Win Free Tickets to MyHeritage LIVE!

Win Free Tickets to MyHeritage LIVE!

The second MyHeritage User Conference, MyHeritage LIVE 2019, will take place September 6-8, 2019 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Hundreds of family history enthusiasts from around the world will gather for a weekend of illuminating genealogy and DNA lectures and hands-on workshops.

Since the event was announced last month, spots are filling up fast, and MyHeritage users are getting excited!

Some of the international speakers that we have lined up (Click to zoom).

Some of the international speakers that we have lined up (Click to zoom).

We’re offering one lucky winner a pair of MyHeritage LIVE conference tickets for FREE (worth EUR €300.00)!

Comment below, by March 31, and let us know why you’d like to go to the conference for your chance to win. We’ll randomly choose one entry to receive the free tickets, and they’ll be notified by email.

Why do you want to go to MyHeritage LIVE?


The email address is kept private and will not be shown

  • Allan

    March 11, 2019

    Looks like a great opportunity to explore more tools and techniques for my genealogy research!

  • Craig Falkner

    March 11, 2019

    I would like to become a better user of My Heritage and connect with others in the family history community.

  • Jad Mousselli

    March 11, 2019

    Genealogy for me it’s a passion, archiving the old photos was a way to give life again to my ancestors in this new digital world for the next generations. The war in my country syria make me feel responsibility to documentate my family history and many others families, especially after moving to Canada.
    i have a project in the future a book about the role of Christians families in Aleppo during 18, 19, and 20 century in differents sectors of life.

  • Miha Rus

    March 11, 2019

    I would like to go to Amsterdam because MyHeritage LIVE event is always a possibility to get to know brand new things about recent trends in genealogy.

  • Sami Souilmi

    March 11, 2019

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon. I would love to get my DNA report.

  • Gershon Lehrer

    March 11, 2019

    Let’s find out whether winning tickets for the show is something which is in your DNA. Or is luck not something which is in your DNA? Let’s see how Prof. Yaniv Erlich thinks about that, he’ll be anyway in Amsterdam.

  • Sheryl Whisenhunt

    March 11, 2019

    My personal heritage is in Denmark and Sweden primarily and I am enjoying the reach MyHeritage has within these two locations, not to mention the world-wide reach. I am learning more and more each day and enjoy gaining all the knowledge I am able too.

  • Jill Knight

    March 11, 2019

    Lucky winner My Heritage genealogy conference and visiting Amsterdam. Being at a My Heritage conference would give the winner new ideas, new information and a chance to increase their genealogical skills and their family tree using knowledge about DNA research.

  • Bonnie Medford

    March 11, 2019

    After 20 years of genealogy research, I am now venturing into DNA. I would love to hear all of the speakers.

  • Anne Marie Kalishoek

    March 11, 2019

    of course I want to go to this, an event not to be missed

  • Judy Niznik

    March 11, 2019

    I would be excited to attend the My Heritage Conference because I have ancestors from all over Europe and would be interested to know more about what I can do with my DNA results to help extend my family line further back and forward. Plus, Amsterdam is a beautiful city, and I applaud your choice of venue. Looking forward to the event. Thank you.

  • Gains Hopkins

    March 11, 2019

    On May 10, 2018 I discovered that I was the biological father of a 38 year old female conceived as a result of Dr. Cecil Jacobson having used my sperm without my consent for a female patient other than my wife. Our adopted daughter did post doctoral research at the University of Leiden and her boy friend received his PhD from Leiden and is now at Gronengin as a professor. Our daughter is now at Oxford and we are dying to visit Europe plus I would love to gather with others who have gotten wonderful surprises from DNA analysis! I would love to share my story.

  • Engel

    March 11, 2019

    It would be a dream come true for me to be able to attend such an interesting conference. I’ve been into My Heritage for a while & it has brought me so much closer to my family’s genealogy. A trip back to my homecity – where it all started – combined with this event, that just absolutely would be amazing! ❤

  • Sherri

    March 11, 2019

    Attending MyHeritage LIVE 2019 would be a fabulous educational opportunity for me! I love genealogy conferences and I’m always looking to expand my horizons. What new DNA tools might we learn about? What will we discover about a previously unknown archive, or newly digitized records? I would love to attend MyHeritage LIVE 2019 in Amsterdam.

  • Karen

    March 11, 2019

    The short answer why I want to go is that I am obsessively hooked on genealogy!!

  • Anne

    March 12, 2019

    I’d love to see a little of Holland, but more importantly I really enjoyed the presentations I was able to stream last time and it looked and sounded like it would be so amazing to be with like minded people. I learned a lot from a distance and wonder how much more I would get in person. Thanks for the chance to attend.

  • Howard Brydle

    March 12, 2019

    I have been to Salt Lake City, and to local Finding Your Roots conferences. Now I think it is time to go to a bigger venue, and learn some more about researching European roots.

  • Kathleen Norris

    March 12, 2019

    I’d love to attend MyHeritage Live to learn from professionals in the Genealogy field. It would be a privilege to be able to visit a historic city to be able to learn more from the very best on all aspects- methodology, DNA, etc.- of Genealogy. It is an amazing opportunity that I would not take for granted.

  • Michele

    March 12, 2019

    It would be a great experience to learn from professional presenters & other researchers in the field. And I have family in Amsterdam who are part of the MyHeritage community. We could meet up for the 1st time at the Conference & explore our family stories & roots

  • Monica Van Langendonck

    March 12, 2019

    For 26 years I have been looking for my birth parents after being adopted anonymously. I hope to learn more about the value of the matches that I have on Myheritage.


  • Nancy

    March 12, 2019

    The MyHeritage event will be a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people!

  • Robert Wescott

    March 12, 2019

    I would be honored to attend MyHeritage LIVE, to meet Gilad Japhet, the MyHeritage staff and fellow lovers of their family history.
    Count me in!

  • Donna Fitzgerald

    March 12, 2019

    What a wonderful opportunity for an avid genealogist! I have many family lines originating in Europe and Scandinavia and would love to attend. The conference resources may help break down some brick walls.

  • Gary Mokotoff

    March 12, 2019

    I want a rigorous education on the features of the MyHeritage site.

  • Sue de Groot

    March 12, 2019

    Beautiful Amsterdam, city where my parents, their parents and many other ancestors were born. My Heritage is the first company I tested my DNA with and I want to learn so much more about my family’s history. It would be wonderful to attend lectures to learn from the experts and to walk the same streets my ancestors walked.

  • Rostislavs Nevdahs

    March 12, 2019

    I would like to find out more about MH.

  • Deanne Jensen

    March 12, 2019

    Several years ago, I had a dream that has stayed with me. In the dream I found myself within the walls of an old, historical library that had a beautiful architectural design and quite antiquated.
    As I observed my surroundings, I seemed to be the only patron inside the facility.
    I looked up and down at the several shelves and display of books. I marveled at the height and width of wood shelving with ornate finishings.
    I noticed a light, not a bright light but a soft, subtle glow just in front of where I stood.
    I walked slowly towards the direction of light. As I looked up, I saw a woman bent over a large book, she was wearing round spectacles resting on the bridge of her nose, her white hair was tied in a bun and her bright, blue eyes looked up and directly at me!
    She smiled and I felt I knew her yet I had not seen her photo or recognized her face. I felt a deeper connection and longing to become acquainted.
    I woke from my dream and wondered at the meaning and the impressions left upon me. I was curious yet unable to understand the meaning of this dream.
    My father born in Amsterdam, Holland in 1942 immigrated to the United Statesin his late teenage years. He has not shared his heritage nor do I have a relationship with him. His parents & sister were the only family members to immigrate to the United States as his father sought to own his own pastry bakery and felt to expand his opportunities in a foreign land.
    I lost a 22 year old son,death by suicide in 2014. After his death, I became drawn to family history and realized my tree was not filled on my fathers side. I have been slowly learning more about genealogy work & I have the opportunity to teach youth the basics of family history research. I volunteer at a small genealogy center near my home for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I which I am an active member and desire to serve others since I know the church I belong to brought my grandparents & their 2 children to the country I live in and connected my mother to my father so I could be a member of ethnic groups & value where my ancestors have traveled from.
    I attended RootsTech 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was so impressed that I found joy in discovering My Heritsge is hosting their own event in the location of my fathers family.
    I have only traveled to Amsterdam once in my lifetime as I was on a Baltic Sea cruise ship.

    Today, more than ever before, I am becoming very passionate about genealogy work and feel a pull to discover my ancestors and my belonging.

  • Frank Stott

    March 12, 2019

    I really enjoyed Oslo last year and would love to get even more knowledge and experience from MyHeritage workshops and as important get more networking done with other MyHeritage members. And getting a free ticket will make my budget and travel possible.

  • Gladys M. Frederick

    March 12, 2019

    I’ve just gotten started on this and ,admittedly, don’t know what I’m doing.I’d love to go on this trip to start learning.
    I saw my first ‘My Heritage’ example on the Dr. Phil show and became interested.

  • Eric Brinks

    March 12, 2019

    I’d like to attend MyHeritage LIVE to be able to get the most out of MyHeritage subscription.
    I can’t afford to but a ticket though…
    I’d be happy to share my 2nd ticket with some other reseacher if I win (!).

  • Jitske Bergman

    March 13, 2019

    Getting excited by genealogy some years ago, the hobby was interrupted by work and family. The slow going on my Dutch roots was not helped by living in Tampa which was most discouraging until I found Dutch Genealogy on FaceBook. I have been storing their many hints and can’t wait to get my notes, forms and little slips of paper organized on My Heritage. Oh how great it would be to walk where my (Friesian) grandparents walked before their deaths in 1976 in Amsterdam after having lived their since abt 1920.

  • Cathryn

    March 13, 2019

    I have been utilizing MyHeritage for over a decade. It has assisted greatly with my research. It inspired me to undertake formal study in Family History. I am a huge fan of MyHeritage in Australia and would love to meet some of the team and other users. I would like to workl for MyHeritage here in Australia!

  • Corinne Braun

    March 13, 2019

    I’m new to actively using MyHeritage (though not new to genealogy).
    This sounds like a great opportunity to become more comfortable with your complicated but feature packed site!
    Plus, a great opportunity to network with cousins from around the world – most of mine are in Europe or Israel.

  • Fredrik Drugge

    March 13, 2019

    Me and my wife really want to learn more about how to be able to explore the unknown relatives and especially regarding DNA research.

  • Sherryl

    March 14, 2019

    My story has no beginning nor end. I feel let alone building a tree I can’t even find the leaves, I have been to Amsterdam a few times so it’s not about travel , it’s to fathom this story out properly. I am married & live in Phoenix Arizona , I’m Born and raised in South Africa , and was the eldest of 7 children , and knew I was from another father and somewhat accepted that and the name I was told through life. A few years ago I did a DNA and my strongest match was a lady a lot younger than me from Perth , we connected and discovered we shared similarities as we chat from time to time. She mentioned she was aboriginal and was looking for her father too , who we assume is the same man. I have tried to get as much info as I could from my mom who was aging and living in SA , but she just didn’t have much more for me , now I have no ways of ever knowing the truth as she passed a month ago . So I’m left with a half sister who also has an aging mom whose description is different to my moms.

  • Marcin Zwara

    March 14, 2019

    I want to go to better understand DNA genealogy and genealogy service provided by MyHeritage. My goal is to reveal my family ancestors and roots as much as possible from the hidden past..

  • Historie a památka

    March 14, 2019

    Zajímám se již delší dobu o sestavení svého a rodinného rodokmenu, rád bych znal historii a prapředky našeho rodu. Někam jsem sice dospěl, ale mé laické zkušenosti a znalosti jsou žel omezené, proto bych se chtěl v tomto směru dál vzdělávat, dostat se někam dál, něco nového se naučit. Můj cíl je dotáhnout to vše až do konce. A navíc nejsme na tomto světě dlouho, a rád bych, aby moje děti měly nejen nějakou památku o historii naší rodiny, ale i aby mohly být i pyšné na to, že někdo něco, v jejich rodině poslední dobou dokázal.

  • Evgeny Protopopov

    March 14, 2019

    To support the interest and provide the feedback to the service.
    Stay great!

  • BRES Magali

    March 14, 2019

    It’s my dream to go there!

  • Rose Feldman

    March 14, 2019

    It will be a great chance to hear these lecturers, many of whom don’t make it to Israel to speak. There is nothing better than F2F interaction and connecting with new genealogy researchers.

  • don farrell

    March 14, 2019

    to lear more and would like to meet some the people that run
    MyHeritage and have answered a lot my questions over the

  • don farrell

    March 14, 2019

    would like to go to learn more and meet some the people that run this

  • Bonnie

    March 14, 2019

    I would like to hear genealogists share their techniques for researching utilizing both historical records and DNA.

  • Deborah Kinney

    March 14, 2019

    I would very much like to win tickets to the My Heritage Live 2019. This will really help with my family in Norway. I have been a MyHeritage member for quite a long time.

  • Joy A Brackenridge

    March 14, 2019

    I’m hooked on genealogy and the opportunity to connect with others is incredible!

  • Juris Strautkalns

    March 14, 2019

    Wondering to comunicate with Genealogy researchers

  • George Watson

    March 14, 2019

    I’m 70 years old.

    I may never have this chance again. I can’t afford to do this for my wife and myself.

    I have to try.

  • Avi Kolan

    March 14, 2019

    There is always something new to learn about in this fascinating field. Amsterdam is a great location, and a visit to the Windows District (as opposed to the Android and IOS districts) is a must for all tourists. Just kidding, as my wife is looking over my shoulder as I type. 🙂

  • Steve Thomas

    March 14, 2019

    I would absolutely LOVE to go to MyHeritage LIVE because it would be wonderful to connect to and learn as much as I can about how thousands of family history enthusiasts conduct their research .
    The chance to go to Europe for the first and likely the only time in my life would also be paramount!

  • Derek Lawther

    March 14, 2019

    After many years searching I have found my paternal grandparents. One was arrested by the Gestapo as a communist and escaped to Prague and found his way to Moscow where Stalin had him shot as a German spy in the Great Terror of 1937-38. The other was arrested in late 1944 for harbouring a member of the Committee of Free Germany. She was sent to prison awaiting execution for ‘preparation for High Treason’. Six months later she was liberated by the Americans! Without MyHeritage I would not have found them and their story.

  • Jacque Szczepanski

    March 14, 2019

    Always looking forward to learn more.


    March 14, 2019

    I’m more and more drawn into the family history world. I currently host a group of 20 people who get together each month to share our findings, techniques, and help each other go further. I would like to be able to do more and think the Amsterdam conference would help me a lot.


  • Dan Griggs

    March 14, 2019

    MyHeritage is the absolute best way to develop a DNA family. I would love to research my DNA Family in the My Heritage Live Amsterdam 2019

  • D Wolford

    March 14, 2019

    This has taken our genealogy research to a new level. My Heritage has raised the bar to what precise and reliable sources should be.

  • Doreen Neilson

    March 14, 2019

    I need all the advice and pointers I can possibly cram into my brain especially dna a brain storming weekend – literally would be just fabulous!

  • David Toubkin

    March 14, 2019

    Attending the My Heritage User Conference would really assist me to enrich my family tree and my research

  • Ted Hallahan

    March 14, 2019

    As a Premium member of MyHeritage
    My wish to attend this MyHeritage User Conference is, I hope to encounter some human from MyHeritage who might respond to the following.
    I made a request for support to Customer Service in January 2019. Apart from a computer generated Ticket No, I have to date, received no follow up. In February 2019, I again requested for support, again I received a computer generated Ticket No. To date no follow up.
    Please give me a “free” pair of MyHeritage LIVE tickets!

  • Willard E. Jones, Jr.

    March 14, 2019

    This is a great system


    March 14, 2019

    When I discover ancestors who left everything behind to come to the New World, it encourages me. I have their blood running through my veins, so some of their courage and hopes must have come with it. I have hit many brick walls and want to know more about turning over stones.

  • Tammy de Groen

    March 14, 2019

    Tracked my family to Amsterdam live nothing more than an eXcuse to visit and do some research !

  • Brandt Gibson

    March 14, 2019

    I would love to go to MyHeritage LIVE! There is an energy and excitement for genealogy the big conferences like this you don’t experience in the same way when watching it virtually. I watched the 2018 conference live from home (not easy given the time difference beteeen Oslo and Seattle!) and it was amazing.

  • Julia Darvill

    March 14, 2019

    I am really keen to win so that I can introduce my husband to the joys of My Heritage.

  • Diana Levy

    March 14, 2019

    I’m approaching 10,000 distant DNA relatives, from all around the world. Let My Heritage help us all understand our connectedness and end the idea of “other”. We are one human family!

  • lawrence steckler

    March 14, 2019

    #1 Learn how to improve and expand my family tree, especially in the ancestors.

    #2 Holland is a truly great country. I was in Amsterdam last year for about 8 hours and it was enough to want me to be sure to return, Perhaps this will be my opportunity/

  • Sam Sublett

    March 14, 2019

    I have been a My Heritage (MH) member since their beginning when they were in Salt Lake City – and have followed MH to Israel.
    Although I have had my DNA tested with 23andMe; I want to have my DNA tested and evaluated by My Heritage – because it is more comprehensive in all the world wide connections MH is pulling together.
    I have attended Genealogy Group meetings in my area – and have found the participants more interested in what I have to say about MH – rather than the scope of the intended meeting.
    It would be very rewarding and fun to attend the MH meeting/conference in Amsterdam

  • Ann Ross

    March 14, 2019

    What a Fantastic opportunity to increase a 1000fold ones knowledge of research into ones history. An added bonus will be meeting fellow enthusiasts from all over the world who are pursueing the fascinating hobby of research into ones family’s history.

    Thank you MyHeritage for offering this golden opportunity.

  • Linda Vixie

    March 14, 2019

    I’d like to go to MyHeritage LIVE 2019 because I have ancestors from the Netherlands and I’ve never visited there before. I use MyHeritage products and look forward to learning more about them. Thank you very much

  • Carl Stephen Olsen

    March 14, 2019

    My wife and I have always enjoyed doing family history work. The really exciting thing for us is in doing temple work for others that can’t do it for themselves, and although “Family Search” is the one used by us the most, “My Heritage” is also used in that effort, because it has such a wonderful “search individuals” data base.
    Plus of course, we would love the free trip!

  • Mara Thorson

    March 14, 2019

    Thank you, My Heritage. I’d love to be able to go to the second MyHeritage User Conference, MyHeritage LIVE 2019.

  • Brian S. Campbell

    March 14, 2019

    Would love to attend the September event, hopefully meet Ester…..after she helped me so much…!!

    Also September is my wife and I’s birth month…!! (Same date 25th. but 5 years apart..!)
    Thank you so much.

  • Charlie Niessner

    March 14, 2019

    Looks like the genealogy event of the year

    Been a genealogist for over 25 years and I want to be a part of this event

  • Annette Weiss

    March 14, 2019

    This would be really special, since my grandmother was from Amsterdam, and I could retrace her footsteps.

  • Colleen Page

    March 14, 2019

    My Heritage has been an excellent source of accurate information; which continues to gather more and more information on every family in various records. I have been a member for several years. The program they have developed with the consistency checker is amazing when polishing your family tree. I have been able to trace on main line back as far as 1109 and continue to find more and more bonuses. Thank you for it all.
    Colleen – Canada

  • JP

    Jean Powell

    March 14, 2019

    Well A) Amsterdam because my heritage is half Norwegian! B) It’s the opportunity of a lifetime if you are a into genealogy but not financially able to put anything into it. For people like myself this means finding yourself stuck with many walls and roadblocks. Since my mom is the Norwegian line AND the adopted person who holds the most compelling of my mysteries and walls, it seems likely that an event of this magnitude would be pretty amazing all across the board.

  • Judith

    March 14, 2019

    Attending MyHeritage Live 2019 would allow me to attend many lectures and workshops to increase my knowledge of what MyHeritage has done over the year and what they plan on doing in the future. I also would be in a city I have never visited before and would have a chance to expand my ability to visit a country some of my ancestors came from.

  • Cooper Marcus

    March 14, 2019

    Sounds like an opportunity, but tickets to the event don’t pay the plane fare! I’m in the midst of taking over my mother’s 30-year Research into her family history including travel two countries that no longer have the documents she was looking for… There are so many more tools and Records available that weren’t back then that I would like to be able to update all of what has been passed on to me as well as find other tools and organizations that might assist in my research.

    Overall, anyone who contacts me about DNA matches, I try to help, educate and / or assist with anything that they are not understanding correctly or to help in any way I can [ other than doing the work for them]!

  • Tracy Shand

    March 14, 2019

    Last year I found my birth father through My Heritage DNA. He is Dutch and we have many relatives still alive in Holland. It would be amazing to go to the My Heritage LIVE Conference in Amsterdam to extend my knowledge about genealogy and at the same time meet my extended birth family and connect with my Dutch heritage.

  • Skeeter Ramirez

    March 14, 2019

    I would love the chance to network with other researchers and I have considered trying to start a career in the field of genealogy. This would give me the chance to discover if I could and what that might look like.
    Also, I would love to skip over to Sweden or France to research.
    Lastly, I would love to invite my fiancée with me so that we could use this as a chance for a honeymoon! <3

  • Nancy Wolf

    March 14, 2019

    I would love to go MyHeritage Live 2019 in Amsterdam! My retirement hobby has been genealogy. I have learned so much and yet still have so much more to learn.

  • Ronald Moore

    March 14, 2019

    Since becoming interested in genealogy I have found it to be a fascinating pursuit. It’s never-ending, but the further you go, the more difficult it is to chase down information. My family background is mainly Great Britain and South Africa. In both cases I have found that some branches of the family have limited information. Attending My Heritage LIVE would be great in that it would help me learn about additional resources and techniques I could be using. I would also be interested to hear about other researchers’ experiences.

  • Anastasia Olson

    March 14, 2019

    I would love to attend a genealogy conference! My recent DNA results (and that of two of my siblings) have come back with some very unexpected results, and it would be great to gain insight into why/how these results are so different from what we’ve always known to be true about our ancestry.

  • Colleen Allen

    March 14, 2019

    I would love to learn more about techniques to research my family genealogy. Also, I will be close enough to check out areas where some of my family members originated from.

  • Joyce DeVane

    March 14, 2019

    Genealogy is not just my hobby, it’s way more than that! I had built a huge family tree before finding out through MyHeritageDNA that my father wasn’t my birth father. So, at age 70, I’m starting over. It’s harder this time because there’s no one left to ask any questions of. But I’m making headway with my new tree and I’m excited about the new technology the MyHeritage has just announced!! It would be the dream of a lifetime to go to Amsterdam and learn more.

  • Marilyn Wouden

    March 14, 2019

    My daughter, Melissa has been doing a lot of genealogy from her home about her dad’s family. I would like to share her joy with the joy of my deseased husband’s family.

  • Melanie Vicnaire

    March 14, 2019

    I would like to go to Amsterdam to learn more about My Heritage and how to break down the brick walls I have come up against in my family tree.

  • Daniel Messisco

    March 14, 2019

    I’ve been researching my family heritage for over 20 years. I am fascinated at the many connections I’ve discovered. I would love to attend the conference and learn even better ways to research my family history and meet others who are doing the same.
    I’m of French, German, Italian, and English Heritage. Besides English I speak, read and write Japanese and Korean.

  • Barry Heffron

    March 14, 2019

    I’ve never been to Europe and my family’s roots are from Norway. The opportunity to go to this event is once in a lifetime for me. I’ve joined My Heritage and have become almost obsessed with my genealogy. I hope to win the trip to the My Heritage event in September. This way I’ll be able to hopefully find family members and reconnect with family members I’ve never met or new even existed.

  • Bonnie Mann

    March 14, 2019

    I began researching my family history in the 80’s. Back then I had to travel to county courthouses because there was nothing online. By the early 90’s I was able to put all the research together to trace my family back to the 1716 arrival of one of my ancestors. Now with so much online and with DNA connections I have expanded all the branches of my family. I would really love to go to Amsterdam for the conference, and also while there, possibly find family connections and explore locations from my Dutch heritage. Any information I get at the conference will undoubtedly be useful that I can share with other researchers. Who knows, I may find a distant relative there who is also searching for a connection.

  • Rosemarie

    March 14, 2019

    I would be so excited to be able to attend. I am my family’s historian and genealogist. Many of my family has had their DNA done and we have had several surprises. I would love to learn enough to chase some of these mysteries down.

  • Rochelle Silver

    March 14, 2019

    I’m hopeful that by attending this conference I will be able to break through a brick wall or two that are keeping me from further exploring my roots.

  • Claudia Thibadeau

    March 14, 2019

    My heritage is Danish and Swedish. I have long dreamed of a trip to research my heritage but have never had the money. I want to do research in my historical heritage areas to get the most accurate information so I can pass on my family history to my children.

  • Eric Stathers

    March 14, 2019

    I would like to go to MyHeritage Live in Amsterdam to attend the conference and visit my Dutch cousin who recently collaborated with me on a book called “Jaap and Emmy” that was researched with the hep of MyHeritage.

    Thank you,

    Eric Stathers

  • Richard Huckstep

    March 14, 2019

    I would love to go to Myheritage 2919 as I would love to learn more about DNA testing and would like to meet others who are interested in Geneology.

  • Susan Smith Payton

    March 14, 2019

    I love the accuracy of my ancestors. This sight is the best ever. Been on this site for several months and am never disappointed.

  • Corlss Howell

    March 14, 2019

    I actually found a Nephew we had no idea existed,a child of one of my siblings

  • Kim Oliver

    March 14, 2019

    I would love to attend

  • Sue Linhorst

    March 14, 2019

    I’d love to win the tickets to MYHERITAGE LIVE to learn, study and explore both family history and the history of the Leiden Puritans. Fingers crossed! Sue

  • Ingrid Hersman

    March 14, 2019

    Yeah, love to see My Heritage grow. All my known living relatives are still in Germany so this would be suuuuuper to visit them and acquaint them with My Heritage.

    So excited.

  • Montague P. Sawyer

    March 14, 2019

    My mother was a Malone and has a very good family tree however my Father is a Sawyer from the Bahamas. We can only trace to 1808 in the island but would love to follow it as far back as possible. My DNA says Great Britian, Scandinavia and Iberia , need help

  • Brian Hughes

    March 14, 2019

    When I look in the mirror, I can feel all the history that is within me. I now look at people, any people/person and think first; Who is our common ancestor? The discoveries I’ve made on MyHeritage has rewired my neural network. My thinking and choices are now a confluence of all those humans that are MyHeritage.

  • Vicki C. Green

    March 14, 2019

    Connecting my family with our ancestors has become a passion. After having our DNA test results, we now know how rich our European heritage is! I would love to come to MyHeritage Live in Europe to discover even more. Having the right tools is so important to learning. I’m sure this is the perfect conference to accessing those tools. Thanks for the opportunity!

  • Louise Kiner

    March 14, 2019

    I don’t think I’m using MyHeritage to it’s full potential and know I could learn to get more out of it by attending the conference. I’ve been bitten by the ”genealogy bug”, and I love that I’m always learning something new.

  • Shelda Hall

    March 14, 2019

    Because Amsterdam and Genealogy! Two of my favourite things

  • Natalie Asikainen

    March 14, 2019

    I would love to learn more from the wonderful scholars and also be able to network with other family historians.

  • Yvonne Cox

    March 14, 2019

    I have been actively persuing my ancestry for abut 18 years. It is so exciting to find that one name that opens a whole new family. Learning about new tools and techniques could help me open the doors to the dead ends I experience. I would, also, enjoy sharing my excitement with others who feel the same way.

  • Cindy Price

    March 14, 2019

    There is always more to learn in the genealogy community. Going to Amsterdam would be a great place to learn and a once in a lifetime opportunity for me.

  • Barbara Walter

    March 14, 2019

    I grew up with the story that my Polish immigrant grandfather left behind “a brother who he lost contact with, who he missed very much.” After researching my ancestry I found that he was 1 of 8 children. In 2018 75 ancestors gathered in the Polish village where our 4th great grandfather lived for an emotional family reunion. The research I have done in My Heritage has changed my life. ❤️

  • hocine zenati

    March 15, 2019

    Excited to know my results released

  • Randy Getz

    March 15, 2019

    I would have loved to go to the previous MyHeritage Live conference, but was unable to do so. Being able to attend the event in September would be an amazing experience! There is so much to learn from the experts who will spearhead the events.

  • Kathryn Desposito

    March 15, 2019

    want to find out about my ancestor from the area of the conference and would love to meet new people

  • FL

    fred L calisto

    March 15, 2019

    need to explore it all!!!

  • Sal

    March 15, 2019

    Thanks to My Heritage I’ve been able to discover entire Family branches after years of research using other means…attending this conference most certainly will help Me dig even deeper into the past.

  • Lorraine Holder

    March 15, 2019

    My grandmother’s family are Dutch and I would love to visit the homeland. They landed in Long Island, NY.

  • Ken Anderson

    March 15, 2019

    The Amsterdam event will give me a chance to learn how to conduct better research and to renew ties with my wife’s relatives in the Netherlands.

  • georgia brooks

    March 15, 2019

    After approximately 5 years of genealogy research would love to verify if there are other tools I should be using. In addition I would love to meet other people from other countries to discuss what their searches entail! This would be absolutely Fabulous!!!

  • Erin Abbott-Smith

    March 15, 2019

    I would absolutely LOVE to go to this! Genealogy and DNA analysis have become some of the most interesting and fulfilling parts of my life. It’s just so fascinating!

  • Ralph Willing

    March 15, 2019

    Always looking for opportunities to learn more and better research techniques. Hope to win a trip.

  • Peter Manuel

    March 15, 2019

    Some of my family today and in the past lived in Amsterdam

  • Melanie Scott

    March 15, 2019

    I have been interested in genealogy for many years and would love to learn more. I am retiring at the end of August, so the timing is perfect. As my father’s family came from that area, it is also the perfect location for me to learn more about my paternal history.

  • George Goldsmit

    March 15, 2019

    My family came from the Netherlands. It would be super special to attend MyHeritage Life 2019 and then be able to explore local archives and sights.

  • Barbara Shirey

    March 15, 2019

    I love My Heritage and always look forward to hearing from your team. You have so many cutting edge tools for us to use to track our ancestors. I would love to hear the newest information in person! Also, my son is in the US Army in Europe and that would give me a chance to see him in the same trip. Thank you.

  • Beverly Wilkerson

    March 15, 2019

    Having recently discovered that several of my ancestors were among the original settlers of New Amsterdam, I am excited to learn more about them, see the land of their birth and perhaps walk upon streets where they walked.

  • Carol

    March 15, 2019

    I have heritage from the Netherlands and have always been interested. I have been question family since 5 years old when I quizzed my paternal grandmother on her odd surname, Aas. I didn’t think it could get worse than Oien, my maiden name! As a 5 year old this was astonishing to me that there were so many vowels.

  • Janet Praxel

    March 15, 2019

    M absolutely stuck trying to find out where my husband’s family came from prior to The USA in the mid 1800’s. I’m hoping to find connections at this conference!

  • Janine Best

    March 15, 2019

    What an amazing opportunity to learn and explore all aspects of Family Heritage

  • Ralph Maslen

    March 15, 2019

    Great chance to hear from the specialist leaders in the genealogical business world. Would be an amazing opportunity to listen to these people. A once in a lifetime chance to expand my knowledge of the subject.

  • Joanne Krajeski

    March 15, 2019

    I’d love to go to Myheritage’s Amsterdam gathering. Huge fan of your speakers & cannot learn enough

  • David L Kupfer

    March 15, 2019

    I want to understand the deep and powerful yearning for connection that has led to an interest in family trees.

  • Barbara E Harris

    March 15, 2019

    I love to to learn more about DNA

  • Patricia Darrow

    March 15, 2019

    I Love the way My Heritage has integrated its program!! It is easy to navigate to information (Civil War Records, WW Draft Cards, etc). I was truly amazed.

  • Jan cameron

    March 15, 2019

    Genealogy addict

  • Cheryl Smith

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to the My Heritage LIVE in September as I have come to a sticking point and don’t know how to move on

  • Mary Peterson

    March 15, 2019

    I would learn so much more about searching my roots and my maternal roots are strong in the Netherlands. I would also be so excited to visit my maternal homeland!

  • Kristal Reed

    March 15, 2019

    My great grandparents were from Holland and Germany which is close to Holland. I’d like to learn more genealogy, visit where they lived and research records.

  • Kathryn Wesenberg

    March 15, 2019

    I am a genealogist that knows very little about “the tricks of the trade”. I have a true heart and zeal for digging up my family history, but need guidance. Attending the conference in Amsterdam would fill a tremendous need. There would be no stopping me, if I were to get the education I need. Genealogy is not just a hobby of mine, it’s a love.


    March 15, 2019

    Who wouldn’t want to visit the country where your ancestors originated? And a genealogy conference as a bonus.

  • Marsha Kamish

    March 15, 2019

    I’d like to learn more about genealogy and about how to use DNA to break down brick walls.

  • Laureen Buersmeyer

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go, this would be an amazing experience. Dream trip of mine

  • Judy Sauer

    March 15, 2019

    Most of my paternal ancestry is in Europe. It was through My Heritage that I was able to connect with a DNA match that helped me uncover my father’s line. Without that match, the family would still be searching, as we have been for over 50 years.

  • Judith Hayes

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to come and see the different ways people have done things. If anyone can show me the way to have my family trees searches(3) in a state of non-confusion. I am getting on in age and some of my nieces and nephews are interested in taking on this task.
    All I need is help to generate easier ways to hand it over.
    Thanks for your time.

  • Michele Walters

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to My Heritage Live because I love family history. As an anthropologist in Australia I have been working over the last six years assisting Indigenous Australians fill in the missing pieces of their familiy history. As a non-Indigenous Australian I am slowly reconnecting my own family history from Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. What a task! Would love to go!!

  • Lesley Anderson

    March 15, 2019

    I really, really, really, really want to go to My Heritage LIVE!! I just *love* your new DNA tools and I encourage everyone to upload their DNA results or get them done and use the Auto Cluster reports and the Theory of Family Relativity! (what a great name!). I’d love to go to one place that’s all about My Heritage and research and DNA. You do such great work and your online product is so intuitive and amazing. Your staff is so genuine and relaxed – not so corporate as others. PLEASE, I HOPE I WIN! 🙂

  • Jan Davis

    March 15, 2019

    Part of my heritage is from the Netherlands, so it would be fun to explore genealogy there. My birthday is the following week, so it would be like an early gift.

  • Mary Alyse Strother

    March 15, 2019

    So many wonderful things have happened since I started on my DNA search. One of the many great findings was finding a fourth cousin that I never knew. We are now good friends and have certainly bonded over our ancestor quest. Another finding, I never knew I had a second great grandmother from England. Her family is very large and even though I may never know any of them I now feel that I do.
    I want to learn so much more by listening to the experts, meeting with other enthusiasts and just have a great time.
    Thank you MyHeritage
    Mary Alyse Strother.

  • Edwin

    March 15, 2019

    Looks like a great opportunity to get to know more about genealogy and the science behind DNA!

  • Marilyn Reynolds

    March 15, 2019

    I continue to learn more about my family, it’s roots and how history interacts with my family story. I would love to attend this conference to be part of the growing field of genealogy.

  • Ariel Bloom

    March 15, 2019

    “Family Is Forever” and meeting my ancestors through the family tree has been so exciting! Sharing is caring is the old saying and finding new ways to share and help others has always been how I would like to be remembered. Finding out I was 100% European was a shocker to me and it would be great to be able to explore in a place I have only dreamed about. Thanks for the contest and I hope whoever wins has a terrific tale to share with all of us. Good Luck to everyone!!!

  • Marguerite Kelly

    March 15, 2019

    It would be lovely to know the story behind my birth, I don’t think it’s going to happen, but you never know. In the meantime I can enjoy seeing how exciting it is to find ancestors. I already have wonderful background from my Dad. adopted or not it’s wonderful to know his background.

  • Carol Guthrie

    March 15, 2019

    My husband spent two years living in the Netherlands and Belgium. He would love to go back and meet some of his friends who live there. Also, his great-grandparents (Teerlink/Hilgers) came to America from Kamerik, Utrecht and Delfshaven, Rotterdam. It would be fabulous to see the cities and harbors they knew as well as the places my husband roamed – perhaps we could even connect with distant family members!

  • Bobbi

    March 15, 2019

    What a wonderful chance for a lucky person to experience a great conference and a taste of the “old country” all at the same time!

  • Sandi Zeller

    March 15, 2019

    I have been trying to find Irish pass family for over nine years.
    They are the the Daniel Healy family of Co. Cork and the Hennessey family of Tipperary.
    I do know they settled in Peoria, Illinois.
    I really need alot of help.

  • Roselle Harney

    March 15, 2019

    Want to have the adventure of a lifetime.

  • Shirley Meyer

    March 15, 2019

    I would lOVE to go to My Heritage LIVE 2019 because I want to learn more about dna and connecting with my European relatives. I absolutely love your new features and have had much success.

  • Pauline Lentsment

    March 15, 2019

    Wow what an opportunity to grow my family tree, learning from experts as well as other genealogy enthusiasts. My mind is exploding with the possibilities.

  • Barbara S Wolfe

    March 15, 2019

    My maternal grandfather is descended from some of the earliest Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam, but I am stuck on finding their ancestors. I had a great time in Oslo last fall, and a local genealogist helped me find some very elusive information. I would love to attend this year’s conference, renew some acquaintances, and get more training in the art of tracking down my family roots.

  • Babygirlburke

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to attend MyHeritage Live! with my cousin who I have never met. We have spent a lot of time working on our family tree and discovering how we connect. We were both adopted and have had great fun drilling down on our shared history and have learned a lot in the process – the rich history of our country, the legacies our forebears left and how wonderful friendships can be made from the DNA matching process. The two of us have often spoken of spending some time together doing nothing but genealogy, so this would be the perfect opportunity!

  • Gwen Stirlin

    March 15, 2019

    It would be so amazing to learn latest information on DNA and ancestry. I was a molecular biology major 1976 when this was just s distant dream!


    March 15, 2019

    I love learning more about My family and it European roots from Sweden to Ireland there is just so much more for me to learn

  • Darliene Mueller

    March 15, 2019

    I learn so much more when attending a conference. Would love to go

  • Madeline Jayag

    March 15, 2019

    This is so addicting and exciting at the same time, I can’t stop, I spend so much time searching Family on both sides of my Family just to see how far back I could go, not sure what I’ll do when I can go no further. This is amazing
    Thank you!

  • Mary Lou Kolonyi

    March 15, 2019

    I recently had my husbands and my DNA done by MyHeritage and also subscribed to the site. I have an extensive tree for my side, but my main goal is to find more of my husbands ancestry. He is from Slovakia but his DNA is from many other areas. I am new to this but learning and am anxious to dig in and find more!

  • Tracey Graham

    March 15, 2019

    I’ve recently discovered I have some Norwegian roots and had listed going there to my “Bucket List” I would love to make going a reality!

  • Nancy Arevalo

    March 15, 2019

    I would love the chance to go to the Amsterdam conference. I have so many links from to new ancestors with no way to verify the data. Some may even be from Amsterdam! I’d like to learn how to validate those connections without spending a lot of money, taking a lot of time, and having to do a lot of traveling.

  • Deberah Hurst

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to be able to access new information and build on my family history with new tool and techniques.
    I am discovering some many new relatives in wonderful places and just maybe I might find some here.

  • Shannon Agee

    March 15, 2019

    I love MyHeritage and my family came from the Netherlands, what a great place to learn more about researching them!

  • Debra Huffstutter

    March 15, 2019

    To possibly meet my European relatives & hear of ancestors I never knew existed. Until I joined MyHeritage I thought I was one of the last of my bloodline. In only a few months I’ve discovered over 8,000!!!!! And my DNA was a little surprising (not knowing) but it made me smile & feel great! Thank you!

  • Peggy Sue Weyant

    March 15, 2019

    I guess my mom’s research genes were sent to me. I recently found out my husband’s dad was not his bio dad, and After 6 months I found his real dad. He died in 2003, but this has now led me to wanting to help others. Knowledge g Ming from this conference would be amazing.

  • Christine Alderman

    March 15, 2019

    It sounds wonderful! Thanks to MyHeritage I found family that I did not know existed. I look forward to learning more about how to use MyHeritage. Just another genealogy geek!!!

  • Tauni Melvin

    March 15, 2019

    For many reasons, to visit Holland again where my family comes from and to take my genealogy search further than I have to date. It’s sounds like an amazing experience.

  • Marianne

    March 15, 2019

    Soooo looking forward…

  • Brooke Harlowe

    March 15, 2019

    New tooks for DNA research are arriving at an amazing rate. It is almost too difficult to use them all effectively. I’d like to learn how to better use these tools in conjunction with others to be a more effective researcher.

  • Karen Buxton

    March 15, 2019

    Although I’m now 78, I am still heavily involved in genealogy, both personally and as a volunteer for our local historical society. I have relatives in Germany and my husband had Dutch heritage on his maternal side, going back to Revolved Waldron, a sheriff in New Amsterdam for Peter Stuyvesant. His father was the youngest of 13 born in London who emigrated in the early 1900s. Most of his family stayed in England but we did visit with one of his cousins when we visited about 35 years ago. The chance to exchange information with Europeans, and possibly contact relatives, and to hear the programs that will be presented by internationally known genealogists is very exciting.

  • Edwin Piere

    March 15, 2019

    it very challenging to go through information and wonder, would a professional look at it the same way. Am I missing something they would otherwise see. It would be great to hear from the best.

  • Dan Roerdink

    March 15, 2019

    My ancestors were from the Netherlands so I would love to go there and find out more about them

  • Klaas Hogenesch

    March 15, 2019

    I immigrated from The Netherland to New Zealand in 1980. A couple of years ago I started to trace my ancestors using the help of My Heritage and my DNA sample. My Heritage has been a great help finding lost relations as I was unable to visit the towns of my ancestors due to the enormous distance. I am now in contact many people who I did not know before. I even discovered that I have half-brothers and half-sisters living in The Netherlands.
    Most of my ancestors come from the county Drenthe in The Netherlands and I would love to visit them. However as I am now at retirement age, money is an issue.
    I would love the opportunity of experiencing the presentations, speakers, and tools My Heritage will present at the Amsterdam conference. It would mean the world to me.

  • Sophia Pray

    March 15, 2019

    Going to the myheritage conference would be a dream! It’s my first year learning about genealogy and I still have so much more to learn. On top of that being in Amsterdam would be amazing!

  • Thomas Helmer

    March 15, 2019

    Being part of an ever growing community of genealogists is stimulating and exiting.

  • Alastair Honeybun

    March 15, 2019

    I have recently found that my paternal Great Grandfather comes from a little village on the border between France and Belgium.

    Australia – where I live – is so far away “Downunder” that it would be a fantastic opportunity to combine a genealogy research trip and also to participate in the MyHeritage LIVE event in September.

    I desperately need to upskill my knowledge on genetic genealogy and the MyHeritage LIVE workshops will hopefully fill that void.

    Oh! And a European holiday would be the icing on the genealogical cake!


    March 15, 2019

    When I signed up for MyHeritage and created a family tree I had information on my family from my mother and grandmothers records and papers. All the

  • Christine Hingerty

    March 15, 2019

    International speakers, sessions about My Heritage features, so much to see, hear and learn! Who wouldn’t want to go to Amsterdam in 2019! I would LOVE to be there!

  • Cruz Kelly

    March 15, 2019

    How exciting I’m so thrilled to be part of this I’m anxious to learn more and more of that in history how fabulous could this trip be thank you

  • Janice Ryan

    March 15, 2019

    In 2015 a storage bin full of all my family records waas sent accidentally to the dump, all my family pictures and precious historical papers and records were lost to me.Thankfully I had worked on My Heritage family tree and this was preserved for my family. I want to attend the MyyHeritage Amsterdam conference to express my sincere thanks for this online record keeping system and personally acknowledge it’s importance to me and so many .It is a tool to show how we are all connected!

  • Jamie LaRose

    March 15, 2019

    I think it would be wonderful to meet with fellow enthusiasts & professionals.

  • A van Rooyen

    March 15, 2019

    I am a genealogy fanatic and have enjoyed building a dozen family trees using MyHeritage. Any tools I can use to help me increase my skills would give me great pleasure.

  • Jack deLowe

    March 15, 2019

    With almost 18,000 on my family tree, I’ve reached a block and need new venues to continue my genealogical effort.

  • Dianne bohmer

    March 15, 2019

    Tickets to the conference would be fantastic to have because i have longed to know more about the ins and outs of geneology research it would also give us a chance to do some research on the family who lived in holland and hopefully get a chance to reconnect with distant cousins

  • Eleanor Kovacik

    March 15, 2019

    I’ve been searching for my paternal biological family for 15 years and dna testing is a key part of my search and journey.I’d love to hear more at the conference!

  • Leslie Franklin

    March 15, 2019

    I am planning a trip to Europe to meet cousins discovered through DNA testing. Piggybacking on a trip to MyHeritage LIVE to learn about MyHeritage tools in Amsterdam on September 6-8 would work nicely.
    Thank You,
    Leslie Franklin

  • Cassandra Kreifels

    March 15, 2019

    The reason I would be unbelievably thankful, and absolutely ecstatic with pure joy to be chosen to win this trip is because not only is a large portion of my heritage rooted in the Netherlands! But myheritage and working on my family’s geaneolgy brought my father and I together. We hadn’t spoken to eachother much for years. Then one day I logged into my email, and seen I had all of these messages saying updates had been made to people on my tree… at first I was a little Annoyed thinking.. “who the heck does this person think they are! why do they think they can just tinker with all my hard work tracing my ancestors back so many generations!” Well, To my surprise it was my father! (Haa..haa!!) And that is how we reconnected. We found our common ground, we finally found something that we both really enjoy doing, and sare a passion for. The most precious gift of all that came from this, is that I found my father. It might not be in a way others have achieved through this site. Finding their heritage and relatives through a DNA test which previously would have been unattainable for them. But I promise you that the gift of finding my father through finding my heritage is just as much of a blessing as it is for those finding a family they never had the chance to know. So when you ask to know why I would want to go to myheritage live it’s a simple answer for me. You gave me back my father after we drifted apart and lost each other for many years, and now we talk every day! I’m thankful and feel so blessed to have him back in my life. I would love to be chosen to go to myheritage live In Amsterdam with my father. Right now we live 14 hours apart and I haven’t gotten to see to see him or spend time with him in quite awhile. Being chosen would be a dream come true.

  • Anna

    March 15, 2019

    I wish to go to My Heritage genealogy conference and visiting Amsterdam,its very important for me,thank you.

  • Larry Pluhar

    March 15, 2019

    Would like to find out how to access records from the Austrian-Hungarian empire. have difficulty tracing my family tree…. Wife is German and wants to trace down her tree too…

  • Janna Hughes

    March 15, 2019

    I love searching for family. This would be a great way for me to learn new things to help me along the way.

  • Stephen Schmideg

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to the conference because it would provide me with new skills, plus I have relatives in Holland and thanks to genealogy, just about every country nearby.

  • Josephine Ladegourdie

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to win free tickets to the MyHeritage LIVE 2019 conference because I have been using the MyHeritage site for the past 2 years and have had DNA tests done for myself, my husband and son and have been thrilled at seeing the results of our ancestory. We are a multi-cultural family and it would be great to learn more about family genetics by DNA.
    Fingers Crossed x
    Kind regards,
    Josephine Ladegourdie.

  • Anders Hjalmarson

    March 15, 2019

    I unfortunatelly missed Oslo so I would love to attend in Amsterdam.

  • Mark R Thelen

    March 15, 2019

    I have been researching my family tree for 40 years. An opportunity like this would be astounding.

  • Ibrahim-Jamilu Dahiru

    March 15, 2019

    It will be a great opportunity to meet people of like mind.
    Would be great to know how other people do it,
    what tools they use.
    How I can improve.

  • Pieter van der Westhuizen

    March 15, 2019

    I have established my family linear roots over 8 generations in South Africa and have hit a wall at my

    Belgium ancestors prior to 1632. Would like to visit Brugge from where they originated and continue

    the family search. Also wish to be updated with the latest genealogy technology and quality

    searches. Speak Afrikaans, German and understand Dutch and to a limited extend French.Studying isi

    Xhosa. Married into a French Huguenot family of Joubert.

    Pieter van der Westhuizen. Franschhoek .South Africa.

  • Christine Payne

    March 15, 2019

    My heritage is a mystery which I have never been able to unravel,so I would love to realise my dream of discovering some of the people, but more importantly, the background to their lives and how that led to my life. I want to learn about the lives my ancestors had and why they made the choices they did. Then I could pass that on to my own grandchildren, yet to grow into their curiosity.

  • Ali Rehmat

    March 15, 2019

    I am using myheritage since 2011, and it really helped me to save the history and genealogy of my of village, keep to participate to explore more tools, developed my village entire family tree up to 13 generations.

  • Susan Jane Lodge

    March 15, 2019

    I have so much to learn about this subject that I really need a jump start. This event would be the perfect place to understand how to find My Heritage via DNA.

  • David

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to a genealogy conference because it would be filled with people who share my interests.

  • Ruthie Honey

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to be apart of MyHeritage LIVE!! What an exciting opportunity to learn more about something I am passionate about.

  • Jan De Conti

    March 15, 2019

    My bag is packed and i’m ready to go to MyHeritage live. It would be awesome to be involved in. Love my journey to find information on my family.
    #family history conference
    #myheritage live
    #MyHeritage LIVE 2018
    #myheritage user conference
    #user conference

  • Michelle Smith

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to the My Heritsge conference with my lovely friend Gresha whose mother is Dutch and we could try to find out more about her Dutch roots.

  • John Murdoch

    March 15, 2019

    For my friend Annie and myself to meet and learn from many like-minded people from across the globe.

    To understand my past is to understand my future.

  • Therese Moloney

    March 15, 2019

    I have just helped my friend Joan find her mother’s birth family though DNA testing. Joan’s birth mother was adopted, and Joan knew nothing about her mother’s birth family as Joan’s mother died when Joan was eight. Joan and four of her siblings were then adopted by other families. Joan’s father could not look after the 12 children that were left when their mother died. has played a major part in this journey to find my friend Joan’s mother’s family. Many thanks myheritage. I know how wonderful DNA testing is for some people. I would love to go to Amsterdam to hear the latest developments regarding DNA testing and its application. I want to help others who wish to find their birth families.

  • Kelly Moore

    March 15, 2019

    In June of 2015 I was diagnosed with incurable Breast Cancer which spread to my bones and lymph node. It is so important to me to learn more about my ancestry (especially on my fathers side as I am stuck and my cousin who I was working with passed away just over a year ago) so I can pass the information down to my sons and grandsons etc. The My Heritage DNA test helped so much and I would love to attend this conference to obtain knowledge for myself and to pass on the information to my children. Family is so important to me but I do not have a lot of money to spend on the research I need to accomplish my task. Thank you

  • Michael Goldstein

    March 15, 2019

    The first MyHeritage Live in Oslo was a relaxing and enjoyable learning experience. In addition to coming back with new research tools I had the opportunity to meet people from all over the world who like me were pursing their roots.

  • Carole Shaw

    March 15, 2019

    To discover more and meet like-minded colleagues

  • Caroline Murphy

    March 15, 2019

    I am an avid family researcher and I would love to meet other like-minded people across the world. Moreover, I have found My Heritage to be by far the best site and since I also rate Family Search highly its good to hear of the close collaboration.

  • Michele Bond

    March 15, 2019

    I would really like to learn more about my dna results. It would be a great opportunity to get helpful tips from other enthusiasts and professionals.

  • Nesim

    March 15, 2019

    I want to go to this conference because I like to meet new people, learn new things and share what I know. I am sure many wonderful people will be there and even though I never expect to win something without paying for it, this time I will try my chance. See you.


    March 15, 2019

    For many years while I was young my father told me I had two other siblings. A sister and a brother. I was too young to ask important questions. Like how do you know it was during the war, didn’t you leave before and come home. Do you know where the mother or mothers are living know. Do you know where the children are did you meet and hold this boy and this girl.
    So once DNA became affordable and after my mother died and order the DNA kit and got back my results. I found a half sibling that only lived 90 minutes away. That got me thinking, did my father know that this girl my sister lived her, and married? She was adopted. Did my dad know what happed to the mother? If my dad know of these children why didn’t he do something about it their condition. Step up and be a father.
    So many unanswered questions that may never be answered.

  • Arne Schonberger

    March 15, 2019

    I need guidance on using the huge dna hit list and linking this to others through names and locations. I belong to a genealogy group in my over 55 community and want to help others, also. I know I have many cousins in Israel but because they are from maternal grandmothers sisters, from early 1900s and names are Changed with marriage, I am having trouble. Help!

  • Helle Mårtensson

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to go to the conference because I’m the family historian, trying to keep record of them all. It would be so nice to learn more and connect with other family historians. A conference seems to be an adventure and I would like the experience.

  • Cathy Meder-Dempsey

    March 15, 2019

    A pair of tickets would mean I could bring along my husband to photograph while I get a wonderful chance to meet all my genealogy friends and people at MyHeritage.

  • Calvin Medcalf

    March 15, 2019

    As a relatively young genealogist (20), I’m still looking for ways to improve my skills and learn more about my family history – and a chance to meet other genealogists and experts would be the chance of a lifetime for me.

  • Linda Vigil

    March 15, 2019

    Perhaps I will get a chance to actually meet someone in my “DNA” family!

  • Marilyn Lester

    March 15, 2019

    I am just a dot like a SEED planted in the darkness waiting on others to connect the dots of who are where I am coming from. I just have one DNA match to Amsterdam but it’s a piece of my DNA probably no one will notice. I think all DNA does matter because it leads to someone LIFE . I like to see My Heritage Take me to Amsterdam A DOT .

  • Mary Allen

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to find my father. I believe I know who he is, but he does not acknowledge I’m his. I don’t know enough about how to access MyHertiage to my advantage. I was hoping if I signed up for this and took the test, someone on his side would be in your system as well. I believe if I could go to this conference I could learn a a lot, but there is absolutely no was I could afford it on my own.
    I appreciate the opportunity for a chance to win.
    Mary Allen

  • Brandi Langner

    March 15, 2019

    Walls. Walls, walls, walls, walls! Knowledge and inspiration gained through My Heritage Live might help revitalize my research and knock down some walls. I’d love to be there!

  • Birgit Lie

    March 15, 2019

    I have so small Family known to me and have enjoyed to learn through My Heritage about the whereabaout of my familiy members. It would be very interesting to meet other interested in genealogy and learn from their experiences

  • Duke Zimmerman

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to attend MyHeritage LIVE!

  • Kristey Mayer

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to explore and share genealogy details.

  • Robbie Farrell

    March 15, 2019

    I would definitely love to attend The Amsterdam MyHeritage 2019 conference. I am very interested in the history of my ancestors and enjoy the building of my family tree, I think that the family tree is such a brilliant tool to know your family. Thanks to the MyHeritage Team

  • Irene Renner

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to learn more about my geneoligy and am a beginner so need a lot of help to learn lots.

  • Robert Brewer

    March 15, 2019

    This would be so awesome! Would love to be there, so many unanswered questions could be answered!

  • Rodney Sam

    March 15, 2019

    I’m fascinated by the marriage of ny interests in genetics, ancestry and genealogy as a way to not only learn more about the overall human past, but to explore my individual past on a deeper level.

  • Marilyn Clark

    March 15, 2019

    Looks like a great opportunity.

  • Frances White

    March 15, 2019

    I want to learn More about my heritage including my grandparents, one set from Norway and one Set from Poland and to learn how to utilize MyHeritage to its full capacity.

  • william warrington

    March 15, 2019

    I want to learn and learn. I want to meet and interact with others with knowledge and primarily also with MyHeritage personnel.

  • Diana Parsons

    March 15, 2019

    Oh how I would love to be chosed, sad times I have had latelty, Family.

    Would be nice to have something cheerful.

  • Diana Parsons

    March 15, 2019

    I would ove to find, where,I came in to this world, what is my Heritage,

    Looking forward to receiving my D,N,A.

  • Vanessa

    March 15, 2019

    My husband’s ancestral line is stuck at one of his great-grandfathers and we need any available help to try and move beyond it! There may be nobility involved but we can’t prove anything yet – maybe this conference could suggest more ways of achieving this?

  • Jennifer Bertuzzi

    March 15, 2019

    My grandchildren are very interested in their family history. In a time where the younger generations are not being taught about where they came from, what our ancestors endured and went through so we can be where we are today. This would be a fantastic way to help them learn

  • Renee Venter

    March 15, 2019

    How exciting, my heritage on my dad’s side is Dutch and my mom’s side is English. I didn’t know they had such conferences, I would love the opportunity to check it out. I’m the genealogy but in the family

  • John Walsh

    March 15, 2019

    My father wrote a book on the ” History of Templemore and it’s Environs”. It was written using a portable type writer, using tippex paper to correct spelling, his filing system was flat shirt boxes, they were slightly larger than A4 paper, and they were coloured coded for identification, about 12 boxes in all. I was one of five children in the family You dare not touch or disturb any of the boxes. We were often caught sneaking out a blank page for colouring and play, and there would be hell to pay. Did I ask him about history, no, no we were way too busy, TV had just come into our home (1965), and I had discovered rock and roll, and testosterone was beginning to kick in.
    Now that he is no longer with us, I do of course regret not asking about our history. Then in 2012 I came across my heritage, and the historical voyage started. I helped restart our local historical society, was chairman for 3 years, and still very much involved. I have traced my family back to the 1700’s and still working on it. (I retired in 2015). I find talking to people about family history and particularly getting tips and encourage from them on research can be very very helpful and fascinating. Because of my family research I have made wonderful friends and discovered many cousins. Also I am wanderlust type of person, or in Ireland we are called ” Galavanters “. eg. ” He is fore ever gallavanting, or ” The road isn’t half long enough for him ” . Amsterdam is on my bucket list, and I would love to go there. John Walsh

  • Brian

    March 15, 2019

    This would would be just an ideal location, as like 99% of all my contacts originate from this general location. I would love to actually have the chance to meet some of the people I’m related to.

  • Robert Pryor

    March 15, 2019

    Been a member before.

  • Elaine Winter

    March 15, 2019

    It would be a great chance to discover more about the technics and opertunaties it could open up to myself and family. And to meet the team who make it possible.

  • Eunice Padoa

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to MyHeritageLive 2019, because I am passionate about my family and want to find the missing links in our family chain. I feel drawn to my great grandparents and those before them and I would love to learn new skills on how to be effective in researching, from all those who are the experts.

  • Fleur Pirlet

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to understand better My Heritage and connect with others in the family history community.
    It looks like an amazing opportunity to mingle with people sharing the same passion and I would like to learn more on genealogy.

  • Susan Nutbrown

    March 15, 2019

    I’m really enjoying the new tools Autoclusters and Theory of Relativity. Amazing! Most of my learning has been piecemeal…would love to have a genealogy immersion experience!

  • Stanley Shields

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go, thanks for the opportunity.

  • Sean Murph

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to meet people form different countries who have the same interest.

  • Clarissa Giese

    March 15, 2019

    Would love to hear the presenters live and see if I can find where the places my family has lived are.

  • Cindy Pearce

    March 15, 2019

    Why would I like yo go to the conference? Because I am relatively new to genealogy and would love to learn every aspect of my findings, DNA portion and researching. I have a large family tree and information is flying at me. I have notice that I have then smart matches verifying them and understanding what I am doing is a bit of a challenge. Would I benefit from going My Heritage live you better believe it! Thank you for the opportunity to at least try for tickets.

  • Edson Schalm

    March 15, 2019

    I am a new enthusiast of genealogy research, but made amazing discoveries in my family history. It would be great to see and hear first hand from professionals about the how-to’s and available tools to expand my knowledge.

  • Gemma Manning

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to hear the future of the technology and where it will bring us. And just to hear about how far we have come already!

  • Paul Shenton

    March 15, 2019

    I have been with MyHeritage now for ten years. I was an early adopter. I am not a professional genealogist or an expert, but I am representative of a large segment of MyHeritage’s customer base and amateurs in general. I have also been participatory on social media sites in genealogy groups and would be happy to share anything I have learned.

  • Glynis Halliday

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to attend the ‘MyHeritage LIVE 2019’ in September, to hear experts speak about DNA and to attend hands-on workshops too! I’m so excited, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep until I hear who’s won this great opportunity! How awesome that My Heritage is being so generous to give away two tickets to this amazing event! Thank you

  • Johannes Brandwagt

    March 15, 2019

    I’d like to attend the MyHeritage Live conference for one I’m in my sixties now and Holland is my ancestral base.

  • Lydia

    March 15, 2019

    To learn more about our families history, where we originate from to where we are now.

  • Paul Harris

    March 15, 2019

    I do enjoyed the Oslo conference that I would really like to go to Amsterdam, but due to setting up a community radio station I have no spare funds.

  • Paul Shenton

    March 15, 2019

    I have been a member of MyHeritage for about ten years. I was an early adopter. I am not a professional genealogist or an expert, but an amateur, and thus I am representative of many of MyHeritage’s customers. I am active on many social media genealogy groups, like on Facebook, and I would be happy to share anything I will have learned. I would like to meet Blaine Bettinger, who I understand is one of the speakers, and whom I particularly follow.

  • Kaycie Drennan

    March 15, 2019

    MyHeritage helped me solve the 52-year old mystery that was my birth father. In the space of a week, I went from knowing nothing, to being able to trace his side back to the 1400’s, and finding out I was a combination of German and Finnish. It was an amazing personal discovery for me. I would love the chance to be at the conference.

  • Beverly Stevenson

    March 15, 2019

    My heritage is a new platform for my genealogy research. I feel like I’ve reached the limits of what Ancestry can offer. The features and possibilities of My Heritage is bringing my research to a whole new level. After attending the DNA conference in SAN Diego, I realize that great conferences can help me discover new technology. The networking possibilities are endless!

  • Nakia Hawley

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to go to learn more about my family and heritage. My grandmother passed away a couple years ago on Christmas night and left without knowing any of her family. She was raised by her grandparents and the only thing that she knew of her father was his name. This would truly be a great blessing to me and my family. Thank you!

  • Karol Kloots Smith

    March 15, 2019

    My Heritage has been invaluable in researching my paternal family, and it would fulfill my research dream to attend this conference. I have hit three brick walls in my search for family: Julia Victoria Carlson (foster child, Sweden); Gilbert Warner; and Mary Catherine Ivory (Ireland). I knew my great grandmother, Julia who I called GG. My mother never knew Julia, her grandmother, was a foster child. I have searched for these relatives for years to no avail, and would love to attend this conference in hopes of learning better resources, methods and leads.

  • Mary Shan Dawson

    March 15, 2019

    I’d like to go because my husband and I both have Dutch great grandparents, but we are having a hard time learning more about them. We would like to see where they came from & finally add more information to our trees, as well as find out ways for me to find out who my 2xs greats were on my moms fathers fathers side is.
    . They are basically the only part of my tree I can not figure out and my grandpa was my favorite person in the world. I want to learn more & these passes will help with that. Thank you for the chance to win. =)

  • June T

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to this conference and understand more about DNA and genealogy. I’ve been researching my family and hit a brick wall. It’d be great to learn more and get some tips that might break my deadlock!

  • Pamela Williams

    March 15, 2019

    I’m fairly new to the DNA tracking. Very interested in getting more info for my tree.

  • Joanne Smith

    March 15, 2019

    I’d like to go to the MyHeritage User Conference, MyHeritage LIVE 2019, in Amsterdam. I’m a member of MyHeritage and have been working on my family tree. My grandparents migrated from Stockholm, Sweden to Chicago but I am having no luck finding their birth or death dates as I believe Anderson was spelled different in Sweden.

  • Joanne Blake

    March 15, 2019

    I love Amsterdam and Ancestry. What could be a more perfect combination.

  • Vickie Fuller

    March 15, 2019

    I want to attend the conference to find my family on my father side of the family , if any are still living. My family never met one person from my fathers side of the family. He never spoke of them. It is like he dropped onto this earth when he met and married my mother in the 1930 ‘s . My DNA says I am 41% Scandinavia , which was a big surprise to me. I just want more information
    If possible. I have hit a dead end in research.

  • Vickie Fuller

    March 15, 2019

    Have been doing research on my fathers side of family, have found no information on a family I have never met one relative.

  • Hélène Boudreau-Jean

    March 15, 2019

    Bonjour!! I’m in Canada but will be in Belfast, N.I. for the month of September so I could easily make it to Amsterdam! I love the information I get from Myheritage but there are many things I don’t quite understand and would need to attend live seminars and workshops in order to get the bigger picture.
    My French-Canadian/Italian/Jewish/South American Indian husband recently found a cousin in Sweden and we’ve been in touch; how awesome is that! Thank you for the amazing work you do!

  • Erica McAteer

    March 15, 2019

    I am adopted and while I’ve always enjoying digging back into my adoptive parent’s history & heritage, it has never truly felt like “mine”. The adoption agency told my parents my natural paternal grandfather was Native American, but when I got my DNA results back there wasn’t a drop in me! Evidently I’m mostly Irish & Scandinavian.
    So now I am excited to learn more about the genetic history of ME me and tracing my natural family and roots to solve this mystery. Any extra insight or tools and techniques that I could learn would just make this journey that much better!

  • Alana Garber

    March 15, 2019

    I volunteer for the Family Search center at The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints and love the Heritage sturdy. I my work is greatly enhances with the use of My Heritage. I love and appreciate all the work so many orginations are doing to preserve our Heritages. It would be exciting to attend the My Heritage Conference where there is such rich history being discovered.

  • Darryl Morrison

    March 15, 2019

    I have found a brother and sister through DNA and there may be more. The family history has brought me so many new relationships. Thank you.


  • Eleanor Johnson

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to be able to attend. I have never traveled off North America. I have always been interested in visiting any European country. I am sure there is a lot of information that I could find out as to do a proper family tree and how to do corrections where I know there are errors. I have never been able afford to travel abroad. Would love to travel there. It would be close to the country where my husband grandfather came from which was Sweden.


    March 15, 2019

    I can never learn enough.

  • Sue Sautner

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to win the tickets because I am new to genealogy research and need all the help I can get. Also, through MyHeritage I learned of my Norwegian ancestry that I had no idea about. Thanks, Sue Sautner

  • Michelle Sell

    March 15, 2019

    Attending My Heritage Live in Amsterdam would be an incredible way to celebrate my 50th birthday (Sept 9), learning more about my family heritage in a region where some of my ancestors originated! The possibility of hearing from expert genealogists and DNA genealogists is so exciting!

  • Lila

    March 15, 2019

    We would love to go to My Heritage Live to have the opportunity to explore a family name that has been changed so frequently that we are not certain we are on the right trail anymore. Getting into the area where we believe the name originates, surrounded by seminars full of people with a passion for genealogy would not only encourage us, but also open doors of possible answers.

  • Ann Tatangelo

    March 15, 2019

    My partner and already use Legacy and Heritage when researching for our clients of Italian heritage. We would like to learn more ways to help them connect to each other via DNA results.

  • Albert Dennis

    March 15, 2019

    Think info i obtain at conference will help me in my family search. Looking forward to coming.

  • Carla Schneyder

    March 15, 2019

    Firstly, I was born in Amsterdam and have many relatives in the Netherlands.
    Secondly, I am continuing the research my father started with paper and pencil and always think about how he would have loved to have all this technology and information available!
    This would be a great opportunity to connect with other enthusiasts, some of which may be relatives, or new friends, and to broaden my horizons and learns about new methods for genealogy.

  • Sharon James

    March 15, 2019

    I’ve been doing ancestry research for many years for my family. The opportunity to listen to and get tips or help from experts on how I could expand my research further would be wonderful.

  • Dawn Orndorff

    March 15, 2019

    I was adopted and would love to go to this, to learn more about my heritage!

  • Cathy Cline

    March 15, 2019

    I have been researching my grandmother’s 1893 adoption for many years and DNA has helped to narow down the biological lines. Your Auto Cluster feature was extremely helpful in getting some of my late Aunt’s matches sorted in a more meaningful way. Now I can begin to fill in some of the missing links in the tree between my grandmother’s biological parents and their ancestors.
    Along the way, I discoverd, very much to my surprise, that my grandmother has a significant amount of Colonial Dutch ancestry! I visited Amsterdam when I was in college in 1983, not realizing a part of my heritage was from this country. I would love to go back and see it through new eyes. Plus my other ancestral country, Norway, is nearby and I would love to see my great-grandparents’ hometowns of Porsgrun and Stavanger.
    I only wish my mother, aunt and uncle were still with us so I could share all of this with them.

  • Richard H Hill

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to go to MyHeritage LIVE because genetic genealogy is my passion and MyHeritage has become the most aggressive company at developing new tools, facilitating adoptee reunions and publicizing DNA success stories.

  • Billie Beckman

    March 15, 2019

    Amazing. I would love to walk the footsteps of my ancestors. Family and Family History are my great love. When doing research I feel the bond and connection of those who have past d. Families are forever.

  • Patrick McAdam

    March 15, 2019

    New to family history research and currently using My Heritage to get started. Would like to learn more about this fascinating area of research and get tips on how to focus my efforts for best results.
    My Heritage LIVE 2019 sounds like a great venue to assist me.

  • Lorene

    March 15, 2019

    I have been doing genealogy of our family since my mom’s passed away 10 years and have found so many interesting facts. I would love to expand my knowledge-base by attending this conference but the cost won’t allow me to do so. Please select me. I am nearing retirement age and plan to offer free genealogy search services in my retirement so will be giving back to the community. I can disseminate knowledge that I learn at this conference to those in my community.
    Thank you

  • Denise Berwind

    March 15, 2019

    I’m very interested in learning all that I can about my family ancestry. I knew I was of French and Irish blood, but until completing MyHeritage DNA, I had no idea that I also had English Ancestry in my family tree. I would be anxious to meet people with similar interests and to acquire more knowledge about ancestry research.

  • Rhonda Astells

    March 15, 2019

    I have been trying on my own. to find out about my family, I sure could use the extra help, as I’m not getting very far on my own!

  • Cynthia Ann Hancock-Mode

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go investigate and learn more about my Heritage! It’s always interested me since my childhood of who and what am I made up of? I’m from Texas and never even been out of the USA, it would be the best gift of my life to travel to Norway to learn more than I’ve ever dreamed of!!! Thank you

  • Krista

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to attend the MyHeritage Live 2019 event. I was adopted as a young child and have been searching for my family and their history story ever since. I have met a few of my family members but no one can really tell me much. I have set out on a journey of finding my history to learn more about myself and also for my children as well. I love researching and attending this MyHeritage Live 2019 event in Amsterdam would help me improve my skills and knowledge, plus introduce me to like minded people. I have learnt through DNA that my family comes from the United Kingdom (U.K.). I would love to have the opportunity to travel.

  • Robert Moody

    March 15, 2019

    New to MyHeritage and excited to learn about what they’re doing especially with DNA and matching.

  • Ed Clark

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to learn more about using the MyHeritage site and research possibilities.

  • Marjorie Blackman

    March 15, 2019

    I am really interested in finding out more and how to understand the ins and outs of My Heritage and how it all works.
    AT 50 years of age i found out that my dad wasn’t my real dad. So i have been searching now for 15 years. I have found a 2nd cousin but still not my father. IM not good with understanding it all but with some help of my friend and now new cousin im getting alittle better. I feel bad that i have to keep asking her the questions, so this would help me so much….
    Its an exciting thing to be happening and im all up for meeting and seeing it in Amsterdam.
    Thankyou so much for giving one of us the chance…..Marjorie

  • Richard Peschke

    March 15, 2019

    The majority of my ancestors are from areas very close to the Netherlands. This would provide an opportunity to enhance my research abilities and resources.

  • Christos

    March 15, 2019

    I’m becoming passionate about genetic analysis and the tools especially as these are demonstrated through MyHeritage. I would like to take this further and connect with more people and other enthusiasts as well!

  • Chalmer Harper

    March 15, 2019

    I think the world of DNA and Genealogy is fascinating! I would be an honor to go to Amsterdam to MyHeritage LIVE!

    I am adopted, and I knew nothing of my biological story. Honestly, I really had no desire to know anything about my biological makeup. I was content to wonder if there were others who were connected to me, but never knowing who they were. However, after seeing a friend find a Brother he knew nothing about, I decided to take the plunge. I am so glad I did.

    I gathered the courage to take the MyHeritage DNA test. That was the first step in a puzzle that I am now working to piece together. Now, that my DNA doors have been opened, there is a want to explore more about who my biological family might be – what/who MyHeritage is (pun intended) – to add some missing chapters and most of relatives to my story.

  • Kimberly M Jenott

    March 15, 2019

    I am finally finding all of my lost family. I would love to be able to listen to the lectures and learn even more about this fascinating history that everybody has.

  • John Malia

    March 15, 2019

    The reason I would like to go to My Heritage live is because I have hit a brick wall with my great grandad who was born in Ireland. I have had several brick walls over the last 15 years but this one I cannot break down. I would like someone to give me that hammer to break it down at the show.
    I just want that hammer time at the show.

  • Robert Bohm

    March 15, 2019

    I have always wanted to visit my ancestral home, and imagine that! MyHeritage LIVE is there!

  • Ed

    March 15, 2019

    Attending the MyHeritage User Conference MyHeritage LIVE 2019 in Amsterdam would provide an unequaled opportunity to learn about the latest trends, technology and best practices as I explore a new career direction in international genealogy to help others looking for their roots. I would relish the opportunity to meet fellow family history enthusiasts and top experts from around the world. I would also take advantage of being in Europe to travel to Poland where MyHeritage has connected me to long lost cousins who trace our ancestors going back to 1550, and do more research.

  • Jeff Knuth

    March 15, 2019

    There’s so much to learn, and so little time!

  • Rochelle Hale

    March 15, 2019

    Perhaps this would open the brick wall that I have run into with my European ancestry as I experience this educational conference closer to their homeland.

  • Jacqueline P Oborny

    March 15, 2019

    I have been researching my family tree since I was a child of 9 years old. I am retiring this year and for the first time will be able to visit the cities, libraries and research centers which will help confirm and advance my research.

  • Ann Johnson

    March 15, 2019

    For 40 some years I have had a pen and paper in hand whenever I was with a family elder – from my parents, my husband’s parents, aunts, uncles, cousins of every generation. Don’t ask me why, but I must have that ‘genealogy disease’ that afflicts a certain number of people of every generation, of every population. I have become the repository for old letters, documents, pictures that many people throw away. Today I have the life stories of many, many people in my and my husband’s family. I am always hoping to learn more.

  • Mollie J McPherson

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to attend the conference to learn all I can about ancestry and how to verify everything. Others can help me with my quest and get one important item checked off my bucket list! I want to learn/know who they were, where they came from, and how they lived. My ancestry is so important to me as if I don’t do the research my grand children will not know their heritage and ancestors. ALL the grand parents of my son’s are now gone to heaven. If I do not leave some information to even start with, they may not know their heritage at all. I welcome anyone’s assistance in helping finding family history and information, especially if “My Heritage” will assist me along the way. I will be so greatful.

  • Charles Young

    March 15, 2019

    I have over 50 years experience as a family Historian including a dozen years as a National Archives volunteer, teaching family history at an Air Force library and helping hundreds of others searching out their roots.
    I would love to take my wife to her ancestral Homeland to celebrate our genealogy. A trip to the Neatherlands and photographing one of her families primary nation’s of origin would be one of the highlights of my work and perhaps help my wife understand my passion for discovering and preserving our combined families lineage.

  • Sofia

    March 15, 2019

    As a molecular biologist I’d love to meet not only professionals behind MyHeritage, but all the different people who use the knowledge we build in the lab, and to see their perspective.

  • Marilyn

    March 15, 2019

    I know nothing about my maternal grandmother and would love help in finding out her history.

  • Paul V. Miller

    March 15, 2019

    I have been doing genealogy for many years now and traveled to many places in the US to do research, see and photograph cemeteries,and meet new relatives, from second cousins to fifth cousins. Unfortunately, I do not have the financial means to visit my relatives in Norway, England, Germany, Switzerland, etc. I am at an age where the time is running low to research in these countries. I would be so happy to win the free tickets to the MyHeritage Live expo. I also have two DNA results,but can not figure out how to interpret and share the results. My Heritage has been a godsend, as they say, to finding new ancestors. I have broken my brick wall to the Miller family. I also have Exel spreadsheets on many of my lines. Shalom to you all. Paul

  • JoAnne Lowe

    March 15, 2019

    My husband and I would love to win the tickets to the My Heritage LIve conference because, as an adoptee, he has found biological family and we’ve met with them! What a wonderful feeling this was for him! I’d love him to locate his biological mother’s family too.

  • Donna Munson

    March 15, 2019

    the opportunity to learn more about my heritage, listen to experts in geneology & research, & meet others interested in family history would be amazing!

  • Aviv Hen

    March 15, 2019

    Learning about my DNA helped me understand more about my Jewish heritage. I’ve been interested in genealogy since I’ve been 13 and being able to go to the conference is a dream come true!

  • Inese Grava-Gubins

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to this conference, as I am a amateur in this realm, and would love to learn more about DNA, how to better use MyHeritage, etc.

  • Hélène Boudreau-Jean

    March 15, 2019

    Just want to say- if I don’t get chosen for the free tickets please pick George Watson! I read most of the comments and George’s short, but to the point, plea wins my vote 🙂 He needs to go while he’s still able. Thanks!

  • Nate

    March 15, 2019

    I’m hoping DNA and MyHeritage can help me solve a dilemma. What better place to do so tham Amsterdam!

  • Lorlee Lee Murray

    March 15, 2019

    I am interested since I was adopted and my DNA has yet to reveal any close relations but it has given me what my genetic makeup is. I have never been there and would love to go and meet others that like me only have part of the story (I did find my birth mother at age 40 but not long with her since she had cancer and she refused to say who my father was).

  • Robin

    March 15, 2019

    My DNA is 60+ European! Ive never been there. Before my Nana died she went to Norway. She had said she would take me someday. She died in 1990.

    Hence my wanting to attend and meet new people.

  • Robin

    March 15, 2019

    My Nana went to Norway and said she would take me someday. She died in 1990 and I never been to Eorope.
    Id love to meet new people!

  • Rita Bailey

    March 15, 2019

    I love family history and I also love Amsterdam and the two combined would be heavenly.

  • Mary Ann Phyall

    March 15, 2019

    As a MyHeritage member with mixed heritage, European and African, this conference would assist me in my European research. To be in Europe and to experienced the vibe of people there along with those coming from so many other historic locations, I believe participating in this conference with help me learn where my family’s story began so I can know better who I am. That’s the journey, right?

  • Pat Milne

    March 15, 2019

    I am new to searching my family history. I am a retired RN. I stay with my 2 grandsons several days a week while their mom works. Both of the boys are adopted and they are interested in what I am doing. We have been told that they may have family history from the Netherlands but information is sketchy and minimal. Financial limitations block my ability to access sites which charge a subscription.

  • Gayle M Glick

    March 15, 2019

    I want to attend MyHeritage Live 2019 because due to unforeseen events I’ve been away from my genealogy too long. (3 years) I’m slowly getting back into it and loving the new technology I’ve seen so far. This would be an opportunity for me to dive headfirst back into my genealogy. It would give me a chance to research abroad, and find out what is being done on the other side of the pond.

  • John Simmons

    March 15, 2019

    As if gathering “for a weekend of illuminating genealogy and DNA lectures and hands-on workshops” is not enough reason to want to go with the lineup of international speakers planned, Amsterdam itself is thrown in as a bonus!

  • Judith Sullivan

    March 15, 2019

    MyHeritage has helped me locate our family in Arizona, Mexico, and now Spain! I am still searching for family in Spain and hope to meet and unite with them. This Amsterdam conference would allow me to meet with genealogy specialists who may be able to guide me to my Ortiz family in Spain, as well as our O’Sullivan family in Ireland and Britain! #AmsterdamMyHeritageLive2019!

  • Mike Mackie

    March 15, 2019

    I have dabbled in my family genealogy over a number of years but it has been hit and miss. I have the enthusiasm to delve deeper but not yet the skills. This workshop might be the stimulus I am looking for.

  • Lois Taber

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to find out how to delve deeper in to my family heritage and explore places where they lived. It would be like reading a novel about my family and all their connections!

  • Dvora Kaplan

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to attend MyHeritage Live 2019 in Amsterdam. My retirement hobby has been genealogy. I am fascinated by the life of my people in Europe in the last 500 years, and the Marriages between the families.

  • David Herkner

    March 15, 2019

    My wife & I are really getting into genealogy and are ready to learn more about it.

  • Ken Wason

    March 15, 2019

    I have managed to utilize the MyHeritage site adding over 1000 members to my tree also I have discovered the rest of our family dating back as far as 1507 and would love to gain more knowledge as to how I can expand and explore more of my family members!

  • Toni

    March 15, 2019

    I just started using MyHeritage recently and quite impressed after being a faithful Ancestry subscriber for many many years. I recently found out I was an NPE. I’m 65 years old and my retired life is committed to genealogy especially since I have a newfound paternal family. I watch webinars, read blogs, magazines, or anything I can get my hands on as I have a huge thirst for knowledge in finding all of this. Amsterdam is a wonderful city as my daughter lived there for 10 years and a perfect place to have this. Congrats to MyHeritage and your commitment to people like me. It is a great website and company!

  • Marlene Perrucci

    March 15, 2019

    MyHeritage has been very helpful in connecting with my European family… I’d love to go to Amsterdam to learn more ways that I can utilize the product to continue my learning quest.

  • Heidi Maria Schilling

    March 15, 2019

    Could this enlightening time in Amsterdam lead me to unanswered questions? Thank you for presenting the opportunity to be amongst such a valued group. Family value and heritage go back many generations. With this opportunity, I hope to bridge the gap for my undertaking. Thank you.

  • Diane Erdy

    March 15, 2019

    I would really be grateful to win two tickets to MyHeritageLive 2019. I am a sixty-one year old mother & grandmother (four children and 13 grandchildren). I’ve been researching family history for about six years, and this conference would help me to become a better family genealogist. Also, it would allow me to leave my grandchildren with an understanding of where our ancestors originated from, along with showing them the importance of history. Thank you very much for your consideration of this gift!

  • Diane Walsh Erdy

    March 15, 2019

    I would love the opportunity to attend MyHeritage Live 2019! I’ve been researching my family tree for about six years, all self taught, so I would really benefit from different research techniques and the additional information provided by attending this conference.

  • Collen Staley

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to Amsterdam, and I love My Heritage as I have learned so much about my ancestors!!

  • Eva Coleman

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go MyHeritage Live because I am still learning about genealogy. I didn’t really have a big interest until I did my DNA, at 55 years old, and found that my Dad was not my biological father. Not to mention, who wouldn’t want to go to Amsterdam!!

  • Myrna Waters

    March 15, 2019

    I would appreciate joining a group where so much expertise in genealogy research will be available and shared. There are a lot of new breakthroughs using DNA, but learning the best approach for finding true matches and how to navigate the pathways is difficult. I would like to hear some basic discussions for the layman on the simplest and most cohesive way to use DNA results to make connections.
    In addition, I would like to know some detailed ways to research my roots in Eastern Europe.

    Thank you.

  • Diane Kilbourne

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go, I have only been working on my genealogy for a little over a year and am completely hooked. I would love the opportunity to speak with fellow amateur geneaologists and perhaps gather helpful hints and pick their brains. Hope to see you there.

  • Andrew Graham

    March 15, 2019

    It would be the tripnof a life for me I’m 59 name is Andrew Graham I was adopted in 1959 my adopted fatherdoed 3 years ago and I wasn’t told for 6 months and after he died my adopted my and there attorney took me off there teust and announced to me that I waa no longer there son which left me awstruck searching for my identity after 59/year I have know clue who I am and I feel like I was dealt a bad hand I have so many questions with zero answers my adopted records were destroyed in Hurricane Harvey in Houston Texas so I sent in for my free DNA out and came back would I thought but no real matches I feel apart of My Heritage like my family I cant find and this My Heritage live would some how put a purpose to my life to meet others iny situation and feel like I belong again with my real people . this is why I would have a trip of a life time to find my being before I pass on for as of now I’m a shell of someone and I want to be me thank you

  • Lynette L.

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to understand DNA better. I’m not use how to use the DNA results to assist in finding ancestors. I attended RootsTech 2019 and am more confused. There are so many kits and so many ways to twist the information. I want to learn the correct ways to use this great technology advance. RootsTech give a snippet here and a small piece there, so hard to get the begin to end route and thereby find true results i can understand and learn from. From all I have heard and seen, MyHeritage is the best chance to help me.

  • Karen Grzenia

    March 15, 2019

    I love my family and I love researching the ones I never knew! I send a good amount of time regularly looking for information to help me learn more. This is more than a hobby, it is a passionate act of love.

  • Melissa Turner

    March 15, 2019

    I have been working on the largest quest of my life…My Great Uncle Ted Turner…Needs to know I’m out here trying to get to him…I am sure not a one has had their DNA done…all on Family trees and historical documents.

  • Irina Ideas

    March 15, 2019

    I am an artist, multidisciplinary and I document my creation through live streams and social media. Very often I end up discussing the genetics, my own ethnicity dna results and how much we are all connected. The concept of us vs then is something I am very much interested in, even from the historical point of view and I think technology is about diversity and embracing the planet as a whole, accepting the differences and researching what brings us forward

  • Bruce W Bosket

    March 15, 2019

    I had a cousin that started the family history years ago. He unfortunately passed away before the completed it.
    I am planning on retiring this year and would like to be more involved finding out about my family roots and heritage. I have found out so much being on this site already and look forward to finding more out.

  • Karen Sharp

    March 15, 2019

    Because I am unable to trace my Grandfather’s history. My grandparents are deceased and my mother does not know her Grandfather’s first name or her Grandmother’ s maiden name. With the little bit of information I do have, I have not had any luck finding them.

  • Bette Fisher

    March 15, 2019

    I am eager to learn as much as I can about searching my family’s history!!

  • Yolanda Sivasankaran

    March 15, 2019

    I am new to this study and feel I would benefit from attending this conference.

  • Daniel J Danaher

    March 15, 2019

    As a fairly new member of MyHeritage, my excitement after reading all about what the first meeting was like, made me think about the Amsterdam meeting.We usually go on a cruise at that time of year, but my wife and I would give up a cruise for MyHeritage attendance at the meeting.Writing about this brings an idea to life. Make the following year a more “moving” experience by hiring a cruise ship to have the next meeting for a minimum of 3 to 7 days. These cruise ships today have all the amenities to have various side meetings by guest speakers. Depending how many people attend MYHeritage meetings could prove that it would mainly a self paying for the cruise. Just a thought. Further suggestion, make the journey Europe to New York for example.

  • Carolyn Morgan

    March 15, 2019

    With ancestral ties to the area, it’s my dream to be able to have access to primary documents as well as to experience the culture of the Netherlands.

  • Laura Stethen

    March 15, 2019

    I would be thrilled to attend one of my many “ counties of origin” and learn more about my Norwegian heritage. Learning from an expert if my many years of exploration into my heritage was on the right path or not would hopefully validate all of my hard work.

  • Tanya Lopes

    March 15, 2019

    I would really love to go because I’m still trying to find out who my biological father is but also I have so many questions on where my heritage if from or originated from I only know a little if my moms side but really nothing from my dads

  • Ann Tremblay

    March 15, 2019

    I am very new at this and would love to learn all the tools and tips I can learn. What a great chance to find out how to go about it without harassing everybody else to show and explain things to me and to have to wait until they have time available to show me.

  • Mark Smagner

    March 15, 2019

    I recently found out that our family has some roots stemming from the Netherlands area. I believe that it would be beneficial for me to attend the conference to see if there is a possibility to find long lost relatives.

  • Sandra Gomez

    March 15, 2019

    I have hit so many brick walls in my research, and don’t know how to get around/ over or through them. I’m a diy genealogist, I would greatly love to learn how to research in such a way that will save time and errors

  • Neil Wheatley

    March 15, 2019

    great idea. itwould also give me achance to network and dig deeper into my Amsterdam roots

  • Jean Kramer

    March 15, 2019

    I’d love to attend MyHeritage Live to learn from fellow researchers and attend panels from professionals.

  • Patricia Ann Morriss

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to win the free trip to My Heritage Conference because my dad was killed in the Korean War in 1951 when I was 6 yrs old and my mom died at age 56 (in 1975) from having cancer for 8 yrs when I was 30 yrs old. I am now in my 70’s and want to know my family history.

  • Sasha Miller

    March 15, 2019

    I’d love to learn tips about researching my family history.

  • Terry Rowden

    March 15, 2019

    Genealogy research is my passion but I would like to learn more about how my DNA results fit into the research I’ve done. I’ve never attended a family history conference and am anxious to learn more from the experts who are presenting. I have a couple to brick walls that I can’t surpass and am looking for solutions.

  • Homer McLemore

    March 15, 2019

    Hoping to win free tickets to My Heritage LIVE 2019

  • John Dubrowin

    March 15, 2019

    DNA is so fascinating and it coincides with Amsterdam’s fascinating history and heritage.

  • C Duer

    March 15, 2019

    Amsterdam is a great place for this! I always want to learn more about locating ancestors.

  • Ellen McLemore

    March 15, 2019

    Half of original ancestors to America came to Mass. Bay Colonies (New England, U.S.A.) in 1728. Family still owns property purchased in 1768. However, difficulty tracing the other “half” of original ancestors. Would like to attend so that I can gather other first hand info on ancestry tracsing.

  • Mieke Hawner

    March 15, 2019

    Amsterdam is a great choice for a genealogy convention.
    I was born in the Netherlands, so I would love to be able to go to Amsterdam.
    One of my Dutch ancestors is Grutte Pier, a famous folk hero in Friesland,
    and I would like to learn more about this branch of my family.

  • Bob Wyatt

    March 15, 2019

    Thoroughly enjoy researching family history and now working on writing biographies of the family. This would be a great opportunity to make connections and learn better ways of doing research.

  • Anna Halacy

    March 15, 2019

    I was born in the Amsterdam in 1949 and my ancestors are mostly from the Netherlands with some German and Scandinavian thrown into the mix. I’ve done a lot of research online on Dutch genealogical sites, many of which are free to use and many of those have free access to original documents! There are some dead ends though. I would love to have a chance to talk to some professionals.

  • Rita B

    March 15, 2019

    I’ve been working on my tree for many years but there is still so much I don’t know. This would be a great learing opportunity.

  • Jinci Carter

    March 15, 2019

    We would LOVE to win the tickets to the Amsterdam My Heritage LIVE. I have been researching my family and my husband’s family for about 6-7 years. I have learned a lot but I feel there is SO much I don’t know, and I am dying to learn more…especially about my DNA. I think it would also help me to know why tracing my relatives, I go back to Pocohantas (Matoaka), but my DNA does not. I also yearn to know how to use My Heritage more. I am a recent subscriber and I know you can and are able to help me. Please consider us. Thank you ‘oodles’!!

  • Norma Gillespie

    March 15, 2019

    As a senior who cares deeply about preserving history, I feel that attending this conference will expose me to the latest developments in areas in which I seek knowledge so I can better help others. It will uplift my spirits and encourage my ongoing work on my website and enable me to answer inquiries about the subjects being presented. Funding would enable me to combine attending this conference with filming Gillespie graves in Holland. It would bring great enjoyment in meeting others who are like minded in preserving family history.


    March 15, 2019

    I would love to find out more of my mothers family. Henry Hoffman Loos MD and Alice Margaret Campbell Loos

  • KM Holm

    March 15, 2019

    I’ve been doing genealogy (off & on) since the mid-70s. This would be a great way to continue finding new connections.

  • Cheryl Gusbeth

    March 15, 2019

    I am adopted and found out who both my parents were and found family members in 2016. I love finding out where all my family if from. From my husband’s grandparents coming over from Sweden as children to Ellis island, to my adopted family coming from the east United States and everything else.

  • Paula J Kerns

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to win this so I can learn more about my heritage.

  • Don Catling

    March 15, 2019

    My wife’s family is from Holland and this would give her a chance to connect with her family that lives there. She has been wanting to do the research on her family for years and I have started it on her behalf. But honestly I am working on several of my own family lines and cannot take her on as well at the moment. If she was to win the contest I know it would get her excited about doing her family research!

    thanks and keep up the amazing work you do!!!

  • Leonard Katz

    March 15, 2019

    I’m stymied regarding my relatives in Belgium and I’d love the opportunity to be close to the source and hopefully find someone I can trust to do some local research for my family.

  • Beverly (Cramer) Long

    March 15, 2019

    I had an epiphany when I saw this email…all my years of genealogy research, my recent dna results and the fact that of all countries (though I live in U.S.) I have always had an affinity to the Netherlands and when I was in elementary school did a report on.this country…as well as a 3d map of it with flour salt and water LoL

  • John Confiant

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to attend MyHeritage LIVE2019 in Amsterdam! I have taken a few genealogy courses but would love to expand my knowledge and techniques even more so. The opportunity to meet some of these world renowned genealogists would be a dream come true! I have traced my paternal line back to France and just recently found a connection in the 1400’s and earlier, to Holland. I would love to combine the conference with the opportunity to visit France and neighboring countries to see where my ancestors and relatives, live(d), work(ed), fought and are buried! I would bring my wife who is of Irish descent and would include a side trip to Ireland to visit the town of Skerries where her Grandfather was born and raised and make connections in the town with some of her distant relatives. It would be a trip of a lifetime!

  • Patricia Lanier

    March 15, 2019

    Hi my name is Patricia. I’ve always wanted to know why I look the way I do, or like the things; jewelry, clothes, foods etc., I do that indicate some of my ethnicity. I’m always being confused for being other races/ethnicities so I’d love to attend the conference to learn more about where I may have come from. I was bullied in middle school a lot because of my skin color and was detained a year in the 8th grade for fighting back and getting suspended. I just want to know who I truly am so when people ask as they much of the time do I can have a more educated answer instead just of saying mixed. Thanks,

  • Sue

    March 15, 2019

    I am OBSESSED with finding family and this conference would be a great learning opportunity and a chance to meet some of my European cousins.

  • Karla Chamberlain

    March 15, 2019

    I am a fairly new user of My Heritage and have found so much more information than I had from other sites. Using My Heritage has rekindled my enthusiasm for genealogy. Attending the conference would allow me to explore all that My Heritage has to offer.

  • Catharine Yarbrough

    March 15, 2019

    I’ve never been this enthralled, engaged or interested in anything as much as I have my DNA and My Heritage (Tree). My journey started one year ago after completing a DNA test and wondering how my origins came about.

    I have stayed up too late, got up too early, utilized my work lunches, breaks and days off only to be elated upon every match connection! Could life get any better if this was all going on around Amsterdam rather than my sofa, desk or car seat?

  • Robert G Huntzinger

    March 15, 2019

    Amsterdam puts me closer to my roots. I’m ready for wonderful instruction and insights.

  • Brendan Johnston

    March 15, 2019

    The old I get the more of an interest in my backgr

  • Lara Sain

    March 15, 2019

    Great chance to learn from the experts & especially the the cool new tools to help with my genetic genealogy journey! ☺ Also one of my genealogy roadblocks is my Sain family who I have traced to Germany in 1730 so it would be awesome to visit there too!

  • David Dodd

    March 15, 2019

    Looking forward to more incites to DNA and how it can help me find family members that could help me resole brickwalls. My G-GF changed his name from Bond to Dodd when he came to the US from England C 1871. His mother’s name was Frith.

  • Rose Mary Keller Hughe

    March 15, 2019

    I’ve been a committed seeker of information about my family’s history. I started knowing just a few people in my family tree and now I have over 20,000 people whom I can call relative! My roots info is most in abundance from when they (peasants in Germany) were invited, along with many others in the same circumstances, by the Hapsburg royals to go to Hungary to resettle land formerly in use by the Turks who had been driven out of Hungary. I want to learn how I can find my ancestors in Germany–the ones who ended up in Hungary. I also want to meet fellow researchers (I find it very difficult to call myself a genealogist–don’t ask me why) who might be able to direct me to the right path. It’s always exciting to meet people who are interested in the same things–I’d love to share ideas and info with those people. By the way, I will turn 88 in May–I may be old but I’ve not lost my drive. I’m also pretty fast on the computer (I’m a long-time retired business teacher) so I can sit for hours and type in more people on my family tree (I use FTM). Okay, enough about me . . . tell me about yourself! Go ahead, I’m listening! 🙂 PS: I had DNA done by and I also had it done by–guess what! They were different! What would cause that???

  • Nan Harvey

    March 15, 2019

    It would be great to meet genetic genealogists from around the world. And you have a great lineup of speakers!

  • Elaine Mitchell

    March 15, 2019

    I became intrigued by my heritage for two reasons. First my mum was adopted in the 1930s so we know nothing about her heritage. Secondly I have red hair, I wanted to see if it’s from Irish or Scottish background. I’m fascinated about learning my families oath over the generations.

  • Melissa Ann Terhune

    March 15, 2019

    I would like to figure out who my Father is and who my family members are on that side of the family.

  • Jody Witty

    March 15, 2019

    My Heritage the most interesting, exciting and addicting ancestral research I’ve worked on

  • Theresa Ward

    March 15, 2019

    As I am an adoptee only two years ago I had no idea who my biological parents were. I had searched over the years but my adoption was a closed case I did not even have a first name to go by. I had all but given up on ever knowing my roots. My daughter purchased a DNA kit for me on Mothers Day two years ago. I thought well at least maybe I can find out some nationality info, so I took the test. About 4 weeks later I got an email saying my results were available. I was absolutely shocked to see my results as they showed me my biological father. Long story short I now have my dad, I know who my mother is, I have a brother two sisters and 10 nieces and nephews. My family keeps growing. I am still trying to figure out how to put all this genealogy together. But I do know new tools means new connections. Had I never taken this test I would still be wondering where my family is and maybe never gotten to know. Thank you for all you do for everyone interested in their roots and especially for those like me who don’t even know where to start.

  • Anna Caulfield

    March 15, 2019

    I love conferences, especially genealogy conferences! And would love to go to Amsterdam.

  • Sara Green

    March 15, 2019

    As an only child whose parents have passed away- family means a whole lot to me. Trying to piece together who my ancestors are has been made more difficult without anyone to ask questions of. Older, extended family members do not have good memories, so being able to come to this event and learn from experts how to do the research necessary to build my family tree would mean everything to me! Even though I try to research on my own; without the concrete knowledge where to look or what to look for beyond the basics of census, birth and death records I feel lost. If accepted for this trip I plan to try to soak up as much as possible for my own use, but also to bring back to share with those friends who are in the same situation I have been in trying to find ancestors.

  • Hetty Lima

    March 15, 2019

    Hi from Chicago! My father was from Holland – and I can trace his father’s lineage back several generations. Attending this conference would be extremely personal for me – to see the house my father hid in from the Nazi’s, to seeing the family hotel that had been in the family for generations prior to WWII. Being able to visit family grave sites would be the frosting on the cake – not to mention attending all of the great lectures!

  • Jeanette Bettiga

    March 15, 2019

    Dying to know the expanded info. Would love to be allowed to come to your event. Please let me win

  • Lisa M Ferrarini

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to find out more about my genealogy. I had my DNA analysis done and was surprised by the results. I would love to find out more

  • Debbie Mercer

    March 15, 2019

    Sounds like it would be a wonderful opportunity to learn more from the geneology experts. I am very interested in learning more methods of helping others search their roots pro bono.It would the opportunity of a lifetime to explore the glorious city of Amsterdam.

  • Elena Dana

    March 15, 2019

    My relatives and I have been working on our family tree for a few years now using MyHeritage an FamilyTreeBuilder tools. At this moment we feel though that we hit a few “brick walls”. I am sure that attending the MyHeritage LIVE would be an enormous help. Free conference tickets is the only way we could afford to attend this event, to learn, and to network with similar-minded people! Thank you for the hope.

  • Julie Ercanbrack

    March 15, 2019

    This conference sounds absolutely fascinating, exciting and very informative. To be able to attend this conference would mean the world to me. I hope to learn so much more on family genealogy and how to dig into my My Heritage website to better understand how it works. I would be so very grateful to you if I win.

  • Diane vincek

    March 15, 2019

    I would love the opportunity to learn more about processes when you hit walls and how to navigate the various records or maybe lack of records. I have been doing both my and my husbands and have hit snags with adoptions and records that were destroyed

  • Joyce A Lonergan

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to go to this event!!!! I have been doing my genealogy for a couple of years now and I am at a stand still. I would love to find out more techniques to be able to find more information. I’m making books for my kids and trying to go back as far as possible. I did find out I am related to Johannes Glenn, who was the right hand man of George Washington. Johannes either was given land or won land in a poker game – and that’s how the town of Glens Falls, NY came about. I want to be able to find more information and more stories like this in my family.

  • Elyn Hamilton

    March 15, 2019

    I’d love to go to this event to continue research that my mother and cousin started, but unfortunately did not get to finish because of their unexpected deaths. It would be a thrill to meet new family members and learn new techniques. It would be be a wonderful trip to bond with my daughter and teach her our family history. I wanna go!!

  • Carol Brisson

    March 15, 2019

    I have two reasons to go to the Heritage Geneology Conference in Amsterdam:

    l.) I just renewed my subscription to after going through the trial stage; and,

    2.) I have Dutch roots that I would like to explore so I would like to stay there to do some research after the conference is over.

    I would like to imagine this trip as an in-depth discovery of the experience and I would like to see what the archives in Amsterdam have to offer. I love genealogy and have been doing it for a number of years. I have yet to go to Europe to do my research there and Amsterdam seems like the perfect place to start.

  • Danny

    March 15, 2019

    I want to go to my heritage live because I am still a bit skeptical about this DNA process. I have bought the DNA kit and I am a member but I still having a hard time believing the accuracy and understanding my results. It seems more likely the weight of information comes from other people’s family trees.

  • Alexandra

    March 15, 2019

    As an adoptee I would like to find out more about my heritage and attending this conference may help with additional techniques to connecting with close relatives.

  • Debbie Carcamo

    March 15, 2019

    This is awesome!

  • Jean Markley

    March 15, 2019

    I am so impressed with MyHeritage and after paying Ancestry for 20 years am glad I made the switch. The new DNA that came out at Roots Tech helps make DNA more understandable. Can’t wait to see what is next.

  • Susan Bond

    March 15, 2019

    I want to become a genealogy expert!

  • Joan Chaffin

    March 15, 2019

    Since a lot of people, in my family, have passed I am feeling very alone. Of four daughters I am the only one still living. Each of us had one husband and they are also all gone. My husband and I did not have any children. When people ask me about my family I always answer “its just me”.

  • Cindy Woods

    March 15, 2019

    All my life I wanted to know my roots….. I finally did a dna kit and found out I was very Norwegian…. surprise, surprise!!! Now I’m working on my family tree. It’s a very rewarding experience.

  • Margie Braidfoot

    March 15, 2019

    This would be a once-in-a-lifetime AMAZING journey for me!! Besides the fact that the conference would expose me to the lastest developments in MyHeritage, but my father was born in the Netherlands, and I have never had the opportunity to visit. It has been a dream of mine for my whole life to visit the country to see where my dad and his family lived and hid Jews in their home during World War II, and where my grandfather worked in the Dutch Underground with Corrie ten Boom. This would truly be a dream come true for me! Thank you for the chance to apply for this amazing opportunity!

  • Sasha Mariscal

    March 15, 2019

    I would love to learn more about my roots. As a Hispanic, I am a mix of many things. I know a little about my more immediate relatives, but am at a loss about my distant relatives. Would love to learn when and why they came to the Americas, and from where in Europe.

  • Brian Russell

    March 15, 2019

    Where better to find out how to get a j ump ahead with my Family Tree’ing !

  • Joyce

    March 15, 2019

    Genealogy is my passion. Any opportunities to further my research is an opportunity that I welcome. To me, making sure that the foundation of our family – our family’s history – needs to be documented and shared with generations to come!

  • Dianne Schaufenbuel

    March 15, 2019

    Oh my, I have dreamed of going to Amsterdam for a very long time. I am told my great, great grandma came from Amsterdam so it would be awesome to see where her story began. I am working on my story now, so attending the conference would be a huge help.


  • Wilma Hagenson

    March 15, 2019

    Wow! What an honour it would be to be chosen to further my
    family geneology and compare notes,ideas and learn new digital skills to
    enhance our family story and leave a legacy for my descendants.

  • Patsy M Smith

    March 15, 2019

    It would be should a honor to attend this conference and to be able to learn things that will help me in acquiring my family’s history. I have never been out of the Unites States so that would make it special but I would love to more about DNA and other areas to help in my journey of my family in history.

  • Maria

    March 16, 2019

    We would like to go to My Heritage LIVE because we live in New Zealand and my husband John Viseur was born in the Netherlands where the conference is being held this year. Not only would my husband get to see his family again, but he has been actively looking for his family connection and passionately completing his Viseur family research for years. Also knowledge to advance his heritage search

  • Donna Balletta

    March 16, 2019

    I joined My Heritage to learn about my genetic makeup and found a 1st cousin who was adopted and looking for her father. I was able to connect her to family. Best of all, I met my half brother who’s exesistance came as a complete shock. A beautiful surprise! This has proven to be an absolutely wonderful experience. What’s next!

  • herbert coss

    March 16, 2019

    I am surprised at the amount family history you have archived. I am constantly being introduced to a relative from this past century, that before, I had never heard of. thak you for what you do.

  • Norma Gould

    March 16, 2019

    My name is Norma McIntosh. However my mother is a Miles and my father is a Moores. I have been searching for my father for 42 yrs.bI was born in California, yet all my family are from Canada Newfoundland area.
    I would love for the chance to win and meet some of the greatest minds in the field of DNA, genological family tree experts.
    I would be sad for my children if I wasn’t able to complete their ancestors before I die. I don’t want another generation to not have the answers I’m unable to give.
    I know that my NPE status is becoming not that uncommon. As more and more do DNA test.
    I know I am never giving up my search. I want to know who I look like, do I have the same eyes as my paternal side.
    What was my father like? What did he do for a living? Did he have hobbies? If he has passed away what from?
    I have not had the best childhood and being a homeless teen prove to be even harder. Yet, I found strength enough to become the woman I am today.
    I want to show others like me that through taking a DNA test it’s possible to find family.
    I hold out for hope to be lucky enough to win the chance of a lifetime.
    Thank you for considering me for the tickets.

  • Denise Manks

    March 16, 2019

    That would be amazing to go. My sister and I are really enjoying tracing our family history and getting new skills to enable us to do it better . Also my nephew is living in Rotterdam after getting a scholarship to go to the Eremus University there. I will be able to hopefully visit him as well

  • Pat Kinrade

    March 16, 2019

    I’d like to go to the MY Heritage LIVE 2019 because I need to jump start my genealogy work. Amsterdam is a wonderful city for inspiration . But Im sure Salt Lake City is as well. I’d be happy to take either. Since I’m 72 already, I need to get along with my research.
    Thanks for considering me.

  • Tina Cottier

    March 16, 2019

    To go would be wonderful! My grandmother’s side is from the Netherlands and I’d love to complete a bucket list item that Grandmothers finances wouldn’t allow her to accomplish.

  • Cherie Smith

    March 16, 2019

    Attending the MyHeritage LIVE conference would be my dream come true!

  • Cherie Smith

    March 16, 2019

    Wow, what an incredible opportunity!!

  • deborah Fierra Johnson

    March 16, 2019

    Being born in 1950 via artificial insemination thru a sperm donor from a medical student is all the info I had according to my mom. Last year I took the test. Long story short…my biological father turned out to be my OBGYN and delivered his own granddaughter 36 years ago. I have also located 3 other sperm donated siblings from him that had no clue they were conceived that way. Since this discovery, my daughter and I have been so involved in research and how this works. Her and I would enjoy this opportunity to learn even more about this fascinating world not to mention some mom and daughter time together too. I also have a brother that I just found who his biological father was too. My brother is a Radiologist and so was his father! It only gets better!

  • Laura Patricia Holland

    March 16, 2019

    My daughter and I have had a rough relationship, and I would like this to be an opportunity for us to start rebuilding our lives. We have never been in that part of the world and would like to have more knowledge and experiences that we haven’t been able to afford.
    Thank you kindly

  • Benda Berseth

    March 16, 2019

    I would like to go to MyHeritage Live because I read alot about the first Live in Norway. It seemed like there was such good information and a very worthwhile endeavor to further genealogy. I think MyHeritage is the best and I have found many more relatives through it than my other two sites. Thank you so much for all the work done to improve everyone’s chances of finding relatives and solving their brick walls. I have several brick walls and hope to find some answers in my lifetime.

  • karen kelly

    March 16, 2019

    As a woman whose roots turned out to be much different than expected, I would love to meet and learn with others of similar interests and hear their stories. Plus, the conference is in beautiful, historic, one of a kind, Amsterdam. Thank you for consideration. Karen

  • Glenn Schreck

    March 16, 2019

    March 15, 2019
    My new hobby since retiring for the 3rd time is now genealogy. Since starting my search as a newbie I have found on my wife’s family side is a castle in Germany that was built in 1200’s with their name. A chance to travel to the Netherlands for the conference there and to get lots of insight. This would be a way for us to further seek more knowledge for my wife’s family tree and also of my German roots.

  • Idealfonsa Serrano

    March 16, 2019

    I Love every show that tell the story about people’s Ancestors and Roots. I have submitted my DNA through My Heritage & I’m mostly Iberian, Scandinavian, East European, Nigerian, Central American. Amazed by results. Hopefully their accuracy is correct. Love connecting my Roots.

  • Tawnya Hansen

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to see Amsterdam.
    I am taking care of my mother who is in Hospice care now.
    Learning more about my heritage!!!!

  • gloria perkins

    March 16, 2019

    i want to learn everything i can on discovering my history, mother adopted no luck so far

  • Donna Blickhan

    March 16, 2019

    Because of My Heritage I found out I have cousins. All my immediate family is gone. I would love the conference to learn more about My
    Heritage and it is worth more than I can say for my children and grand children. Thank you.

  • Valerie J Taylor

    March 16, 2019

    I would love the opportunity to meet and learn from experts in the field of genetic genealogy! And who wouldn’t love to visit Amsterdam?!

  • Kathy McCullough

    March 16, 2019

    I’m so excited about my MyHeritage DNA results I could shout it from the mountain tops!!! I was adopted as a newborn. With many DNA testing revives available chose MyHeritage! The same and only test my aunt had chosen! After losing my adoptive parents to cancer I now have a new family to get to know! They are so happy they finally found “the baby” my biological mother had searched for until her passing in 2014. Thank you guys from the bottom of MyHeart!!

  • Lee Komesarook

    March 16, 2019

    I have recently just done the DNA test myself and awaiting results. I have been so fascinated with my own family history that i have dated back to the 18th century in eastern Europe and the middle east, however i believe there to be so much more rich history to unearth and i hope to be able to relive the memories of my ancestors. To be able to be at this conference and get a true face to face insight on just how MyHeritage helps us obtain these lost memories would be truly astounding.

  • Pamela Pryor

    March 16, 2019

    I think attending this conference would be an awesome experience! I would love to meet other like-minded people and to hear their experiences with genealogy work. It would also be a great opportunity to learn from the experts – I could use a few tips and tricks with regards to my own family research. Oh, and the location is pretty cool too! 🙂

  • Sue Waltermire

    March 16, 2019

    With My Heritage and DNA the world is a brave new world of discoveries!!

  • Kimberly Bandy

    March 16, 2019

    I am adopted and would love to speak with knowledgeable people about the best ways of possibly finding my biological parents & possible brothers & sisters! Plus it would be very fun to meet new people and learn new things.

  • Yves Rose Noreska

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to visit Amsterdam for the first time. It will be a great opportunity to explore, to meet and connect with other folks in my heritage industry for my genealogy research. Thank you!

  • Julie Corpe

    March 16, 2019

    It would give me a chance to learn more about my European Heritage and I can finally see my dear old friend Pete who lives in Amsterdam (he recently had a stroke).

  • Richard de Boer

    March 16, 2019

    I have used MyHeritage products for years and would be interesting to connect to others in the MyHeritage community. Plus, it would be wonderful to visit the place of my ancestors since I am of Dutch descent.

  • EH

    Eleanor Heise

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to go to the land of my heritage. I have run into a roadblock on my mother’s side of the family and the Netherlands is where she was born. The conference will be an opportunity for my daughter and I to improve our research capabilities.

  • Melissa Evans

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to know more being adopted so i dont know much about my family history.

  • Janet Starr

    March 16, 2019

    I’d like to attend to learn more

  • Charlene Blake

    March 16, 2019

    I would love the opportunity to meet with other family history enthusiasts in a country I’ve also been interested in seeing. I would also like to learn more about genealogy at the workshops & lectures.

  • Carol Alphin

    March 16, 2019

    I would like to attend the My Heritage Live Conference, in Amsterdam, to learn more about my family’s heritage and possibly travel from there to meet other family members, who live ” in the old country “. Also like to use my new found knowledge to help others who are on such a quest.

  • Stephanie Yee

    March 16, 2019

    OMG, I am Australian and will actually Be in Holland at that time visiting my friend! To attend the conference would be absolutely amazing and a once-in-a-lifetime event.

  • Linda Vonhold

    March 16, 2019

    I am 100% vested in learning and researching about our family’s history. I have sent in my DNA, my daughter’s and both of my parents so far. My paternal grandmother researched her family back in the 1970’s, using libraries, family histories, etc before the help of the internet. We have reason to believe her family goes back to the Salisbury Plain in England but I need more information to continue this fascinating research. A trip like this would be a dream come true in our quest for more family knowledge. Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Christine

    March 16, 2019

    Hello. For years I have been searching my fathers ancestry. His parents came to the US from Finland and I have hit nothing but roadblocks in my search until recently. MyHeritage has opened a crack in the door and I hope attending this conference would help me break the door wide open.

  • Julia

    March 16, 2019

    I love my hertiage and the ability that it helps bring family’s together. I have been helping my friend try to find his Israel dad, with little to no info and would love to come and talk Gilad and his ways to help

  • Lynell Jenkins Fischer

    March 16, 2019

    I am pretty green at research, but love finding out the next “gem” in mine and my husband’s family lines. He is 69 now and has been through brain surgery and more recently, open heart surgery. I have dreamed my whole life of knowing who my ancestors are and now with DNA, cherish the fact the we can continually meet new living relatives.
    I would LoVE the chance to attend September My Heritage Live. Thank you for the opportunity to come!

  • Sarah Hassell

    March 16, 2019

    I have a great been blessed to see many different sides of how genealogy can impact so many aspects of our life. From finding a daughter I gave up for adoption to putting a mentor of mine in touch with a genealogist friend to help him which his thesis idea of reuniting slave desendents with original family recipes that influence southern dining. I am fascinated by the millions of avenues DNA can open up for us and connect us to our past. I wish I knew more.

  • Rick Janssen

    March 16, 2019

    I emigrated to Canada from Holland when I was 3 years old in 1954 and would love to go back to Holland and visit some of there relatives that i still have there.

  • Johanna Baars

    March 16, 2019

    Love to go to my place of birth.
    Came to Australia via NZ on March 7, 1982. Have so many family members including my daughter whom I surprised for Christmas with a my heritage test.
    Lots of love from me to you all.
    Am very happy with my heritage…………Anna

  • Luz Ruiz

    March 16, 2019

    Learning about my ancestry is so much fun so I would like to attend the MyHeritage LIVE conference to learn more about genealogy and how to find out more about my ancestors.

  • Michael O’Brien

    March 16, 2019

    Ever since my adopting parents passed away, I have been on a journey to connect with family. It is difficult being left alone. All I ever knew was the wonderful people that adopted me and the sister I had who they also adopted. All are gone now.

    The journey and the discoveries I have made have given me clarity about who I am and where I came from — my heritage. What better way to continue the journey then attending the MyHeritage User Conference.

  • Sharon White

    March 16, 2019

    I grew up knowing nothing about my father’s side of the family. Through DNA and research I now know half of his tree but the other is a mystery prior to the late 1800’s. Learning new research techniques will help me and my ‘new’ family in this search for my Scandinavian roots.

  • Heather M Green

    March 16, 2019

    I am excited to attend thus event. I found my baby sister I haven’t seen in over 55years and located other relatives, plus I found out my family fought with General George Washington against the British; making me a Daughter of American Revolution.
    I want to attend so bad!!!

  • Karen Deeming

    March 16, 2019

    I was adopted and have been struggling to find my ancestry information. Please choose me to be a part of this amazing opportunity!

  • Kahaka Patolo

    March 16, 2019

    I need help with my genealogy please

  • Allen Pambrun

    March 16, 2019

    Hi, I would like to learn more of my fathers side. I don’t know anything on his side. I just recently found out who he is or close, but i need to know more, he was born in Oslo Norway, also would like a family tree of that side. Thank you Allen Pambrun

  • David Grimmett

    March 16, 2019

    I would be thrilled to attend the My Heritage Live 2019 conference. This would be my ultimate life experience to visit Amsterdam and be surrounded by the many expert DNA and genealogist speakers. Wow!! This would truly be a dream come true. What a chance to share and learn.

  • Patti Simpson

    March 16, 2019

    I want to find roots and history where it originated.

  • Christine Hommel-Stuckert

    March 16, 2019

    Thanks to MyHeritage I was able to create my family tree which I have researched for the last 50 years. I would love to met some experts in Genealogy.

  • Mo Wilkins

    March 16, 2019

    To attend a live genealogy conference with world renown genealogists as the speakers/presenter would be a really awesome experience. To be able to rub elbows with expert genealogists and to hear what they have to say and learn tips on how to mine for more records and information would be extremely helpful in my familial searches. I believe that I have traced my family ancestors to Germany – Pfalz area for both Maternal families. As for Paternal families – they derive from Germany and the UK. To be so close to the areas that they derived from prior to emigrating to the US would be wonderful. Maybe a side trip would be necessary after the conference.

  • poonam singh

    March 16, 2019


  • Tyia

    March 16, 2019

    With all the great new features that MyHeritage has recently launched, I would love to attend the MyHeritage Live 2019 user conference, a weekend full of workshops and lectures learning hands on is my preferred way of learning and a chance to meet and learn from some of the best of the best in the world of Genealogy, well that’s just a dream come true, not to mention a chance of a life time. If I’m chosen, this would be a great opportunity for me to meet some of my distant cousins (DNA Matches) that live in the Netherlands.

    Thank You,

  • Quentin

    March 16, 2019

    We would love to attend a MyHeritage conference in Amsterdam which is much closer to where our families migrated from than where we live in Australia. It would be great to see what MyHeritage offers and what a MyHeritage conference will do for our family history research.

  • Jill Lawson

    March 16, 2019

    Have been to lots of places in the world but never Amsterdam, and would love to catch up with MyHeritage members!

  • Louise Gillie

    March 16, 2019

    Oh wow, I have been a member for 2 years and had to upgrade when my family tree went over 250. I am excitedly awaiting my DNA results. To meet other like minded family hunters would be a wonderful experience. My sister researches full time, but I am unable to so any assistance is great.

  • Kristin Dzhokova

    March 16, 2019

    I have pursued my higher education with a keen interest in biology and genealogy and and as a young person, I think attending this conference will be of great benefit to my passion and pursuit of knowledge. I am also a huge fan of MyHeritage and have persuaded all of my family members to take the test. The results are always eye-opening and quite astounding at times. I think this conference for be an amazing experience for my partner and I, who are big fans of MyHeritage and all that you guys do. It would be an honour to attend.

  • Charles Piquard

    March 16, 2019

    I am so interested in getting information about my roots. I don’t follow where all the leads about 5th, 6th cousins come into play. Maybe if I have a one on one tutorial I would get into discovering my family originality or origin.

  • Tina Hill

    March 16, 2019

    I have never been to Amsterdam which I hear is an exciting place. I am very interested in learning about ancestry research and how DNA technology is positively impacting culture/society.

    As a teacher, I encourage my inmate students to be lifelong learners. This trip would be a wonderful way to share my new knowledge with my classes, and I hope I get to visit the Anne Frank house and museum. I read Anne’s diary as a child and have always wanted to see the attic.

    Also, I love tulips and I would love to see the fields of beautiful, colorful tulips. I would also like to try real Dutch food and bakery delights.

  • Daniel John Horton

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to go to My heritage live in Amsterdam .i am not very good on the computer and so to speak to real people would be great. And to really lean more on how DNA works.
    Even if I did not learn much ,Amsterdam is a wonderful city. Regards Daniel .


    March 16, 2019

    I have been interested in my family history for over 50 years from when a relative showed me her family bible, and I sat and copied it all out, I was fascinated and hooked. These days I am using the wonderful DNA matching tools that are available to help find new family members, and help breakdown my brick walls. I would love to meet up with others in the same boat as me, and perhaps get some helpful ideas.

  • Georgia Perez

    March 16, 2019

    I and my daughter would love to attend this conference and learn more on how to trace our complicated family.

  • Pauline O’Keeffe

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to win as I love researching my family history. Thanks

  • Catherine Parr

    March 16, 2019

    I would LOVE to attend MyHeritage LIVE because I have never attended a genealogy event of that size. I just know the excitement, learning, vendors, products, and the whole experience would be one to truly remember. And who knows, maybe I’ll meet some long lost cousins there! 🙂

  • Anna Matuszczak

    March 16, 2019

    I think genealogy gives a new perspective to science- it’s changing the whole world. I am very fascinated by getting to know more about latest discoveries and how it all works. I don’t know many people around me to have this kind of knowledge so I really wanna learn more! My brain is asking for it.

  • Iris Robinson

    March 16, 2019

    I’d love to learn more about my ancestry, and genealogy in general!

  • Ken Baugh

    March 16, 2019

    I attended the first Myheritage conference in Oslo ( first time in Norway for me) last year out of the great inquisitiveness all we family history researchers share regarding our (shared) past and origins. I had such a good time being immersed in the great pool of likeminded people who shared their fascination in the subject with the great joy of meeting people from all, around the world whom I never would have met without this opportunity. I want to go to Amsterdam ( first time again for me) and meet my new good friend Sylvia from Brazil again and share some silly time on the dance floor as well as “digging up” my ancestors and family tree.

  • Aurora F.

    March 16, 2019

    I would LOVE to go to My Heritage Live 2019 – not only to finally travel to Europe for the first time, but to learn more about European records and where to find them online (especially 16th- and 17th-century Swiss records), the latest findings in genetic genealogy, and to meet some cousins – especially if I take a side-trip to my father’s hometown in Italy!

  • Edith Reardon

    March 16, 2019

    I’ve been working on my tree for about 25 yrs. now. A lot of dead ends and mixed entries. I would love to hear from the experts how to deal with problems in your tree and how to research for the answers. I’ve always wanted to attend one but had no money or no time. I read what I can but there is nothing like going to conference.

  • John F Dengler

    March 16, 2019

    I am beginning to investigate my late parents heritage. I found I have close maternal family ties to a character portrayed by Matthew McConaughey in a movie titled, The Free State of Jones, that takes place during the American Civil War. I also found my father’s ancestors fought in the American Revolutionary War. I have western European ancestors as well. I’d love to travel to Europe to learn more about genealogy!

  • Rosemary Shilstone

    March 16, 2019

    Ever since watching the TV series Roots many years ago … I have been fascinated about knowing where I come from. Studies handed down from generations but are they just stories or is there truth somewhere? My DNA results certainly confirmed some of them … I would love the chance to meet & hear all news and updates from the team … Rosie

  • Olivia A

    March 16, 2019

    I’d love to know more about DNA and the possibilities that it holds, it would be such an interesting conference to go to! I’d love to win the trip so I can take my mum

  • Margaret Godden-Gray

    March 16, 2019

    I’ve always been interested in genealogy since a little girl and joining MyHeritage has been such a blessing and has the wow factor for me. You make it so easy to trace family members and I would like to increase my digital knowledge in this area and talk to others and get good advice for me to continue this interesting journey.

  • Gail SS

    March 16, 2019

    Traveling to Amsterdam would open up my world tenfold to the amazing developments that have been created and are underway to connect people with their ancestors. My journey has allowed me learn about the Hungarian side of my family that I was never exposed to.

  • L Gonzalez

    March 16, 2019

    I have gotten a good start on my family tree but am still stumped at how to fill in my unknown fathers side whom I hope to meet someday so I am always looking for new ideas from others, and I always have wanted to see Norway where I have family from who I could never afford to meet..Free tickets are a dream…..

  • Linda A Grote

    March 16, 2019

    I love genealogy. I have little info about my family and so searching is hard.

  • Tanya Bell

    March 16, 2019

    Hi, well I’m new to all of this and the reason why I started my journey is to find family from my fathers side. I have no family history from that side and I would love to know more. This would be an amazing opportunity for me!

    Thank you!

  • Shafiq Koya

    March 16, 2019

    I’d love to unite with likeminded people from all around the world to connect through DNA & broaden our understanding of human lineages & evolution.

  • Miha Rus

    March 16, 2019

    I would like to enjoy once again the lectures about new trends in genealogy and meet genealogical soul mates 🙂

  • Gareth Crawshaw

    March 16, 2019

    I’d love to come to MyHeritage Live 2019 as it would be my first time visiting my ancestral homeland as my maternal grandfather and over 1600 relatives we’ve discovered in Deurne. I would love to combine the visit with a trip to Deurne and hopefully discover more about my van de Kerkhof family

  • Aubrey j Barre jr

    March 16, 2019

    I’d love to learn more about the process of family heritage, I’ve been pretty amazed and successfull in finding my family that we all have such a rich history only to be tapped into from First Nations to great nation builders of mounds,cities, traveling from coast to coast that’s why I’d love to attend this event just the chance to learn more about these America’s.

  • Milly Rawley

    March 16, 2019

    I’m 21 and am thinking about a career in genealogy. This conference would enable me to explore my passion and potentially start the process of forging a career in the field!
    + let’s not deny it’s the event of the year, defining innovation!

  • Janis Green

    March 16, 2019

    I am adopted so this sounds very interesting to me to possibly find out more about ME

  • Muriel Prieto

    March 16, 2019

    Asistir a MyHerige Live 2019 sería una muy buena oportunidad para mí de abrir nuevos caminos en el mundo de la genealogía y ADN y además aprender todo lo más que yo pueda y a la vez encontrar otras personas con las mismas metas que yo.

    AttendingMyHeritage Live 2019 would be a very good opportunity for me to open new ways in the genealogy and DNA world and to learn as much as I can and in the same time meet other people with the same goals like me.

  • vicki evans

    March 16, 2019

    My friend and I really really want to attend but it’s to costly

  • Georgina Slevin

    March 16, 2019

    Would love to go and learn new tools to help me in my search for my biological dad and family it would be an experience

  • Carla Schellert

    March 16, 2019

    I’ve joined MyHeritage a little over a year ago and can’t stop searching and making my tree grow, I think I’m addicted…maybe just a little. I can’t imagine learning even more ways to research and be able to talk to others that are addicted just like me. -CSchellert

  • Kathleen Fitzgerald

    March 16, 2019

    I’d love to win these tickets and be able to go.
    I’m still sort of a newbie. My Heritage has done and still are doing so amazing work. I could learn so much from a conference like this.
    Who knows maybe even meet a relative.
    Thank you for an opportunity I couldn’t do on my own.

  • Vicki Firth

    March 16, 2019

    I’d like to go for a couple of reasons:
    My mother always told me I could join the D.A.R. but I am not aware of the lineage to a direct connection to someone serving in the American Revolutionary War. I want to discover that !
    #2. I had two great-grandmothers who immigrated, but have limited knowledge of their origin. One (I have been told) was from Germany, and the other from Ireland.

  • Darren Kilgore

    March 16, 2019

    I’m adopted…would love to meet blood relatives…

  • Shirley Redmond

    March 16, 2019

    Just beginning my geneology research and was so surprised that I have family history dating back to Switzerland in 1600s’ ! I am sure I would learn so much at thus conference from those who are much more experienced than !

  • Darren Kilgore

    March 16, 2019

    Im adopted…would love to meet blood relatives…

  • Diane Meyer

    March 16, 2019

    This conference would be an excellent opportunity to better understand how to properly use results within DNA matches. I know it’s not as simple as it might seem.

  • Lidwina

    March 16, 2019

    Our parents immigrated to Canada with 8 children and a grandfather. I think they were too lonely and too busy to share much of their history. My heritage has helped me find paternal ancestors but we know very little about the maternal side,only the grandparent and the name of one great aunt. I believe that heritage is Scandanavian and am hoping My Heritage can help. Hope to get the Tickets. Thanks so much

  • Decla Nichols

    March 16, 2019

    During this last year I have found my birth father’s family and I am so excited. My husband also just did a DNA test and discovered he has a daughter he never knew about. Genealogy is mind blowing and the greatest thing I have ever stumbled upon. I would love to go to the conference and rub elbows with others that have discovered their roots!

  • Joe Lodics

    March 16, 2019

    I want a deeper understanding of how to research my and friends family heritages.

  • cathy recktenwald

    March 16, 2019

    I’ve just recently started exploring my family heritage, and going to MyHeritage live would be a great way to kick-start my research! Plus seeing Amsterdam would be so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Amber Brunjes

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to go, because I am obsessed with family history and genealogy but still have much to learn—especially about the DNA side. I was planning to go to RootsTech but had to back out last minute for work reasons. And I have 2 exchange student siblings from The Netherlands, whom I would love to visit in their own country!

  • Patti Nale

    March 16, 2019

    Learning my heritage. Hoping to open avenue’s to find birth family

  • Nancy D Crane

    March 16, 2019

    I wasn’t able to go to Oslo, but really hope I can make it to Amsterdam! While there, I would go to Leyden, where my Mayflower ancestor lived.

  • Jeanie Marsalia

    March 16, 2019

    I have family living in Holland near Amsterdam and would like to know more about my DNA results I received from MyHeritage that I can share with them while I am there.

  • Mary Lou Reed

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to attend the MyHeritage Live event to be up on the cutting edge of new advancements in genealogic ideas and products. And who WOULDN’T want to spend time with other genealogy geeks in Amsterdam?!

  • Bob Rosenthal

    March 16, 2019

    I’m early in my research and am working with other relatives to find our roots. This would be a great opportunity to learn from the best.

  • Kathleen

    March 16, 2019

    I just really want to go!

  • Lisa H Hamm

    March 16, 2019

    I have been obsessed with genealogy for over 30 years. I’ve always said when I retired I was going to devote all my waking hours to it. I retired last June and I’m loving it!!!!!!!!! My husband’s father was adopted by a family member and no one would ever share any details. Unfortunately, my husband lost his father when he was only 10 years old. My daughter’s father was adopted and his bio dad has been located. Deceased, sadly.

    I have so much more to learn and I love being a ‘detective.’ I would love to hone my skills in Amsterdam.

    P.S. I have my passport. 🙂


  • Kimberly Decker

    March 16, 2019

    I’ve been fascinated with genealogy since I was 6 years old, when I was told I’m Dutch, English, Polish and Native American. MyHeritage DNA has helped me discover these roots and more. I can now add Irish and African American to my history. Unfortunately, I’m the only one in my immediate family that’s interested in DNA studies, so attending a conference like this, with like-minded people, would be awesome! 🙂

  • Sally hicks

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to explore our family history on a deeper level.

  • Gretchen Peek

    March 16, 2019

    I love MyHeritage. Being adopted it is nice learning about myself.

  • Ewa

    March 16, 2019

    My father had a siblings who disappeared while ww2 in Warsaw. Part of them are found! I am looking for more informations, more skills, more chances, that’s why I would like to be in Amsterdam on your conference.

  • Kristi Walters

    March 16, 2019

    I have been interested since family is becoming fewer and i would live for my children to know so they may be informed as well as my grandchildren.

  • Robert S Peters

    March 16, 2019

    Have been working on my tree for some time now and have hit many road blocks – this conference could be my real solution – I want to attend – this could be my jackpot!

  • Linda Fischer

    March 16, 2019

    I have been tracing my ancestors since I was 18. I am now 65. With the advent of DNA I have discovered more in the past year than in the 45+ years I have been searching. I would love nothing more than to join My Heritage in Amsterdam this Sept. I can just imagine the more I can learn being there.

  • Yolanda R Appling

    March 16, 2019

    I am genuinely happy and impressed about my origins of my life line. I was very thrilled to know of my many different ethinicities. I am willing to gather and learn more in-depth information about where my heritage’s come from.Therefore I am willing to take the next step to advance in learning how I became, who I am genetically.

  • Elaine Brill

    March 16, 2019

    I’m from Canada, but my ancestry goes back to Galicia. My birthday is September 5th, right in the middle of the Conference. I would love to connect with family history enthusiasts from around the world and attend lectures and hands-on workshops. It sounds like a great opportunity to learn about DNA.

  • Deborah Billingsley

    March 16, 2019

    My great grandfather was from Italy. He came to the U.S. to find a better life. He ended up working in the West Virginia coal mines and died in a coal mine accident in 1910. We have only one photo and very little information about him. I would love to find out more about his Italian heritage. I need all the help I can get as genealogy research is fairly new to me. This would be a fantastic opportunity for my family to attend this conference.

  • Rebecca Grozanick

    March 16, 2019

    My Dad and I began this quest to find someone from my Dad’s side of the family. We both did the DNA kit. Unfortunately, we have not had any hits for my Dad’s father. We have had many from my Mother’s side, and my Dad’s Mother’s side. Would love to learn more. More information might lead somewhere closer to finding someone on my Dad’s Father’s side. Hopeful!!

  • Ronnie Boyle

    March 16, 2019

    I am extremely excited about the prospect of attending your conference. I can feel your desire to help us individuality and collectively gather our ancestors into our trees and into our lives. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve done to help us in finding our families. My wife has strong ties to the Norwegian people so it would be an honor to learn more about them and their culture in person. Thanks again

  • Beverly Anderson

    March 16, 2019

    Going to MyHeritage LIVE 2019 would be the first conference I’d be able to attend. And, what a conference to attend. MyHeritage! Amsterdam!! and genealogy/family history offerings!!!.

  • MELODIE Simonsen

    March 16, 2019

    My father was very interested in learning about his heritage but passed away before any of the research websites became available. My mother knew how important this would have been to him and that is why I began my research about 10 years ago. I was able to find out many details that she found fascinating on both her and my father’s side before she passed away a few years ago and I know my research meant the world to her. I have since then asked several of my siblings and an Uncle to do a DNA test for my research and they have provided me with samples that both comfirmed and surprised us about what we thought we knew from stories handed down to us. I would like to have a better understanding of the DNA tests that we have done and find other ways of researching our ancestorial lines over in England and Ireland. I feel closer to my parents when I do this research and I find it fascinating and sometimes overwhelming. I feel like I have reached the end of what I can accomplish but I know that there is more that can be done with a better understanding of what is available to me and what it all means. Thank you.

  • adiel-adi madanes

    March 16, 2019

    to learn

  • Jonathan Woolf

    March 16, 2019

    I am exploring my family tree, and have found many Dutch ancestors. Last year, having discovered that a near ancestor was a WW2 resistance hero, sadly captured and shot, and that a memorial service was being held in his home town, I journeyed from my home in Oregon, USA to attend. It was far more money than the family could afford, but we made it work. The ceremony was such a moving time, and I met his son and some other relatives for the first time. Unfortunately, I became ill, could not walk, and instead of meeting further relatives for the first time, had to endure an emergency trip home, cutting short my trip. I am 73, retired, and we can probably never afford to get me back to Europe, but this is an opportunity to visit Amsterdam that I cannot overlook. Thank you.

  • Ann Thomson

    March 16, 2019

    I would love to go to My Heritage LIVE as previously doing a DNA test l am keen to follow my Scandinavian roots , knowing l was adopted makes it that little bit more intriguing .

  • Danny Tomlinson

    March 16, 2019

    Great opportunity to learn more skills.

  • Jean Blakeslee

    March 16, 2019

    I would like win the free tickets for Amsterdam because for years I have wanted to seek my English/Scottish heritage. I’m 74 and my paternal grandfather died when my father was 2. He apparently was the Duke of Stadforshire but I do not know anything else. My father never had a photo of him and was brought up by a very abusive step father who adopted him.

    It would also be a wonderful trip for me as my son is a Diplomat at US Embassy in Brussels and it would give me an opportunity to see him.

  • Kaulinycia Boniscavage

    March 16, 2019

    It would be interesting and amazing to help find some tools to expand my knowledge on my family and how to learn more seeing as how I have been working for a few years to find all the necessary information to apply for dual citizenship!

  • Martha Brackett

    March 16, 2019

    Exciting possibilities after having learned have Scandanavian roots from 23sndme.

  • Sandra G Fernandez

    March 16, 2019

    I want to go to MyHeritage Live so that I can learn more about building family trees, linking DNA to them, and understanding how to separate paternal and maternal DNA in our matches. I would also like to learn about history.

  • janna helshtein

    March 16, 2019

    i have been a subscriber with my heritage for over 7 years. in 2016 with the help of my heritage i was able to connect my father with his biomom’s family, and he met his first cousin for the first time at the age of 70. and last year with the help of two amazing search angels i was able to present my husband with the identity of his birth father at the age of 54. (my husband was placed for adoption at the age of 3 days. now I have complete DNA and genealogy addiction and want to pay it forward and help others the way complete strangers did for us.
    I have been following my heritage with outmost admiration.. the way you took your place at the hight of the DNA world. and I would be delighted and honored to attend.

  • Zuzana Zajícová

    March 16, 2019

    Genealogy is my passion. It looks like a great opportunity to learn something new about genealogy.

  • David Amoro

    March 16, 2019

    I have used MyHeritage Application now for more than two years. I have some challenges with it although it is a very useful and well built application. However, the issues I get with it is that the developers did not put enough thought into it to cater for our African countries where polygamous large families do exist. I would really appreciate sharing experiences with varied users in a forum such as the one you are announcing.

  • Samuel Lizer

    March 16, 2019

    I’m very into genealogy I Love looking up family for me and others. I find it very interesting.

  • John J Maloney

    March 16, 2019

    I have a lot to learn and this would be a good place to learn!

  • Harriet Steeve

    March 16, 2019

    My family and I would LOVE to find out our roots on our mother’s side!

  • Laura Hill

    March 16, 2019

    My family background is from Ostfriesen, Schleswig-Holstein and Hannover, areas that are close to the Netherlands. It would be a wonderful opportunity to follow the conference with travel to these “homelands.”

  • Idealfonsa Serrano

    March 16, 2019

    Did my DNA through Ancestry. Com would love to know more about my roots.

  • Jaclyn Pampling

    March 16, 2019


  • PJ Harkey

    March 16, 2019

    I have reached a stand still on several ancestry searchers. It would be a wonderful experience to learn new skills.

  • Pamela Hayes

    March 16, 2019

    I have just been researching my ancestor, Cornelius Melyn, from Amsterdam. I had hoped to attend last year as I had just found a cousin in Norway through a DNA match on My Heritage. I am always trying to learn new tools to help in my quest to learn more about my families heritage.

  • Allen M Faust

    March 16, 2019

    I have Dutch ancestry dating back to the 1600s at least. I would love to have the opportunity to learn more about my ancestors. But my biggest challenge is tracing ancestors on my father’s side, which has been most difficult (Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia) and of my maternal grandfather (Schleswig-Holstein). Also, my wife wants to trace Jewish relatives from eastern Europe.

  • Anne

    March 17, 2019

    MyHeritage Live! provides an opportunity to hear both staff from MyHeritage and internationally renowned genealogists speaking about the latest techniques in researching my family history and what tools and features MyHeritage can offer in facilitating my research. It is also an opportunity to network with like-minded genealogists from around the world.

  • Della Nicolle

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to go and take my biological sister … I was adopted she even bought me a DNA kit .. We love trying to find out about out heritage

  • Jacqui Newell

    March 17, 2019

    My parents are both passed and they did not leave us much in family history. Actually when asked, they didn’t know much. I’d love to know how to find my way around the site and really find out more about myself and my families heritage. I am one of eight siblings and it sure would be something nice to share and pass on and on and on.

  • Philip Chaddock

    March 17, 2019

    I hope to learn techniques that will help me identify my unknown paternal grandfather.

  • Trisha Coulter

    March 17, 2019

    This would be the chance of a lifetime for me. It would help me on my family geneology journey along with those I will assist along the way. Thank you for your consideration!

  • Pamela J.M.Peco (Miller/Childerhose/Wood

    March 17, 2019

    I am 67 y.o. and have spent
    Since my 21st birthday actively seeking my biological family. This past few years, I had DNA done with Ancestry and 23 and Me. It was not until My Heritage that the world opened up. I had a phone call a few months back from my 1/2 sister ( 1 of 3 on my mothers side) when the end of this long long journey, is now bringing me peace. I have yet to meet any of my maternal family in
    person . I have met an Aunt on my father’s side, she has different father then my father. Just still wanting to see and find everyone still living, so that I might be able to a family tree, not to mention health history to my 1st grandchild. No one that has not been adopted, will ever know the hole in my heart everytime in my life I answered the “health history” question with, “I
    have no information” made it bigger…every time I gave birth (4), it made my incompleteness surface. I want to learn as much as possible and maybe help others do the same.Maybe all of the few I have found would join me at your event.

  • Patricia Schott

    March 17, 2019

    My mother died when young and I knew very little of her family and as it had turned out little of my fathers family. Genealogy has opened up my life to a history and peoples I didn’t know existed. It makes me feel that I live in a way through their histories. Events that seemed distant to me now seem to be very real because of what I have learned of my own family. I long to know more.

  • Linda Williams

    March 17, 2019

    Since beginning my search for ancestors, my curiosity has been stricken and I would love to meet others and learn more about DNA, heritage, etc. I would also like to go to Amsterdam!

  • Jacqueline Kolody

    March 17, 2019

    This MyHeritage conference would be an amazing opportunity to look other people in the eyes and have face-to-face conversations about genealogy. While various websites have been very helpful, there just really isn’t anything like talking in person. The hands-on workshops also sound like a great way to work through questions about DNA and genealogy tricks.

  • Karen Field

    March 17, 2019

    A great opportunity to learn more about genealogy.

  • Kris Cerone

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to go to “My Heritage Live” in the fall. I have been doing genealogy for 27-years and have never lost my ethusiam. It is not enough to work on my own. I will help out anyone who shows the slightest interest. For me, it is a way of honoring our ancestors and getting to know them.

  • Garry Bates

    March 17, 2019

    World War 11, Convict transportation to Australia, the settlement of the British Colony of Virginia, the Mutitiny on the Bounty and the whalers of New Zealand all impacted my family tree.
    Without My Heritage I doubt that I would ever had know that places around the world that I have visited had living relatives on mine.

  • Liesbeth van Dijk

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to win a ticket. DNA has my full interest and so do my ancestors from a ver mixed heritage.

  • Sergii Zavadskyi

    March 17, 2019

    I want to know who I am.

  • Usineviciu Iulia

    March 17, 2019

    Dear Madam, Sir,

    I’m a MyHeritage member who recently took a DNA test which is in the process of being finished, and I hope to discover though it that hidden part of my family, a big secret kept by my maternal great-grandmother.
    In fact I don’t know who my great-grandfather is ( my maternal grandmother’s father), because my great-grandmother gave birth to my grandmother while being 17 years old in 1907.
    It was such a shame in those years, so the family arranged for her to give birth in another country, and the child was registered under another family name, a woman was paid to do so I suppose, just to cover this embarrassing situation for the young biological mother.
    My grandmother was after a short time given to an orphanage, where she spent several years until her biological mother, now being married, came and “adopted” her at the age of 5.
    Having now her husband’s surname, she was able to give a “decent” family name to her child (my maternal grandmother), and the situation seemed to be normal in eyes of society…..
    The most painful thing for my grandmother, was the fact that her biological mother, even after being an adult, didn’t tell her the truth, covering it until she died in 1971.
    The only information my grandmother had was provided by her mother’s oldest sister, who admitted that she was indeed the biological child of her youngest sister, without telling her the biological father’s name.
    So, the entire lineage of four following generations doesn’t know where they come from.
    I would be very happy if I could participate to the My Heritage Conference in Amsterdam, this Fall.
    I could have the possibility to meet experts in genealogy and eventually receive help and knowledge for my further researches.
    Thank you very much,
    Sincerely yours,
    Dr. Iulia Usineviciu

  • Carolyn Burbidge

    March 17, 2019

    My husband and I both have strong Norwegian heritage and would love the opportunity to see where we came from. Winning would be a dream come true.

  • Carmen Jacobs

    March 17, 2019

    Finding out my background has made me understand what I see when I look in the mirror. But there are still many questions to answer such as: if my grandparents were foreign in their own country, were they victims of history?

  • Michael Naor

    March 17, 2019

    I have been researching my family history for years. MyHeritage has been the most important and efficient site for that research. I am sure the MyHeritage LIVE conference will give me a better overview and insight over current genealogical tools and possibilities. The exchange of experiences with other researchers is also a thrilling idea. I am looking forward to it!
    Best regards

  • Rebecca Winkler

    March 17, 2019

    We are all one big world family. It would be very exciting to attend the conference and learn more ways to determine where we were and how we arrived where are now.

  • Fatima

    March 17, 2019

    Hi! I would love to attend this event as I am so interested in this science and would like to know more and more about it! Winning would be such an honor!!
    Thank you

  • Les Shardlow

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to go to My Heritage Live as I am keen to unlock the secrets of my paternal side of which I know nothing and don’t really know where to start. My mother never told anyone who my father was and since my DNA test it is even more of a mystery as I didn’t turn out to be the ethnicity that I thought I would be! By going to your event I’m sure there will be many experts there that could point me in the right direction.

  • marion mcmillan

    March 17, 2019

    MyHeritage LIVE offers me the chance of a lifetime to avail myself of a battery of new ideas and information through inspiringly led lectures and carefully selected workshops. This would be my first visit to a conference of this type, seeking to further my family history genealogy research through up-to-date and ever-evolving DNA technology.

    What a wonderful prize indeed!

  • Cailin Harris

    March 17, 2019

    I have been compiling my family tree for over 10 years but have been struggling with Irish ancestors. At Christmas my mum did a DNA test and now I am having to fathom out how to use plethora of tools to like the Auto Clustering with so many matches. It’s was a great thing to do but I am so overwhelmed with the results I don’t know where to start. I am hoping to find some really useful tips.

  • Chris bowyer

    March 17, 2019

    I would like to attend as history a genealogy fascinate me.

  • Fadi Elyateem

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to be there!
    I am very interested in Geneology!!

  • Vered Rogers

    March 17, 2019

    I would like win a ticket for the conference in Amsterdam. First because I have a premium account and I’m a beginner in research and in need of expert tools. Second reason it is my birthday in September 10 and it will be my best gift.

  • Megan Moran-Sanpedro

    March 17, 2019

    I would like to learn more about genealogy

  • Sarah

    March 17, 2019

    I’ve come up against some brick walls and would like ideas how to continue searching for real data

  • Katie Murphy

    March 17, 2019

    As an adopted child I have no “Heritage”. I want to know my roots, my medical history, perhaps even my “bio” family. I think this LIVE Heritage event could and would help me a great deal in changing my life. I am a resent widow with no children of my own. I would love to know blood family.

  • Jennifer Lunn

    March 17, 2019

    Because I decided to research my ancestry as the time of the Brexit vote to see how European I am, and was delighted (and surprised!) to find that I am 100% European, of which I am 48% Scottish and Irish but 0% English. This intrigued me and I would like to know more.

  • Echraf monzr

    March 17, 2019

    Because it has always been fascinating to find out about family history which was an impossible thing in the past

  • Karen Lewis

    March 17, 2019

    Through My Heritage I learned about my Sephardic Jewish heritage and when I discussed it with my parents, my Mom said that she had always known her father was Jewish but didn’t want to share it with her children or extended family. Wow, what a shock ! I would love to find out more, especially about those family members who died in the Holocaust. I am 74 years old and feel as if I am in a “rush” to learn all I can to share with my children. My Heritage has opened up my world !

  • Dianne Copeland

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to attend this conference to learn from experts and get advice regarding my DNA results in trying to locate my father’s birth parents and also my Northern Irish ancestors

  • Susan Scheck

    March 17, 2019

    Several branches of my tree contain generations of great grandmothers and grandfathers from Amsterdam, and I’d love to see this gorgeous and historic city where they once lived. Winning tickets would be an amazing chance to learn more about genealogy and my ancestors! Thank you.

  • Wayne Tilly

    March 17, 2019

    My reason is to be with my sister of Italian/American ancestry. We both did our DNA though My Heritage. Sally is one of my seven siblings. All born in Waltham, Massachusetts and our dad Rocco was a US soldier and how I was left in New Zealand as an orphan in 1945 is another story. I was adopted and discovered at 8 years old I was adopted and all my adopted parents knew was my father was an American. My sister Sally and I found each other on this day one year ago and first met in July last year. My father passed over in 1998 and through all my years looking for him, I passed through Massachusetts three or four times. I found my birth mother in 1986 and spent the next thirty years chasing a ghost who existed but was not my father.

  • Judith Sparrow

    March 17, 2019

    Thank you for the opportunity to be chosen to attend Roots Tech 2019. My sister and are working very hard to learn all we can about our heritage, and it is so exciting. Our parents died when we were teenagers in 1967 and, of course, genealogy was a word rarely spoken. As teenagers the last thing you cared about was learning or even hearing anything about the “old people dead or alive” in our family. What a shame that was, and the very few relatives I even know about are still alive. It took us until 1999 to really get fascinated by the adventures of our ancestors. To me attending Roots Tech 2019 would open up so much of the genealogy world, discovering relatives we didn’t even know existed and all the things we wished we had asked our parents about when they were alive. It’s so important to teach future generations what our heritage is all about. Thank you. Judith Sparrow

  • Ludmila Krzak

    March 17, 2019

    I love fusion of technology and family history it would be amazing to meet all this people with similar interest and see how big is our family with my own eyes!

  • Lani Jacobs

    March 17, 2019

    I have become interested in discovering my ancestry in the past year. I did my DNA to help my Mom discover how much Native American we have. A few months later a second cousin reached out and asked why we didn’t know each other. My Father was adopted and the records sealed. Through DNA I have found my Father’s birth parents and have gotten to know my first and second cousins on my Father’s side. I was even fortunate enough to met his half brother shortly before he passed away in October 2018. I have a computer background and have become facinated by DNA. I really would like to learn more about the chromosomes and triangulated segments. I hope you select me to attend your conference for free.

  • Annette France

    March 17, 2019

    I have just discovered some relatives in the US and Cayman Islands through my Dutch great-grandfather. I would love to have the opportunity to pursue his history with expert advice. Finding my history is a real voyage of discovery with some sad elements and some peculiar twists.

  • Sharon Hoover

    March 17, 2019

    After receiving the DNA results of “My Heritage”and having no immediate family(deceased),I would like the opportunity to attend the conference in Amsterdam to further my search for extended family.Neither my husband or I have any grandchildren,nieces or nephews, so I am currently on a mission to connect with distant cousins out-of-state . This opportunity would help us create a FAMILY!
    Thank You….

  • Jen

    March 17, 2019

    Family history is my passion

  • Elizabeth McClure

    March 17, 2019

    Proud to have learned through My Heritage that I am of 4 backgrounds. I was happy to hear I am 77.7 percent Irish !
    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day !

  • Mary Beth Lynch

    March 17, 2019

    My grandparents and their parents etc are from Ireland. Due to their religion and the destruction of records after 1916, i have not been able to further my geneaology review further back than my great great grandparents. I would like to speak to others as well as experts to learn of other avenues of research.

  • Karl G. Rasmuson

    March 17, 2019

    All my ancestor’s came from overseas and it would be nice to find their Roots on their own soil. I love learning about our family history. Although I am not very good at doing family history work. I type with one finger and everything takes forever.

  • Earlene Gorman

    March 17, 2019

    I’d love to win. I started this journey to find my bio dad’s info but found the history so facinating, I’m hooked on genealogy. I’d love this chance tho learn more and be with others that share the passion.

  • Val Munro

    March 17, 2019

    Would love to take in an event of this type for the first time. I have a number of Irish/Scottish/English/Ukrainian/Polish/German ancestors to search and can’t think of a better place to start! I have heard so many good things about Roots Tech but would love to learn more of what is available and how to research on the ‘other side of the pond’ to identify and locate additional ancestors as well as possibly locate and connect with descendants of my ancestors. What an unbelievable opportunity this would be!

  • Sandra Luss

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to attend.

  • Gary L Jones

    March 17, 2019

    Both my wife and I believe we have relatives from the low countries. In addition, as a result of family research my youngest brother did, it seems highly likely that relatives living in Belgium came over to the U.S.A. on the Mayflower. We would like to be able to confirm that.

  • Juan Miguez

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to attend the MyHeritage LIVE! as an chance to maybe meet the lines from my ancestors and who knows also finding someone special.

  • Theresa Ogburn

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to go because as a novice to genealogy, I could learn so much!

  • Thomas Nelson

    March 17, 2019

    Want to go meet my relatives that we’re found! So excited that we have been matched up!

  • Paulette Murray

    March 17, 2019

    It would be a brilliant new experience of learning workshops, lectures and information on genealogy by attending the MyHeritage Live Conference in Amsterdam 2019

  • Marlene S.

    March 17, 2019

    With family in so many countries my genealogy search is very challenging.
    I would like to get more info on worldwide resources and research tips.

  • Christine Kertis

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to win a free trip to the next conference !! My husband and I attended the Oslo event, and loved it.!
    One thing I would like for the event to offer is a DNA match “hook up”. Let me explain!
    After returning home, I discovered that I had 25 dna matches in Norway. Some of my relatives may have been there as well, and i never knew it. I would have loved to have had the opportunity to meet them.
    Please offer a “Meet your matches” session at the next event. Thank you soo much!
    would have been

  • Sharon Tuggle

    March 17, 2019

    What an incredible opportunity! My heritage is from this region and it would be an honor to get to attend so I hope you pick me!

  • Lorne Lube

    March 17, 2019

    I would like to attend this event as my family roots are from Europe and I would love to explore them.

  • Gonzalo Arango

    March 17, 2019

    It is great to know how our roots penetrate in time like the real tree’s roots penetrate the soils!

    I found unexpected ancestry from all around the world.

    If people knew the extension of their ancestral roots, they would possibly be more humble with their appreciations of “race”, religion or culture, and would be more aware of the value of the family and the daily life of our mothers and grandmothers, and of the daily work of parents and grandparents necessary to take a child and a family forward. They are networks of hard work, suffering, joys and hopes of all of them, those that gather us in the here and now of our daily life !!!

    MyHeritage shows us that we are the result of huge networks of lives and hopes!

  • cailin

    March 17, 2019

    I’m desperate to chart my Irish family to see if I have living cousins I can get to know. Finding my ancestors before they came to America is proving troublesome.

  • Kayleigh Bealin

    March 17, 2019

    Kayleigh here writing from Ireland.
    I’d love to win the tickets to the MyHeritage conference as I’m only one year into my genealogy research and have never been to an international event before.
    I’ve been using my heritage since day 1 and would love to see in person some of the people who I have heard and read about over the past months.
    Also the chance to be among people who share my love of genealogy would be an amazing gift and what better a place to do that than in beautiful Amsterdam!

  • Anna Cwikro-Godycki

    March 17, 2019

    I want to go! I love MyHeirtage. I have been on it for at least 10 years and compiled a family Tree of more than 8,000. My husband and I have taken the DNA test with MH. I am on the MH site every day, adding, correcting, editing etc. It’s also great that Geni is now consolidated with MH since I have at least 2,000 direct relatives in Geni and the information crosses over. My ancestry is 100% Askenazi whereas my husband is not Jewish and searching for his ancestors in Russia and Poland has not been easy. I attended the Jewish Genealogy Conference in Warsaw, August 2018, and traveled to all the cities, towns, villages in Poland and Slovakia where I have roots. Unfortunately, I am not an expert in either genealogy or DNA, so I have to spend a lot of time trying different methods for my research, trying to comprehend DNA matches etc. I would be delighted to win the tickets. I would love to meet your staff experts and meet all those for whom genealogy is a passion, history, and pursuit of the truth.
    Best and thanks.

  • D. Samantha Beck

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to go to the conference because, for some reason, I just have this longing to know where I come from. I want to know about the lives of my ancestors and who they were. I think we all want to be remembered in some way, and to know that we have made some life contribution.

    I would love to meet other like-minded people.

    ( And I want to see the Anne Frank house!)


    March 17, 2019

    Okay sign me up for drawing,


    March 17, 2019

    I found my Third great grandmother’s brothers and their families on this site. My Heritage is awesome.
    Thank you!


    March 17, 2019

    My great grandfather was our family historian. I have inherited his notes, letters and charts. I am trying to put this together to make a book. I retired at the end of the year and getting very much into this. Every week or so I am attending seminars thru local groups or at local libraries. I have learned a lot but more knowledge is needed before I attempt to write this book.

  • Daphne Hamel Jones

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to learn more about researching my roots from Norway and my Scandinavian roots, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to meet one of your own DNA matches. Thanks!


    March 17, 2019

    if you can help me trace my roots ,i would truly appreciate it very much , see i dont know to much about my family tree and as achild it wasn’ talk about very much see i never knew or known my grand parents on my father side except my big mama( father’s mom) and she never talk about my grand father or his family, and i am trying to put together what i have for my children so hey can know where they came from or who they apart of ,so if i can do this before i leave this earth than my childrencan say that i give them somrthing to remember me by and also i want them to know their people so they wont wined up getting with them, so please help me with this dream/ wish. thanks very much for your time and reading my notation, Blessing to you, Ms Washington

  • jerry

    March 17, 2019

    This would be a chance to not only absorb the knowledge of the professional genealogists but also visit a part of the World from which my DNA indicates is the highest probability that my ancestors once lived. ~

  • Catherine

    March 17, 2019

    It would be the opportunity of a lifetime

  • Tatiana

    March 17, 2019

    I would love to take part in MyHeritage LIVE conference to learn new things about genealogy and DNA

  • Tammy Wentland

    March 17, 2019

    What an awesome opportunity to network with others and learn more about researching my heritage. It would be awesome to hear the guest speakers as well. I would love to learn more about my Irish heritage from my father’s side of the family – surname “Carroll” and also from my mothers side of the family I have been told that my grandfather’s mother was a Cherokee Indian Native. I would love to trace both family lines to learn more about my lineage and what traits I may have inherited from them. Thank you for the opportunity to enter for the free tickets.

  • Gayle Hock

    March 17, 2019

    The Netherlands is one of those mystical places… stories from legends and operas and fairy tales take us there in our dreams. That is what genealogy also does for us … takes us back in time to meet and greet the family’s own fairy tales , legends and perhaps a troll or two. I would so love to immerse myself in genealogy in Europe. what an awesome possibility!

  • Kara

    March 17, 2019

    I’m adopted and have been searching for my family for the last 2 years. Since I recently found a cousin (he’s not adopted) via my heritage (he took a test on a whim) and I won the lottery in a sense as it’s really lucky that I found him…it would have been almost impossible to find my family without him as I have no records whatsoever of my biological family. So going to this conference would be amazing to look into dna more and what it holds. Plus I live in Amsterdam!

  • Denise McGinnis

    March 17, 2019

    I want to figure out how to get past some of my, to date, dead-ends in my searches. Plus, it’s been YEARS since I’ve had ANY kind of vacation & my finances don’t make it promising in the future.

  • Georgine murphy

    March 17, 2019

    Thought I was an only child in a tiny family. Found a brother and hundreds of relatives. I’m so happy. Thank u

  • Donna

    March 17, 2019

    The conference in Amsterdam would definitely help me understand how to find more family links.

  • Gabby

    March 17, 2019

    I would like to go as my partner and I are fascinated by our DNA results, and it would be such a fun, educational adventure!

  • Robin Vosseteig

    March 17, 2019

    I e never been to a conference and would like to be with like minded historians like myself to learn more

  • Dana Percell

    March 17, 2019

    I would like to find the history of my family where it all again

  • Cheryl mclean

    March 17, 2019

    Winning this contest would be awesome it would be a great place to start looking for my grandpa
    Thank you Cheryl

  • Michael Earney

    March 17, 2019

    I just found my birth mother after searching for years. I am 68 and she placed me in adoption at 6 months. It turns out that she lives 90 miles from me. The remarkable event is that I was adopted in Frankfort, Germany by an American couple. She emigrated to Canada from Germany in 1952. She married an American she had met in Germany and they moved to Houston. I reunited with her this March (2019) as my travels and work ended in Lumberton , Texas which is 90 miles from Houston. I now have a new family. I have a baby sister, and brother also. Truly a miracle we were living so close with all of our travels.

  • Penisula Feo
