Introducing Our New DNA Ethnicity Analysis

Introducing Our New DNA Ethnicity Analysis

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new and improved DNA Ethnicity Estimate. MyHeritage DNA now provides users with a percentage-based estimate of their ethnic origins covering 42 ethnic regions, more than any other major DNA company and many of which are available only on MyHeritage. The Ethnicity Estimate is presented in an original and engaging format, making it not only interesting but also fun to watch and share.

The Ethnicity Estimate is available to customers who purchase the MyHeritage DNA kit, and also to users who upload their DNA data to MyHeritage. MyHeritage is unique among the main DNA companies in allowing users who have tested their DNA already with another service to upload — for free — their data to MyHeritage. Those users receive DNA Matches for free, for finding relatives based on shared DNA. Beginning this week, users who have already uploaded their DNA data to MyHeritage, or who will upload it in the coming months, will also receive – for free – the new Ethnicity Estimate.

Every person’s DNA reveals their unique heritage. Understanding where your ancestors came from can give you a better sense of who you are. You might even discover roots in unexpected places.

Order a MyHeritage DNA kit today or upload your DNA data for free to uncover your ethnic origins and find new relatives.

DNA results include a fascinating breakdown of your ancestral ethnicity. You will see the percentage of your DNA that originates from each of the ethnic regions supported by MyHeritage in an Ethnicity Estimate, displayed in a list and on a world map. Access your Ethnicity Estimate by selecting “Ethnicity Estimate” in the “DNA” menu. MyHeritage DNA customers also see their results – which include an overview of their ethnicity and DNA Matches – in an aggregated page called the “DNA results” page, that can be accessed by clicking “DNA” in the main navigation menu. Click “View Full Estimate” there to view your Ethnicity Estimate.

DNA results page

DNA results page

The development of the new Ethnicity Estimate raises the number of ethnic regions covered by MyHeritage DNA from 36 to 42. It was made possible thanks to MyHeritage’s Founder Populations Project — one of the largest of its kind ever conducted. For this unique project, more than 5,000 users were handpicked by MyHeritage from its 90 million-strong user base, by virtue of their family trees exemplifying consistent ancestry from the same region or ethnicity for many generations. All project participants received complimentary DNA tests and allowed MyHeritage’s science team to develop breakthrough ethnicity models based on the generated data.

Thanks to this analysis, MyHeritage DNA has become the only mass-market percentage-based DNA test that reveals ethnicities such as Balkan; Baltic; Eskimo & Inuit; Japanese; Kenyan; Sierra Leonean; Somali; five major Jewish groups  — Ashkenazi, Ethiopian, Yemenite, Sephardic from North Africa and Mizrahi from Iran and Iraq; Indigenous Amazonian; Papuan and many others. In some cases, competing products can identify and report an aggregated region (e.g., Italian & Greek), whereas MyHeritage has better resolution and identifies Greek, Italian and Sardinian ethnicities separately. We are not done utilizing all fruits of the Founder Populations Project, and there are many more ethnic regions that we intend to add in the future, after additional processing and fine-tuning.

In the new Ethnicity Estimate released this week, many improvements have been made  in accuracy, compared to our previous version. One particular example which will be very helpful is the accuracy improvement in identifying German, French, Dutch, and other related ethnicities, which are more accurately detected now as North and West European, whereas previously many of them were incorrectly described as British. Previously, we were unable to differentiate between English and Irish, so we grouped them under one ethnicity called “British Isles”. Now we are able to tell them apart, so we have English, and separately – Irish, Scottish and Welsh. It turns out that the latter three are very close genetically, because of their shared Celtic roots, but hopefully we will be able to tell them apart successfully in the future, after further improvement of our ethnicity models.

Our new Ethnicity Estimate is delivered in a captivating “reveal” experience featuring animation, and as of this week, original music composed by MyHeritage. Each of the 42 ethnicities has a distinctive tune, based on the region’s cultural elements; all songs seamlessly connect to each other. This makes the report fun to watch and share over social media. Access this experience by clicking on “Ethnicity Estimate” in the “DNA” menu, and then clicking the “Play Intro” button as shown below:

Here is an example of the new Ethnicity Estimate “reveal” experience:

Once you’ve viewed your animated results, click “Share” to share them with your friends via social media. Click “View full Ethnicity Estimate” to return to the in-depth ethnicity report.

Internally, we have named our new and improved ethnicity model “0.95 beta”, and the older model “0.90 beta”. Users who receive ethnicity results from now on will only get results with the newer model. MyHeritage DNA customers who have already received ethnicity results with the older model will remain with those results, but they can switch to the newer model at any time using the ethnicity settings dialog. The settings can be accessed by using the cogwheel button as shown below. You can also switch back at any time.

Accessing ethnicity settings

Accessing ethnicity settings

Please keep in mind that the Ethnicity Estimate, although the result of sophisticated algorithms based on large amounts of data, is still an estimate. Some ethnicities are genetically very similar to, and hard to distinguish from, other ethnicities, so mistakes may happen. There are also occurrences of false positives, especially with results having very low percentage values. So it’s always a good practice to treat your ethnicity estimate results with caution, and note that we will continue working hard to improve accuracy and add more ethnicities that are not identified currently. We are happy to receive feedback, as it helps point our attention at areas that could use improvement.

We believe that DNA is one of the key areas in the future of genealogy, and as such it receives a lot of attention from us. As with all areas of family history, we continually strive to make it more useful for our users through innovation. Our new Ethnicity Estimate allows us to show you your ancestral roots with better resolution than any other DNA service, in an original and unique format. We are working to add more features to enhance our users’ DNA results in the near future, and our product roadmap includes a chromosome browser which is highly anticipated by some of our users.

The MyHeritage Wiki offers many articles about ethnicities including North and West European ethnicity, Iberian ethnicity, North African ethnicity.

The MyHeritage Team.


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  • david

    June 1, 2017

    Hi. I am a myheritage member and was wondering if you offered a health analysis feature?

    • E


      June 4, 2017

      Hi David,

      We don’t currently offer a health analysis feature for MyHeritage DNA.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Kim

    June 3, 2017

    the DNA company I have used to get my dna info about will update my results from time to time so it isn’t necessary to redo it for anything new that companies come up with …. Do you do this My Heritage?

    • E


      June 4, 2017

      Hi Kim,

      We do often make changes automatically for users. In this case, if you have already received ethnicity results, then you will still see the older Ethnicity Estimate model. You can switch to the newer model at any time using the ethnicity settings dialog (the cogwheel button as shown above).

      Esther / MyHeritage Team


    June 5, 2017

    There is no cog wheel on my page – no where to change to new setting???

    • E


      June 6, 2017


      Only users who have previously received DNA results with the older Ethnicity model will see the cogwheel. Users who have just received results using our new Ethnicity Estimate will not see the settings options.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Tami Neilson

    June 5, 2017

    My Ethnicity results do not have a Cogwheel icon. Is this because this is still a Beta version?

  • M Kroon

    June 12, 2017

    What a relief, mu first estimate said 85% British/Irish and 15% Scandinavian.. Being Dutch with many German ancestors I was so puzzled about this result and was going to ask my mum some serious questions 😀 . But the new 0.95 version shows 68% North and West European and ‘only’ 22% British, which is very possible since red hair does sometimes run in the family.

  • Mila

    June 16, 2017

    What is the expiration date of your kit? If I purchase it now, can I use it later?

    • E


      June 16, 2017

      Hi Mila,

      There is no expiration on the kit, so you can take the test at a later time.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Jan Dagher

    June 20, 2017

    I am part of the Founder’s Project and just received my ethnicity results. It states that 18.1% of my ethnicity comes from two unnamed regions. Will I receive more information about these two regions as it becomes available?


    • E


      June 21, 2017

      Hi Jan,

      If you click on the arrows, you should be able to open up the full and detailed ethnicity estimate, with all of the regions shown.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Uriy

    June 21, 2017

    Thank You!!

  • Sandra J. Kotrba

    June 22, 2017

    Dear My Heritage,
    I was chosen to participate in the My Heritage Founder’s Population Project in the Fall and I am very excited in seeing my DNA results. I can’t wait to pass it along to my family members. I hope I can encourage them to get their DNA results for comparison. Thank you.

  • John

    June 23, 2017

    Looks great, Do i have to become a member of MyHeritage to do the DNA test? Do I get my results by Email/post?

    • E


      June 25, 2017

      Hi John,

      One has to sign up for a free basic MyHeritage account in order to activate a MyHeritage DNA kit. It can be done in a few simple steps at .

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Bommo

    June 27, 2017

    how long does it take to process a dna kit from a different site after you upload it? Thanks for offering this great free service

    • E


      June 27, 2017

      It can take up to a week, but typically only a day or so. Let us know what you discover!

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Tommo

    June 28, 2017

    Hi there, I got my results which showed British & Irish with 51.3% and Scandanavian at 42.3%. From another test I got 95% British. Now I understand MyHeritage results show a split from English with Irish/Scottish/Welsh. Can I get my results done with the new ethnicities?

    • E


      June 29, 2017

      Hi Tommo,

      If you are still seeing ethnicity results with the older model, you can switch to the newer model at any time using the ethnicity settings dialog. The settings can be accessed by using the cogwheel button.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Nancy Morales

    July 5, 2017

    I got my results a week ago, but their is no cog wheel showing. Do I have the old or new results?

  • Daniel Rogers

    July 5, 2017

    Have you separated Irish, Scottish, and welsh yet??

    • E


      July 9, 2017

      Hi Daniel,

      In the new Ethnicity Estimate released Previously, we were unable to differentiate between English and Irish, so we grouped them under one ethnicity called “British Isles”. Now we are able to tell them apart, so we have English, and separately – Irish, Scottish and Welsh. It turns out that the latter three are very close genetically, because of their shared Celtic roots, but hopefully we will be able to tell them apart successfully in the future, after further improvement of our ethnicity models.

      Best, Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Armen Gazaway

    July 5, 2017

    Sorry to be so dense… Will I need to request the wonderful new analysis if the one I got last month (an upload of raw data) does not have a cog icon? How can I know I have the newest analysis? My analysis page says, “Beta”. Thank you!

    • E


      July 12, 2017

      Hi Armen,

      Only MyHeritage users who have uploaded their DNA data to MyHeritage, prior to the launch of the new Ethnicity Estimate on June 1st, have the option to change the display of the Ethnicity Estimate to the 0.95 Beta version, and back to the 0.90 Beta version. If you received your estimate after that date, you will automatically see the new estimate.

      Best, Esther

  • Jim Lloyd

    July 5, 2017

    If my DNA was done by you guys originally do i get to see the new results ?

    • E


      July 12, 2017

      Hi Jim,

      By default, you will see the older version of the Ethnicity Estimate, but using the settings, you can choose to view the new version.

      Best, Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Mary Lou Nolan

    July 5, 2017

    I had my DNA done by National Geographic. I was able to upload it to Family Tree DNA easily. It will not upload to My Heritage but keeps giving me a “invalid kit”. Help

    • E


      July 12, 2017

      Hi Mary Lou,

      We currently accept raw data files from Ancestry, 23andMe, and FTDNA.

      Best, Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Jim Lloyd

    July 5, 2017

    Ok I have my wife and daughter that were done with a different company. How can i upload them ? Under my account or create a new account for each ?

    • E


      July 12, 2017

      Just use the following link, and choose to upload results for “Someone else” each time: .

  • Carolyn Hockett-Moll

    July 5, 2017

    Can hardly wait to get the results of my DNA test…

  • Nydja Quarles

    July 5, 2017

    My information has changed…thank you.


    July 5, 2017


  • David

    July 5, 2017

    Hello, I’m a MyHeritage member waiting on results from the dna sample I sent. I’m especially interested in my Native American heritage. Thanks for such a phenomenal resource for genealogical research.

  • Barbara Vitale

    July 5, 2017

    I am looking for any Native American connections.

  • Robin Sinclair

    July 6, 2017

    Could you please include in future Australian Aboriginal.

    • E


      July 6, 2017

      Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Melissa

    July 6, 2017

    Hello, I just mailed mine and my fathers DNA today should get to your offices on Saturday per USPS.
    looking forward to finding out if all the family talk of what is in us is really in us. ;-]
    I have also shared with family who have used other companies to down load their results to your site.
    have a great one
    Melissa Blevins Nesbit

  • Ken Richards

    July 6, 2017

    Is this going to extended to existing customers? I used to have interesting info on my origins which disappeared a few months ago

    • E


      July 6, 2017

      Hi Ken,
      Only MyHeritage users who have uploaded their DNA data to MyHeritage, prior to the launch of the new Ethnicity Estimate on June 1st, have the option to change the display of the Ethnicity Estimate to the 0.95 Beta version, and back to the 0.90 Beta version. For more information please click here:

      Best, Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Barbara Gegg

    July 6, 2017

    Hi. I’m a MyHeritage member. Many months ago I downloaded my dad’s DNA test from FTDNA to MyHeritage. However, as a new member trying to find my way, I downloaded it under my name since I am doing the DNA for my family. Since that time, I tested my own DNA. So I downloaded my DNA under my name and reloaded my Dad’s DNA under his name. Unfortunately, I now have 2 kits showing under my name. I can’t figure out a way to delete it. Is that possible? I am afraid I will have strange results having 2 different DNAs under my name.

    • E


      July 6, 2017

      Hi Barbara,

      You can re-assign DNA results to be for another person in your family tree. Please see the following FAQ post about this:

      How do I re-assign a DNA kit to a family member in my tree?

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • James S Guerrero

    July 6, 2017

    Great service, I have one question and that is; the ethnicity estimate is taken from what DNA test, is it from the yDNA, xDNA, or Autosomal DNA?

    • E


      July 6, 2017

      Hi James,

      The MyHeritage DNA test is an autosomal test.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Christabelle

    July 6, 2017

    What are the 42 regions? Are they all coloured in the first picture? If so, Australia has been missed all together and I have wasted my money. Does anyone know?\

    • E


      July 6, 2017

      Hi Christabelle, When you access your Ethnicity Estimate by selecting “Ethnicity Estimate” in the “DNA” Tab, you can see ‘All supported Ethnicities’ on the left upper side of the page. Best, Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Hal Meadows

    July 6, 2017

    My DNA test was done with another group. How do I transfer the test results to Heritage?

    • E


      July 12, 2017

      Please see for further instructions.

  • Gabi

    July 6, 2017

    Hello. Did you test Jews dna and can to define Cohens Gens. Thank you

    • E


      July 12, 2017

      Hi Gabi,

      We currently show 5 different Jewish groups in the ethnicity breakdown: Ashkenazi, Ethiopian, Yemenite, Sephardic from North Africa and Mizrahi from Iran and Iraq.

      We do not test for specific genes, such as the Cohen gene.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Joe Fonddrk

    July 6, 2017

    I got my results a month +- ago. Will my DNA results now be compared to the new results?

  • Mohamed Sayed Mohideen

    July 6, 2017

    Interesting. Ancestry analysis will probably be quite revealing

  • Georges R. Le May

    July 7, 2017

    Is it true that if my brother and I both take the DNA tests, we may not receive the same results as I or my brother may take mostly after a different parent? EX: I may take mostly after my mother but my brother may take mostly after my father.

    • E


      July 16, 2017

      Hi Georges,

      Each sibling gets the same distribution of parental DNA in terms of percentages, half of their DNA from the mother and half from the father. However, each sibling gets different parts of the two parents’ DNA, so the results can be very different.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Amy

    July 7, 2017

    I’ve uploaded DNA before. I only have a few matches. Do I need a paid subscription to see ethnicity results?


    • E


      July 16, 2017

      Hi Amy,

      Viewing Ethnicity Estimates as well as DNA matches are free.

      Esther /MyHeritage Team

  • Margie Clayton Klein

    July 7, 2017

    Looking forward to the DNA update !

  • Brenda MacKay

    July 7, 2017

    Can you advise please if I have access to this new info you are advising on if I have already done the DNA test and already have on Ancestry1!! it sounds like this new info is more detailed and I do not want to have to do this test again

    • E


      July 10, 2017

      Hi Brenda,

      No need to take a new test! You can upload your data from Ancestry for free. Please follow the directions here: .

      Best, Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Vivian Noel

    July 7, 2017

    I hope to find my daughter Shonna Noel with DNA testing. Pray for me. Vivian C Noel.

  • Nancy Moncovich

    July 7, 2017

    I find it more interesting considering that even knowing both parents and having sketchy details from both sides of your family to have more information at your hands

  • Marianne

    July 8, 2017

    How do I get a DNA TEST

    • E


      July 9, 2017

      Hi Marianne,

      You can order a test at .


  • John Hubbard

    July 8, 2017

    Okay, So are you going to recompute the ancestry origins for those of us whose DNA you analyzed during the past year? Or must we resubmit a new kit. Both my wife and I were surprised that the DNA results didn’t seem to support information we thought we knew to be true.

  • LaNell Barrett

    July 8, 2017

    Wondering how to upload my results from 23&Me

    • E


      July 9, 2017

      Please see the following link for more information on uploading your raw DNA data from other services:

  • Christel Zimmermann leach

    July 9, 2017

    I’d love to know more of my past ancestors

  • Andrew Carlson

    July 9, 2017

    I love my ethnicity estimate. The music makes it so cool and awesome. So cool I wish there was some way I could download it as a video. Is there a way to do this? If not, please make it an option in the future to download the ethnicity estimate as a video file.

    • E


      July 12, 2017

      Thanks for the suggestion! It’s in the future plans.

  • Bruce Hill

    July 10, 2017

    I really like the music for each ethnicity. Especially the one for Scottish, Irish and Welsh.

  • Mike S

    July 11, 2017

    I love the music in the ethnicity estimate. It’s great!

  • michael telford

    July 11, 2017

    I am trying to find Larkin Stewarts Family My name is Michael Juriah Telford Grand son of HIS DAUGHTER LUCILE STEWART GLENN.

  • Jodi Egan

    July 11, 2017

    Is there a list of the 42 ethnic regions?


    • E


      July 12, 2017

      Hi Jodi,

      You will see the percentage of your DNA that originates from each of the ethnic regions supported by MyHeritage in the Ethnicity Estimate, displayed in a list and on a world map. Access your Ethnicity Estimate by selecting “Ethnicity Estimate” in the “DNA” Tab. Click on ‘All supported Ethnicities’ to see all 42, on the left upper side of the page.

      Best, Esther

  • Guilherme Fraga

    July 13, 2017

    Hi, I was very pleased with the ethnicities results, and they pretty much matched my genealogical records. Curiously I got 1% north american (I’m south Brazilian) and I know of a North American (who descends mostly from British) woman who got 1% “amazonian” so that’s interesting…

    Thanks a lot!

  • Sharon

    July 16, 2017

    I’ve looked at over a dozen estimates of my heritage and this test is by far the most accurate. It is the only one to show my 6.25% native american – all the others showed it as 2 or 3%

  • Linda Ennis

    July 17, 2017

    Thanks for continuing to evolve with our DNA results!

  • Fabbri Francesco

    July 21, 2017

    I am interested in testing my DNA

  • Coul

    July 21, 2017

    Is that available in Canada?

    • E


      July 23, 2017

      Yes, it is!

  • Raquel

    July 24, 2017

    Hi my heritage! My boyfriend is a korean adoptee but in the results it says japanese, chinese and mongolian. Do you differienciate korean? Or you dont have this group yet?

    • E


      July 24, 2017

      Hi Raquel,

      For East Asia, we show the following ethnicities: Chinese and Vietnamese, Eskimo/Inuit, Filipino, Indonesian, and Malaysian, Japanese, Mongolian, Nepali, Thai and Cambodian.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • sorin

    July 26, 2017

    Hi, if I have received my results and I see I am 50% Greek and 50% italian…. my question is, how far is this check going backwards, can I say that I have an idea about my origins for the past how many years, 1000, 2000? Thanks

    • E


      July 26, 2017

      Hi Sorin,

      The results you receive in the MyHeritage Ethnicity Estimate are based on an autosomal DNA test. This test analyzes DNA inherited from both your parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents etc. giving you a range of information about where your ancestors lived a few hundred years ago.

  • Barbara Peyton

    July 28, 2017

    I would like to now my know my background thru DNA testing.

  • Jesse Lanou

    August 1, 2017

    I uploaded my dna report from 23 and me a few days ago. When should I expect to be able to see my MyHeritage report?

    • E


      August 2, 2017

      Hi Jesse,

      You should see your results within the next few days. You’ll receive an email notification when your results are available.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • H. H

    August 9, 2017

    I uploaded my results from 23andme multiple times, but I got an “invalid kit” every time! Why?!

    • E


      August 10, 2017

      When there is an error message showing the upload is invalid, it means that the file does not meet the criteria to be utilized for calculating DNA Matches. Is it possible that you’ve uploaded a yDNA or mtDNA test? We currently only accept autosomal test uploads. Another reason could be that the file for the autosomal test is incomplete. We recommend that you return to your DNA provider and download the file again. Then upload the file again to your MyHeritage site.

  • edbergh

    August 10, 2017

    Is your DNA report based on the origin of both parents ( genes) or just one of them?

    • E


      August 20, 2017

      We offer an autosomal DNA test, which tests both maternal and paternal ancestry.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • L R

    August 17, 2017

    Hi, do you have a timeline for when the chromosome browser can be expected? Thanks!

    • E


      August 20, 2017

      It’s in the plans, but we have no date yet. Stay tuned!

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • ayelet

    September 30, 2017

    Is it possible to find out if you are Mizrahi Jewish on this dna test?

    • Jess

      October 11, 2017

      Yes, you can learn more about your Jewish heritage with a MyHeritage DNA test. Learn more here:

  • Patrick Sullivan

    October 30, 2017

    Hi. I’m one of the users who participated in the Founder Populations Project and my results came back as Irish Scottish Welsh 100%. How common is it to get 100% of one ethnicity?

    • Jess

      October 31, 2017

      Hi Patrick, The likelihood of being 100% of one ethnicity is very rare, you are one of the few! You can read more about this topic here:

  • Ralph

    November 3, 2017

    Hi. I have no known Balkan heritage and I don’t get Balkan results with any of the other companies, but MyHeritage gave me 9% Balkan DNA.

    • Jess

      November 5, 2017

      Hi Ralph, here is a resource that explains why your DNA results can be different than you expected:

  • Maria

    November 26, 2017

    Does this test give a Native American Breakdown?

    • Jess

      November 27, 2017

      Hi Maria, yes the DNA test does show Native American results in the Ethnicity Estimate.

  • Tom

    December 10, 2017

    What info does a DNA test reveal?

    • Jess

      December 11, 2017

      Hello Tom, Testing your DNA with MyHeritage provides you with two types of results:

      An Ethnicity Estimate – a comprehensive breakdown of your unique DNA composition. You will discover where your heritage originated from and how much each ethnicity is part of your ancestral origins, and even view the main life events of your direct ancestors on the Ethnicity map.

      DNA Matches – This technology compares data from autosomal DNA tests results and family trees to identify matches between users that share genetic sequences and indicate a family relationship.

  • Donna

    December 12, 2017

    I was always told I was Irish and German. My DNA revealed Irish and Ashkenazi Jew. What does this mean?

  • Kathleen Pace

    January 12, 2018

    I think this such a wonderful discovery!

  • Burhan

    January 17, 2018

    I was wondering if you do X and Y chromosome testing or is it combined. As I am male i carry the Y chromosome which can be traced and should yield interesting results for my sisters about where are father is from?

    • Yael

      January 17, 2018

      Hi Burhan,

      The MyHeritage DNA test is an autosomal DNA test; it does not include X or Y chromosomes. Autosomal DNA tests can tell you about your ancestral origins from both sides of your family, and can help you find new relatives through shared DNA, on both sides of your family. You can read more about it at

  • Rohan Thakkar

    January 18, 2018

    I want to check my ethnicity

  • Laura Peyton

    March 14, 2018

    Thank you.

  • Merryl

    March 15, 2018

    My husband and I did our DNA testing with My Heritage last year with interesting results. We are both pretty much from North, west and eastern Europe.

  • MC

    Michael Canavan

    August 18, 2018

    Hi I have just received my DNA results. I live in Ireland and result states I’m Irish (sort of new that already) my family name is what the original Irish native called the Viking invaders/ settlers. Name literally means fair haired against dark haired. So I was expecting some Viking origin! Thanks

  • Eishat

    August 19, 2018

    I want to know mine

  • Roberta M Elkins

    January 23, 2019

    I would like more information on how we traveled to the U.S

  • Ariane

    January 26, 2019

    Dear my heritage team,
    to when would those ethnicities date back? Is it 500 or 1000 years?

    • E


      January 27, 2019

      Hi Ariane,

      We analyze the DNA inherited from your mother and father, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and so on – to provide you with a breakdown of your ethnic percentages and connect you with relatives descended from any of your ancestral lines within approximately the last 6 generations.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Luis E

    February 13, 2019

    Hello I had my DNA testing with 23&me and I was wondering if I transfer my data,

    would I be getting that Video animated results from myheritage?

    • E


      February 26, 2019

      Hi Luis,

      If you pay to unlock the extra features for an uploaded DNA kit ($29), then you will receive this feature.

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • Chris

    April 7, 2019

    Thanks for you dedicated and hard work.

  • Maria

    October 23, 2019

    Hi, I just got my results back and it says 100% Scandinavian. Not much of a surprise there, but how rare is it to be 100% one ethnicity? And what are the chances my parents are as well? Thanks!

  • Doris Orvis

    November 21, 2019

    This really looks cool, all of it, just can’t afford another DNA site. I guess not being a member doesn’t give me all the good things MyHeritage has to offer. Thank you however for letting me download my DNA to your site.

  • Susana Green

    April 5, 2020

    I had my DNA done by 23&me. Does that mean I don’t have to upload it? I find your website difficult to access.

    • E


      April 12, 2020

      Hi Susana,

      You can upload your DNA results to so that you can take advantage of DNA matches with everyone in the MyHeritage pool.

      Best, Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • serena

    October 20, 2020

    Could you please include Tasmanian aboriginal DNA . There are many thousands of Tasmanians with up to 50% Tasmanian aboriginal ancestry. It should be different to Australian aboriginal dna.

  • Gorkem Erdem

    November 16, 2020


    How is it possible that my daughter is ~25% mizrahi jew and we don’t have it by neither of the parents?

    She is tested 2 years after us the parents. Many thanks!

    (your tests confirm she is our daughter, at least let’s isolate that.)

  • lindy

    February 19, 2021

    I am glad you point out that ‘English’ DNA doesn’t automatically mean Anglo Saxon, it’s very wrong that the English have been denied the Celtic side of their Ancestry ‘othering’ them from the rest of the British Isles and denying what for millions is the larger and deepest part of their heritage.

  • Wilma L

    July 4, 2021

    I activated MyHeritage today, but I mistakenly put my maternal grandfather as being born in the wrong country. I entered Bolivia but he was from Perú, though both are Andean nations. Is there any way for me to correct this error, or does it matter very much?

    Thank you in advance.

    • E


      July 4, 2021

      Hi Wilma,

      This article should help:

      Esther / MyHeritage Team

  • H


    October 6, 2021

    The classification of Bantu peoples, many of who range throughout Southern Africa as Nigerian is odd. As a Zimbabwean, its odd to see my heritage classified as Nigerian, which seems a not very useful catchall. Looking forward to you expanding your groups in Africa.