Discovering MyHeritage: RSS Feeds and Twitter

Discovering MyHeritage: RSS Feeds and Twitter

MyHeritage members and fans can now take advantage of our RSS and Twitter feeds. For those of you who are technologically-challenged, this guide will walk you through how to start using these time-saving, new features.

MyHeritage RSS Feed

The MyHeritage RSS Feed

RSS feeds are subscriptions to your favorite blogs and websites. Think about receiving the daily newspaper: it’s delivered to your door every time the publisher has new stories, which is everyday. You don’t have to call the publisher’s office to ask them if they have new stories. But that is what you have to do on the Internet: visit every website just to see if there is new content. If there is new content, that’s great, but if not, you can waste big chunks of time by checking lots of websites that haven’t been updated at all. However, by subscribing to an RSS feed, you can have the new content delivered directly to your email – just like the newspaper delivered right to your door. No more time wasted checking websites that haven’t been updated!

Subscribing to an RSS feed is easy. First, you need a RSS reader. Google Reader is a popular one that’s easy to use. Using Internet Explorer, you can also access a RSS reader through your Internet browser.

To subscribe to the MyHeritage RSS feed, simply click on the “Subscribe to our feed” button, and select which reader you want to use. The sites that you subscribe to will be shown in your email, or on your Internet browser. When they are updated with new content, your RSS reader will receive them. It’s easy!

The beauty of RSS feeds is that there is no need to go through blogs you may not be interested in to search for information. You only receive the latest news from the blogs you really want to read. We believe the RSS feeds can make it easier for the MyHeritage users to keep up to date with our latest news and stories.

MyHeritage Twitter Tweet

Tweet! MyHeritage is now on Twitter!

Twitter is a new website that has spread like wildfire over the Internet. It asks one simple question: “What are you doing?” You write your answer in 140 characters or less. Your answers are called “tweets,” and they are sent to people who choose to follow you. You also receive the tweets of people you choose to follow. It’s completely free, and you can set up an account in less than a minute. It’s a great way to update people with what you’re doing, thinking about, or interested in. We use it to keep people up to date about our latest product releases, website updates, blog entries, and company news. You can follow MyHeritage on Twitter by clicking on the “Follow us on Twitter” button on our blog, or by finding us through Twitter’s Find People search – just search for MyHeritage.

We hope you will find our RSS Feed and Twitter profile helpful in keeping updated with the new content on our blog. Happy reading and tweeting!


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  • harold robinson

    April 12, 2009

    I am totally new to this,but sounds interesting.

  • Rolf

    July 20, 2009

    Hi,warum besteht nicht die m�glichkeit,
    diese Seite auf andere Sprachen einzustellen?
    So kann ich zum Beispiel diese Seite nicht lesen,
    oder ich mu� die Seite erst �bersetzen lassen und das ist zu umst�ndlich.
    Freundliche Gr��e aus Old Germany,

  • Mario

    July 26, 2009

    Hallo Rolf,
    Vielen Dank fuer Ihren Kommentar. Unser Blog ist momentan leider nur in englischer Sprache. Aber wir werden Sie wissen lassen wenn wir einen deutschen Blog starten.
    Sollten Sie Twitter verwenden koennen Sie uns dort auch auf deutsch finden:
    Beste Gruesse