Name Changes and Spelling Issues in Family History Research

Name Changes and Spelling Issues in Family History Research

In What’s in a Name? Spelling Issues in Genealogy we are advised to assume “furious and crazy phonetic spelling, pre-1850,” something which may or may not put a glitch in your family history research as you discover misspellings and incorrect census records. The author notes one example of such a case with her own great-great-grandfather, Francis William Pettygrove, who is listed on several annals as Frances, Francis W., F.W., Pettigrove, Pettigrew, Pettygrew, and Petigrow.

As troublesome as this might be that a mere letter could cause you to miss a critical record, keen researchers have grown family tree websites or family associations, collecting all possible spellings, hoping not miss vital information.

With’s collaborative online family tree, family members can easily be invited to add and suggest name spellings, making your family tree more accurate. To create your basic family tree online for free, visit

Has a name change or spelling mistake been uncovered in your family tree? How did you discover it? Please share your story below or here on our Facebook page.


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  • F W etzel

    April 1, 2011

    Find gedcom

  • F W etzel

    April 1, 2011

    How can i find gedcom /

  • F W etzel

    April 1, 2011

    How can I find Gedcom file

    • Robert

      April 1, 2011

      Hi FW,

      It depends a bit on where you’re trying to get the GEDCOM from, but I can point you in the right direction.

      For exporting from Family Tree Builder, just go to File > Export Gedcom while in the software program.

      On the website you’ll need to go to Family Tree > Manager Family Trees, then select ‘Export Gedcom’ on the relevant tree to you.

      If you’re trying to get a Gedcom from another software provider, things might be a bit different.

      If you let me know specifically where you’re stuck I might be able to help you a bit more. Otherwise, hopefully some of this has helped you!

  • J

    April 1, 2011

    Please go to the Family Tree – Manage Trees – and there you can make export to GEDCOM

  • Don G

    May 14, 2012

    I’ve made spelling corrections and additions in my family, but they don’t show up in the family tree chart. How do you make those corrections/additions?

    • Aaron

      May 15, 2012

      Hi Don, please contact

  • Jim

    July 6, 2019

    How do I make corrections … like a niece is under wrong parents, can I just move her somehow? Also ex-wife still shows as wife. Why isn’t there a help line at top of app? Should be easier to make corrections after the fact!

    • E


      July 7, 2019

      Hi Jim,

      Please see the following FAQ for instructions on how to correct this:

      Esther / MyHeritage Team