Mother’s Day Look-Alike Competition

Mother’s Day Look-Alike Competition

How many times have you heard people comment about which parent a child takes after? Throughout the ages, people seem to be fascinated with family resemblances.

We each get roughly half our DNA from each of our parents, but the percentages that comprise your genetic makeup are part of the equation. Not all genes are expressed equally, which is why you can look exactly like one parent, and not at all like the other.

The photo above, sent in by MyHeritage user Lindsay Thompson, shows the remarkable similarity between her daughter, Michelle Green (born in 2000), and Michelle’s great-grandmother, Lucy Green (1903-1989). Although they were born 87 years apart, and Michelle was born 11 years after her great-grandmother died, the likeness is uncanny.

Have you heard all your life that you look exactly like your mother? Leading up to Mother’s Day this year, we want to see your look-alike photos with the women in your family! The lucky winner of the best look-alike photo will win a MyHeritage DNA kit!

Send in your family photos, and details about the people in your photos to by May 14, 2019 for a chance to win. We’ll post the top photos on the blog.

We look forward to seeing your photos. Happy Mother’s Day!