the closet once and for all!

  • Melissa Olson

    July 30, 2019

    I would LOVE to find anything or one that knows the history of my Great Grandfather Edgar M Callis from Mathews Co. in Virginia. He listed in the family tree(s) of Callis, Deggs, other families from that area.
    He was associated with my Great Grandmother Margerat Milligan from Scotland. There’s no record of a marriage or divorce. Only that they had 3(?) children in the Ontario area of Canada (Theo-no record, just rumor) Anna Jean, and Virginia. Margerat moved to Oregon to Scappoose, then Portland. I don’t know if Edgar followed. Rumor-he was lost on the Titanic? Then Margerat married Rufus Seelbinder.
    I have contacted the Callis family members, but no one has responded. I need your HELP> Thank you, Melissa Olson

  • Michelle

    July 30, 2019

    I would like to find my father’s great grandparents. We think we know who his grandparents are: Joseph Gutta & Susan Poncik and John Vas & Elizabeth Solar.

  • Rod Rockwell

    July 30, 2019

    Searching my grandmother’s lineage.My fathers mother was Anne M Landry of Memramcook N.B.I could never find a birth notice.Just before my mother died she said she thought Nannie was adopted.On further research I found a record of an illegitimate child in the St. Thomas church records pg 155 B44 with the same name and one of the godparents was Philomene Legere which was the Maiden name the woman who brought her up.Philomene’s husband was Sifroi Landry.Also the 1891 Canadian Census shows her as AD which I presume means adopted daughter.Never did much more until I did My Heritage DNA and found I had Hundreds of French Acadian Cousins,but very few Landry’s or Legere’s,which strengthens my assumption.Hoping the MH Team could go back a couple of generations and find a common ancestor.

  • Bryan Bennett

    July 30, 2019

    I am very interested in finding any information about Matilda Bennett, born Sept. 18, 1883 and died Sept. 5, 1974. She was my grandmother, but no one seems to know any information about her birth or her family. Apparently she would not discuss her life prior to her marriage to my grandfather, George Bennett. I think she may have been a housekeeper at his family home before they married. She may have been an orphan adopted into that household.

  • Rita Maloy

    July 30, 2019

    Due to a courthouse fire in which records were destroyed, we know very little about my mother’s mom’s ancestry. My grandmother died when my mother was only 4 years old, leaving no one to share oral history of that side of the family. Some cousins decided to say we are related to Jefferson Davis (I don’t share that belief) and that we are related to Mark Twain (again, I am skeptical). I would like to know my maternal roots. On my Dad’s side, some
    research suggests connections to Richard III (not so great) and Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland and King Malcolm (intriguing idea). I would love for us to know the facts.

  • David M. Levy

    July 30, 2019

    I would like to find out more on one of my maternal great-greatgrandfather,Jesse Edmond Waddell(12 Oct 1817-15 May 1906) of South Carolina later to Georgia, his ancestry, and relationship to the Waddells of North Carolina. I do know he was married three times and had issue by all three wives(I’m descended from him and his third wife). Also I know several of his descendants from all three marriages

  • Bryan murphy

    July 30, 2019

    My wife Maureen Murphy is now deceased for Alzheimer’s and Dementia, fighting a ten year battle with those diseases.
    Thankfully I did a DNA test before she passed away, and it turns out that she is not all Irish, as we had thought, but Irish, Jewish and Baltic. Almost 50% Ashkenazi Jewish.

    So her legal father wasn’t really her father, t was a fellow named Alex Bashka, who showed up in the 1940 federal census, living in New York.
    We have 6 children, 11 grandchildren, and great grandchildren all Jewish and Irish.
    We tried to embrace our Jewish side, but hit blank walls when we try to track Alex or his family.
    Would love to be able to leave a legacy for f knowledge for our family.
    Additionally, there is now a “shrouded” health history, that we know nothing about, absolutely nothing. All we know his his name, and according to the census he was born in Middlesex, NJ about 1914. We have contacted 2nd cousins on his side, but they do not recognize his name.
    I feel he is part of our family, and would like to share that with all of our children and grandchildren.
    If you can, please help……it would be greatly appreciated. Just so you know, I have spent hours, days, weeks and months searching….to no avail.
    Bryan J. Murphy

  • Donna Willrett

    July 30, 2019

    Have brick walls for 8 of my g-g-grandparents: 1 from Ireland, 1 from England, 2 from Prussia, 1 from Upper Detmold, 1 from unknown, and 2 from US? I’ve been trying for years to track them down. Help would be appreciated.

  • Cindy Hailpern

    July 30, 2019

    Hi, I have my Mother’s family history going back 7 generations from me, but I don’t have anything more on my Dad’s side besides his parents. I don’t know about Aunts and Uncles. I don’t have last names of the girl siblings. I know the maiden name of my grandmother but that is all. I have hit a block wall. My Grandparents immigrated from Hungary in early 1900’s. My Dad is 99 years old and I have done his DNA and mine with ancestry. That has given me all sorts of new cousins but we don’t know how we are related. Help please.

  • Herbert Long

    July 30, 2019

    My great grandfather, Carpetwhite (possibly Carapiet) LONG was mentioned on my grandfather Herbert Stanley LONG’s marriage certificate in 1912 in Karachi, British India, but no other record has ever been found. I need to have this information about my g grandfather & his origins!

  • Pamela Boyd Shields

    July 30, 2019

    My 4th great grandfather came from Scotland by way of Ireland to the US in the 1700s. He married in Ireland & had 2 sons, John & William. I have no idea who this first wife was. He married Margaret Wylie here in SC. Their son, who we feel would have been my 3rd great grandfather was Peter Boyd (1773-1842). No definitive proof. His son was David Boyd (1816-1862), & again it hard to prove. Would love to have help!

  • Janet Wooder

    July 30, 2019

    I would love to find my mother’s brother Derek J Coutts born 1940 in Ilford Essex as he was adopted and my mother would love to know what happened to him.

  • Barbara Flaherty-Carchedi

    July 30, 2019

    I have been at a dead end for decades trying to trace my mom’s grandfather. He was known to our side of the family as Jacob “Jake”. In 1973 my parents visited the family graveyard where he was buried, before the gravestones were vandelized, and found his last name spelt Lewinsky. His children spelt their name Lavinsky. Several other spelling variations are found on goverment records. On 3 different USA Censuses, he was listed as being from Prussia, Germany, and Poland. He was born 4 July 1832, immigrated to the USA in 1858, married Mary A. Mims on 30 June 1872 in Baker County, Alabama, USA, and died 27 August 1901 in Chilton County, Alabama, USA. Any help would be greatly appreciated as other branches of my family I have traced back many more generations.

  • Grace Brouillette

    July 30, 2019

    My grandfather, Joseph Ovila Lionel Brouillette was last known of in January of 1920 when he sold his house in Richford, Vermont and signed the deed. He owned it with my grandmother, Fanny Foy Brouillette. She is now deceased. In July of 1920 she remarried in New Hampshire, but was living in Maine but said that she had never been married and she put her son, my father, Edmund Lionel Brouillette, with some relatives in Maine. She married Charles Perkins. They had a daughter, Ora Emma Perkins, who is also deceased. My father died in 1947, just after I was born. Joseph was born in St. Alexandre, Quebec, and arrived in Vermont after his parents died to be with his mother’s brother, Emile Pinsonneault. I assumed that he returned to Canada, but a search of graveyards turned up nothing for him. I also could not find him in the Drouin records.

  • Peggy Strong

    July 30, 2019

    For a long time I have been trying to find a connection of my Irish and English family.

  • Ken Taylor

    July 30, 2019

    I’m looking to find my grandfathers father. Surname Taylor

  • Peggy Strong

    July 30, 2019

    I have been trying for sometime to find the connection of myIrish and English family’s.

  • Kenneth Taylor

    July 30, 2019

    I’m looking for my grandfathers father surname “Taylor”.
    My tree is Ken Taylor
    Can you help to verify father of John S Taylor from North Carolina, marriage to Nora Drumm. See my tree info or contact me at my email

  • Joy Stevens

    July 30, 2019

    I was told at the age of 40 that I was a result of an affair. My mother being old school gave me very little information about the man that would be my father. She is now past and I’m trying to locate him. I have done DNA and I have done my family tree and no matter what, I can’t seem to figure out how to find my father. Some of the information that I was able to get from her mother according to an investigator is misinformation that does not exist in Natural History. I do not believe my father was ever told she was pregnant.

  • Chris Jones

    July 30, 2019

    My father claimed that he had two other children. This would have been in the 20s. I would love to find them or at least their grandchildren.

  • Jeannette Wood

    July 30, 2019

    About a month or so ago, you sent me information about some of my grandmother Chase ancestors who went West in a wagon train from St. Joseph, MO in the 1800s. This was inadvertantly deleted and I’m not able to recover it, no matter what method I use. My grandmother’s name name is Lillian D. Sears (born Chase). This part of my family tree was unknown to me so I would be so glad if you would resend me that information. I think there were 35-40 people involved, some of which are on my tree. Thank you so much for your help! I am very grateful for any help you can give me.

  • Tina Parton

    July 30, 2019

    I have always wanted to know more about my mom and dads side of the families. They grew up with parents that didn’t talk much about the past and didn’t pass anything on to the families for future generation to know about.

  • Debi McCain

    July 30, 2019

    My mother’s father (William A. Gielenz B. 9-12-1896, D: 5-25-1965) was a very strict, uncommunicative man. He refused to talk about his family. What little I have been able to glean from my grandmother and his sister before they passed, has enabled me to get no farther than his parents (Michael Gielenz B: 6-8-1846, D: 4-23-1917 and Johanna Stoecke Gielenz B: 1876, D: 1922) and his grandparents (Valentin Gielenz B: 1813, D: 12-23-1879 and Anna Maria Volkman Gielenz B: 1814, D: 10-19-1842). The parents and grandparents were all born in Rimbach, Germany and his parents emigrated here. I contacted Rimbach Germany records people and they said that during the wars all the records were moved to other places and gave me another source to try which has so far not been successful.

    The story goes that his father, Michael had a family/girlfriend (?) in Rimbach before he emigrated to the US under the name of Michael GILLING. Whether he came here with them or not I do not know but the woman’s name was Barbara Glos (don’t think they were ever married) and she had a child in New York between 1877 & 1882 by the name of George GILLING. This would have been my Grandfather’s (William) older Half Brother. William’s younger sister Clara Gielenz Kniese tells that story that shortly after they immigrated from Canada (1906) that Michael abandoned the family for a time (maybe a year?) and had another family. I can find no documentation of this and he must have come back because Michael and Johana are buried next to each other in the cemetery in Colorado. When my mother was a child she remembers a man came to their farm and said he was her dad was her uncle and his name was Lee Gilling and the men went in the house and talked and all the kids had to stay outside and were never told what transpired. When he left he never returned again.

    I have connected Lee to George Gilling through My Heritage records and have traced a bit of that part of the line but the line I CANNOT find is the line farther back in Germany connected to Valentin and Anna Maria Gielenz.

    My ancestors, clear down to my mother were raised in that “veil of secrecy” mode. Never tell your secrets…..and they had a LOT of them….so this has been really difficult. I would be so excited to be able to tell my mom that I have found her history. She is 88 and dementia is taking a hold on her memories faster all the time. She is the last of all her siblings alive and since she was the youngest, she was the one left out of the loop! I want to know where she came from but I think she would enjoy hearing it also even if I have to tell it to her over and over!

    BTW….we are not even going to attempt to solve the mystery of my Grandmother! We always thought she was a Newcomb but it appears that she was not…..We did mom’s DNA through My Heritage and found a ton of people that were from Norway and Sweden that NOBODY knows where they came from!! LOL

    Thank you for the chance to get over this mystery hump!

    Debi McCain

  • Gerald W Sutts

    July 30, 2019

    My family, that I have researched over the years, have all had origins in New Jersey. I can get back to my g-g-grandfather, John G. Sutts, with some reliability and to his father, John Sutts with little information on him. And that’s where it stops. I cannot find the origin of Sutts or how they got to New Jersey. I do know that there are Sutts in Canada and a few in other locations in the States, but no connection to the Sutts in NJ. I also know that there are Sutts in the UK but again, can find no connection to my family. My DNA did not turn up anything that was a help to me. As I am 87 years old my searching time in the future may be limited. Any help you an provide on the origin of Sutts in NJ will be appreciated. ..

  • Loretta Dietch

    July 30, 2019

    My mother’s birth certificate did not have the name of the mother who raised her. I have tried researching the name on her birth certificate but to no avail. Can you help?

  • Ellen Sheedy

    July 30, 2019

    One of my dad’s cousin and I have been trying for years to trace our Grant family history. Bob is now getting up in years and I would love to be able to say, we have done it. The issue is one member moved from VT to NY around 1812. He married and his children where born in NY but there are no records to be found in the Plattsburgh, Schuyler Falls area for that time frame. If this mystery is resolved then we will know which Grant family we trace from.

  • henry franklin scurlock

    July 30, 2019

    I am looking for a Michael Scurlock.(which was mind immigrant from Europe to Virginia in the 17th century). We know that he probably came out of Wales, or Ireland. Do you think that you can help me in finding where Michael came from and parents?

  • Cheryl Wehr

    July 30, 2019

    I have a mystery that has bothered me for years, I know some history on my father but my mothers side and her family is a big mystery, do not know much of anything about her family, where they came from, who they are, and what did they do, how did they live and so may other questions. I tried to look for relatives but can not find any, I wish so much that I could know more about my mothers side of the family. I do know that they were from Sweden but that is as far as I can get. The mystery of who they were and how did they end up coming to this country. I have 2 daughters that would also like to know this because they have asked me before if they could know more about their grandmother that they never had a chance to meet and know. Can anyone help me?

  • Thomas Auel

    July 30, 2019

    I have had some wonderful experiences with the “family” that I have met through
    MyHeritage. I am still trying to find something about my great grandmother Mary Clarke
    from County Cavan. She married a James McDonnell and they lived in Lowellville, Ohio where
    they raised their family.
    Sincerely, Gwen Auel

  • Cherita Davis

    July 30, 2019

    I am completely stumped on my husband’s side of the family. There are 4 generations of Louis Clement Davis’es. My husband’s grandfather, father, himself and our son. The grandparents are from Germany, Spain and French. I can get to them but can’t figure out how any of the three came to this country or when. We don’t speak Spanish, French or German so I’ve had a couple of clues, but I’m not able to follow up on them. I have the Davis family from England but It stops at James William Davis from New York, born on Aug 20 1834 and died in New Orleans on Nov 29 1901. Can’t even get them back to England. It’s such a common name. I’m pulling my hair out on his entire side. Can you please help?

  • Anne Brown

    July 30, 2019

    I have great grandparents and grandparents that I can’t find information on. They came over from Italy and had my grandfather in MA. I can’t find info on his birth place. His name is Michael Battalagine

  • DM

    Dawn McDonald Satterwhite

    July 30, 2019

    Our McDonald line is documented back through our 2nd great grandfather William McDonald (1827-1898). He and his brother John (1825-1905) were orphaned as young children and taken care of by their maternal Grandfather, William Hoffer (1781-1840). We know that our 3rd great grandfather, Robert McDonald (b. c 1805 – d. 1827), was born in Scotland and he married Sarah Hoffer (1800-c1827) born in Cumberland Co, Pennsylvania. Here is some oral history from our great aunt in 1913:

    “Mr. William McDonald was born in Cumberland County, Pa. in the year 1827. His father died before he was born and he was reared in the home of his maternal grandfather. (The Hoffer family in Lausenhaum, Pa.)

    So we are trying to find our 3rd Great Grandfather’s connection to Scotland, as well as the circumstances around his and my GGG grandmother’s deaths.

    Thanks for considering this challenge. We’d been trying to figure it out for decades.

  • Katherine Harmon

    July 30, 2019

    I’m trying to find my 2 half sist e rs, Helen Howard and Susan Howard, who lived in Chicago. Our father’s name was Jack Howard who died in 1965 fron oral cancer. Susan had about 4 or 5 kids and Helen had a white toy poodle. Thank you for your help.

  • Steven E Rhodes

    July 30, 2019

    My Great Great Grandfather on my father’s side is a mystery. I know my Great Grandfather, but that is as far as it goes on myheritage. My family doesn’t even know where my great Grandfather was born. Family history goes that he came from Kentucky to Oklahoma running from his 1st wife an American Indian woman, after stealing the dowery. It’s said he changed his name from Rhodes to Roach when he was living with another family whoms name was Roach. He moved to Comanche Oklahoma and Married Louise Luttrell and started his family. Where he committed suicide after the death of his wife. He was buried in the indigenous part of the Lawton Ok cemetery. From where he came from i knowly know through DNA compared with my sisters. Hoping to shed light on this mystery!

  • Tom McCurry

    July 30, 2019

    I would love to break through the McCurry wall. I can only trace back to my great-great-great grandfather James Pinkney McCurry. He shows as being born in 1800, and living with his wife Callie NLN, along the banks of the Nolichucky River. He supposedly told a relative he came from Scotland but I can find no evidence or his wife’s last name. This has me blocked from discovering my familial branch of relatives. It is like he just appeared one day in the US and started our family.

  • Linda Kuhn

    July 30, 2019

    Started Genealogy several years ago when we found out our family had a genetic condition. As I got deeper into my findings, found my grandparents weren’t my grandparents on my moms side. Her bm died 1903-1929 From TB . The father left and her sister adopted two girls one my mom. They were who I thought my grandparents! As I was looking at 1920 census I found they (adopted Grandparents ) had a Daughter too, but can’t find anything other than census. So my Bgf I keep looking for and the mysterious great aunt too. Happy for over 50 new relatives though.

    I did have a surprise as a genealogist contacted me as a woman had an affair with a ice delivery person and her grandaughter and I match DNA!! Guess who delivered ice!

    I spend a lot of time and love doing my family history.

  • Howard Slepkov

    July 30, 2019

    I never questioned my last name until I started to do genealogical research. My paternal grandparents had some documents but my father, who was the one charged with cleaning things up when my grandfather moved out of their house, had little patience with anything like that and their passports and marriage contract is no more. However, I did learn from my dad before he died, that Slepkov was not the original family name but he could no longer relate more than that. My grandfather always told the story about leaving “Russia” – he would never admit it was actually The Ukraine because he hated the Ukrainians – on a dead man’s passport. He went back to Russia in 1961 to reunite with his brother Marcus. He corresponded with him through his daughter but those letters were never kept either. He had a sister Sonia and all I know is that my father went to New York City to visit her as a bar mitzvah gift and when he showed up at her door in the Lower East Side, she smothered him with kisses. But we don’t know her married name so I cannot backtrack to find when she arrived in the new world. I have run out of ideas to find our real last name. That is my family mystery!

  • Paulette Whitelaw

    July 30, 2019

    I having looking for information of my Mother Sister Ruth Williams Born 7/7/1912 in Plymouth missing since 1933 my Mother past in 2012 not knowing what happened to her. I researched and found she had been sent to prison for claiming a £1 for a child from the Royal Navy she didn’t have any children. She was sent to prison again for a bigamist married in 1941 and then find her living with a Bert Griffiths in 1964 at 534 Stains Road Spelthorne.. In 1933 in Devonport she married William Cunningham them her bigamist married is 1941 to a Ernest S Frearson in Wantage Berkshire on the 19/01/1954 changes her name to Ruth Griffiths then I can find nothing. I have paid for two searches and had my DNA done with no lucky I can find no death record and did ask the DWP when her pension ended but could not help. I rang every phone number with the name Griffiths in the area she had lived. I am at a lost where to go next please could you help..

  • Al Spaite

    July 30, 2019

    My mystery is my father. I don’t know who he is. I was adopted as an infant and had no history on my birth parents. No one knew nothin’. I finally received a copy of my real birth certificate and found a brother in AZ. I thought I had the names of both my mother and father, but when my brother and I had our DN tested, we found out that we only had a common birth mother. So, I need help from someone that is good with DNA searching. Not to sound too morbid, but I would like to know my father’s family before I die. I’m 74 and I’m not a celebrity, just one of many millions of people with an unknown part of my past. Can you help me? Alan Migala – Spaite

  • Cherie A. Moss Hodge

    July 30, 2019

    I have a mystery
    that was handed down from my granny Margret Viola Knave Moss, our family has Cherokee Blood, and It would mean so much to me to find that part of our family. I have found links to the Chief John Ross family to some of the family but don’t mine . I was told my ancestry burned her house down and all the papers showing prof. of our Indian heritage. It would mean so much to me and my family to find the link.

  • Richard Opperman

    July 31, 2019

    I need assistance researching two family sir name that stop.
    Lynch, John b. 1798 and Opperman, Karl T. b. May 1 1876.

  • Mary Grace Clark

    July 31, 2019

    My great-great Grandmother was Harriet Barker Selcer. Born 1851, died 1923. She was born in Tennessee, and died in Hamilton County, Tennessee. My mother, her great Granddaughter, is now 81. Mother has always wanted to know where
    Harriet was buried. I’ve searched and searched. Other relatives have searched. Was she buried by her husband, George Washington Selcer (1849-1874) in Vandergriff Cemetery? We cannot find records of her death certificate, or where she was buried. We would all love to know and would appreciate any help! Many thanks! Mary Grace Clark

  • Colleen Wilson

    July 31, 2019


    I have been searching on my own for years and just recently bought a premium package to help find my maternal grandfathers grandfather. My great grandfathers fathers name was Jacob (sp?) Loos and was born in or around Trier, Germany. His son was Vincent Loos also born in Trier in 1875 and was married to Frances Mabel Irish born 1877. Vincent was in the US by 1911 because I know my grandfather was born in the Los Angeles area. I think Jacobs wife’s name was Katherine; not sure of her maiden name. Please help, I have hit a dead end and my mother is 83 years old and wants to more about her father’s history. I have had great luck on my other side of the family and My Heritage has helped quite a bit. I would really appreciate any help you could offer me. I don’t have the funds to hire anyone on my own and I want to give my Mom the knowledge of her family that she seeks. Thank you so much for your consideration. Please feel free to contact me anytime.

  • Margaret Noble

    July 31, 2019

    I am trying to find out about my great great grand dad, i know he was born in southern Ireland the family originate from a place called Munster, it looks a very nice place, i do know that michael nally’s father is a John Nally and his mother was catherine walsh,but thats as much as i know, i know that there was a Sister Bridgett mentioned as to wether she was a nun or a sibling it would be niceto know a little more about the Nally’s, I know that Michael joined the army and he was posted to garrison barracks at Winchester,but thats all i know im proud to have ireish blood in me and i know my Nanna was born along with her siblings where born on the garrison in winchester,but know very little else, also my granddad john Robert Dunham my dads dad his father was a John donmon(Donovan) was a foundling and when he married he took his wifex mothers surname which was Dunham, i know he was in finsbury park workhouse, from being 3 years of age we dont know who his mum was,or his dad was when he was 14 he went to be a fisherman apprentice, for 7 years to a mr Goldbough in grimsby then he went missing for a few years then he is under the name of Dunham,it would be very interesting to find more about his mystery.

  • Jenny Powell-Jones

    July 31, 2019

    I am looking for some information on
    Lily Barrymore (Jones) Born Oct 1919-Dec 1919 Shropshire England – she was my fathers sister who was a twin to Hilda M Lyman (Jones)
    She emigrated to the Blue Mountains in Australia and had a daughter.
    Apparently she was a well renowned physic and helped the police etc in murder cases.
    I can find no information about her. I met her daughter in 1978 in Bendigo in Victoria, Australia but have since lost touch. I would love to find out the true story behind her.

  • Susan James

    July 31, 2019

    My Grandmother was suppose to have been born in the late 1800’s in NYC. My mother wrote to offices all over the city, different boroughs and counties in NJ
    We couldn’t find any record of her birth, let alone her mother or father. So that side of my family’s history comes to a dead stop.

  • Eunice Johnston

    July 31, 2019

    I am keen to find out what happened to my husbands grandfather on his mums side Yngve Bertil Eklund born in Finland 30th September 1891, arrived in Australia 21st March 1914 on the ship Alfa ,to Tumby Bay, applied for Naturalization 12 July 1914, married 1917 to Phoebe Bradley in Wollongong NSW. they had 2 children , he was a Laborer\ fisherman, can not find any more information after the children were born 1919, the children were fostered . they have no information or remember him.
    yours sincerely Eunice Johnston

  • Kathleen Giorgio diciaccio

    July 31, 2019

    Looking for any info on grandfather Henry peter Santley Born around 1885 had a daughter born 11/17/15 Rita Elizabeth santley married a Anne mowen around 1915 disappeared around 1923 .

  • Jill Fehring

    July 31, 2019

    I am trying to find more about my great grandfather Henry Smith who saved lives from the ship Admella near Mt Gambier in sth Australia 1859 and he was awarded medals a certificate and money. We cannot find anything of him before that time The story is he was an illegal seaman who jumped ship. Supposedly a Dutchman with the surname Wickenhagen. My thoughts are he may be Johan Hendrik Wickenhagen as he gave his birth date 9th august 1836 and his fathers name as Charles Augustas Smith on his marriage certificate 28/03/1860 in Mt Gambier Hoping I can get some help

  • Jan McKinlay

    July 31, 2019

    Have been searching for my husbands family in Scotland his Grandfather David McKinlay we know he was born in Glasgow Scotland in 1872 but no day or month we have done DNA but so far we don’t have any matches he has been added to one family John McKinlay and Janet Wilson but there is no proof he died on the 12 December 1924 in Rotherhithe England This has been a 50 year search so I am hoping to get some help with connecting him to his family we would be most grateful

  • Brian Hibbs

    July 31, 2019

    I would like to uncover the history of the estate of Hibbs of Tunbridge Wells and the mystery surrounding pre-16th century direct lineage and origin/migration.

  • Jocelyn Young

    July 31, 2019

    My 4 x great grandfather John (McColough) Young, born 1739 in South Carolina, Died 1824 Alabama
    married Mary Polly Cotter. Parents are iffy: Archibold Young and Martha Simons.Handed down letter states he came from Ireland, to PA, to SC. I believe he is cousin to John Young born 1737, who came from Ireland, married Mary White and Mary Sitlington. I believe i am related to this John Young, his father Hugh Young and the Lamont’s. Can’t find connection. Few people have helped, need proof. Also Lady Mary Young, am i related to her?

  • Ty Rosenow

    July 31, 2019

    There is two family mysteries that I would love to find out more information about. My grandmother, Margaret, was born in Bucharest, Romania in 1915. In 1917, after WWI after her father passed on as a soldier, Magdalena and her family went to the USA, was rejected, and then ended up in Canada and married into Joachim Schan’s family. I would be interested in finding out more information on my grandmother’s father, Alphonse (or Alphons Schnell) (the one who passed away during WWI). Supposedly, the records were all lost, but there has to be a record of his existence somewhere. I am curious about his nationality. Was he German, Romanian, Hungarian, Yugoslavian, or from Banat.

    The second family mystery comes from father’s side. In Volga Russia German colonies, they were called Rosenoff. I am also curious if there any remaining living Rosenow that still lives in Russia and what name they changed their last name to during WWII if they survived the the two famines, relocations to Kazakhstan, the gulag (or Siberia area), or relocations to other Asia/Australia countries.

  • Filicia Dyer

    July 31, 2019

    I reached out to my heritage to find my biological father. My mother told me when I was 35 that she wasn’t sure who my father was? I have begged her for information about the other man but sadly she took it to her grave. Through my heritage I was able to find out that me and my sister were half sisters, so the man that I was told all my 34 years was not my biological father. I am now 55 and I am still longing to get answers on who is my biological father, do I have any other siblings.

  • Sena Josleyn

    July 31, 2019

    The biggest brick wall in my family tree is my great grandmother Eliza Jane Marshburn born 1831/1832 likely in Onslow County, NC and died Eliza Jane Marshburn Lanier in 1876 in Pender County, NC. We first see her on the 1850 Southwest Onslow County NC Census living with the family of William and Mary Polly Boyette. She first married James Thomas Walton and had one child. She became widowed and married my great grandfather Benjamin J. Lanier in 1865 and had 5 more children, which includes my grandfather. She died before death certificates were in use. We have found no obituary and no family bible information. It is as if there is absolutely no trace of who her parents were. We have a couple of theories but that is all they are. I have my DNA in every place possible and that has helped just a little but I still have nothing concrete. A mutual cousin, who is in his 70’s, has been researching this for years, long before the internet, with no luck. I have now jumped in trying to use the DNA but it still always seems to be just beyond our grasp. I have most family lines traced easily back to the 1600’s and 1700’s except this one great grandparent. I would truly appreciate some professional help. Thanks for this opportunity!

  • Denise Duvall

    July 31, 2019

    My family would like to know, what happened to our great-grandfather Benjamin Duvall’s $4,000,000 inheritance from the Holland Gin Company. He was unable to go to Europe, because World War II broke out. Part of the legend says, that the true heir can be distinguished by two physical details, sparse hair and born with no finger nails. Benjamin, as well as my grandfather, father and brother, all had sparse hair and no finger nails!

  • Varian

    July 31, 2019

    2 mysteries , my father Leonard William Smith born Offord to Florence Eliza Offord 1/1/1919 in Croydon England , want to search for his father and also my eldest brother Neville Francis Smith born 12/1/1943 to Dorothy Grace Stone . My father said and had BC notated to reflect he was the father but we know he wasn’t. I can’t navigate DNA sufficiently to search

  • Varian

    July 31, 2019

    Two missing fathers – my father’s and my eldest brother’s
    Leonard William Smith born Offord 1/1/1919 Croydon UK to Florence Eliza Offord assumed partners name Smith, also Neville Francis Smith 12/1/1942 Perth Western Australia to Dorothy Grace Stone later marrying Leonard William Smith who had himself notated on my brothers BC as his father though we now know he was not. I can not decipher DNA results correctly to arrive at possibilities HELP please

  • Vanessa Daddy

    July 31, 2019

    My mother always spoke of her family’s connection to Drummond Castle in Scotland. She told of her grandmother burning photos of the castle and of her great grandfather escaping from Scotland after he thought he had killed his brother and changing his name to Smith. I have records of my uncle using the name Drummond-Smith but I have not been able to link anything together to date. Fact or fiction? Who knows

  • Carin Huizinga

    July 31, 2019

    My brick wall,I have been searching for my father’s family names Welbat,Saborowski & Schaefer from East Prussia for over 20yrs.Can not get past his father Hans Hermann Welbat born 1899-died 1972 .My father is the only child of the first marriage, to Herta Klara Lisbeth Saborowski born 1900.My fathers parents divorced early in his life & was raised by his mother & grandmother. Hans Hermann W. remarried twice more & it is possible there are further children.Having done my recent DNA has not helped as only distant 3-5th cousins.Contacted some, but most do not reply to my query.Can not find a connection with distant cousins to find my elusive family.It has been wonderful to find my husbands extended Dutch heritage as the families were large.As my children are first generation & my granddaughter second generation Australian I like them to know their European roots. Joining MyHeritage has not led to any info or leads to my roots! If I don’t find & document my family it will be more difficult for future generations to trace.Kind regards,Carin Huizinga born Welbat

  • Hans Boyne Sander

    July 31, 2019

    Good morning,
    I’ve got a problem and I doubt that even My Heritage with all its resources can solve it. It goes like this. William Henry Johnson according to unreliable sources was born in Kent, England 1815. The next thing I know is that as he wrote himself ” In May 1839 I was appointed Corporal by Sir George Gipps, Governor of New South Wales, and took charge of six border police and marched overland to Melbourne. Arrived on 13th June, in the same year.” Another sources says that ” The convicts assigned were mostly soldiers who had run foul of the law.” So that is the only thing to go after. He most have come out from England between 1815 and 1839 and could have been in the British Army either in England or Sydney, Australia when ” he ran foul of the law.” If you could come up with anything on William it would be a big leap forward for us. With Best Regards, Hans

  • Beverley Palombo

    July 31, 2019

    My great grandfather apparently originated in St Lucia in the Caribbean. We understand that he was born in 1867 and that he may have been a seaman. He married my great grandmother Hannah Raymond in Wales in about 1887 and they lived in or about Haverford West. We can’t trace him prior to his marrying Hannah. His name is Edward Lawrence and one of his parents may have been a person of colour possibly with a heritage in Nigeria. We think he died in 1903 in Wales.

  • Karen Peck

    July 31, 2019

    I cannot trace my Great great grand parents origins in Ireland, no idea when and how they came to New Zealand.

  • June Flores

    July 31, 2019

    We have been able to trace our great-grandfather, John David Stewart, Sr., as a Scotsman who came to America. And, that is as far as we got. We would love to know more. We had a relative, who has since passed, who claimed he came from Scottish Royalty (as almost everyone claims royalty). She had researched all the way back but destroyed the information because she thought no one was interested. If only she knew…..but, enough about that. Our family feels like there is a lot to be learned, yet. I would appreciate any information we can get. Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance to win the geology prize of a lifetime.

  • Susan Wakefield (née Stirling)

    July 31, 2019

    I desperately want to find information on my paternal grandfather.
    His name was Charles Hendry Stirling. Born 1903 in Dundee, Scotland.
    He married my nanny (Edith Mabel Humphrey), in 1929 in Surrey, England.
    At the time he was serving in the Royal Corps, at Moultan Barracks, Surrey, England
    He left his family of wife and 2 sons and was never heard of until nanny was asked to identify him. He supposedly died in France, no idea what year or what place.
    His children, John Humphrey Stirling and David Charles Stirling. Both deceased.
    I am the eldest daughter of John H Stirling.
    There is no record of Charles Hendry Stirling anywhere that I can find.

  • Christine Ryan

    July 31, 2019

    I have been researching my gt gt grandmother for over 20 years and am still none the wiser. Margaret Jane McColl (McCall) was supposedly born in Inverness Scotland about 1837. How did she come to Australia and why marry an exconvict, 30 years her senior – Daniel Howard Bindley. please help

  • Tatiana Jackson

    July 31, 2019

    I would most definitely want to know everything about my family history.

  • Yvonne Pascoe

    July 31, 2019

    My Great Great Grandfather, William Nathaniel Linegar, was reported as a missing person in The New South Wales Police Gazette (Australia) Dec 1887 by two of his sons who had just arrived in Australia from England. He had not been seen since 1880. It would be great to find out what happened to him.
    He was born in Birmingham c1834 and married Charlotte Raddon in 1858.

  • Pamela Jones

    July 31, 2019

    I am looking for my cousin who was put up for adoption at 8 yrs old. She was born in 1961. My heart was broken when this happened and I have always prayed she was ok.

  • Pamela Jones

    July 31, 2019

    I would very much love to find my cousin whom was put up for adoption at the age of 8. She was born in 1961. I was heartbroken and have always worried about her.

  • Jude Still

    July 31, 2019

    I would love to uncover my mystery
    William Francis Burke Stanley my Great grandfather. He said he was born in 1855 Calcutta West Bengal India. His parents were well to do. His father George Stanley (engineer)born circa 1833 and his mother was Ellen West. (This was stated on williams marriage certificate). I have tried to find these names in the Indian records and have not been able find anything.
    Apparently William and his family moved from India when he was young and resided in London, William has told stories of how he was in the boys choir at Westminster Abby and he loved to sing. According to William his family was very strict so he ran away to sea as soon as he was able. I found a record of a young 16yr old William Burke aboard the morning star April 2nd 1871 and the record said that he was born in London. He boarded this small ship in Plymouth. So I’m hoping this is my GGF as the age corresponds.
    He came to New Zealand found no record of this but Married Rachel Norton 1880 who had Immigrated Nov 21 1877 . They set up home in Dunedin Otago New Zealand and had two children Charles and Rachel. Rachel his wife Died during the birth of their 2nd child 1884 and William struggled to work and look after the children. He applied to the courts and the children went into a work house.
    According to the courts his name was William Stavely Burke which could have just been a typing error.
    In 1886 he married Margaret Amelia Willcocks Rome. On the marriage certificate his name had changed from Burke to Burke-stanley and she took on his children as her own plus had a further 6 children,William worked as a hollow turner.
    William Died April 25 1935 and was buried in the Dunedin Northern cemetery.
    I have never been able to find any records of William and his family Prior to New Zealand.
    although I have found a possibility a William Burke a pauper his birth was recorded as unknown circa 1852 in a work house in Plymouth Devonshire and was residing there in 1861. There was also a Michael Burke a few years older residing at the same place could he possibly be a brother?
    I would love to find out more about my great grandfathers line.

  • Margaret

    July 31, 2019

    Who are my grandparents?

    My mother, Stella Dreyer and her twin sister Ann, her older sister Mary and younger sister Margaret, were sent to Cape Town to all saints orphanage st Michael’s Home from Nairobi in 1920. They were supported by the League of Mercy until they left the orphanage at age 18.

    Their surname was Dreyer but we are not sure if it is the mother or father’s surname.

    My mother was given an index file when she left the home at age 18 which gave her date of birth as 8June 1914 and she was baptised in the All Saints Church by Rev Falloon in Nairobi. It also said her mother was German and her father English but we are not sure.

    She and her three sisters never saw a family member again but my DNA has suggested I have many many relations that I never knew I could possibly have.

    My mystery is: were they sent to Cape Town because there was a connection? Where is the connection and who were they and where were they from?

    I have emailed loads of DNA matches but only received one reply from lizaan van wyk who connected my to Annemarie Dreyer who manages the Dreyer family tree in South Africa but I think we have hit a brick wall in Kenya Dreyer s.

    Hoping to hear from you with some advice with regards to searching for my maternal grandparents. My children bought this for me in the hope that I would find them (or least find out who they were) but sadly, I am stuck.

    Many thanks

    Margaret Whalley born Hutton daughter of Stella Dreyer

  • michael

    July 31, 2019

    would just love to find my heritage as i find it hard as im dislexit

  • Sheryl Gant

    July 31, 2019

    My grandmother, Theresa Delia Tebo was taken from her father and stepmother when she was seven and placed in the St Vincent de Paul orphanage. This was about 1917 in Detroit. I would like to know who her mother was and what happened to her. My grandmother was taken because her stepmother poured boiling water on her and burnt cigarettes on her. When she was seven, she was hit by a streetcar and taken to the hospital. At the hospital, they saw the burns and placed her in the orphanage.

  • Sonya Ray

    July 31, 2019

    I would like to know more about my father, the only thing I know is, my father was polish-he committed suicide in the 70’s….when I try to find out anything from records,I get a brick wall,for the government, hospitals records rooms or building have mysterious burnt down,one thing and other people hiding things from me….I need help to break down those walls,I need to know who or what my father is….thank you.

  • Jennifer Gosling

    July 31, 2019

    1 of my ancestors was apparently sent to Australia with her convict family in 1798 and is buried in Australia after passing at 94yo my dilemma is that all her children she bore were born in England but can’t find out when she returned to England or even returned back to Australia. I’m at a standstill, any help would be appreciated

  • Julie Kingham

    July 31, 2019

    I would love to get past my great great grandfathers history?
    His name is Robert Strachan Stuart
    His wife Jane McDonald born Shaw.
    Roberts parents mother Mary Ann Stuart born Cooper!
    But can’t get past the father is it Robert or David I have come to a brick wall????
    Other family lines I can get back to bc!
    I am really loving the history and finding out where I come from
    Thank You My Heritage

  • Di

    July 31, 2019

    We have a mystery within our family tree, my aunt is apparently my great aunt, with no dna match to her brothers (my father) side of the family. I have dna matched to relatives of my fathers but my aunt does not. We have also discovered that my uncle (her brother) may have had a child in Japan when he went over in the peacekeeping after WWII. His daughter has a dna match with myself, but not my aunt? It is all very confusing, I am trying to find out more information without upsetting too many people.

  • Clara Lawrence

    July 31, 2019

    I am 84 years old & never knew who my biological father was. My mother claims she was raped but knew who the dad was but never would tell me who it was. I have no idea how I could ever find out so took a dna test but it only told me what I already knew. I am extremely anxious to find out the truth about my birth dad altho I don’t believe he was ever in the picture. my Account ID: 726072111 can you help me?

  • RE

    Richard E A’Hern

    July 31, 2019

    Adolph H Bergmann dob 1882 Johnstown cambria Pennsylvania followed til Utah
    Deserted from Army Camp Douglas and evaporated

  • Kimberly Stephens

    July 31, 2019

    We are searching for a brother of my mother. He appears in a 1940 census as a 3 yr old. My mother would have been 8.5yrs old, yet she is not there. He is listed in the cemetery records as one of my grandmothers 2 children. When I found this, the only people left in the family who would know is a 101 yr old great aunt and she doesn’t recall….His name is Clifford J. Wannebo. Parents are Jean B. Wannebo and Joseph T. Wannebo. My mom is Nancy J. Wannebo. She is almost 88 and grew up as an only child. Please help us unravel this mystery. If he is alive I would love to reach out to him. Thank you!

  • Jackie Ellis

    July 31, 2019

    Would love to Win this as there are some Family Members that I am having Trouble finding and this would help me a lot.

  • Edward Williams

    July 31, 2019

    I would love to know about my father’s family as far back as someone can find information.

  • Eileen Carpenter

    July 31, 2019

    I have never found my Father. I am 82 years old now and have always wondered about him and have sometimes tried to find him. I only know that his last name is Mi!!er. He left his first name off my birth certifi cate. From Heritage he must be Irish, Scottish, or Welsh. I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba

  • Alison Cowley Hibberd

    July 31, 2019

    Our family mystery is that we are descended from Welsh Jews on my maternal grandmothers line but despite much searching I have never been able to solve the mystery or prove it is true.
    Another thing is just a hunch. I have always felt an affinity with Russia but can’t explain it. Could we have a connection in Russia?
    Oh, I do so hope I am lucky and that you can help.

  • elaine matthews

    July 31, 2019

    We are very interested to find out how my husband has 18% eastern European DNA…we are both mainly welsh but his great grandmother and great aunt had the christian name Yvar ,which we are unable to trace in birth records…i am also thrilled to have Scandinavian and Finnish DNA plus 1.1% West Asian DNA of which i do have some ideas but not really any proof – please help x

  • Margareth Jensen

    July 31, 2019

    My grandfather Ferenc Tollmeiner (13.11.1909) came to Brazil with his family before the first WWI, but I cannot find any records or their names on any passasenger list. They were 9 people: Karoly Tollmeiner e Barbara Kiefer had 2-children together: my grandfather and his brother Rudolf. Karoly was a widow and had 3-children with first wife: Teresa, Helena e Josef. And Barbara Kiefer had 2-children with her first partner: Betty e Carl. I have a foto of them that I believed was taken before boarding, maybe in Germany, because Barbara’s mother leave in Germany. My grandfather was born in Pecs, Hungary, which I was able to get a birth certificate. It’s a mastery on how they got to Brazil. Our family believe they got here around 1913 e arrived in Rio de Janeiro. Karoly Tollmeiner is a greater mistery. Cannot find any records. Please, help.

  • Phyllis Wells

    July 31, 2019

    I don’t have a mystery like some folks might but I would like to know when our family came to America. I think from England or Scotland. I have some information for about 8 generations but am stumped to go back further. My ancestors are James Thomas Stubbs (father), George Isham Stubbs (grandfather), George Adams Stubbs (great grandfather), Peter Bassett Stubbs ( great great grandfather), Peter Stubbs (great great great grandfather), William Stubbs (great great great great grandfather), John Seger Stubbs. They resided in Mississippi and Tennessee and ended up in Navarro County, Texas.

    Also, my mothers maiden name was Leota Marie Fancher, born in Lamesa, Texas, 1929. I would like to know how we are related to the Fancher party that was in the Mountain Meadow Massacre. I don’t know much but my grandfathers name was Henry Fancher.

    Any direction you might give me is appreciated. Phyllis Diane Stubbs Wells

  • David A. Winkel

    July 31, 2019

    My enigma is my great grandfather, Herman C. Winkel, born 1853, and family that immigrated to the US in 1893 aboard the steamship Havel out of Bremen, Germany. He immigrated with his wife Bertha Augusta and his Ernest August, Reinhard and Emil, from the Havel’s passenger manifest listing. On the manifest it lists the place of residence they were coming from as “Insterbruck, Germany ( which may have been Western Prussia at that time).
    My grandfather, Ernest August’s WW I, draft registration card denotes his place of birth as Freedland, Krusslochchorr, Germany, which I have been unable to find any record of or tracing his marriage, Christening, birt his birth or his wife’s or children (born in Germany).

    It would seem so simple but for records that might have been lost during WW I & WW II.

    Hoping you can assist with this search for my ancestors.

    David A. Winkel

  • Michele

    July 31, 2019

    My great-grandfather was found living with Indians in Canada. I assume his family were homesteaders somewhere in the Quebec area. I have been hoping to find DNA matches that might indicate who his family might have been as I am not sure if his name, Godfroi Martin, was his birth name.

  • Katha Sager

    July 31, 2019

    I would love to find my family mystery. It would mean so much to me to find out more about my grandfather and his family.

  • Margot Jones

    July 31, 2019

    I never knew my grandfather on my fathers’ side. I do not know why and when he died. My father must have been very young.

  • Meredith Fuller

    July 31, 2019

    My half-Chinese grandmother, Susan Margaret Maxwell b January 18 1901, Kulangsu Amoy China, d 1983 Sydney Australia, insisted she was a British orphan with no memory of her life until she finished boarding school and her parents were dead so she worked rolling bandages in a hospital from 16 until she met my grandfather Charles Henry Fuller, British customs official Shanghai to Hong Kong. i traced her father John Preston Maxwell & his father James Laidlaw Maxwell, both Scottish gynaecologists /academics from Glasgow and missionaries. Obviously illegitimate. Would love some help, thankyou.

  • Terry Atwell

    July 31, 2019

    I can not find anything about my grate grand father’s father or beyond. His Name is Anthony Jerome, Born about 1815. The nly thing I found was a location, around Plattsburg, NY His son (my grate grandfather) was also named Anthony Jerome, and we could follow him through Burlington VT.

  • Ralph Biggs

    July 31, 2019

    A Family Mystery has floated along for over Two Centuries! Not proven out until 2010 by DNA with three other DNA’s {Since} confirming the Ancestor was born with a Different name and Accepted a Stepfather’s last name.* Yes, we will document out under the “Stepfather’s last name”, but, by Birth from the past “we” should have had a different Name today. DNA has Pointed in that Direction and it was confirmed in 2014. We just haven’t found the Right Branch to Cross over to the Other Tree! – I upped my Male Markers in January 2014 to see if “they” would hold true and at 111 Y-DNA Markers I stand at 108 out of 111 Y-DNA Markers TIED to the Other Tree. – This constitutes Six Generations back from me. ??? I leave the Door open. Anyone willing to Explore and help?

  • Inger

    July 31, 2019

    I’m finding it hard to trace my father’s grandmother. No one still living can accurate say where she’s from. Rumor is she was a slave, and later became a single parent. My dad is the last of his family, and I’d really like to know our history, and share it with him. He’s experiencing health issues, and what little he knows, is from bits and pieces of stories from his childhood. To know our family history would be awesome.

  • Linda M Brown

    July 31, 2019

    I have a “brick wall” scenario. I have the record of my grandfather’s death (Carl Harry Baresel), and some census records that I found through MyHeritage. I have his date of birth based on family records, and the information from his grave stone. I have not been able to find an official birth record, and no official records on his parents or other ancestors. I have his brothers and sisters names, again based on family information, but again no information prior to that generation. There is a story passed down, that may or may not be true, that a great, or great-great grandfather stowed away on a ship from Germany to escape war in Europe – no dates or information on which war. I would like to find out if this may be the reason that I cannot find any information – perhaps the surname was changed, or a new surname was adopted? My grandfather never spoke of his parents, or grandparents that anyone recalls. I would appreciate some assistance to help me find some clues as to what may have happened. Thank you
    Sincerely – Linda M. Brown

  • Nancy Mizur

    July 31, 2019

    I do have a family mystery that needs to be solved! On my maternal side, my grandfather passed down a story about his ancestors having owned property in what is now Manhattan. He also said that although his side of the family were notably Pennsylvania Dutch, his actual ancestors came from Holland.
    I haven’t been able to confirm any of this because I can’t trace the line farther back than my Great-Grandfather who was born in 1871. I don’t know how his line traces back to Holland, whether it’s his paternal or maternal side.
    I would greatly appreciate some help!

  • Sue Kelchner

    July 31, 2019

    I would love to have your help in finding the parents of my great-grandfather, David Thomas Conyers, born Oct. 27, 1872 in South Carolina. I have found information on David as an adult from the 1900 and 1920 census working as a farmer, but because of the 1890 census being destroyed, I have not been able to go back further. David was married on Oct.6, 1890 to Anna Penth Ann Ora Scurry. They had 15 children between the years of 1890 and 1912. David was in the 1900 census as David Coniers in Williamsburg, SC and in the 1920 census in Florence, SC. He died on Oct 7, 1929 in McMillen, Florence, SC and was buried at Evergreen Baptist Church, in Evergreen, SC on Oct 9, 1929. I called the church and they have no record of him attending the church, just that he and his wife are buried there. We heard from an older relative that he recalled Anna, David wife, say that David’s father’s name was Bob. My mom found a 1880 census that had a David G. Conyers in it, but we don’t know how to make sure it’s him. My mom and I have been researching for 20 years now and would very much appreciate any help you could give us.

  • Jacquelyn Beamon-Kiene

    July 31, 2019

    Hello, I’ve been trying to trace my mother’s family on her mother’s side. Unfortunately her maiden name is Jones and there are so many people with that last name. My mother thinks her mother moved from Delaware to NC when she married my grandfather. I only have my grandmothers parents name of Sylvester and Slyvia Jones and I’m not sure if that is correct. My problem is that there are no other older relatives still alive who remember anything. I would love to know where my grandmother’s line is from but I don’t know where else to look.

  • Linda Masinda

    July 31, 2019

    I would love to win this family mystery resolved.
    My Grandmother and 3 of her siblings were born in Minnesota USA, to Lars and Maria Ohlson. They had one older daughter Katie, believed to have been born in Sweden, but possibly born in MN, too.
    They moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, and had another daughter. Maria never regained her strength after giving birth, and passed away. Apparently, Lars died in a construction accident about a year later. The children were placed in homes and the only piece of original documents is a portion of my Grandmothers baptismal certificate.
    They were told they were Swedish and Lutheran.
    However, after DNA testing, we find Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish matches, but even with as close as 3rd cousin matches, we can not find our link.
    It would mean so much to my 92 yr old Uncle, to finally find our link, as he has been very patient and understanding through all of my requests for his DNA samples. (2)
    Please make his day, by helping find our link.

  • Gary Chilutti

    July 31, 2019

    I am adopted. Both of my birth parents are deceased.
    I discovered quite a scandal when researching my maternal side. Apparently my mother had other children that she put up for adoption! None of these children were fathered by her husband, but were the product of affairs she had with other men. At least one other child (deceased) had my same father.
    Her other children are at least my half-siblings and possibly even my whole-siblings.
    Having been raised as an only child, it has always been my dream to have siblings. I would be eternally grateful if you would help me find them!
    Thank you.

  • Shelley Wismer

    July 31, 2019

    We would like to learn the ancestry of Lena Geist, and the father of her baby. Her baby is my great-grandfather.

  • Kathleen Schuster Nigrelle

    July 31, 2019

    My paternal grandmother Marie Ward’s 3Uncles went West after Steel Mill strike in Pittsburgh 1912… They disappeared. where? Did they mine coal in Okla or go way west to coast? And her father and mother. Where did they live or die after 1900? She lived with her father’s mother. He had TB. Did he go West too for Tex like in New Mx or Arizona. When did they die and where?

  • Dennis W Mckibben

    July 31, 2019

    My name is Dennis W. Mckibben. I was adopted and have no information concerning my biological family. I was told that I was the 4th child and my biological mother kept the older 3 children and sold me while she was pregnant to my wonderful family. I’ve often wondered what the circumstances were leading up to my adoption and biological family. My parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles have all passed. I can now research the past without hurting anyone’s feelings.
    Thank you for taking the time and effort to read my comments.

  • christy coates

    July 31, 2019

    I would like to put to rest the mystery of my gggrandfather John Simpson Hargett. He was born in Fleming Co. KY in 1857 (census records fluctuate) According to his obituary he moved to Kansas in 1874? with his uncle (no name given). He married twice; my gggrandmother Rachel Jane Wilson and then Lulu I believe. John and Rachel had 2 daughters; Ethel and Cosie, both born in Stafford Co. KS. He and 2d had no children. John died 112/15/1943 in Hutchinson KS. In 30 yrs of search I cannot find parents of John. Lots and Lots of Hargetts in KY, none agree to kinship to my John. John Simpson Wrenchy Hargett (b 1810) family claims no match. Can you help?

  • Betty McDonald

    July 31, 2019

    I would love to know my Father’s heritage and family. He was left on the door step of the hospital or Lutheran Church in Bellingham, Washington. The Pastor asked if anyone in church wanted to adopt my Dad who was a newborn baby, and Marie and Sprockel Brockelman did – (They had no children.). They believe he was born around April 4th, 1915. Dad believed he might be a son of Charlie Chaplin who had an iligitiment baby born near that time and place. My Dad graduated from New Ulm College in Minnesota and married my Mother – Esther Sophia Pasche in Kennewick, WA. Please help me!

  • Joey Goff

    July 31, 2019

    I was born in a DP Camp in Schwabisch Hall, Germany in 1949. My twin brother (now deceased) and I were both adopted by an American military couple. I have limited information about my birth mother, a copy of my adoption papers in German, and a copy of my baptismal certificate administered by the Polish Diocese as my birth mother was Polish. My adoptive parents advised that I had a male sibling 12-15 months older than us twins. I have done my DNA testing on two sites and have had a couple of 3rd-5th cousin “hits.” When in Salt Lake City last year, I signed up with the LDS Church’s Family Research Center and was advised that any chances of finding anyone directly related to me who is living is “dismal.” Thanks. (And my account is not under my birth name.)

  • Ruth Zeko

    July 31, 2019

    I am interested in learning the identity of my father. I have one picture of them together in front of his airplane. I know he was a Republican congressman from Illinois.
    He would have a black orchid corsage sent to my mother each week. Everything else is sketchy.

  • Michelle Manson

    July 31, 2019

    My father’s side of the family is a complete mystery. My father was born Dec. 2 1909 (probably). He was in a Catholic orphanage or a boys home until the age of about 9 when an aunt took him. He wasn’t happy with her and rarely talked about her or even said her name. He said his early years were spent in Santa Ana, CA but the Catholic Church there has no record of an orphan home there during that time. He said his aunt lived in Washington State around Seattle. I have not been able to find any record of his birth or any other records before the 1930s when he starts showing up in ship records as he worked on ships. He always said his father was Spanish and his mother was Native American and Irish but my DNA results show that he was only a little Spanish and mostly Filipino (total surprise) so he was either misinformed or made up a heritage as a child. According to my father his father’s name was Ramon Ramos and his mother was Anna. My father’s name was Sam Ramos. It would mean so much to me and my children if the mystery of my father’s early life and parentage could he solved. I keep hitting dead ends and don’t know where else to look. Thank you!

  • John Clayton

    July 31, 2019

    Help, I’ve hit my brick wall head on and after several years of research have not been able to move forward at all.
    My paternal Grandmother, Susan (Conelly) Johnston was said to have been born in San Francisco CA about 1895? and her sister Rose Marguerite Johnston on 17-Apr-1898, parents unknown but later on I found mention of a Samuel Johnston sated to be farther on Susan’s marriage certificate.
    I have carried searches in and around San Francisco and thought I had a lead with The Connelly family via the US census of 1890 and 1900, but I now believe this was a red herring.
    My Grandmother and Great Aunt show in the UK 1901 census as living in Liverpool, (England) with relatives of the Johnston family, but it shows on the 1901 census they were born in SF!
    How did they get to the UK from SF at such a young age OR I I’m now assuming they may have been illegitimate and born in Ireland to one of the Johnston females?
    There must be a records somewhere of how and when they arrived in the UK or how they came under the care of the Johnston family?

  • Alice Phillips Lemieux

    August 1, 2019

    When I applied for a job , they wanted my original both certificate. When I went to the health department to get it, my last name wasn’t Phillips. I was born in 1947 and my mom didn’t marry Luther Howard Phillips until 1950. My mom had Alzimers, I don’t think I spelled that right, but she couldn’t tell me anything. My dad was in the Navy and that could be why she had my last name Tharpe. She was married to Bengamin Theodore Tharpe. I have a half bother by him. His name is James Richard Tharpe. I did Dna because i wanted to make sure that Phillips was my dad. I still haven’t gotten any information about him. I would like to know what mine and his dna is is he my dad? Please help. I have 3 brothers by Phillips. Glenn Harvey Phillips, Darwin Gorden Phillips, John Wyche Phillips Pleade help. Richard Tharpe was in Marines. Glenn Harvey Phillips was in Marines. He fought in Vietnamese war.

  • Helen O’Dowd

    August 1, 2019

    There has been a rumour going on in our family for 30 years. That “Boy George” O’Dowd is possibly our cousin. I would love to have this investigated, to put the rumours to rest. I have been doing some research myself. As you know it’s time consuming. It would be great to get some help doing this.

  • Adrian Gaino

    August 1, 2019

    I have never met any of my father’s relatives & only know he is from Indiana

  • Robert Neel

    August 1, 2019

    WE have a mystery on my wife’s lineage. Her great Grand father was supposed to be Washington Lafayette Page from Pittsburgh North side PA and we can’t find anything about him or his parent. Even though he is buried in a cemetry in Pittsburgh with no headstone.

  • Brian Coleman

    August 1, 2019

    Very good site

  • Dee

    August 1, 2019

    Well, what do you do when you want to find out about your Grandfathers history when the Government builds a Swimming Pool over his burial site, his name is back to front and your Mum has no rememberance on any stories about her Dad’s childhood or only knows him by his nickname!.

    Mystery unto itself that we would love to try and uncover.

  • Marie Stephens

    August 1, 2019

    I am looking for the date of death and place of internment of my Great Aunt Harriet aka Lillian Brown. She was born in Naseby, Otago, New Zealand 1880. Parents Andrew McGinnell Brown and Mary Ward. She seems to have disappeared into thin air.

  • Brenda Kay Toler

    August 1, 2019

    Ohhhhh I do hope that you can help me !!! I was raised a SIMMONS but found out after my mother passed that I’m NOT a Simmons…. that I belong to a man that she had an affair with, he knew she was pregnant with me & she was separated from Joseph Ralph Simmons, so she gave me that last name. I’m told that my REAL fathers name is JOHN THOMAS HARDRICK…… I’ve sent in my DNA in the hopes of finding someone related to him, & I’m having NO luck…. maybe his side hasn’t done this DNA testing, we are from Detroit, Michigan. My oldest sister that I was raised with came up as my HALF SISTER…. this also let me know that I’m DEFINITELY not a Simmons…..she’s 74 & I’m 69 & I’ve been treated for ovarian cancer since 2017, & currently in remission after chemo therapy and a full hysterectomy. If there’s a chance out there of a HARDRICK being connected to John Thomas, then ANY kind of help would thrill me before I pass on…. I’m hoping and praying that I can find some answers to this mystery before I pass…

  • Pamela F

    August 1, 2019

    William Albert Gray was a snake charmer, so the newspaper accounts say and a family photo appears to confirm that occupation.
    I have been able to follow William around for a few years, even though some key documents are missing, such as census and his marriage registration.
    William Albert Gray was born in the last quarter of 1865 in Tredegar, Monmouthshire, Wales
    22 Nov 1866 William Albert Grey was baptized at Tredegar, Monmouthshire, Wales
    A passport application declared that William emigrated to the US on the vessel “lake Huron’ from Liverpool in April 1880.
    William is on the UK census in Tredegar, Monmouthshire in 1881
    A passport application declared that William “lived continuously in the US at various places” between 1889 and 1899
    US Citizenship certificate issued in Los Angeles, California to William Albert Gray 29 Apr 1899. A Mr Foreman says he has been acquainted with Wm Albert Gray for the past 5 years and that Gray has lived continuously lived in the US for the past 5 years and in California for the past year.
    28 July 1899 Gray left the US on the vessel ‘ Majestic’ for the UK
    4 Aug 1899 Gray arrives Liverpool
    Oct 26 1900 Naturalized US citizen passport granted in London, England for the purpose of travelling, Gray states he is professionally known as ‘Arizona Bill’.
    1901 Apr 1 LA Times states that Arizona Bill just returned from Ireland minus his thumb because he was bitten by one of his snakes while in Ireland
    1902 May LA Times reports Arizona Bill has a Snake Farm at East Side Park
    1903 Mar 28 LA Times says Arizona Bill pulling up stakes for San Diego
    1906 Dec 4 LA Times says William A Gray is a lecturer of the Oriental Medical Institute and a trainer of animals
    1913 Wm A Gray & wife Belle leave Sydney, NSW on SS Sonoma
    8 May 1913 Wm A Gray & wife Belle arrive San Francisco, California
    William went to his niece’s birthday party in Edmonton, Alberta in 1913.
    A newspaper story in the Edmonton Journal newspaper in Alberta, Canada notes that “Professor Gray and Mrs W A gray have just returned from Australia. The professor, who is a noted singer and ventriloquist, greatly added to the evening’s entertainment.”
    A border crossing document into Canada shows that William Albert Gray was 46 years old and his wife Belle was 31 yrs old at the time of the 1913 border crossing.

    William is never heard from by his family after the 1913 birthday celebration. The family believes that he went to Australia.
    At various time William Albert Gray was referred to as: Arizona Bill, Professor Gray, Dr William Gray, Animal Trainer, Snakeologist, Snake Tamer, Snake Charmer, Keeper of the [historic Chutes] Zoo [Los Angeles]
    I have hit a brick wall and would like to find:
    1) William’s marriage to Belle, who was William’s assistant, known professionally as ‘Zona Belle’
    2) if William had children
    3) William’s whereabouts until his death
    4) where William is buried
    5) what became of Belle

  • Robyn Wallner

    August 1, 2019

    I’m not sure whether you can help me. My father, now deceased, was born in 1920 in a small Victorian, (Australia) town. He was bought up believing he was the youngest of 7 children but when I started researching our family I found out that he was actually the son of the eldest daughter. By this time his real mother, who we grow up knowing as our aunt, had passed away. My father was devastated, to say the least. Even though at that time there was still an older “sister” still alive, she refused to shed any light on the subject. I have had my DNA tested with the hope that that may help, but I’m unsure where to start!

  • David townend

    August 1, 2019

    Looking for the desendnts of Titus Townend born in 1690 in Emley west yourkshire uk

  • Judith Broadribb

    August 1, 2019

    Family story, maybe a myth, is that my husband’s family, the Broadribb’s are descendants of Sir Henry Irving, aka John Henry Broadribb, the first actor ever to be given a knighthood. Both families originated from Somerset. My husband has taken an autosmal DNA test, uploaded to My Heritage.

  • claire plant

    August 1, 2019

    would love to find out about my g grandfather and g grandmother who both died in work house late 1880’s they had 2 children who were brought up in foster care but dont know the names of ggparents other than she was an elizabeth and his name was william aurther grant. was told growing up that they came from scotland aberdeenshire but have not been able to find anything in the scotish records.
    my grandmother was only about 2 and her sister 3/4 there seemed to be some discrepency about there names theyseemed to swap them around. would love some help in finding if we have a real scotish connection.

  • Donna Yarbrough

    August 1, 2019

    I hope I can win a free family mystery researched because I can’t afford to pay for a private researcher. I have a family mystery. We have two Native American Indians in our tree that I cannot find information on. One is Nancy Chlorsey (1762 – 1826) who is supposed to be a full blooded Cherokee from Carolinas, Georgia, and Tennessee. She married Moses B Crawford who is my direct ancestor. I don’t know which of the 7 tribes she was from. There is some confusion about which Moses B Crawford out in the world was her husband. And then there is my father’s great grandmother who in pictures looks full blooded Indian but I don’t know which tribe. Her name is Sarah Ann Cloptin (1848 – 1873) and she was married to Elijah Gladden. The family tree has holes in it for both ladies. I would love to be able to solve these tree mysteries.

  • Mareth Lindsay

    August 1, 2019

    Great great grandfather Thomas Carr born circa 1808 died Inverbervie Scotland on 9 June 1863. Death certificate has blank against names of parents. Death certificate signed by daughter Christina Carr.
    Have been unable to discover any date or place of birth for him.
    Would like to discover this information in order to delve further in ancestry.

  • Christine Hommel-Stuckert

    August 1, 2019

    I know I have a half sister I never met. The only thing my mother said that I would find out when she is dead referring to locked away family documents. Unfortunately, I lived overseas when she died and was only informed months later. A relative of my mother took care of everything and claims that there were no papers of interest. However, I know from my father that my half sister’s first name is Sigrid and her married name was supposed to be BLOCK at the time, in the sixties. Name at birth not known. Born between about 1940 and 1945 in Germany in the state Hessen or Pfalz. At one stage she was supposedly been working at the Library in Mainz am Rhein and had a son in about 1965 – 1968. I once contacted the German Red Cross but they were unable to assist. I wish I could solve the mystery.

  • Toni smith

    August 1, 2019

    I love this site

  • Jane Marlene Bird

    August 1, 2019

    I’m trying to find information on Robert Howie who was born in Glasgow 1842 approx to a Robert Howie and Robina Penman. Unable to find any records.

  • Joan A Simpson

    August 1, 2019

    I’m trying to find out the genetic father of my grt-grdfather, George Albert KAUWELL 9/22/1875 Juniata Co, PA-4/17/1941 Snyder Co, PA. His mother was Sarah Ann Stepp 11/14/1853Juniata Co, PA-3/11/1923 Snyder Co, PA. She did marry William Henry KAUWELL but when? Sarah & son George lived with her parents, Michael & Elizabeth STEPP in the 1880 census. Can you help me find out if George was the true father or who was?

  • Kathleen Brucki

    August 1, 2019

    DNA testing revealed that my mother is 23.3% Ashkenazi Jewish. I am 15.6% Ashkenazi Jewish. Researching Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry is difficult but we were fortunate that so many of our Ashkenazi Jewish relatives have done DNA testing.

    I believe my actual great-grandfather is one of 5 brothers who immigrated from Sztabin, Poland to Windsor, Canada. Believe my actual great-grandmother is first cousin to the woman who birth records show as my great-grandmother. Once again, their are a few sisters in the family that could be birth mother. My sister did mtDNA testing and I researched our maternal line.

    Would love to have experts validate and verify the research, and hopefully, discover what sibling(s) are the birth parents.

  • Douglas E. Smith

    August 1, 2019

    My family history left vague clues as to what they said was the first two generations of our family in this country. It was said that the first generation was a Smith who married a Miller and lived near Philadelphia and the second generation was a Smith who married a Wells. The third was a David Smith who married Elizabeth , no birth or marriage info, and the were in Montgomery County,VA by 1797.
    Recently a member of our family discovered a branch of our family previously unknown to us. The daughter in this family upon the death of her father found a trunk with a great deal of family history and old photos. There was info that the original father was a John Smith who married Barbara Miller in 1736 at Christ Church in Philadelphia. there were info that they were friends of Benjamin Franklin. The second generation was a Benjamin F. Smith who married Catherin Wells. At this time I have no additional info on the first two generations and the research I have just began has turned up nothing

  • Ryszard Muller

    August 1, 2019

    My Grandfather appears to have split from my Grandmother circa 1928 in Poland area Rawitz
    I have his Birth Cert and his Marriage cert
    My Father has passed and no living relatives have any knowledge.and my father never spoke of this
    Recently My Heritage supplied me a link to the Arolasen Archives which trace him to circa 02/1945 the link is correct according to relatives and his birth cert.

    I would love to find out more about him

  • Alice Marks

    August 1, 2019

    I have been unable to get information on the birth of my grandfather. I do know he assumed the last name of the family he was raised by. The only time I can find him listed with his birth name is the census 1880 when he first joined the family

  • G.H. Walker Spruell

    August 1, 2019

    I have been hunting for my father’s mother’s father’s family tree just to finally answer from what Walker family I originate. Nothing but dead ends and initials with no written records leading me further back… My only hope is to track them off of North America, and discover when we got here.

  • Janet Ansell

    August 1, 2019

    I don’t know if this qualifies, but I am looking for ancestors on my fathers, mothers family.

    Dad was, Thomas Gerald Barrow, born 1921 and died 21 August 1980.
    His mother was, Jessie Miriam Moore, born 27 April 1885 in Manchester England and died 27 October 1973 Illinois USA. Her parents were, Harry Moore, born 1861 and Martha Moore, born 1862 Manchester.
    No one in our family has been able to find any information beyond, Harry and Martha Moore. We are not even sure who Dads father is as Jessie had a few partners at that time.
    Thank you for any help you can give.

  • Robert Cherry (Heath)

    August 1, 2019

    My 3rd Great Grandfather, William HEATH, early records show b. 1802 in South Carolina.
    However his son filed a record stating he was from Mississippi. His last residence was in Clinton, LA.
    Sometime during 1859 to 1860, William disappeared. My daughter stumbled across a family tree whose originator stated William died of Yellow Fever, but no supporting documentation can be found. His wife, Martha Singletary Heath is buried by herself in Ascension Parish, LA.
    We have searched everywhere we can and can find no records of his death or grave site.
    The entire family have pondered over this mystery and need all the help we can get to finally put him to rest.

  • Brian Mallalieu

    August 1, 2019

    Many of us Huguenots, whose origin was French have an apparent impregnable wall of silence prior to the centuries prior to the 19th, due to religious persecution resulting in BMD records etc. being destroyed by the authorities. Whilst DNA research has made a significant contribution to overcoming that, one still encounters the same problem when attempting to trace back earlier than the DNA results have provided. In my case (as a Mallalieu) one is also hindered by name changes when escaping ancestors left France & in my case finally settled in UK (e.g. my earliest known ancestor from the late 16th c. spelt his name Marralew!). However, DNA results have pointed to a close person in the Ardennes, which at that time was in NE France) but although we have been in correspondence his research is also hindered likewise. Is there any possibility of a breakthrough or is there little or no chance?

  • Linda Greer

    August 1, 2019

    Two couples with the same two surnames, all from lithuania, all emigrated to new haven. They must be related, but how? I’m descended from one couple, another (very experienced) researcher is descended from the other, but neither of us has been able to solve it.

  • Gerald Clark

    August 1, 2019

    PLEASE I would love to win hopping to find out more on a Juda Avery of Tennessee.

  • Pam Bush

    August 1, 2019

    Our family was located in Connecticut in 1860 when Frank Fisher, my great grandfather was born. However, records do not indicate and wife/mother rather another family living there. Andrew Fisher, Franks father disappeared after that. No death, no moving to New York with family. And the lady with children living with Andrew are a mystery too!

  • Rebecca Bostwick

    August 1, 2019

    I was contacted by a ‘first’ cousin wanting to find his father. He is 75 and never known who his dad was. We show up as 1st cousins. I do not understand the cm stuff or how to read diagrams. It looks like his dad and my dad were brothers. My story-my Dad (baby of his family), his father had a first wife and I believe they had around 6 kids. That wife passed and W.E.Howell (grandpa) married my grandma, 27 yrs his junior. They had 7 kids. I was a accident and my dad was 45 when he had me, all my siblings, closest in age 9 yrs, furthest 16yrs are gone. I so badly want to help Gerald find out who his father was. He was born in 1944. His Mom would never tell him.
    I had a full blood uncle that when I was 7 molested me, in later yrs after my dad was gone I brought this up and was informed this uncle had been in prison for raping a 15 yr old girl. Long before he did what he did to me. So there is a possibility. I really need help to understand if he is a son of a full uncle or a half uncle.

  • Sue Verley

    August 1, 2019

    We are told that everyone with the last name VERLEY is connected to the family. Various members of my husband’s family have searched but no one, including myself, can find anything about the Verley family except that in the 1850 census in Wisconsin, William Verley, told the census taker that he was born 1803 in Manilus, Onadaga County, New York and he and his wife, Hannah Schermerhorn Verley had several children, mostly boys, so there are lots of the Verleys around now, but my husband and I even went to Onadaga County and Manilus for a record of his birth to find his parents and found nothing. We have been working on this since 1980 with no luck. There is a Hans Peter Verley who arrived in Philadelphia in 1732, but we have not found anything to connect the two and that is quite a gap. Professional help would be wonderful. No one in the family (that I know of) is wealthy enough to afford this kind of help. Being chosen for this gift would mean a great deal to us. The entire genealogy of my husband and myself is online at My Heritage, Verley Chambers 2005 is the name if that would be of any assistance to you. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  • Brenda bell

    August 1, 2019

    I’m working on the brewton family tree and I am having trouble locating information on my paternal grandparents family and my maternal great grandparents family as well

  • Sharon Linville

    August 1, 2019

    I am noy finding anything on my Mother family at all. Could use help. All I know is my Maternal great grandmother was supposedly a mail order bride from Germany. My paternal great grandfather married in Louisiana and married a gal we have no maiden name.

  • Janeen Hall (formerly Wilfert, nee Kessell)

    August 1, 2019

    Trying to find the native American (Cherokee) records pertaining to my father’s mother’s heritage. They were lost when my great aunt died and her husband destroyed them.

  • John Malia

    August 1, 2019

    I am interested in finding out about my Great Grandfather James Malia born around 1854 in Ireland possibly County Longford.
    James Malia was born in Ireland 1857; he came to Durham city to work. This is where he met and married Mary Ann Prendergast Born Durham City 1857. Married at St Godricks R.C. Church Durham City in 1876.
    They first lived at 113 Framwellgate Durham City where all their 6 sons and 2 daughters were born.
    James Malia Born 1877, Thomas Malia Born 1880, Catherine Malia Born 1884, Martin and Michael Born and died in infancy 1886, John Malia Born 1888, Margaret Malia Born 1891, Joseph Patrick Malia Born 1895.
    That is the background of the family this story is about four of the sons who joined up for W.W.1. of which two of them were killed in action and their surnames were recorded wrong in the records.
    James bricklayers labourer/miner Malia The eldest son had his first taste of conflict joining the 4th Battalion D.L.I. reg No 5786 for the duration of the Boar War. He was finally discharged from service in 1912 from the special reserve regiment Reg No 7694. Receiving the Queens South African Medal and Clasp. James got married to Mary Emma Fowler in 1909 St Godrics R.C. Church Durham City, and went on to have five sons and four daughters.
    James joined up again around 1914 at start of W.W.1. to the DLI 2nd Battalion Reg No 10249. Until 1917 where he was transferred to the Labour Corp Reg No 21290. This was the same year his youngest brother died.
    He did meet with his brother who was also in the DLI 2nd Battalion in France and found out his brother had signed up with the wrong surname. They both went to the sergeant major to get the surname corrected but sadly Joseph Patrick was killed in action before this could be done. James was demobbed in 1919.
    At the age of 61 James applied to join up at the start of W.W.2. he was declined but thanked for his application from the MOD. He had two sons who joined up for W.W.2. one of which was killed in action serving with the Royal Artillery in the Middle East. James died at his home on Sherburn Road 1960 at the age of 83.
    Thomas Malia was a farm labourer and joined up around the same time serving with the Royal Engineers until he was injured around 1917 and transferred to the Agricultural Company. l.c. Reg No 332366. from where he was demobbed in 1919. Thomas sadly died in a farming accident in Durham 1933 aged 53.
    John Malia was a miner and joined around the same time serving with the D.L.I. 15th Battalion reg No 15365. when he signed up the signature on his form looked like the surname was spelt Melia instead of Malia. John arrived in France May 1915 he was missing in action July 1st 1916 assumed dead.
    The eldest brother James and the rest of his siblings informed the army that Johns name had been spelt incorrectly. It was investigated and the family was awarded his medal and his affects. In February 1916 their father James Malia had died.
    On the memorial Thiepval France pier and face 14a and 15c Johns surname was spelt Melia. A request by his great nephew was made in 2003 to the Commonwealth War Commission to change the name to Malia. The nephew sent them documents to support this after investigation they agreed and it was changed in 2005.
    Joseph Patrick Malia was the youngest in the family, when he was around 9 his mother died. After this in James Malia words he hadn’t been doing the right thing. When he was 14 his aunt his mothers sister, said he could go and live with her family in Shotton Colliery Co Durham. She was married to William Clark in the 1911 Census Joseph Patrick’s was living with this family at 24 Victoria St Shotton Colliery with his aunt and uncle Margaret and William Clark and their 7 children. Joseph Patrick worked at the local colliery as a driver.
    He joined D.L.I. 2nd Battalion reg No 11769 in August 1914 under the surname of Clark. In 1916. He met up in France with his eldest brother James.
    James had said to him your name surname is Malia not Clark and you should get it changed. They both went to the Sergeant Major to get his surname change to Malia. Sadly before this was done Joseph Patrick was killed in action and his records showed that his surname was Clark.
    James wrote letters on behalf of his siblings to the army requesting why Joseph Patrick’s Surname should be changed to Malia from Clark and that he and his siblings should receive his medals and effects. After a long investigation in 1921 the family received a letter say the name Joseph Clark would be still recorded with an alias of Joseph Patrick Malia and that they would receive his medals and effects.
    His headstone is at Maroc British Cemetery Grenay France. Grave ref 11.D.12. on this it just had the name J Clark. In February 2017 his great nephew applied to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission with all the supporting documents to have Joseph Patrick Malia put onto this headstone. After their investigation in April 2017 a new headstone had been erected including the name J P Malia on it.
    I have had a few brick walls to break down but my great grandfather has got me beaten I would like someone who could help me find him in Ireland and make the connection to England.

  • Jack Garner

    August 1, 2019

    grt grt grandfather born 1818 in Georgia. can’t seem to located his parents. checked with known relatives and genealogist and can’t seem to locate. died in 1855 Panola Co., Texas

  • Emily collins

    August 1, 2019

    Well all my life I did not know who my father was or that side of the family! Since I have my DNA results here I have been connected to many people from his side of the family! Now that my mother has passed away this past year I have so much more interest in finding more about my fathers side and if any of my mothers! This would be amazing and a huge gift to find out more!

  • Cathy Townsend

    August 1, 2019

    I have Yugoslavian/Croatian ancestry that is quite difficult to research. Deciphering the language, the wars in the area and boundary changes have also made it hard. I was told that many church records have been burned. Extended family members have not been helpful. Some help in research would be wonderful!!. I hope I am chosen. Thank you Cathy Townsend

  • John C Leigh

    August 1, 2019

    My mother was adopted and we never had any information as to her birth parents. I was able to find out that her mother was a nurse who came from Ireland and her father was a doctor supposedly at the same hospital. The doctor’s information according to census records was “unknown.” My mother was evidently illegitimate and she never wanted to look into her background, but my sister and I always wanted to know more. On my father’s side I traced his family back to 1854 with his great grandfather coming to New York and then moving to Oswego, IL. I have not been able to find out more on him and cannot find anything on the immigration passenger lists. I would like to know more about our lineage from his side as well.


    August 1, 2019

    i HOPE i WIN.

  • A


    August 1, 2019

    I have a few. 1- A Scottish Great Grandfather I can find records for when he got married to my Great Grandmother and until he died but where was he before that time? Claims on census say he came to the US as a young child but where was he born in Scotland? How did he get to the US? Where in the US was he before landing in Texas? 2-Grandmother at one point in time used to write to family in Poland. Would never give anyone info on them. So do I still have living relatives in Poland that may have information on that side of my family lines? 3-Where is my Grandpa’s father in records? He is listed with name in directories and on my Grandpa’s SSDI but no place can I find him at all. Never in the home on the few census records I found. Nothing. So what is the deal there? 4-Where are my 2x Great Grandparents in Ireland before coming to the US? Born during the beginning of the famine, yet so many questions I may never have answers to there. They came to the US after the famine.

  • Chrissie Manfredi

    August 1, 2019


    I wonder if you can help me solve a mystery solving a huge blank in my family tree. I have tried to discover the real maiden surname of a distant ancestor of mine on my father’s side: Margaret Prime : about:1454 -1475 who was young when she married university educated John Prime: my 12tj or 13th great grandfather. 1440-1489 from thriplow Cambridgeshire England. Many have placed Mary prime his wife as a member of the house of Plantagenet royalty. But must be wrong because John was a commoner with no links to royalty that I know of. ( Margaret unknown maiden name) Simply because on the site people have placed her as one of the illustrious royal Plantagenet dynasty. She married my direct ancestor (12th generation I believe) ancestor John Prime. They had two children boys. Richard and John it Robert I believe. But her early death makes me feel she may have died in labour giving birth to her second son. Anyway the primes are strong in my family tree. Easy to trace up til then. first known latest prime married Thomas Wallis which is my father’s surname Wallis my maiden name. Primes mostly from cambridgeshire England or connected with Barrington and Thriplow Cambridge. Anyway surname prime starts with my 3rd g.gandmother Mary Prime and goes all the way back until the period: 1398. a Robert Prime. father of the John prime born 1440 thriplow Cambridgeshire England. Who married my twelfth or thirteenth g grandmother Margaret Prime but who was she? Why she marry do young? What’s her family maiden name? Virtually all the primes were born in Cambridgeshire. Many from Thriplow too. Lots of kids along the way. some with a family coat of arms. I have a yeoman in my family tree too but most were farmers land owners. and Sirs and Esq. Indirectly and distintly related I think to junior aristocracy. But – most of my tree are all commoners. Albeit,some wealthy farm land owners with a few servants. a few went to university and had decent educations and many left wills that hint of a good standard of living but would not necessarily tie my Margret prime as being a Margaret Plantagenet. Surely? Several trees incorrectly link her father to be king Edward v1. But I don’t think so. Some curators agree some do not. Please please study this group put me out of my misery. I would be eternally greatful if you could find the missing link for me. Thankyou.

  • Sonja Oudhoff

    August 1, 2019

    i was a lucky recipient of free DNA test, I have found my family and am in contact with most of my siblings but have never met them. Between my sister and I, we are searching for our father’s ancestors and we both have hit a block. We have information on your father, but very scant information on our grandfather (Herman Haar DOB: Sep 3 1860, married Augusta Grieser DOB: Nov 5 1866) Herman Haar went to the USA Sept 1882. Herman had 2 brothers Henry and Carl and 2 sisters Edith and Carolina, one brother also went to the USA, which one is unknown. Nothing following that. Can you help?

  • Kelly

    August 1, 2019

    Hi there we most certainly have a family mystery we need help solving. Currently we are going through Maori land disputes to recover stolen land from my family. Our word is in question however; as no one believes we are direct descendants of a famous Maori chief who was instrumental in making history during the Maori wars in the18th century. We think our ancestor who was his child was kept a secret due to the fact that if it was ever revealed he’d had this child, the English would have had them killed.
    Either way we’d all like confirmation of our lineage. I’ve tried to research however; I’ve come up against the brick wall on this issue and time is running out.
    I know my family would be incredibly grateful to discover whether in fact we are or are not direct descendants of this famous chief, and if not then who?

  • Mary Carroll Miller

    August 1, 2019

    I have been searching for the name of my father for a long time. I know my mother name, as I grew up with my mother. I was born 1942 in Atlanta, GA at the Florence Crittenton Home for unwed mothers. My mother name was Margie Mae Carroll and she grew in the south east Ga. & Al. It would just be great to know his name and if I have any brothers or sisters.

  • Kathleen Totten

    August 1, 2019

    It would be great if we, my sister and cousins, could find out if we have any Native American ancestors. I remember my grandmother Opal said her mother was a descendent from a tribe which I can’t recall now. I have assumed they were from Oklahoma / Tennessee area. Our cousins believe she was Cherokee from the Dakotas. We have not been able to verify either.
    Also when the DNA results came back for me and my mother. It showed no Native American for me but some for my mother. This is another question and mystery … where did hers come from because we thought she was all European descendent.

  • Robert Snyder

    August 2, 2019

    My wife got her DNA test and we found that there was know one on her mothers tree on the DNA list and people at the top that we never heard of. Her mother is deceased and may never have known she was adopted. We would like to know who her real parents were and get pictures of them. My wife was born Dianne Elizabeth Sexstone which is not a common maiden name.

  • Ray Cronk

    August 2, 2019

    My great grandfather was born out of wedlock. He was raised as a sibling for a long time and was given his mothers maiden name as his last name. His name was Lyman Cronk, his mothers name was Sally Anna Cronkrite born in Virgil ,NY 1845 (about) Her parents names were Solomon Cronk/cronkrite born 1820/1825 according to the census.His wife’s name was Louisa Cronkrite ( Widger). We are stuck on the parents of Solomon Cronkrite. One census states by his 2 remaining daughters that he was born in Canada. There are many Cronk/Cronkrite/Cronkite/ Cronkright in Canada . There is even a Solomon Cronk born about the same time, however, he remained in Canada and raised a family there and dies there so he is Not my Solomon. Not one family member has been able to find Solomon’s parents to continue the family tree. We are wondering if we are from the Cronkrite/Cronk line from Dutchess County.Please help solve the family mystery of the Cronk/Cronkrite line. Thank you!

  • Robert Snyder

    August 2, 2019

    My great great grandfather Henry P Winney was born 17 Oct 1828 in New York state and died 5 Feb 1898 in Webster, Monroe county, New York but I can not find who is parents were. He was living with another family in the 1850 census and his death record did not list any parents.

  • Jennifer Lewis

    August 2, 2019

    My family mystery isn’t a tangible one. It’s a name mystery. My paternal great-grandfather took his mother’s maiden of Lewis. I haven’t been able to trace that part of my family passed my great-grandfather’s mother, so I’ve always been curious as to what my last name really should be. I’m grateful for any help in my situation. My father and brother refuse to help, but I’ve uploaded my 1st cousin’s genome file since he was gracious to participate. Thank you!

  • Brian Coleman

    August 2, 2019

    Looking for Henry Coleman (GGG Grandfather)

  • Gloria Smith

    August 2, 2019

    My great grandmother Hanna Pehrsdotter 1840-1919 living in Sweden was never married and had 3 children. One of which was Swan Monson 1866-1936. There is no father listed for any of her 3 children.

  • Patrick Wayne McCart

    August 2, 2019

    Hello to whom my question may concern .

    My name is P Wayne McCart , I once had an uncle who lived in a boarding house for men ( The Seaton House ) in Toronto Ontario Canada , His name is John Elmer McCart and he died i’m guessing about 40 year’s ago . I have been looking for info on him for many year’s now’s and with my dad and mom already passed on i have no way of finding his detail’s such as were he is buried, Date of death how he died / murdered ,and location ,( Cemetery ,Plot # ) This info would give me closure as to what happened to ) my Uncle John i am saddened that i have let him down by not finding him , I would like to add him to my Heritage page with his brother’s and sister’s , Mom & Dad where he belong’s

    Thank you very much !

    P Wayne McCart . Aug 1 /2019 .

  • Claudia Richardson

    August 2, 2019

    I am trying to find out if my maternal grandmother took a fictitious last name either before or after my mother was

  • Kathy Bowman

    August 2, 2019

    My Great Grandfather was a Surgeon in the Civil War and was adopted at the age of 3 by his step father. My family would love to know the name of his real father and what the lineage is we could follow.

  • Jennifer McFall

    August 2, 2019

    Ripperologists are having a wonderful time with my great-grandmother, Mary Jane Wilson, nee Kelly. My grandfather was married as Arthur John Sullivan and his war medals reflect that name (John Sullivan), but his earlier war records were William John Wilson (b September 1887). He always stated his birthday was July 5 a number of years earlier than that and only in his final year did he admit he was turning “80 in September” (1967). Grandfather said that his mother was a Kelly but never admitted any association to Wilson. His father, Robert Wilson, was a baker and we are assuming that he abandoned the family.

    Ripperologists are also trying to tie in my grandmother, Elsie Frances Searle, to the mystery. She was the god-daughter of the Earl of Carnarvon (her aunt was working for the Earl at the time of her birth 4 July 1881) and her mother and grandmother were dressmakers for the nobility. I think at the time she was born, “Aunt Lizzie” was working at Highclere House. Elsie’s grandmother, Eliza or Elizabeth Bateman was “disowned” by her family in Cork, Ireland, when she married a policeman, James Ryan. The couple appear in the 1851 census in Mortlake, Surrey, in a very well-appointed house which my mother lived in for her first ten years before her father lost it in a court battle.

    I would love to know who the Bateman family was and am making slow progress. Grandad has made tracing his side of the family very difficult but we have confirmed he and his sister were orphans.

  • Susette

    August 2, 2019

    We have a story in our family of having Native American heritage, specifically Cherokee. My mother looked like it when she had long braids and I look a little like it too. Cousins had DNA testing done, but didn’t find anything. However, from my understanding of it, they weren’t likely to, since the ancestor goes back through our grandfather’s line to Alabama. We have names, but I don’t know if any of them are Native American.

  • Michelle McDonald

    August 2, 2019

    Interested in tracing more of my german heritage. My grandmother was either adopted or a foster child but finding it hard to locate any records about her. Also my fathers german (sudetenland/czech) ancestry as there is little knowledge of this known

  • Vivienne Crudeli nee Giles

    August 2, 2019

    the history of my Great/great grandfather John Giles b1833 in Shoreditch, can’t seem to find anything on his mother Ann Giles who died just after giving birth, nor anything of what become of his step mother Eleanor Giles (nee Lines).
    No info of what John did after landing in Australia 1853 till his arrival in Geraldton. this family line has got me perplexed

  • Mary W Watson

    August 2, 2019

    Growing up my father spoke very little about his family except for his five sisters and his parents. No other relatives were ever mentioned. He used to laugh and say that we were direct descendants of William the Conqueror, which was why our last name was Williams. I have managed to find five generations of his family, including aunts, uncles, grandparents, and tons of cousins but have been unable to get as far back as William the Conqueror… He served in the US Navy during the First World War but he seldom spoke about that either. A few years ago I was able to get a copy of his service record and found that he spent over a month in a hospital in New York but it does not say why and no one seems to be able to tell me. I would like to know the reason for his hospital stay. Was he ill, wounded; what happened to him? Was it a splinter or a bullet wound? A lot of his life is a mystery so any help would be gratefully appreciated. Mary W. Watson

  • Edith Nenortas (Lane)

    August 2, 2019

    My Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother died when My Grandfather was a baby. I cant find any death records or burial records for either of them. This would be circa 1910 in Summers County WV. I have tried in the places I know where to look to no avail…would love the help

  • Margaret (Peggy) Marriner

    August 2, 2019

    My maternal grandmother Ada George, had 2 sisters plus some step brothers (in the UK) Ada and her older sister eventually came to Australia, but Rosemary was apparently put in to a home when they were all young due to family circumstances. I have had some success with Ada and Ethel, but I have been unable to trace Rosemary and what happened to her. Would be great to solve this riddle.

  • Yvonne Negro

    August 2, 2019

    Would love to have information on my grandfather Harold Files

  • Dianne Port

    August 2, 2019

    I am unable to find any relations of my grandfather on my fathers side. Arthur Gooch was born in Norwich Norfolk England in 1863, Married Alice Eleanor Beckett in Norwich in 1890. I can’t find a birth certificate or any information regarding parents, siblings or any other relations. I’ve checked just about every Arthur Gooch in Norfolk & Suffolk & believe me there is a lot of them. I looked in the workhouse records but there appears to be a large batch of them missing around that period. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks, Dianne Port.

  • Michel Boisvert

    August 2, 2019

    Yes, I want to know were my ancestor James Richmond came from and what happened to him after he abandonned 2 chldren in 1810. I first hit the brickwall in 1980. Since there was no resource like today, I’ve stop digging. I resumed in 2010 and published my findings soon after. James got married in 1802 in Trois-Rivières, QC, with a young French Canadian. The marriage record does not mention his parents. He purchased a land in 1804. Their first child died. Then a son Jean, and a daughter Aurélie. In 1810, both his wife and a newly born child died, and James just vanished from the parrish and notary records. The two children were raised by a couple who never had child of heir own. Jean got married in 1827, headed alone to Wisconsin USA in 1837 and was followed by his wife and family in 1854. Aurélie got married in 1828 and the couple settled in the Eastern Townships, QC. I was able to gather a small group of descendants. We explored different leads and tried DNA, without success. The good thing is that a long distance Richmond cousin came from USA to visit me last year.

  • Patricia Giffen-Cullers

    August 2, 2019

    “Little Giffen” Civil war poem

    In researching my father’s side, I came upon this poem and because of the close proximity of families plus my interest in the “War Between The States”, I would like very much to know if there is a tie-in with our family.

  • Minta Lambrecht

    August 2, 2019

    Due to a misprint on a US Census there is a lot of confusion over my great great grandmother. I believe I have figured her out with research, but her parents (and subsequent further parents) are completely unknown apparently. I have spent years trying to find her lineage as it is THE link to my Scottish heritage, which I am extremely proud of, but have no information on. Any helps at all would be very appreciated.

  • Gay Durnford

    August 2, 2019

    I am adopted. I recently found out who my father was. I would like to find out about his family. I know both he and my mother had other children, but do not want to let them know of myself because if they don’t, it could
    cause them upset. I am just after family and medical history.

  • Patricia Smith

    August 2, 2019

    I have been trying to find where my Great Grandmother was born. She only appears on marriage details in India, as my Great Grandfather was in the army. I have her maiden name and Father but when she came to England it was in between census then she died.
    I would like to know more about her side of my family.

  • Patricia Smith

    August 2, 2019

    I would like to find out where my Great Grandmother was born. She married my Great Grandfather in India while he was in the army, they had 3 children out there, 1died. When they came back to England My Great Grandfather was born. They missed the census and then she died, making it impossible to know when she was born. Working out from the death certificate she was born c.1844, her maiden name was Ratcliffe and her Father James. I don’t know her Mother or if James was in the army too. It’s been a mystery for 19 years now.

  • Jane Swing

    August 2, 2019

    I cannot determine the name of my father’s father. All siblings are deceased. Birth certificate lists a last name but I cannot find connections to a person. Father of his older 8 siblings died in 1919. My father was born in 1921. He had another sister born after him. He legally had his name changed in the 1980’s to the name that appears on all documents except birth certificate so he had just decided to use that name. He served in the Marines during WW II, was licensed to drive, married and conducted all manner of life contracts and agreements under this assumed name. My family only discovered this information while going through his papers after his death. My mother says she did not know this either. Can you help me know where to look and what questions to ask?

  • Larry Strother

    August 2, 2019

    I would like to discover the “real” circumstances

  • Dorothy Conley

    August 2, 2019

    I would like to find out who my birthfather is. I am 71 years old and would like to know if I have any half-siblings out there (I am adopted and was raised as an only child). I have it narrowed down to a family (Feiden), but can get no further than that. This is not to be confused with my adoptive family (which I used on MyHeritage, the Cornell family), I also transferred my DNA to you, which connects me to the Feiden family. My adoption papers indicated that I was of half-Greek, half-German descent, but my DNA says I am half European Jewish. I would like to know who my birthfather is/was before I leave this earth…. Thank you so much!!

  • Deborah Thompson

    August 2, 2019

    My grandfather, my mother’s father, John Milach Miler, Milach was his last name, but it sounded too German, came to America as a young teenager, and we have no idea where he came from, possibly Northwestern Europe. He passed away prior to my birth, but I would love to know more about him, as well as my mother, 78 years old, recently diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, which seems to be genetically passed down. I would appreciate any information. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Victoria M Welsh

    August 2, 2019

    Family History says that my g-g-g-grandfather Thomas McNeight was one of the few survivors of the “Charge of the Light Brigade”. I cannot find him on any of the rosters. I believe he would have been in his 60’s at that time and later died in the West Indies. Might he have been on a British Ship in the harbor during the battle? His wife was Sarah Cook. His children were Margaret, b 1796, my g-g-grandmother, Jean, b. 1798, Thomas, b abt 1800, in Navy and on the ship that brought Napoleon’s body back to France, and Robert, b. 1803. All children were born in Scotland.

  • Bernadette (Ross)Tigg

    August 2, 2019

    My father Alfred Ross was given up at birth. His mother was Nancy Ross she was born to Christine McGillis and Charles Ross Jr. from St. John North Dakota. I am looking to see if Nancy married and had any more children.

  • Candace Peak

    August 2, 2019

    There is a whole side of my family that I know nothing about. Cannot find any info on them.

  • Ethel Kirschner

    August 2, 2019

    I only have oral history on my true paternal grandfather who deserted my paternal grandmother after one month of marriage (religious) but left her pregnant with my father. His name was Moise Niren (sounds like) and he was Polish but had come from Canada, seeking a wife. Her second husband did not accept my father and he was then adopted by one of her sister’s. I did not know they were not his true mother and father till after my father’s death and was told this by my mother. There’s more to this story that continues with a half sister I never knew I had, but found me in our 50’s.

  • Richard Guy Hellstrom

    August 2, 2019

    My Mystery Is – My 3rd Great Grandmother Susannah Elizabeth Noe was born some where ( 1820 – 1826 ) ( Died 1884 ) , got married some where and then showed up in Boyle County in the 1850 Census living with my 3rd Great Grandfather John James Jones ( Born 1819 – 1826 ) Died 1897 ) ( Civil War Veteran ) who is pretty well is noted the same. Just showing up in the 1850 Census ) . After being noted in the 1850 census living in Boyle County, Kentucky they move to Pike County Indian and are recognized in the 1860 census and their in the census there until their death. Their children are correctly noted in these census also. Then the mystery starts again. They have no history of their death at the health department. They don’t know where their buried. He has a civil war marker provided by the federal government but they note that it’s not his burial spot. We don’t know who their families are exactly where their from as well. . I’ve matched up with some Noe and Jones descendants but I can’t find anything over whelming positive that would solve this mystery. . Some people note her as being from the Randal Noe line but I can’t find her parentage. John James Jones notes his parents being from Virginia in the 1880 Census ! John stated he was born in Boyle County and was 44 years of age when he enlisted in the Indiana 58th Regiment during the civil war. Boyle County wasn’t a county until 1842. He was discharged under a medical and then re enlisted, He had some grit at 44. It also noted he had Black Eyes. I’d say they probably came from Welch descent. She might of been Scottish or French. Are DNA suggests Scottish as well as the composed GedComs but when you ask them they don’t know where they came from , they just basically copied it from another tree.
    We’d love to no what families they were from and about their earlier histories and their families earlier histories. We would also like to know about their brothers and sisters and their families. Well ! Any Hoot ! That’s my Mystery !

  • Amy heibert

    August 2, 2019

    I’m very interested in finding out what happened to my great grandmother audrey irene miller , I have hit a brick wall with her . Only info I have is that she gave birth to my grandfather (who was a very bad man )and that she was born in Midland ontario in approx 1907 and that she allegedly married my great grandfather charles heibert who himself had a previous marriage to a ethel McClellan and they had 1 child name charles jr heibert.
    So really in total I have 3 people who i dont have much info on and that i would love to know what happend to them where did they end up?

  • David Ford

    August 2, 2019

    I’ve been trying to find Grandfather family for 25 years. He die in 1968 and is buried in Danville Illinois he was at least 3 time maybe 4 not sure. He went to prison and my Grandmother divorced him and give away my Dad and his sister when they 5 and 2 of age. I have tracked him by paper trail to Washington State to California back to Indiana where he married for the last time. He has kids by his last wife but can find any of them all I want is to get information some pictures maybe some answers if they know what he did all those years ago.
    His name Herbert forest Hedge sometimes went William Hedge o William Hodge he was born in 1902 in Raccoon, Indiana I know he joined the Indiana National Guard 1921 he Also joined the Navy when he was 16 and received a Honorable discharge.
    I would appreciate any help
    With this family mystery
    Sincerely David Ford

  • Judith E Dennis

    August 2, 2019

    My grandfather Francois immigrated in 1883 at the age of ten with his fourteen year old brother Julius. I have been unable to locate his birthplace – only France on legal papers. Parents supposed names were provided by a distant cousin of my dad. Would like to find out why these two boys came here alone and where they were born and did they leave family behind. Never found any indication of indenture.

  • Carl Pack

    August 2, 2019

    I want to win this it would b so cool.

  • june defteros

    August 3, 2019

    Photos of my father

  • june defteros

    August 3, 2019

    I have never seen a photo of my father who died when I was six.Although I have photos of his siblings It would be a great gift to see his photo
    .Ernest James Warburton .B 19th may.1901. Glen Lyon Victoria Australia.D 1939 Melbourne Australia
    His Father Seth Warburton B 1878 Victoria Australia.D. 1922 Brunswick east Victoria Australia
    Ernest`s Mother Jane Evelyn Kidd. B.1876. D 1952 as Mrs Arthur Cox

  • Kevin Richard BIRD

    August 3, 2019

    Please find out all you about my Family History :
    Parents Detailts : Father : Robert Clements BIRD : DOB : 14/12/1920 – Death : 18/12/2004
    Mother : Doreen Evelyn ROBERTSON : DOB : 3/10/1920 – Death : 29/08/2003
    Siblings : Malcolm Robert BIRD : DOB : 9/2/1948
    Kevin Richard BIRD : DOB : 21/9/1951

  • Ruth E Hall

    August 3, 2019

    My sister and I have been looking for our half brother and sister for the last 20 plus years. Our mother was in an abusive first marriage and we believe her two toddlers may have been taken and adopted or fostered out. She ended up with family in upstate NY and never could find her other two children. We found the obituary for her first husband and he was killed when he was hit by a car while riding his bike. There was no mention of his two children. When we contacted his niece, she said that she thought that our mother had the children. Where are our half brother and half sister. They would be in their mid to late 60’s. Please consider helping us solve this decades long mystery.

  • Victoria Pietras

    August 3, 2019

    I’ve been told my family goes back to Italian Royalty, namely from the Medici family. I would love to find out if it’s true.

  • Andre Priekuns

    August 3, 2019

    My name is Andris (Andre) Priekuns. My roots stem primarily from Latvia. I have researched my father’s ancestry for about 10 generations with the kind assistance of cousins in the US (I did not know existed).
    I am however stumped on my mothers side of the family The surname is ULMANIS, though where I hit a brick wall using and researching online is the fact that there was a Karlis and Guntis ULMANIS, both of whom were Presidents of Latvia.
    I’m not interested in a making a connection to them, but to my Great Grandfather Janis ULMANIS.
    I have very limited information on him.
    I am a MyHeritage user (at the minimal level – via FamilySearch). I cannot at the present, afford to upgrade my membership, though I would do so when funds become available.
    My personal information states that Janis was born around 1876 and died after 3 March 1907. He was married to a Maria Vasenbergs. He fathered 3 children: in order Christine, Arturs Julijs, and Alberts (my grandfather).
    I would dearly love to expand my family tree on the ULMANIS line.

  • Evelyn Utter

    August 3, 2019

    I have 2 dead ends in my tree.
    1. Ziba Pierce census says born in Vermont. I’ve never found his pa5or been able to confirm birth place.
    2. Asa Taylor , he went to Canada with his wife, Mrs. Asa Taylor and son Daniel. After his death Daniel came to St. Lawrence county, N.Y. I have been unable to trace them back to England or discover Daniel’s mother’s name.
    One family member says they were sent from England for stealing.

  • Catherine Elizabeth Burgin

    August 3, 2019

    My mother gave up my brother or sister between my sister Ann who was born in June, 1940 and myself and twin brother (born Feb. 1945). He or she would have been born either in Utah or Colorado. My mother’s name was Bernadette Summers. Maiden name Van Heck. My father’s name was Oran B. Summers. My father left my mother with two girls and she was pregnant and gave the baby up for adoption and then they got back together and had four more children. We want to find our brother or sister if they are still alive. My mother was in Utah at the time but could have driven to Colorado to put the baby up for adoption. My mother was in her 30’s and my father was in his 50’s when the baby was adopted out. We have all sent in our DNA but no results yet. If you could help us, we would be very grateful. Catherine Burgin, Payson, AZ

  • Annette Ghelfi

    August 3, 2019

    My grandmother and her sister (my great aunt) have always said we were Swedish. My father’s DNA contains Scandinavian and my initial Ancestry report stated we were both about 1/8 Scandinavian. We know which ancestor was rumored to be of Swedish (possibly Danish) descent but cannot find any additional information.

  • Lorena Aguilar

    August 3, 2019

    Yes, I would like to find my sister Juanita

  • Allan fawcett

    August 3, 2019

    My paternal grandfather abandoned my grandmother at the time my Mom was months old. I have been able to find marriage and divorce documents(from the 1920s) for my grandparents but no other documents relating to my grandfather. No birth, death, census documents. Nothing. I’ve found a few documents matching by name, but the details of these docs don’t match my grandfather. Wrong birth year range, wrong race, or married with another family at the same time.
    I’ve tried matching by DNA association, but no families matching his last name.
    Have also tried searching by exclusion. My uncle was born to my grandmother’s second husband, so any matches my uncle and I share won’t be from my paternal grandfather.
    So many dead ends in my search, and no results.

  • Sue Bunn

    August 3, 2019

    We have two family mysteries. My paternal ggf was John Matthews we believe he was born in 1866. Family legend is he was an orphan and went to a blue coat school. He does not appear on any census until 1891 in Aston, Birmingham, England. He married Bertha Harrison in 1890 and he was a shoeing smith and his father was on the marriage certificate as Charles Matthews. We cannot find a birth certificate or baptism for John and cannot trace his mother.

    The second family mystery is my paternal ggf William (Henry)Smith who was a glass cutter in Aston, Birmingham, England and was born to Henry Smith also a glass cutter in 1862. William married Catherine Tracy Green and family legend has it that William had a glass factory and owned houses but I cannot find any evidence to support this. We have a decanter that was made by William. Please can you help with any suggestions of where or how to find this information.

  • Christine Wesley

    August 3, 2019

    I am at a standstill with my Dad’s side of the family. They are German heritage, but lived in Slovakia. The family name just starts there in around 1720’s. The family name is abundant BEGINING in the early 1700’s. Can’t go back any further….dying to know more about why they went there all of a sudden and where they came from to there!

  • Patricia Bouchard

    August 3, 2019

    I have someone who has my mother and her siblings, along with my grandparents listed as part of their family tree, including themselves, but I do not know who it is. My grandmother had at least 9 children, possibly more, most placed in foster homes and I’m wondering if he is one of my mothers siblings. I did contact him, but he replied it was upsetting to him and has not been on ancestry for a few years. Thank you for your time.

  • Darcie Bardini

    August 3, 2019

    My mother found out when she was in her 40’s that she had been adopted. However it was even worse because it was black market. My grandmother knew the family but wouldn’t tell us. That’s my recollection but my older sister said she was told the last name. She did a DNA test through ancestary. When I saw her tree I saw a specific name as our grandmother. She insists she doesn’t know how she got that name. So I did a DNA with my heritage. I am determined to find my mothers side of the family. My sister doesn’t… never really did care because she has always had ill feelings for our mother and our grandmother. But I care! We were raised only knowing our fathers side of the family. I made contact with who would be my cousins on my moms adopted side and was told my father wouldn’t allow us to know them!!! I feel really cheated. I just wish I would have done this much earlier. My grandmother and grandfather may have been still alive. But I believe I may have some aunts uncles cousins still alive. Searching furiously.

  • Beverly L. Egbert

    August 3, 2019

    Maternal Great Grandmother raised by an Aunt & Uncle since age 16. Cannot find anything about her or aunt & uncle prior to this time.

    Paternal Grandmother: Two women from same state and near in age. Which one is my Grandmother?
    I cannot continue until I find out which one is my Grandmother.

  • Merri King

    August 3, 2019

    My Great – great grandfather, Charles Edwin King, left his wife Mollie and family in 1931 Northern California. He traveled the state for an unknown period of time finally going back to Missouri to see his mother Levinia Missouri King. At some point, he changed his last name from King to Lang or Lange, remarried, had another family and returned to California. It is thought that he came upon the Lang name via his brother Franklin, who’s wife, was Dora Langford. It is also thought that his brother Franklin was the only one that knew of his departure until he landed in Missouri sometime before his mother Levinia died in 1940.

    His reasons are unknown. However, his King family would still like to know. He died in Sacramento, California in 1981. Whatever information to be gleaned would be of extreme value to end this mystery.

  • Sam Garrison

    August 3, 2019

    I have tried for years to find the ancestors of my great great grandfather. His name is Vincent Garrison, born 1776 in Green County, Pa. I have found his descendants but nowhere have I found his ancestors. I also have his siblings. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Allison B.

    August 3, 2019

    I actually have two that I would love to find answers to, but the most pressing is that of my mother. She is almost 85 years old and was adopted as an infant. Since learning as an adult that she was adopted, she has wanted to find out who her natural parents were, but it was a “taboo” subject (and, as far as we can tell, most of the family didn’t even know). We had received some potential hints from one of her cousins years ago, but were unable to confirm it or to find anything else significant. With the older members of the family gone and her advancing age, time is running out for her and I am also afraid that once she is gone, there will be no chance of me discovering it.

  • jimme’ james

    August 3, 2019

    i do not know anything about my father.
    some about my mother

  • Vicky Newingham

    August 4, 2019

    I am in search of the Native American family ties to prove I am Native American.

  • Vickie Buzzard

    August 4, 2019

    Our ‘family legend’ is my great great-grandfather was a Cherokee with the last name Morningstar. When my great-grandmother was very small, her mother died and he couldn’t care for her. He took care of the animals that halled coal out of the mines in either Kanawha or Boone County, WV. She had an older brother who stayed with their father because he could help in the stable. Her name was Arrilla Frances ( Morningstar) Basham. We would like to find descendants of her brother and anything about her ancestors. I hope we win this.
    Thank you.

  • Barb Striethorst

    August 4, 2019

    I have been unable to determine when and how my great great grandfather, Andrew Leamy (1810 – 1868) arrived in Canada/Quebec from Tipperary Ireland. He is a well known figure in Hull (now Gatineau) Quebec, but I have been unable to pin down when and on what ship he came over. Also, his mother Margaret Marshall came to Canada (as did some siblings), but I have no clue what happened to his father Michael Leamy.

  • Connie Hodgkinson

    August 4, 2019

    I am looking for my father who was in the service. I was told he died in a training accident when landing his plane. He was stationed at Quonset Airbase in North Kingston, RI. My mother and father were never married so he would not have known about me. He died before I was born. His name was Eddie Goins.

  • lucia villeno

    August 4, 2019

    i want to know..i really need to know my history ….who is my family before..

  • Jasmine McLennan

    August 4, 2019


    We don’t know the name or whereabouts of my father’s son and would like to find out.

    Whilst travelling through Sevilla in 2012 I spend one night with a local man before getting up early to catch a bus to Cordoba. 6 weeks later I found out I was pregnant but was already in another country. I had no details for this man and was unable to return to Spain at the time.

    I returned to Australia to raise my son. He is now a healthy, beautiful 6 years old.

    All I know about my son’s father is that he is from Seville and was opening a hostel there when I met him.

    We returned to Spain in 2013 when my son was 8 months old to look for him (we went to the place I met him, we knocked on hostel doors and we asked locals) but we were unsuccessful.

    Since then we have put our families DNA on My Heritage and have found one family match for my son – a 1st cousin who lives in France, but have had no response from our emails.

    My son didn’t ask about his father until recently but now he is very curious and I feel it is important to start looking for him again.

    It would mean to world to my Son and our family if you could help us find an answer to this mystery.

    Thank you

  • Karen Graham

    August 4, 2019

    Hello I would love to know about my family from South Wales, my Grandmother was from Monmouth who moved to Leicester.
    It would mean so much to me as its hard to trace a family when you only know very little.
    I do know my Grandmothers name was Cissie Morgan Sibblings Samuel,and Lizzy.
    My Grandmother died around about 1933-34,my Mother was born 1931 Joan Winifred Morgan ( illegt ) in Leicester.
    Any help/information would be gratefully received.
    Yours sincerely Karen Graham.

  • Steve B

    August 4, 2019

    I would greatly appreciate any help in tracking down any additional information on my grandfather’s brother on my mother’s side. His name was James Wilson Martin and was born in Hebburn c.1907.

    On the 1911 census, he was 4 years old and listed as Jas Wilson Martin. He was living at 16 Hodgson Street, Willington Quay, Wallsend with his older brother George (aged 7) and parents George William Martin (aged 28) and Elizabeth (aged 27). Her full maiden name was Elizabeth Nicholson Wilson.

    Many thanks!

  • John longcroft

    August 4, 2019

    I am 68 and have just discovered that I have a sister produced from my fathers first marriage that has never been spoken of,I have tried with limited information to find any information on my heritage with no luck. My father is now deceased, it would be really something to find a sister I never knew I had.

  • Tammy Negley

    August 4, 2019

    I’ve been trying to find out my great great great grandfather on the Keller side of my family, I do know he was a Delaware Indiana but I can’t find out his name it may have been changed. I know he had married twice. He also gave the land to the church in which all the family is buried at in Pine Grove Church in Newport ,Pa. I can’t get anywhere in finding out his original name. This was on my Mother’s side and it has stopped me cold! I was told by my only living aunt on my mother’s side that some Indians are also buried there but she never knew him. It would be wonderful to solve this before I loss her too!

  • Frances Hinds

    August 4, 2019

    Hi. My mother was born in what was East Germany and died more than 10 years ago. I have been trying to find out about relatives and family history with the little information I have, few names and place of birth, but every attempt at finding anyone, even any living relatives has failed. I am really sad about this and would dearly love to find relatives from that side of the family. Language would not be a problem as I am fluent in German. I would so love to know and maybe even meet some of my family. I have trawled your website and looked elsewhere and made no progress. I would be so excited and happy to find some family.

  • Jane Osborne

    August 4, 2019

    I have people who were missing in my family. No trace after certain dates, not sure where they died or buried!

  • Kelley Lasalle

    August 4, 2019

    My Great Grandmother came here from Norway in 1871. I have no information about her family other than she was born in Oslo. She was very dark skinned, dark hair and eyes. I surmise that she may have been Sami, one of the indigenous groups n Norway. I have learned that, similar to America, the indigenous people in Norway were often sent to boarding schools for assimilation. I wonder if this was her story.

  • kathleen a phillips

    August 4, 2019

    I am trying to find my 4 th great grandfather. last name of jabez.his family immigrated i think from switzerland.he married anne m. haken 1771 – 1831. she died in Calcium, Jefferson, New York, United States.Lewis Florin Jabez and Julia A. Boardman are my 3rd gg.

  • Jill Olivr

    August 4, 2019

    I am trying to fine out about baby boy born 01/29/1921 in Newark Ohio. He was only 8 months & 8 days old in Cincinnati Ohio. His name is John Morris Hinchman. I don’t know what he died from and why. Can you help clear this situation.

    Ms Jill Oliver

  • Loesje Shema

    August 4, 2019

    There was a rumor that my paternal grandmother was married before she married my grandfather. It was actually my grandfather who told this to my mother, and I am wondering how to track it down. She was a Dutch citizen born and raised in what was then the Dutch East Indies.

  • Rebecca L Crockett

    August 4, 2019

    I would like to find an uncle who disappeared in the early 40’s in Middlesboro, Kentucky. He worked for Greyhound Bus and was last seen cashing his paycheck. I know this isn’t much to go on but I’d love to know if he ran away or was killed.

  • Peg Daniel

    August 4, 2019

    Like me, Tracy Shand from Melbourne, Australia was adopted as a baby and connected with her biological mother. She received no answers regarding her biological father.
    My situation I was adopted at two days old. I found my biological mother in 1997. My biological father’s first name is Bill, but my biological mother cannot remember his last name. From what my biological mother can remember is that Bill lived with his sister, and she ran a dating store in North Hollywood, CA. Bill had a daughter at that time, and she was three. I was a private adoption. I have been looking for him since 1997, and among many genealogy websites. I have not gotten any closer to solving this puzzle for 20+ years if anyone can help me solve this missing link. Thank you Peg Daniel.

  • Minnie

    August 4, 2019

    I would like to know more about my great grandmother Minnie I was named after her .

  • Patricia Eva Teresa Wood

    August 4, 2019

    This has been handed down that my grandmother Eva Evelyn Kennedy born 12.2.1868 died 1936 is related to the Kennedy’s in America

  • Russ Griffeth

    August 4, 2019

    My wife’s ggfather, Charles Franz Wolhar, was born in Germany in 1857. Family history says he was in the army and shanghaied one night, woke up on a boat that docked in USA. He figured he couldn’t go back to Germany because he would be executed for being a deserter, so he sent for his wife and they raised a family here. I know nothing about where in Germany he came from, anything about his wife, Catherine, or even the correct spelling of his last name.

  • Patricia Wilson Correz

    August 4, 2019

    Father, Alexander Bennet Wlson, Grandfather John Peacock Wilson, and family moved from Shotts, Scotland in early 1900s. Can find no record of entry into US. Settled in Ohio, Father enlisted and was in WWI, WWII. Uncle, Andrew Wilson, was state inspector of mines for PA. Can not trace family arrival or dispersal.

  • Leon M. Correz

    August 4, 2019

    Father, Leon Alphonse Correz, siblings, grandmother Eugenie, moved to US in early 1900s from France. Grandfather returned to France…no traces. No info on entry into US. Resided in Wisconsin.

  • Bonnie Burkhardt

    August 4, 2019

    My story is the old one about hidden women in the family. Trying to locate other records or prove a person’s identify as my gr-gr-grandmother’s sister. I have found some info. but need proof. I have death record, but the name of the father is not the name I have. Mother’s name is right. Lucky to have the death record since she died in 1867 that was when death records were being kept in Michigan. She is the last hold out of several women I was searching for. I think my only recourse will be to match up genetically with her offspring. She had 3 boys. One was on the 1860 census and the other 2 were on the 1870 census with their father and new stepmother.

  • Nicole Shkuratoff

    August 5, 2019

    Russian immigrants grandparents, origin. Family history and origins unknown

  • Joseph Robertucci

    August 5, 2019

    I have 2 problems to resolve. 1) My grandfather, Pasquale Robertucci(o) was born in 1869 in Petrella Tifernina, Italy. It is believed that he immigrated to the USA from the Port of Naples in 1893 and arrived at the Port of New York on July 6, 1893. I would like to find the true dates, Port of Arrival and the name of the ship he arrived on.
    2) My grandmother, Filomena/Philomena Acierno, was also born in Italy, in Nov. 1883, but no one seems to know the town. There are two documents that I have found. One shows she left from the Port of Naples on Mar. 24,1902 and arrived at Ellis Island on Apr 13, 1902 aboard the ship HESPERIA. The other record shows she left the Port of Genova and arrived on Nov. 24, 1899 aboard the ship TROJAN PRINCE. Her father’s name was Allesandro Acierno. I’m trying to find correct dates, ship name’s and Ports. Any and all Help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks,

    Joe –

  • Diane Cail

    August 5, 2019


    I would like so much to find a 2x great grandfather from Scotland?? I’ve had great luck on my Irish side but not Scotish side. Help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Chris Breedlove

    August 5, 2019

    The first Breedlove mentioned in America was Charles Breedlove in Essex Co. VA. There is nothing before this circa late 1700’s. My DNA is 39% Scandinavian but no records of where Breedlove’s originated from or Charles European/ Scandinavian connection.

  • Doreen Shields

    August 5, 2019

    A family story says my great grandfather Patrick Shields was a mill wright in the Glenanne Textile Mill he was also a small farmer). Working in the rafters, a drive-belt pulled his arm from its socket. It fell to the ground below, just missing a niece Agnes Mooney. He was rushed to hospital and died some weeks later. However I think I have his death certificate – 29 May 1905, dying of gastric cancer., plus a will matching that date – executor is James Judge (his daughter’s husband?) and the beneficiary was his wife Catherine. is brother’s daughter Agnes married John Mooney in 1911. I’d love to know if this accident happened and to whom. I’ve trawled the British Newspaper Archives and found nothing.

  • Terry Blogg

    August 5, 2019

    I have been doing my family tree on and off for over 40 years. It started when my mother,
    said we were related to Henry Blogg, the famous life-boat man at Cromer in Norfolk.
    I could never find any connection, but when I went to the Henry Blogg museum in Cromer,
    they said I look like him. A distant cousin, said we are definitely related to Henry.
    Thank you
    Terry Blogg

  • Liz Hammond

    August 5, 2019

    My Father doesn’t seem to have a birth certificate and I don’t know the maiden name of his mother or the first name of his father, which has effectively blocked me getting anywhere down my paternal line.

  • Lindsey Castle

    August 5, 2019

    I have a grandfather James Carson of whom nothing can be found. There is a wedding certificate that says he is 40 years old.Born in Phoenix Arizona U S A .He was married to my grandmother in 1912 in Melbourne Victoria Australia and they had twins in Terowie South Australia 1913.He supposedly went to war WW1 about 1915 so far no records for birth (they were destroyed at some time in Phoenix) no record of him coming to Australia and no war enlistment record .My sister has been looking for 30 plus years . Family were not allowed to discuss him upset grandmother so we were told. His parents came from Ireland cannot even find them arriving in the U S A .Would love to win help with this puzzle . thank you Lindsey Castle

  • Dorothy Sittler

    August 5, 2019

    Freeman family is said to have come from England and that someone was knighted in 1812.

  • Karen Patterson

    August 5, 2019

    I have recently found out that my great-grandad, who’d we’d previously thought had died during the 1st world war time, had left his wife and children and remarried several times. He was a serial bigamist and often left his wives and children in poverty, struggling to manage. We’d like to fill in some of the gaps and track down a photograph of him.

  • Lisa Heel

    August 5, 2019

    The above information re cooking and my desire to be a farmer both make wonder where in my history do these fit into my DNA. As an adopted child I know very little about where I come from other than a little related to my birth mother and family.

  • michael w. kucia

    August 5, 2019

    like to know my real family history last member of family name!

  • Henry

    August 5, 2019

    My religious grandmother used to tell me how wicked my illegitimate grandfather’s family were. She told me his father was wealthy although his family were by no means poor with roots in the gentry. She told a story of a man on a white horse so powerful he could run pedestrians of the pavements. As a child he was given the right to freely roam the grounds of Windsor Castle. Something I would not expect any street urchin to have. He used to work with his uncle in the Royal stables as an apprentice coach builder and coach painter. He had actually worked on the state coaches. When he became a teenager the Royal Household had plans for him, which annoyed him. Eventually, they proposed he should go to Australia and raise and train race horses for the Royal family. It sounds as if they wanted rid of him. He rebelled and underage joined the army with a friend. His family were sacked from royal duties and suffered reduced living standards. That is another coincidence. He always kept a low profile even after he saved a rich woman from drowning in the River Thames. A reward was offered in newspapers, he never appeared to claim it.

    Since I have learned from newspapers his unruly grandfather had separated from his grandmother, she moved to Windsor and possible ran a boarding house. My grandfather was born in the local workhouse (hospital of the time) and registered under his grandmother’s maiden name. His mother surprisingly lived in a house on her own only a short walk from the Palace. How she afforded that I do not know. Later, he was baptized under his mother’s maiden name and finally adopted his step father’s surname when his mother married. It seems his uncle had got the maintenance job because of my grandfather’s existence. Then his stepfather worked as the uncle’s Painter’s Labourer.

    There appears to have been offers of money and help during his life. In the Army he was kept away from the fighting. After demob he was called up for South Africa, then several years later he joined the Christadelphians who had similar religious views to Queen Victoria, believing that northwest Europe was the home of the Lost Tribes of Israel. (She also believed she was a descendant to King David and the custom still persists. In WWI he was offered a Commission to run an Army training Camp, but he refused as a conscious objector. His army records and pension have since disappeared.

    I recently had a DNA test that shows he had a German Father. There was only one family of wealthy Germans living in Windsor, the Royal Family. I have always been shocked by his story and feel sympathy for is plight, when Christian countries operated under Old Testament laws just like Saudi Arabia today.

  • Mary Dorn

    August 5, 2019

    Would love to solve our family mystery. DNA results have unveiled a relative who was put up for adoption. She knows that her birth mother was also adopted but not much more. So far we have been unable to discover how the pieces fit together. We’ve also hit a roadblock on my maternal grandfather’s side. When his father moved to the states from Germany, he not only physically left his family behind, but never spoke of them.

  • Henry

    August 5, 2019

    I would like some wills transcribed held in the Berkshire Records office which i have been unable to read. There are around nine of them 1650 and before. I have always suspected the family to be Sephardic Jews for Spain (refugees). There is a who missing history about Jewry and Oliver Cromwell. I have noted many families that originate from one distinct place at that time and wondered why that was. Askenazi Jews pooh pooh the idea of Sephardic Jews in England, but there is a 1.18% background in the South East of England.

  • Timothy M. Wickham

    August 5, 2019

    Found out my dad was not my birth father right after my mother passed in 1994. Have tried to find out who my birth father might be for health/medical reasons and to be able to offer closure for me to have found the man or relatives from him.

    I have done some research but, have so far not been able to identify who the man might be. Any assistance would be very welcome.

    Thank you in advance for any consideration regarding this matter.

  • Martha Moellenberndt

    August 5, 2019

    I have a family brick wall. I am trying to find the parents of my ancestor, Lois Waldo Munsinger Peabody. She was born in 1823 in New York. On June 30, 1845 she married Phillip Munsinger in Lorain County, OH. Munsinger died in early October 1847 and then she married Andrew Peabody in Lorain COunty, ON on October 27, 1847. She had one child, Moses, with Munsinger and one child with Peabody, my Great Grandmother, Harriet Victoria Peabody Kneale. Lois Peabody died on July 22, 1876.

    A note written by my grandmother, Josie Kneale, indicated she may have been born in PA. My grandmother also wrote that Lois had two male relatives who were pastors in PA.. Most records I have found show that she was born in NY in 1823. I would like to connect to her parents, the Waldos. Through DNA I am somehow connected to a Nathan and Lois Hurburt Waldo but there are no records they may have had a daughter named Lois.

    Any help that I can receive would be so greatly appreciated.

  • Christine A Ritsert

    August 5, 2019

    I sure wish I could find out about my great grand parents on my mom’s side of the family. They both just disappeared off the face of the earth. I cannot find any info on when either of them died or where they are laid to rest. I hope you can help me!

  • Mari Bionaz

    August 5, 2019

    My husband and I have a couple of questions. My husband is if Italian descent on his father’s side. Related to Daniel Boone on his mothers side. I have questions on Indian descent on my side and Civil War soldiers. I would love to “fill in the blanks”. Thank you.

  • Vikki Czaplewski Henry

    August 5, 2019

    I am hoping to find the exact burial location of August (Gus) He was killed in the Point Honda disaster in 1923 off the coast of California. According to newspaper articles he was returned to Omaha, Nebraska, where he was buried at Saint Mary Magdalene’s cemetery. Unfortunately, the cemetery books for that timeframe have been lost to time and there is no indication of his actual burial location. He was buried from Saint Stanislaus church. I am hoping to find someone who may know something about his burial. Maybe an old neighbor took photos, attended the funeral, etc.

  • Kathleen

    August 5, 2019

    I am seeking to find out the truth of my maternal grandfathers death my grandmother who is known to have been related in someway to lord haw haw, is told to have been to blame they are Irish and records seem to be missing in a great many areas . I am also looking to find the truth as to the connection with both royal houses of Ireland

  • Sherri Jimenez

    August 5, 2019

    In 2005 I was researching birth records and noticed 2 boys born whose father listed was the same as my father. Long story short, one of the boys was our brother. We have added him to all our family activities and are so happy. With that said, I also found a girl in Texas with my father listed on her B/C. I have search and searched but just can’t find any trace of her. I have even gone to Austin and manually searched records. Nothing beyond the birth cert. I have been looking for 14 years. Would love to find her

  • Carole

    August 5, 2019

    On my Mother’s side of the family, her aunt Lucy left home rather young and I’m not able to locate her beyond her marriage and birth and death of her son. Her full name is Lucy Grooms; married name is Hunter, born in Marion, South Carolina. Husbands name is Wiley Hunter and sons name is joe Nathan Hunter. He was born 9/15/22 and died 10/27/22. Lucy and Wiley were Married June 23, 1921. Lucy was born in 1906.

    On my fathers side I don’t know if Charles Simmons is my grandfather and if I’m following the right family.

  • Elizabeth Rogers

    August 5, 2019

    My name is Elizabeth R Johnson I’m from Georgia my granddaddy’s mother her name is Mary sHe was born December 12 1882 Her husband name Edward Roger’s I think my grandfather was born in barrwon georgia July 10 1908 my grandfather wife is name Gordon Alberta here mother name is Mary starrs father name is will Gordon I’m very anxious to know what my grandmother given name is I been researching for years My grandfather And grandmother Have 4 sets of twins one set died in child birth my aunt twin brother died in my grandfather arm My grandfather was a brick Mason

  • Elizabeth Rogers

    August 5, 2019

    My grandfather mother name is Mary I don’t know Her givien name at birth she married Edward Roger’s they had 7 children my grandmother birthday 12 12 1882 I’m not sure where she was born Upson county Ga my grand father was born July 10 1908 Barronsville Georgia

  • Lora Gust

    August 6, 2019

    I have been searching years for my 2x great grandmother Annie C. High, born April 7th 1850, died 5 November 1918. She married James P. Hartman and had the following children: William, Harry J., Walter, Mary C (Mamie), James M., Emma M., Edward L., Charles L.,and George M. (George is my great grandfather)

    She lived in Berks Co Pa, Lehigh Co. PA, Would love to know who her parents, and siblings are and where she came from! Some of my older family members think she was a “Quaker” but I can’t find anything, Please Please help solving this brick wall in my family tree.

  • Martins Virza

    August 6, 2019

    Great website. Thank you guys 🙂

  • Laura Noonan

    August 6, 2019

    I’m very interested and frustrated in finding my great grandfathers father, my family has searched for any information and haven’t

  • Gilli Cooling

    August 6, 2019

    Like many adopters I would love to find my birth father’s family.
    All I knew was that

  • Gilli Cooling

    August 6, 2019

    Like many adoptees I would love to discover my birth father and family. All I knew was that he was Irish, probably aged mid 20s and in London in ’47.
    I have learnt that my ggps were from co.Wexford but after that the trail has run cold. Help to solve this mystery as to his identity would be so appreciated.

  • Nanci Bennett

    August 6, 2019

    According to family legend we are related to Clarence Darrow the famous attorney as we have the family name Darrow and a history of lawyers in our family. Is this true ?


    August 6, 2019

    My mother and two sisters were adopted by 3 different families in the late 1920s from an orphanage. There were 3 more children, 2 boys and one girl who died in the mid 1920s. My mother was the youngest of the children. I do have some of the Bio fathers info but very little about her mother. Some information was passed on verbally and reliability is questionable at best. Finding my mother’s biological family of origin as well as past and present relatives would be most wonderful. My mother passed away in 2005, as well as her two sisters adopted from the orphanage. I did take my mother to Salt Lake City in the late1990s. We found little information. I told my mom I would help her find more information about her parents. Although I have made progress, there remains so much missing info. The orphanage is not in existence and no records are available
    My parents had 12 children, 6 boys and 6 girls.
    It would be grander than grand if we were to win this prize. I will, however, continue my research on My Heritage.

    Thank you
    Connie Scribner

  • Debra Shapiro

    August 6, 2019

    Family lore GGM died giving birth to GM. Just found news story about fight over GM and GGM wanted money from GGF to get GM back. So now I am trying to find out what happened to GGM and when she died.

  • Terry Sanders

    August 7, 2019

    Family mystery: My maternal grandfathers full name. His name was Bonaparte Godfrey. Grandpa was called Boney or Boney P. He had 3 brothers who sang with him at churches and events around South Arkansas, East Texas and all over Louisiana. They were locally known as a very good gospel quartet. Grandpa also made some of the smoothest moonshine in Castor La.back in the early 1920’s. This was to help support the 7 children they raised. They would partake usually on holidays. ha! .Nobody among my living relatives know his full birth name. There are varied stories that he didn’t have a middle name or they thought he did but they weren’t sure what it was. They offered guesses. He was born in 1896 probably in Louisiana, and died in 10/1976 in Shreveport, La. Buried in Ringold Louisiana/Bienville parish/Providence Church Cemetery. Headstone says Boney P Godfrey. He was married to Kate Guin Godfrey. I am also working to locate my paternal grandfathers burial site. William “Ernest” Bates. Born 6/29/1894, Center Texas. Died 6/18/1943. I was told he was buried in “old greenwood” cemetery on Stoner Ave in Shreveport, La. Records destroyed in a fire were records that showed burial sites for a 6 yr span. I can find nobody to verify his burial/location. One of these items would be a relief to have solved. Thank you, T Sanders

  • Stephanie Mitchell

    August 7, 2019

    I was adopted at birth and desperately want to know who I am

  • Andrea Kurowski

    August 7, 2019

    My father, Andrew Toth, came to Canada in 1929 and his mother, in 1928…..from Hungary. I have no info and My Heritage found nothing for me. These two have passed away. At 74, the elders are all gone now. I have tried several times to figure it out.
    My hubby, Ludwik Kurowski came over on the Goya ship with his mother and 3 brothers. I would like to know more of their history…….but again, my hubby was so young, he does not remember much when they left Eastern Poland (he was 3) for Germany during WWII.
    Would be nice to find out more about my mother’s side of whom many were Volga Germans.
    Would be nice to get into this deeper. Andrea Kurowski, “toth” site

  • Cornelia ( Lia) Williams.

    August 7, 2019

    My name is Cornelia ( always called Lia) Williams. I was born in Zoetermeer Holland in 1948, and have lived in Australia since 1951.
    I am in search for information about my biological father and hopefully half sisters or brothers.
    When I was 30, my father as I thought then, had to have a kidney transplant, so I had a blood test to see if I could donate one of my kidneys. It was then that my mother told me that he was not my father. Mum told me how when my only sister was 8 years old was having her photo taken. It was at that time that I was conceived. He was tall, with curly hair, buck teeth and I gather a nice smile. The name on the back of the photo is
    G J. Verburg. Fahrenheitstraat 231 Den Haag.
    This is the only information I have of him.
    I have done a DNA test with My Heritage and also Ancestry.
    Through my matches I have confirmed that my fathers name must have been Verburg as I have
    Numerous matches that connect with each other.
    I would love to find out what my father was like and more of my ancestors. I would love it if you could help me in my search. Please let me know if there is a possibility to get some answers.
    Cheers Lia

  • Patricia Maringer

    August 7, 2019

    I am trying to find out where and if my parents were married. I found previous marriages and divorces for both but not to each other. There are no marriage photos and it was never talked about but we were told they were married on October 15 1948
    Also, I have an uncle that worked for Al Capone that changed his name and disappeared. We are unable to find anyplace.

  • Theresa

    August 7, 2019

    My sister, brother & I, share the same Mother; the other half, both of theirs match, mine does not.

  • elizabeth gould

    August 7, 2019

    Looking for my mothers maternal grandfather. No father mentioned on her birth certificate ( 1921). My mother took the surname of Heard, as this was my maternal grandmothers 2nd marriage surname. My mother was about 1 year old, at the time.


    August 7, 2019

    Although you have provided me with a great deal of info with regards to my family on my mother’s side, going back some 250 years, I (you) have been unable to find squat about any of my family on my father’s side. I wonder why that is?

  • Lori M Hoffman

    August 7, 2019

    I would love to discover the history behind my family, my dad’s parents passed away before I was born, my mom’s dad also passed before I was born, and after some of the family members on my dad’s side tried putting a family tree together, but, didn’t get far, and my mom side didn’t talk much that I remember about her side of the family, then my mom passed away when I was 13 yrs old, I didn’t ever get the chance to ask her about any of the history, my dad doesn’t remember dates and can’t remember well anymore he is now 83 yrs old. I would absolutely LOVE to win the mystery behind my family!

  • John E. Myers

    August 7, 2019

    I would like to know if my Grandfather ever changed his name and from what name? My Grandfathers name is Antanio Myers He passed away on Sept. 1 1930. He came from Poland in 1889 and only spoke Ukarinian. He lived in Latrobe, Pa. USA and was listed in the 1930 Census Derry Township Westmoreland County

  • Cynthia T Crockett

    August 8, 2019

    I have lost contact with my half sister, who lives in Chicargo Ill , her name is Doris jean Thicklin

  • Joseph R Errington

    August 8, 2019

    One “mystery” involves family name, Errington. We believe the family immigrated to early Georgia. We can trace from there to western Tn. and later to Ms. and Tx. We understand the family came from Northumberland after 1750. We cannot make a positive tie to the family in Great Britain and need help.

  • Doris Errington

    August 8, 2019

    Our great grandfather Elisha Errington was born in 1814 in Eastern Tn. The family moved to Mississippi before the Civil War. We know the location and have census records as well as his war record. The exact year of his and great grandmother’s death is lost to us, as is their cemetery. Having some clues our family would be thrilled to locate the old cemetery.

  • kevin george goble

    August 9, 2019

    could you please help solve the problem of my wife JACQUELINE whose grand mother came from a jewish background to Blackpool England and married a gentile. We are anxious to know of her parents country of origin Thank you Kevin and Jacqueline

  • kevin george goble

    August 9, 2019

    could you please help solve the problem of my wife JACQUELINE whose grand mother BEATRICE EDWARDS came from a jewish background to Blackpool England and married a gentile WILLIAM CROSS. We are anxious to know of her parents country of origin Thank you Kevin and Jacqueline

  • Doreen Soucy

    August 9, 2019

    I would love to know if it’s true that I am related to George Rogers Clark (the pioneer explorer) & I believe Thomas Jefferson, on my father’s side. Problem is my dad died when I was only 6 months old & my mom never kept in touch with his family. I know very little about my dad’s previous family; his first wife died early of consumption & left him to raise 5 children on is own until he met & married my mom, ( had 3 children her).And because of a family riff about his “Will” money after he died.

  • Christina Brown

    August 10, 2019

    I have problems with my dads side of the family. my grandmothers husband adopted him . Cannot find my dads real father.

  • Sharon Splinter

    August 12, 2019

    My grandfather, Paul Fleischmann, immigrated to Canada from Marl, Germany (through Hamburg) in September, 1926. He was originally from Ludwikow, Poland. He married my grandmother, Adele Tepper, in 1929, in Blakeburn, BC., Canada. My mother was born June 26, 1930 and then tragically, her father was killed in a mining explosion that happened on Aug 13, 1930. We know nothing about Paul or his family and I’ve been searching for years to find out more about him. I found him on the Passenger list and it shows that he was already married to a woman by the name of Emilie and they lived in Marl, Germany. My cousin, who died over ten years ago, told me that he had corresponded with another family member (since deceased) that lived in Germany. She told him that Paul also had a son and daughter with Emilie. I do have an unidentified postcard (in German) showing children in a classroom. I’m told that the child is writing to say how sick he is but his mother can’t afford to have him treated. I would love to solve this family mystery as to who my grandfather was and if there are remaining family members.

  • Colleen Sholl

    August 12, 2019

    I would really like to find my Dads family it’s been hard to put a family tree together like most family my farther didn’t talk about the war I think my father found it to painfully as children we didn’t like to ask and I regret
    that now both parents are gone there is no one to ask

  • Jan Spiceland

    August 12, 2019

    What a wonderful opportunity to get help with a genealogy problem that has me stumped (and has me searching in the black hole of genealogy until late hours of the night.) My great-grandmother came to the USA from Germany when she was 11 years old….but I have managed to discover that her father died and she was “taken in” by another family when she was brought to the USA. She used their name for a while, I think….but I don’t think there was a legal adoption with paperwork, etc. which has made tracking her whereabouts very difficult. I would really like to find the immigration records for her entry into the USA but keep going around in circles! I am dizzy!

  • Rosanne Murray

    August 13, 2019

    There is a family legend that on my mother’s side of the family, my great grandmother was adopted from France. My grandmother was born Charlotte Daisy Collins and was born in 1886, one of 13 children. She always said that her mother was adopted from France as she spoke a little French, but it seems much further back than that. Looking at my family tree and all the information that I have seen, it seems more likely that, if the story is true, my great great great grandmother may have been adopted as the trail runs cold with her. She may have been born around the era of the French Revolution. Could you please help me trace the footsteps of my ancestors and solve this riddle.

  • Phyllis

    August 13, 2019

    I have come to a dead end with regards by Mother-in-laws parents. Their full names and marriage in Manchester, UK was noted on her birth certificate but I cannot verify anything further. She was brought up by someone apparently unrelated and herein lies the mystery. Please help.

  • Sharon M Pizzuti

    August 13, 2019

    I need help in discovering the lineage of my maternal grandmother Alice Hargrave. She was born in 1890 in or around New York City. Her father’s name was Robert Hargrave. In 1892 he gave her to a couple from Cincinnati named George and Maggie Pfeiffer. They raised her in Cincinnati until she married William Reichle around 1912 and died in 1918 during the influenza pandemic. She had two children, Ida and Bill. Ida was my mother. I have so many questions; was Alice’s mother dead and that is why Robert gave her to the Pfeiffers? Did no family ever wonder what became of a two year old baby girl. I have taken two DNA tests and am posted on Gedmatch. Most of my matches are on my paternal side. I am 80 now and wonder if I have the time and skills to solve this mystery. Who was Alice and who were her family. I would so appreciate your help.

  • Gracie Cooper

    August 14, 2019

    I would like to learn about my Grandfather James Wilson Scott. He was born 3 Nov 1863 in Scotland. He married Nellie Elizabeth Kelly 29 Nov 1891in Walker County Texas. They had 5 children 3 were born in Trinity,Trinity County, Texas, 1 in Corrigan, Polk County, Texas and 1 in Ellington, Fayetteville County, Texas. He worked for the railroad I know of three International Great Northern, Galveston Harrisburg & San Antonio (my grandmother received a metal dated 1906 for perfect section house and grounds) and San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railroads. His wife died 10 Mar 1908 in Houston leaving him with 4 children ages 15, 12, 9, & 4 his youngest had died either 1907 or 1908. 1910 Census he and the 3 oldest children were living in Galveston. I believe my mother his youngest was living in Houston, Harris County, Texas at this time. I know March and April. 1912 he was in Sweet Home And Halletsville, Texas working for the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway Company as I have letters he wrote to his oldest child. That is the last I know about him. my mother said she was 9 years old the last time she saw him which would have been around 1912. About 7-8 years ago a gentleman at our genealogy library found a possible match for him and he had a wife named Ray/RaeI know his 3 younger children always wondered what happened to him. Not sure about his oldest. My mother always said “he was a learned man” and liked to read. A York and Scottish Rite Mason. He was from a well off family. Buried in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. He was a stowaway and was put off ship in Mexico ( I remember my mother saying something about her father and Mexico). He went back to Scotland. He was disowned by his family. Don’t know if any are true just things that have been said. I do believe he was a learned man as his letters and entries of everyone’s birth dates are very detailed (even the time and day of the week each was born). I would certainly appreciate if you could help me learn where he is buried and what happened to him after 1912. There are maybe 3 of his grandchildren left and now our children and our grand children are asking about whatever happened to Grandfather Scott. Thanking you in advance for your consideration on this matter.

  • gary stinson

    August 14, 2019

    My ancestors are from 1580 France. Cant find anything else

  • Enid Hansen

    August 17, 2019

    I am searching for genealogy about my maternal grandmother and am lost. Her name was Elizabeth (Lizzie) Chalupa Houser–the issue is Chalupa. Her father’s name was Josef, as was her brother’s. I’ve been told Chalupa means “cottager” or “peasant”. That’s it.

  • Susan Wilshusen

    August 17, 2019

    I have been searching for years for my 3X great-grandfather’s family….Thomas Young….we know all the descendants, but cannot trace him back to a birthplace or find his parent’s names! Otherwise, I have been pretty successful in completing my family tree! This branch is located in Indiana, wife Rebecca McKee.

  • Brian Ward

    August 17, 2019

    I have found some dog tags that I would love to find the persons family to return them

  • John Myers

    August 17, 2019

    I would like to find my Grandmother Xenia Myers. She passed in 1912 and I would like to find out what cemetery she is in,in Latrobe, Pa. I have not found her death certificate or any information about her.


    August 20, 2019

    8/19/2019: Now that great grandma, JOAN DEMARTINO(1915–2017) has passed away, we are hoping to find at least one or two people that are related historically, either in the USA, or in another country; Russia or Hawaiian Islands. Her dad & mom, supposedly came from Chita, Syberia/Siberia?
    Their names were: Efim, Epham Nicoloff,Nikolaeff, bn, APRIL 7TH, 1892; OCSENIA/OXCENYA (SATURIAN), bn. about 1894, (supposedly, an Armenian name)? He died abt. 1917. She died 1940;
    They traveled, either married or unmarried, through China, while the Orient Express was being constructed, about 1900–1905? They went to Vlotovastoc, and took a ship in Japan.
    At one time, the Hawaiian government asked for workers, in the pineapple, coffee, cocoanut, and macodamia nut farms. I’m sure they didn’t realize how humid and hot the islands were, especially living in a very cold climate?
    We think they arrived on the island of Kuaui, in the small community of Kaapaa? When they lived there for a short time, they had a son, named ALEX OR ALAN NICOLOFF, NIKOLAEFF (ANY SPELLING); This took place in August of 1910. Was the birth record recorded, someplace?? Once they discovered they were not prepared for the climate or the work in Paradise, that took another ship, and arrived in California, either Los Angeles, or San Francisco, USA/America. Did they have friends or relatives living in those communities, to help them find shelter, food, and employment?? Efim did apply for the military, here, for the 1917–1918 draft, in his new country;
    Before they left California, they had a second son, in 1912, and named him, Vladimere Nicoloff, Nikolaeff; Was it recorded in one of those counties??
    By 1915–1916, they were living on Hooker St. and Barbur Blvd, in Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon. Little Vladimere, ran in front of a Ice Cream truck and got killed. He was 3-1/2 years old;
    From there, Dad and Mom & older brother, Alex/Alan Nicoloff, Nikolaeff, now about 5years old, packed
    up and moved to Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, Washington, to a place near Cosmopolis, where
    other Russians lived and worked at the local wood mill. Their neighbors were the Smertene Family,
    George and his wife and children; I believe they were Ukrainian/Russian??
    Then in July, 1918 Alex and the neighbor Smertene, about 5 years old son, decided to go fishing in the local Chehalis River, Mill Pond, but came up missing; The parents sent the older daughter of the Smertene family to find her little brother. Sadly, both boys were found along the side of the river, and the two families shared the funeral expenses, in July, 1918; The next month, August, 1918, Alex would have
    been eight years old. I don’t know if the Smertene family were related to our family, or place in Russia??
    We don’t have a clue about their life style in Russia, or why they were born, or lived in Siberia. Efim died on a job where there were live electric wires and was shocked, in Oregon. He was barely in his 30’s. She died under the name of Vera Williams, but went by various first names & marriages, John Minnish?? There are so many twist and turns in this history, I will feel lucky to find even one person, to admit to this short mysterious, family of secrets, to be found. After so many years, I will try to feel comfortable, about anything good, bad, historical, or noteworthy, for my four children & eleven grandchildren are able to hear, or understand. Thank you for trying to find the family TRUE answers.

  • Alena Zhukova

    August 20, 2019

    Hello MyHeritage research team! I hope that you will be able to help me understand the circumstances of the fate of our distant relative. It is known that before her marriage, her name was Maria Nikolaevna Gorkovenko. The new surname is not known to me. Presumably she was born in 1885. Born in Russia – Transbaikal region, Tataurovsky volost, village of Arta. It is known that at the beginning of the last century, she (possibly after marriage) emigrated to the United States. Subsequently, her family moved to Canada.
    Finding information about her family can help the fact that later she and her adult children visited the Soviet Union as part of some kind of musical group (possibly an orchestra). At the same time, she was forbidden to travel to relatives at the place of her birth. This is all that our family knows about Mary, as the connection with her was lost, and many of her close relatives were repressed. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find information about Mary and her family on my own, but perhaps you will succeed. Sincerely, Alena Zhukova.

  • Lisa Smith

    August 22, 2019

    I was told that my Mother and her Father (but I think was her older brother) came over sea’s on an Army Ship. When trying to find out more information the Army will not release any information. Her name was Myrtle Elizabeth Clouser (she was about 4 or 5) and her father (or Older) who was named Percy Clouser was only 15. Can some one please help me find out as she has passed away now and there is no one to ask.

  • Lisa Smith

    August 22, 2019

    My mother who has now passed away and her Father or older brother came over to America on an Army ship. There last name was Clouser. She was approximately 5 years old and he was approximately 15. None of us children know where they came from. I am collecting our family history and would greatly appreciate anyone who has information on how I can find this out. She did not show up on the American census until she was about 6 and it was only her and her father or older brother. There names are Myrtle E Giordano (Clouser) and Percy Clouser. Please help.

  • robyne williams

    August 24, 2019

    my father was illegitimate we have no idea who his father was, through dna we have found he was indian, my dad was born in queensland in 1907. Recently I was contacted by a distant cousin who is 100% indian, alas she was adopted, how wonderful would it be to find how our families are related.

  • Charles Glaze

    August 24, 2019

    I have been hitting a stone wall. My 6th great grandfather, John Glaze was born c.1676, d. 1738, in Maryland. I am pretty sure they came from the UK. because of the given names of the family, and son’s family’s etc. Later generations migrated to Ohio, Illinois, and on to Colorado. I have searched for ships records and immigration records, but have found nothing. I would like to know where and when he was born, and when and who he married. I thought about looking in England, but how would I know how he was related or if the info I found was even linked to the right person.

  • Gail Potter

    August 26, 2019

    My name is Gail Potter, I live in Blacktown SYDNEY NSW. My Maternal Grandparents raised me as a child. I know nothing about my Grandparents on my Fathers side. I’ve never met any of my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins etc on that side of the family. And I have no details to track them down, except that they came from WA. Also my Grandfather and Family are of Jewish decent. I would love to find out about my Great Grandparents Family history.

  • Tacy Dunn Adams

    August 27, 2019

    Dunn is a common name, but our family branch seems to have broken and disappeared in the wind! I can’t find a trace of my fathers side of the tree or my 4xsgreatgrandfather from Ireland since the family bible is said to have been burned in a fire.

  • Tacy Dunn Adams

    August 27, 2019

    The Dunn branch of our tree seems to have broken off as I can find no trace of them. And the family bible was burned containing any information regarding the immigration of Gerald Hope from Ireland, so we have no info from where or any other family trace on him.

  • Gay Durnford

    August 28, 2019

    I would like to know who my mother’s other children are without letting them know of me. We are all older and who knows how it may affect them. I am adopted.

  • Mrs Evans

    August 31, 2019

    My late mother always said she had a sister Violet. Who was there and the she was not. On the 1901 Census there is a Violet Stone living with her grandfather Aaron Stone. On the 1901 census my grandparents list that they have one child no name.
    My Mother was not born until 1914. I would love to find out about this long lost Aunt.

  • Mrs Evans

    August 31, 2019

    My late mother always said she had a sister Violet. Who was there and thens he was not. On the 1901 Census there is a Violet Stone living with her grandfather Aaron Stone. On the 1901 census my grandparents list that they have one child no name.
    My Mother was not born until 1914. I would love to find out about this long lost Aunt.

  • Debra Fallows

    September 2, 2019

    I am trying to find out where my Great uncle William Thomas Fisher was born the name on records is Peidarmarityburg but I can find no reference to this place. I know his elder brother Albert Edward was born in south Africa and his sister was born in India all other siblings were born in UK. I know his father Christopher Charles Fisher was in the Army from 1904 until somewhere around 1911/1912 maybe even later. His mother’s name was Mary Ann Fisher ( maiden name Smith(e)).
    Any help would be great
    Thank you

  • Susan Hughes

    September 3, 2019

    There is a large group of people who are trying to find out which Hughes man is really the father of a line of Hughes. We have many theories but cannot prove our educated guess. Help with this will benefit many family members.

  • Donna Graham

    September 6, 2019

    My family has paper trail goes back to 1700’s where cherokee heritage began with a child that had to be left behind and we all came from thus one child that’s all that’s known we dont know why they would leave a child but would like to know more about it this is b4 cherokee nation started keeping records. We like to know if any documented stories or legends have ever heard about this one child that was left behnd

  • Marietta Simone van den Berg

    September 10, 2019

    I have been looking for a picture of my maternal grandparents: Simon Broekman and Judikje Broekman-Turksma. They perished in Auschwitz on September 17, 1942. Many years ago I connected with a member of the Turksma family but they couldn’t find anything. Maybe someone in your organization can help me?

  • Jill Mills

    September 13, 2019

    I would love to solve the mystery of who my Great grandfather is. My Mother started searching in 1970, she died in 1999 without finding any information, I have taken over the quest and keep coming up blank. My Mother and her siblings were all told he drowned when sailing from Townsville, Queensland, Australia to Brisbane to marry my Great Grandmother. My Grandmother’s birth was registered in 1920 so she could marry, her stepfather was listed as her father. All my Grandmother’s half siblings were told the same story. I’d love to find out if it is true and who my Great Grandfather really was.

  • Evie Reid.

    September 17, 2019

    My dad left when I was 4 yrs old,now in my mid 60’s.Ive tried so many times searching,only found grand father,gran mothers grave.
    He didn’t have full siblings only adopted ones,all passed now.Ive since done DNA,and getting emails from 2nd cousins that’s as far as it goes.
    Would love yr help to fing him D.0A.for peace of mind.thanks.

  • Hugh T. Riley

    September 19, 2019

    My great grandfather, Francis Riley, is buried in St. John’s cemetery, Allentown, NJ. He has a tall spire of a headstone inscribed with these dates:born 3/17/1812, died 12/2/1891. There is no mention of a mrs. Riley and I’m curious who my great, grandmother is. I would also like to know where he/she were born. My father thought his family were from County Cavan, Irl. But when I wrote to Cavan they could find no record of his birth.
    Can you help???

  • CP

    C Perry

    September 30, 2019

    I am probably one of the most zealous genealogists that you’ll ever meet. I have been persistently researching my paternal family history for almost 20 years. My maternal ancestry as well, but to a somewhat lesser degree. I have had my DNA analyzed by 4 different companies, and that has resulted in my finding a large number of paternal (and maternal) relatives that I certainly would not have found otherwise. In fact, exactly here at I was united after 49 years with a niece that I NEVER knew existed! Until she had her DNA tested here just as I had. My older sister (10 years older than I) became pregnant at a young age. My parents did everything they could to hide the pregnancy. When the baby was born, it was left at the hospital to be placed for adoption. And that dark secret was quietly tucked away for almost 50 years; until the autumn of last year. But now, moving on more specifically to my unsolved brick-wall mystery… Over the years, in the course of my relentlessness, I have uncovered a considerable number of ancestral treasures. Gems that my father, and his sisters, went to their graves never knowing. I have been able to determine things that are typically more difficult for persons of predominantly African ancestry. Prior to the 1870 census, so much of our history fades and disappears. But, I was able to discover that my gg grandfather was born in 1825 in Hancock County Georgia. I have identified who his owner was. I have copies of the pages of a Bible that was possessed by that owner, in which the birth of his slaves were recorded. My gg grandfather, along with his siblings appear on one of those pages. That owner moved from Hancock County, Georgia to Russell County, Alabama around 1838, carrying my ancestors with him. The owner dies in 1842. He leaves a Last Will and Testament, of which I have a copy. However, none of his slaves (aka my paternal ancestors) are mentioned by name in that Will. However, a probate document, an Inventory and Appraisement, is created. I have a copy of that document. My gg grandfather -17 years old at the time- appears on that document along with his siblings, and the man that I have taken to have been his father. As was typical on documents of that nature, their individual value was calculated, or assessed. What has been for years a burning curiosity of considerable intensity is how that owner came to be in possession of my ancestors. From whom would he have acquired them??? And when? I have the period narrowed down to the years between 1820 and 1830. The location would likely have been Hancock, Georgia, I would think. I have looked at the parents of the owner of my ancestors and the possibility of them having been left to him as an inheritance. I have looked for those with the same surname as the owner, and searched through their probate documents. I have browsed the local newspaper of that time for ads of slaves being sold. And in all of that, I still have NOTHING. I have a TREMENDOUS sensation, intuition, that if I were able to find out from whom the owner acquired my ancestors, that it would ignite a domino effect in producing a WEALTH of new family history discoveries!

  • Anne Doyle

    October 2, 2019

    I would love to no what happened my grandmother she moved from Ireland to Manchester 40 to 50 years ago.She is most likely deceased now but would love to no if I have any relatives alive over there or if she remarried and what kind of life she had.I am 45 never met her she had no other family left in Ireland only myself and 4 brothers.My dad who is deceased now was her only son in Ireland.We as a family would really love to no something about her or even if you could point us in the right direction of how to find out about her.

    Many Thanks
    Anne Doyle

  • Jeslyn Grokoest

    October 13, 2019

    My Ukrainian grandmother married Lithuanian grandfather in Lincoln New Hampshire. Around 1915.
    2 sons. Youngest my father.
    1920 census says their name Grahowski but some time later and I never knew until recently, they left grandfather and changed name to Grokoest. Why and why a hard name? What happened to grandfather? I am last of family.
    Just 3 of them & they lied to my mother but why? Such secrets they took with them, I just found out I was baptized Ukrainian orthodox but mother never said a word and all the papers in Boston area for births, deaths & marriage disappeared in a 10 year span the time I would have been baptized. I spoke to historian.
    I would like answers now that they are all dead . Papers won’t tell me what they were thinking but papers might help in a small way.

  • Darlene

    November 7, 2019

    My genealogy is complicated and not sure if this site is Canadian, American or global :)I am Canadian searching my genealogy and merely stranded because spelling and errors in names when searching Ancestry backgrounds and therefore searching is a task especially when there is so many doors , however in 2000 I began my family search. I already knew my great grandmother was native background, as I have been avid since childhood asking Mom who am I. I found most documents connected to her ( Great Grandmother) and noted to self that even my Mother at 89 (with dementia) acknowledged she has Native history background however when she was young was taught to silence herself therefore was raised not to know her history but I know shes right. My search never ends, however unfortunately people search records and possibly attach wrong information when searching and most people do not understand the difference and desperate attempts we make to find ourselves and the right info.
    Thus far in my search , I have names connecting to Louis Riel (not sure it is all connected ) however from the west yet goes to the east and family that travelled even to ………..(Ontario Wikwemikong). My great grandmother was baptised on wikwemikong and her parents married there. Imagine if I am wrong yet think I am 80 percent confident I’m right so I am just trying to find out my lineage and would love to share my whole history with my kids and grandkids and mostly share with My Mom at 90. I just want to die someday knowing the truth and sharing that people should not feel ashamed of knowing where they come from whether royalty, an arrogant politician or just a loving human( I will take loving human) x. I have so many empty holes yet so much exciting things to discover and alot of info to start with, but cant connect the dots.Maybe it ends up I am wrong , but it would be right, at least I would know WHO I am. My roots spread from Native, Germany, England etc
    I am not in search of a badge, not in search of possibles, but am in search of WHO am I. My history is the deepest search yet and in the end would be the most gratifying feeling that I can finally find out where I belong and who I am. Is there anyone out there that can just take all the info ( details), work with me to aid me and help me find my identity? In truth , I just want my children and grandchildren to know there family background, so they do not have to wonder their whole lives like I am doing at 62. WHO are they? I have much info, just no concrete stones to plant my family tree 🙂 Thanks for listening ! Hugs. If you can help I don’t have thousands of dollars but I have shorter legs before I die, and just wondering is anyone out there listening? Can you help? If not , at least say thanks and not at this time. Sorry if I ranted too much , but oh my gosh a human or a politician. TAKE the human lol Thanks for your time 🙂 x

  • Bonita Hastings Blood

    December 3, 2019

    My mother was adopted in 1929 a few months after her birth. I know who her birth mother was, but the man listed on my mother’s birth certificate is not her biological father. He was her half sister’s father. My mother had no brothers that we know of. I have seven grandchildren and we are all wondering who my mother’s father was. I have done the 23 and Me and also the DNA tests. But, without the male Y chromosome I am at a dead end. Sadly. Can you help? It would make a wonderful present to myself and my grandchildren.

    • E


      December 3, 2019

      Hi Bonita,

      Have you uploaded your DNA results to MyHeritage? This can give you new leads. Visit for more information.

      Best, Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Gordon Kincaid

    December 6, 2019

    Dear My Heritage:
    My wife is a member of My Heritage , and her name is Linda Vermilyea Kincaid.
    My wife, her mother, and grandmother had breast cancer. After my wife had breast cancer surgery, she was questioned by two medical people if she was Ashkenazic Jewish. Since that time my wife has tried to find a link to this Ashkenazic Jewish heritage that these people questioned her about.
    Would it be possible for My Heritage to see if they can find some Ashkenazic Jewish ancestors that may explain why breast cancer is so strong in my wife`s family, generation after generation.
    Thank you for your help in advance. Sincerely,
    Gordon Kincaid -Linda`s husband

  • Kate Doust

    December 8, 2019

    My name is Kate Doust (nee Riley) and I am searching my family tree. When I was a teenager my family was in a Pub on Riley Street, Surry Hills, when my father said our family used to own the land around here. I laughed, yeah right!
    More then 20yrs later, I thought I’d look into Dad’s claim to the Riley Family.
    It seems Dad may have been talking about Edward Riley, who was considered the 9th richest Man in Australia, owning large parcels of land in Wooloomooloo and the Riley Estate. Edward committed suicide in 1825.
    So, I’ve been able to trace the Riley’s back the 1880’s with a Marriage certificate for George Riley but then hit a roadblock. I can’t find his birth date or his parents details.
    I would love any assistance.

    Yours Sincerely

    Kate Doust

  • Phil Myhre

    January 1, 2020

    I am searching for information on Caroline Stockman born England 1836/1837, father was William Stockman and mother Caroline Stockman nee Bailey. She sailed alone to New Zealand on the Phillip Laing in possibly 1856/7.

  • Joan boyd

    January 8, 2020

    I have reached a stalemate regarding my great grandmother Ellen Sullivan born 1862 in Dover she married Edward Kelly born1861 from Donegal I researched many avenues and cannot get any more information about her it’s do frustrating hope you can help

  • Mr.Vincent Posner.

    February 20, 2020

    To My Heritage., After reading most interesting history of peoples familys i fell that there is still hope left that yourselfs have the magic wand….i hope. For many years in darkness i uncovered a wrapped in cloth a what look like to me to be a medal.
    Inscription and date was my grandad at the approx age of 11 years old. A date of 1896, at 11years of age, i thought to myself this is a heavy peice of silver, wow such a richness of history of which had never been spoken about upon growing up. I know next to nothing all these years later and it must have been history in the making.

  • Livija Caune

    April 14, 2020

    My great uncle Martin Sahger (Martins Zageris in latvian ) fled from home as a teenager to serve as a ship boy, later he emigrated to US being a ship owner?/ captain? In 1880-ties? There is a postcard from Seattle. There exists also an address in San Francisco Clay street right on the port. I would very much like to know , how much truth is there in the family legend.
    Thank you so much!

  • Amy

    April 27, 2020

    I would love some help with my ancestry. My DNA dosnt match up with my family tree at all. Nothing adds up. I would love to find out more.

  • Janice ponciano-lance

    November 29, 2020

    I have searching my ancestor 5 years. There?was talk of indigenous family member from our Wolfe side or Satterwhite hertiage. Can you help me and solve the mystery