Here’s What the Cast of Seinfeld Looked Like in High School

Here’s What the Cast of Seinfeld Looked Like in High School

22 years ago, on May 14, 1998, the very last episode of iconic sitcom Seinfeld went on the air.

Seinfeld, largely hailed as the greatest and most influential sitcoms of all time, was the brainchild of comedians Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld. The show stars Jerry as a fictional version of himself, surrounded by a cast of memorable characters whose dilemmas and dramas reflect the absurdity of everyday life. Some of the phrases coined or given new meaning in the show — such as “double dipping”, “yada yada,” and “No soup for you!” — have come into common mainstream use as the result of the show’s widespread cultural influence.

One memorable episode — “The Library,” season 3, episode 5 — features flashbacks to Jerry’s experiences in high school, as he tries to piece together what happened to a book he’s accused of never returning to the library. Jerry and George, who have been friends since junior high, appear in the episode as their high-school-student selves.

What if we told you that MyHeritage has found what the real Jerry and George looked like in high school?

Since the release of MyHeritage’s newly colorized collection of U.S. yearbooks, our research team has been digging up some priceless treasures. Today, in honor of the 22nd anniversary of Seinfeld’s final episode, we bring you the high school photos of the main cast of Seinfeld… in full color!


Jerome “Jerry” Seinfeld, the title character of the series, is a fictionalized version of the actor and co-creator of the show. The real-life Jerry Seinfeld was born in Brooklyn and grew up in Massapequa, New York. He attended Massapequa High School and graduated in 1972.


Elaine Marie Benes, who is always there to tell it like it is, is played by actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Born in New York City, Julia moved to Washington D.C. at age 4 and attended Holton-Arms High School, a preparatory school for girls in Bethesda, Maryland.

Julia was president of the honor society, and according to the yearbook records we found, she was also Freshman Class President.

She is also a member of the “Ten Year Club,” where she recreates a photo of the group from ten years prior. How cute!

Is that an Elaine glare we glimpse?


George Costanza, fictional Jerry’s neurotic friend from junior high, is played by Jason Alexander. He was born Jay Scott Greenspan in Newark, New Jersey, and grew up in Livingston, graduating from Livingston High School in 1977. He selected a quote from Harry S. Truman for his yearbook entry, and chose to thank his “wonderful friends with whom there were many good times”:

Jason clearly already harbored a love for the performing arts. The yearbook shows him performing in a school production of Guys & Dolls:

He is also shown broadcasting for the high school radio station:


Outlandish Cosmo Kramer, usually referred to as simply “Kramer” in the show, is played by Michael Richards. Born in Culver City, California, Michael attended Thousand Oaks High School.

Michael appears in the 1965, 1966, and 1967 yearbooks from Thousand Oaks. Here he is as a sophomore:

A junior:

And a senior:

As a graduate, he is also shown as belonging to the “NFL” — not the National Football League, but the National Forensic League, where Michael participated in tournaments in public speaking and dramatization. So apparently his flair for pleasing crowds was already in evidence.

Michael was also designated as one of the “Most Humorous” seniors on the “Best of” page of the yearbook. Can’t say we are surprised about that one. That photo has Kramer all over it!


Newman — Jerry’s postal worker nemesis — is the most recognizable recurring character on Seinfeld who is not part of the main cast. He is played by Wayne Knight, an actor later celebrated for many comedic roles in television and film.

Born in New York City, Wayne moved to Cartersville, Georgia as a child. At Cartersville High School, his acting talents were clearly already recognized, as he was a member of the One Act cast and crew:

He also starred in a production of Rhinoceros at the Governor’s Honors Program:

It appears he was also a highly involved and talented student. He belonged to the Beta Club of students with high grade averages, was a member of the Photography Club, took an active role in the production of the school yearbook, and he was even president of the student council!

The book describes his senior year as a “busy and productive year” for the council, and specifically mentions an incident involving a shortage of milk during the second lunch period, which the council had to intervene to rectify. Sounds like a potential Seinfeld: High School Edition episode just waiting to be written…

Discover your ancestors’ high school careers in color

MyHeritage’s U.S. yearbook collection contains over 250,000 yearbooks from 1890–1979, including almost 300 million names. If you have family in the United States, you’re likely to find some of your own ancestors in this collection — and now, thanks to MyHeritage In Color™ automatic colorization technology, you’ll be able to see their black and white yearbook photos in full color.

To celebrate the release of this new feature, MyHeritage is now offering full access to the yearbook collection absolutely free until May 23, 2020.

Search the U.S. yearbook collection for free now!

If you find a yearbook record you love, feel free to share it with your family and friends. You can even enter our contest to win a free MyHeritage subscription! Just share the record on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, add the hashtags #LookingGood and #FreeYearbooks, and tag @MyHeritage to enter. We’ll be selecting a new winner each week while the offer lasts.

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