Proposing marriage is a major step in anybody’s life, but sometimes the person popping the question really does go the extra mile.
Here are five examples of this, which put the classic down-on-one-knee method to shame. They’re unusual, wacky, and quite simply awesome ways to propose a marriage. Take a look and see what you think.
1. The Man Who Raised Money Online to Buy a TV Ad
Rand Fishkin wanted to propose to his partner Geraldine in a unique, surprising, and romantic way. He was a fan of NFL, and hit upon the idea of proposing to her during a superbowl commercial. And what was the cost of running such an ad? A cool 2.5 million dollars.
But Rand worked in search marketing, and was a specialist in search engine optimization, viral media, and the like. He decided in 2006 to put together a website and an online campaign to draw in donations for his broadcasted proposal.
By February 1, 2007, just three days prior to the Super Bowl, Rand had amassed just $85k. He still needed to raise over $2.4 million, and he didn’t have long to do it. He enlisted the help of Entertainment Tonight, MSNBC, Good Morning America, and Fox News. And with all this effort and support…well, Rand still couldn’t get the commercial on the air.
In the end it didn’t matter. Rand decided to do the next best thing, and purchased local ad time during Geraldine’s favourite television show, Veronica Mars. On February 6th, as Geraldine was watching the show, Rand’s ad came onto the screen. Here’s how it looked, and Geraldine’s reaction – which is priceless.
2. ‘Will you marry me?’ at 20,000 Feet
“There is no better way to get your heart rate up than jumping out of a plane and proposing to your girlfriend,” said Mateo Martinez.
And that is exactly what Mr Martinez did.
Just as he was about to jump out of a plane for a tandem skydive with his partner, he popped the question. He had to wait a little longer than usual to unveil the engagement ring, admittedly.
3. A Super Mario Proposal
One sweet geek decided to propose to his girlfriend via a videogame. He hacked Super Mario, and got some gold coins to spell out a special message. Thankfully, he videotaped the whole thing for us as well.
4. Google Street View
Michael Weiss-Malik wasn’t happy with his ‘Proposal 1.0’, and decided he needed to go one step further to give his partner the marriage proposal she deserved.
Being a Google employee, he devised a plan. When he heard the Street View team were going to be driving by the Google Campus to take photos, he made sure he was standing there to be photograhed with his banner. Here’s how it looked.
5. Asking The Question With An Art Exhibition
George, an industrial designer, opted to construct a piece of art for his girlfriend, and then use it to propose to her via a faked art exhibition. His video summary of the event tells all.
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August 8, 2011
sking The Question With An Art Exhibition