Competition: Share Your Family’s Love Stories 

Competition: Share Your Family’s Love Stories 

All love stories begin with a single moment, and the best love stories come from our very own families. 

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re asking you to tell us about the love stories in your family, and if you have a photo of your ancestors in love, even better! 

Now’s a great chance to ask your parents how they met and to dig up all the old family wedding photos that you have lying around. 

Share your stories on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag #HowTheyMet to enter. If you don’t have social media channels, you are also welcome to send your stories to to enter. Three lucky entries will win MyHeritage Complete Subscriptions. The competition ends on February 20, 2020, so hurry and enter today!

Good luck!


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  • Pam

    February 9, 2020

    Can the story be about my kids, rather than an ancestor? It’s a pretty special story!

    • E


      February 10, 2020


  • Kuntep Berkat Asi

    February 10, 2020

    I will do and triy to make my blog ” heritage blog ”
    My question english a must in writting ?

    • E


      February 11, 2020

      Hi Kuntep,

      English would be great if possible. Looking forward to hearing your story!

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Lisa weizmann

    February 11, 2020

    I will test my DNA

  • Roger DeGroot

    February 17, 2020

    My mother, Madelyn Disselkoen, was a teacher in Denver, Colorado. During the summer she became a care giver on the night shift at the Bethesda TB Sanitarium in the Denver area. One of the people she cared for was Martha DeGroot. Martha’s husband, Edward, had moved to Denver to be near his wife – leaving their two daughters with their grandparents back in Illinois. During those nights Madelyn and Martha had lots of time to talk and developed a friendship based on their common love of God. A short time later, Martha, returned home to Evergreen Park, Illinois to spend her last days with family. Madelyn had always wanted to be a nurse and decided to attend a nursing program at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago. One Sunday, she attended a Christian Reformed church (her father was a Christian Reformed church pastor) in Evergreen Park. And after meeting Martha’s parents, she was invited to their house for Sunday dinner after church. Martha was home-bound by that time and was surprised and pleased to meet her friend from Colorado. That day was when she met her future husband, Edward. Later that year, Martha did die of TB and a few months later, Edward called Madelyn at her nursing dormitory and asked her for a date – to take a walk on the lakefront of Lake Michigan. About a year later, Edward and Madelyn were married. Dad never admitted it, but it is likely that Martha had told him that he should pursue Madelyn for his wife and the mother to their two daughters. Mom never admitted it, but I have always thought the she gave up teaching to move to Chicago where she could meet Martha’s husband. Again, no one ever admitted it, but during those night shift conversations, Martha and Madelyn might have planned it all out. In the three years after Ed and Madelyn, my brother and I were born to complete our family.

  • Janice Sparks Buckingham

    February 18, 2020

    would love to tell you about my mom and dad and how they met