5 Post-Father’s Day Clips From Around the Web

5 Post-Father’s Day Clips From Around the Web

With Father’s Day only a few days past, we thought it would be fun to round up a couple of stories. Who says that fathers are to be celebrated only one day of the year? Here are 5 inspiring post-Father’s Day clips.

1) Six-Word Memoir Project – Visitors to the site are invited to share six words about their dad, or about being a dad.

2) Stephen Whitty’s NJ.com article, “Father’s Day: Finding fatherhood at the movies,” a look at father figures in Hollywood classics from “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” to recent releases such as “The Tree of Life,” a philosophical family drama starring Brad Pitt and “Super 8,” a thriller about a mysterious train crash.

3) From parenting blog, Motherlode, “Father’s Day,” in which Amanda Knickerbocker writes of her husband Peter’s adventures in fatherhood and the joy of watching the two males in her life develop “a relationship full of laughter, tickles, dirt and trains.”

4) Helen O’Neill’s “Accidental father takes care of nephew” the story of a foster child who overnight became a father, taking on the responsibility of caring for his 2 and 4 year old niece and nephew.

5) And finally, we leave you with Sarah Schulte’s article “‘Real Men Cook’ brings out families on Father’s Day” a report on a multi-generational charity event that brings together fathers and sons to cook, and of course, eat!

Photo credit: BCantrall at the English language Wikipedia [GFDL (www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], from Wikimedia Commons

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