Games: Feeling ‘board’? Roll the dice

Games: Feeling ‘board’? Roll the dice
Monopoly Board Image Credit: AP Photo/Hasbro

Monopoly Board Image Credit: AP Photo/Hasbro

The famous board game Monopoly has received a makeover ahead of its 78th anniversary tomorrow with a revamp of its original 1935 design.

The game’s birthday milestone made me nostalgic for all the times my family and I played Monopoly and other board games.

With new technology and busy daily schedules, we often get distracted and forget the importance of spending time with our families.

Take a break with a traditional board game and bond with your family.  With just a roll of the dice, enjoy laughter, joy and amusement. All you need to worry about is whether your uncle or sister cheated in the last round.

Every Saturday, my family and I sit down to play a board game for a few hours. It’s the one time of the week we have together and we make the most of it. I even created my own family version of Monopoly with significant streets from my ancestors’ history, and its’s been a huge success in our get-togethers!

Whether it’s a rainy day or just a simple family event, playing a favorite family board game is a great way to connect with your family.

Did you grow up playing board games with your family? What are some of your favorites? Let us know in the comments below, and on FacebookGoogle+ and Twitter!