Art resembles life and son resembles father

Art resembles life and son resembles father

Look-alike Family Tree MyHeritageWell, this is something you may want to have a look at. Didn’t think photographs, family trees and relatives would ever have something to do with art? Think again!

Bobby Neel Adams, a sensitive photographer residing in New York, has focused much of his work on the transformation of the human body by ageing and life’s circumstances. Among other projects, he features one called FamilyTree, which is a series of portraits of immediate family members sized into one, allowing viewers to discover how they resemble each other.

Have a look at his projects, the findings are stunning. All of us are using family trees, pictures… comparing, searching… and here’s someone who took the artistic path to express visually an important part of the genealogical process; we think it’s a very interesting piece of work.

And because we understand it’s about finding similarities, you can always use our own face recognition technology that helps you organize your family photos or allows you to have some fun playing with our look-alike widgets. It’s not art, but it works.