How to be a Romanian

How to be a Romanian

Petrus, one of our users from Romania has sent us those insights about his interesting country, for which we have just added a new language version of MyHeritage. Petrus also wrote about us on his blog.

A few days ago, a Scotsman left me a message in my Youtube Inbox, telling me how much he loves Romania, Brasov especially.

How can you not love this country once you’ve eaten traditional dishes and drunk the plum brandy?
Believe it or not, Romania is the continental champion when it comes to plum production.

Maybe beer is the most consumed drink here in Romania, but nothing compares to that alcoholic beverage traditionally called tsuika and the wines from the vineyards in the south of the country.

Of course, the Romanian people are behind all of these. Most of the Romanians

…can talk about football, music, politics, gypsies and other minority inhabitants, legends, places, and why not globalization and economic crisis. It’s all about socializing using every subject possible.

Regarding the cultural heritage, last year we were in the middle of world’s attention because Sibiu was the European Capital of Culture.

The city was not included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage, but it remains one of the most visited city in the country, along with Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj and Sighisoara.

Maybe artist like Sanda Wigl, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Teodora Enache, Fanfara 10 Prajini, Gheorghe Zamfir already spread worldwide part of our folk music, but that is not enough to know Romania.

Once you read about Romania, you will see that this is the country where you can see the sunset on the beach, the country where you can breath fresh air in the mountains, the country where traditions blend with capitalism in a strange way.

Bucharest, Romania


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  • Bunny Burnstein

    November 14, 2008

    Hi! I love your web site so much that I featured it in one of my blog entries! I also enjoy your blog very much!


  • Nils Hammar

    November 17, 2008

    Hi Petrus – I’d love to try some plume wine! Where can i get it – does anyone sell it online, or in London…?

  • Fred

    October 2, 2010

    I love your site, I love Romanian culture but I’ve never been to to you countyr. I did dare to oprn a web site in Roamanian music and dancing. I hope that you like it. See it at
    Happy to meet you.