Poll: What Would YOU Ask an Expert Genealogist?

Poll: What Would YOU Ask an Expert Genealogist?

So picture the scene.

You’re sitting in your local archive, thumbing your way through some of your favourite parish records, when all of a sudden a genealogy expert bursts through the doors. This isn’t just some parochial specialist on the subject, but the absolute whizz-kid maestro for all things family tree. In short, a bona fide genealogy genius.

Except he has a problem. He’s just been hired by the National Archives of Burkina Faso, and is going to be shipped out there to lead the family history team forthwith. He only has a short period of time before he departs, and gives you five minutes in which to ask him any one question you might have about genealogy. He guarantees that he’ll be able to give you the answer to it.

If you’re having trouble picturing this, think of our guru as a sort of inferior sibling to Aladdin’s genie, where instead of three requests you only get one, and instead of anything you desire in the whole wide world you get a snippet of information about family history or genealogy. But hey, these are difficult economic times – we’ll have to settle for what we can get.

So our question to you is: if you were able to ask this genealogy guru one question, what would it be?

Vote on our poll below. And note that you can type in your own custom answer, if you think of something different to our suggestions.

Commence voting!


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  • Alex

    April 8, 2011

    Seems a fairly obvious choice actually. What’s one of the most important things we all have to rememeber when tracing our ancestors? We’re probably not alone and somewhere – someone is probably trying to get back to or past a common relative as well. Sharing information is what Genealogy is all about I would say.

  • Deborah Nemec

    April 8, 2011

    Grandma believed, if you were eating soup and you drank something cold; your teeth would crack.

  • MsTreRain

    April 12, 2011

    Weow, so if you step on the crack will you break your mommas’ back?